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Dredd The Judger Of Tasks

Dredd is vespers eyes and ears, it is always watching, always judging.


Environment Variables

  • MEM_STORE_HOST = Obvious
  • MEM_STORE_PORT = Obvious
  • MEM_STORE_DB = Obvious
  • MEM_STORE_TYPE = Obvious
  • POLL_INTERVAL = Interval To Poll The Server
  • AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID = Obvious
  • AWS_Q_REGION = The region that the queue is in
  • AWS_S3_BUCKET_NAME = Name of bucket to search for unprocessed entities (needed for primer but the config class currently requires that this variable is set)
  • 'Q_BATCH_SIZE' = The batch size that dredd should process on each q request (MAX 10)
  • PUB_SUB_PREFIX = topic and app prefix for pubsub (usually dev in development)
  • PUB_SUB_TOPIC = pubsub topic (historically message_bodies)
  • ROLLBAR_API_TOKEN = API token for Rollbar error reporting


$ pip install -r ./requirements.txt
$ python setup


Go into the dredd folder (yes, inside the dredd project is a folder called dredd, go into that folder)

$ cd dredd
$ nosetests


To launch processing, substitute PROCESSING_TYPE in the command line with a processing type

$ python dredd PROCESSING_TYPE start

Processing Types Available

  • questions
  • simple_properties

To initialize Dredd from no data (Dredd can also resume a failed initialization)

$ python dredd prime start


In some cases you'll need to initialize a part of or the entire network.

Dredd uses a pub/sub model. Each individual Dredd process receives a message at least once and processes that message.

In this example, a new message goes into a notifier and is broadcast to individual queues. In this way each application receives a message at least once. Basic Pubsub

If App1 is responsible for judging whether there are questions in the latest email in the thread and App3 judges the urgency of language in the thread and you've tweaked App3 to be better at it's job, you'll need to re-initialze App3 using priming.

If you attempt to prime App3 without making special modifications to the data flow you will re-broadcast every single item to Apps 1-n, forcing all of those apps to re-iniaizlie. Don't do that.

Instead, change the flow of data for the priming process such that old data flows only to Queue 3. Only go to one queue

That's better.

Changing Pub/Sub in AWS

Today we use AWS to handle PubSub activities. Here's how to broadcast to selected queues using AWS.

Make sure you have provisioned the correct queues in SQS using instructions at ORP-API

  1. In the SNS console click "Create new topic" AWS SNS New Topic

  2. Give the topic a name (Prefix the name with dev or the appropriate environment for the work you're doing. This makes it easier for other developers and the app to know which data pipeline to use.) - for example dev_djurek_work Remember: NO DASHES IN THE NAME

  3. In the SQS console, right click on the queue you wish to subscribe to notifications and select Subscribe Queue to SNS Topic SQS context menu

  4. Select the topic from the dropdown list and click Subscribe.

  5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for every queue that receives messages

  6. Adjust the PUB_SUB_TOPIC configuration value to equal the SNS topic name you made (minus the prefix specified in PUB_SUB_PREFIX, e.g. dev_djurek_work is just djurek_work without the dev_)

  7. Run dredd prime

  8. Revert the PUB_SUB_TOPIC back to the topic to which you're really subscribing. (e.g. message_bodies)

Building A Question Classifier

The script used to train the classifier is in the root directory under “train_classifier”. This file will write to “classified_output” a classifier, scored sample emails and the questions that were classified.

To re-train, the user just needs to change the input text in the "" file and re-rerun the script.

The feature extractor for sentances is located in the "Sentance" class, which every email used to break apart its sentances.

Storing scores

Dredd can store scores and all required information to REDIS so that it can be easily accessed by other services. To do this, you will want to:

  1. Save load up an email, with the EmailMessage class, the class assumes
# Assumed EmailMessage Attributes
attrs = {
    "id": "this-be-my-id",
    "account_id": "this-is-the-accoundid",
    "thread_id": "a-thread-of-email",
    "sent_at": "2015-02-23T21:22:48.000Z",
    "url": "",
    "from_id": "id-for-from-contact",
    "to_ids": [
    "cc_ids": [
    "bcc_ids": [
    "subject": "This Is The Subject Of The Email",
    "body": "This is the body of the email"
email = EmailMessage(attrs)
  1. Load and run a question classifier on the text of the email.
import pickle
file = open('classified_output/naivebays_1433196824.pickle')
classifier = pickle.load(file)
  1. Score the email
#Add Features Required To Score
email_message.add_feature('question_count', len(processed_text.questions))
email_message.add_feature('non_question_count',  len(processed_text.non_questions))
  1. Save the email
  1. The email and required associations will be saved to REDIS

Redis Layout:

EmailMessage [KEY]


value = The assumed EmailMessage above without the body

EmailThread [SCORED SET]


score = sent_at date (integer format)
value = <email_id>

Recommendations [SCORED SET]


score = score of the recommendation
value = account:<acocunt_id>:<recommendation_type>:<recommendation_id>

Email Judging Method



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