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Jabber chat bot with a bridge to the shoutbox in the UBB.threads forum software.


A bridge software that allows discussions in a UBB.threads shoutbox to be mirrored to an XMPP chat. Can also run independantly and work as a generic jabber chat bot with pluggable commands.

Main features

These are the main features of Shoutbridge:

  • All messages written in Shoutbox should be sent to the XMPP chat room.
  • All messages written in the XMPP chat room should be sent to the Shoutbox.
  • If no XMPP details, messages will be sent with UBB.threads username prepended to message.
  • Messages from XMPP will be added as user in Shoutbox if they have XMPP login details saved in profile.
  • Simple API to UBB.threads to read/write messages and get user by login details and login details from user.
  • Keep track of roster via prescence, read user info only once.
  • Connect to an xmpp conference room instead of just sending messages to a user
  • Can read shoutbox info directly via MySQL database, or over http.
  • Plugins with bot commands can easily be written.
  • Easily configured using command line options or config file.
  • Includes several plugins: Quotes, Definitions, Dice roller, Name generator, Eliza, Slap etc.


Shoutbridge is released under The MIT License. See LICENSE file for more details.


  • Python 2.6
  • Twisted
  • SQLAlchemy
  • BeautifulSoup
  • pyOpenSSL (for secure connections)
  • MySQL (for direct connection to shoutbox)
  • UBB.threads v7 (for shoutbox bridge)
  • MySQLdb (for direct connection to shoutbox)
  • Sqlite (for SeenTell plugin)
  • Tweepy (for Twitter plugin)
  • simplejson (for Google plugin)


Shoutbridge requires a few extra python modules to run. Currently, the only working xmpp bridge class is Twisted, so that python module must be installed. The MySQLdb module is needed for a direct connection to the shoutbox. If you don't have access to the UBB.threads database where you run the Shoutbridge, you can instead use the ExternalShoutbridge class. In this case, you don't need the MySQLdb module.

Install necessary modules:

$ sudo easy_install Twisted
$ sudo easy_install MySQLdb
$ sudo easy_install pyOpenSSL
$ sudo easy_install sqlalchemy
$ sudo easy_install tweepy
$ sudo easy_install simplejson
$ sudo easy_install beautifulsoup

Next, create a configuration file from the example.

$ cp config-example.ini config.ini

Edit the config.ini file and change the values to something appropriate.

Running Shoutbridge

Now you should be ready to start the program:

$ python

Gold Quest

The Gold Quest game used by the QuestPlugin can be run in several different ways.

Telnet Server

The Gold Quest telnet server supports multiple clients playing with the same hero and receiving updates about events initiated by other players.

$ twistd -y

Interactive Shell

Gold Quest can also be played from the command line using an interactive shell:

$ python plugins/

Twitter Client

The QuestPlugin also supports running the game against a Twitter account, using Twippy:

Configuration Options

There are a lot of available configuration options for Shoutbridge.

  • xmpp_login - Jabber account JID to login as.
  • xmpp_pass - Password for Jabber account.
  • xmpp_room - Jabber conference room to connect to.
  • xmpp_host - Jabber host to connect to.
  • xmpp_port - Jabber port to connect to.
  • xmpp_status - Jabber status message for the Shoutbridge client.
  • xmpp_resource - Jabber resource of this client instance.
  • bridge_type - XMPP library class to use. Leave as is.
  • shoutbox_type - Shoutbox connector class.
    • MessageShoutbox - Read/post shout messages via HTTP, requires a server-side script to be installed on the UBB.threads server.
    • MysqlShoutbox - Read/post shout messages directly to UBB.threads db.
    • FakeShoutbox - Dummy connector, use this if you don't want the shoutbox bridge functionality.
    • ExternalShoutbox - Read shout messages via HTTP, doesn't require extra server-side script, but doesn't allow posting.
  • db_host - Hostname for MySQL db for UBB.threads, only required for MysqlShoutbox.
  • db_name - Name of MySQL db for UBB.threads, only required for MysqlShoutbox.
  • db_user - Username of MySQL db for UBB.threads, only required for MysqlShoutbox.
  • db_pass - Password of MySQL db for UBB.threads, only required for MysqlShoutbox.
  • base_url - Base URL to the UBB.threads installation, used by MessageShoutbox and ExternalShoutbox.
  • ubb_jid_field - UBB.threads profile database field containing user JID Login.
  • secret - Secret key to use when sending messages with ExternalShoutbox, must also be entered in the server-side script.
  • loop_time - How many seconds between each update from the shoutbox.
  • show_time - If set to "True", the time of the shoutbox message will be prepended in jabber.
  • show_nick - Set to "True" to prefix each message with shoutbox nick. Otherwise the bot will rename itself to the username of the shoutbox user.
  • log_date_format - Date format for logging.
  • latest_shout - Start reading shout messages from this id. String "skip" to skip all earlier messages on startup. Or "resume" to resume at latest known shout id.
  • debug - Print debug information. Raw xml sent/received, sqlalchemy output etc.
  • verbose - Prints information on what the script is doing.
  • quiet - Make script quiet as a mouse, not outputting anything.
  • plugins - Comma separated list of plugin names to load.

Jabber conference room

The jabber conference room has to be created already when the Shoutbridge box connects.

UBB.threads Jabber ID

In UBB.threads, you should set Profile Extra Field 1 to "JID Login". If a user enters their jabber id in this field, messages sent from that jid will be written as that user in the shoutbox.

When a user has entered this information, messages relayed from Jabber from this JID will be entered as coming from the user in the shoutbox.

Server-side script for ExternalShoutbox

When using the ExternalShoutbox connector, a server-side script must be uploaded to the UBB.threads installation.

Upload the following file to the scripts/ directory of your UBB.threads installation: ubb/scripts/

Make sure you enter the same secret as in the configuration. This secret is sent in plain text in the URL and is not secure. Knowing this will allow injecting any message in the shoutbox. Only use ExternalShoutbox if absolutely necessary, and take the proper precautions.

Command Line Options

Shoutbridge has a number of command line options available. All configuration options can be overridden with a corresponding command line option.

Additionally, it is possible to select another configuration file and section than the default.

There are also three options to change how much information shoutbridge should output on the terminal: debug, quiet and verbose


--version             show program's version number and exit
-h, --help            show this help message and exit
-c FILE, --config=FILE
                      Read configuration from FILE
                      Read configuration from SECTION
-D, --debug           Print RAW data sent and received on the stream.
-q, --quiet           Don't print status messages to stdout
-v, --verbose         make lots of noise [default]
-s START, --start=START
                      Start reading shouts from START, "skip" to skip all,
                      "resume" to resume at latest known id.
-l JID, --login=JID   XMPP login JID.
-p PASSWD, --pass=PASSWD
                      XMPP password.
-r ROOM, --room=ROOM  Join this XMPP room.
-d HOST, --host=HOST  Set XMPP host.
-o PORT, --port=PORT  Set XMPP port.
-A STATUS, --status=STATUS
                      Set default XMPP away status message.
                      Set XMPP resource for this client instance.
-L SECS, --loop=SECS  Read shoutbox messages every SECS.
                      Load comma separated extensions/plugins.
-u URL, --url=URL     Read shoutbox messages from this URL.
-t SHOW_TIME, --show-time=SHOW_TIME
                      Prepend time to each message.
-n SHOW_NICK, --show-nick=SHOW_NICK
                      Prepend originating nick to each message.
-b BRIDGE, --bridge=BRIDGE
                      Use this XMPP bridge class.
                      Use this shoutbox connector class.
-H HOST, --db-host=HOST
                      Host for DB connector.
-N NAME, --db-name=NAME
                      Name for DB connector.
-U USER, --db-user=USER
                      User for DB connector.
-P PASS, --db-pass=PASS
                      Password for DB connector.
-f FIELD, --jid-field=FIELD
                      UBB.threads profile table field containing user JID.
-C SECRET, --secret=SECRET
                      Use this secret word to connect to MessageShoutbox
                      server script.
-F FORMAT, --date-format=FORMAT
                      Use this date format when logging.


Shoutbridge has a plugin system to allow new bot commands and general message handling.

Which plugins are loaded is defined by the "plugins" configuration and command line option.

A number of plugins are available by default, and it's very easy to write new ones.

Commands can have synonyms, i.e. multiple commands trigger the same method handler.


This is a very simple plugin that sends back pre-defined messages based on specific commands.

By default, it has a lot of commands that returns simple one-line ascii art.

The name of the plugin comes from the command !monkey which returns the following message:


If there are several return messages for a command, one of the messages is selected by random and sent.

At the time of writing, this plugin has the following commands available:

!monkey, !koala, !fish, !sheep, !spider, !cat, !rose, !mouse, !sword, !snail, !coffee


The DiceyPlugin can roll dice and return the results.

Available dice

Dicey can roll dice with the following number of sides:

2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 100


Dicey understands the following commands.

Roll one die

Added "d" or "D" in front of the number of sides the die should have.

!dicey d10
Multiple dice

Roll multiple dice with the same number of sides and add up the results.

!dicey 3d6

Roll three 6-sided dice and add 4 to the result. Also works with subtraction.

!dicey 3d6+4
Choose highest

Add an "h" and a number to the end of the die roll to choose the that number of dice with the highest values. Use "l" (lower case L) to instead choose the lowest results. E.g. Roll five 8-sided dice and return the 4 highest.

!dicey 5d8h4
Multiple rolls

Up to five sets of rolls can be rolled at the same time:

!dicey 3d6 5d8-2 6d10h4 2d12l1 d100
Open ended rolls

To roll an open ended die, where the another die is rolled and added to the result if the die roll is the highest possible value of the die. Prefix the die roll with "Open".

!dicey OpenD20
Exploding rolls

Exploding, or limitless, dice like those in games from Neogames. Every die that rolls the maximum value is replaced by two dice and re-rerolled. Prefix the die roll with "Ob".


Character Generation

Additionally, Dicey can automatically make the rolls needed to create characters in a few roleplaying games.

Dngeons & Dragons

Roll 4 d6 and choose the 3 highest for: STR, CON, DEX, INT, WIS and CHA

!dicey DnD
Drakar och Demoner

Roll 3d6 for the following values: STY, KRO, STO, INT, KRA, SKI, KAR

!dicey DoD

Roll 3d6 for each of these values: STY, TĂ…L, RĂ–R, PER, PSY, VIL, BIL, SYN, HĂ–R

!dicey eon

Roll a D10 for the value Strength.

!dicey Twerps


Prints a random fortune cookie, quote or amusing tidbit of information.

Requires the fortune program installed on the computer running the jabber bot.




A bot that sends a pre-defined message whenever one of a configured list of users' write something specific.

By default, if a user named "Kraetyz" writes something containing "jag tycker", the bot will return the following message: "/me bannar %s för uttryckande av åsikt."

If the text contains "%s", without quotes, it will be replaced by the name of the user.


Eliza is a cute little chat bot that pretends to be a (very bad) psychologist.

The plugin is just a wrapper for an external Python module which contains the actual "artificial intelligence". The Eliza python module is available in the Shoutbridge package since it needed a small code change. If you want to run this bot, you need to copy the file "extras/" into the root Shoutbridge directory. Then add "Eliza" to the list of available plugins in the configuration.

The original script is written by Jez Higgins and is available from this URL:


Eliza, who are you?

Remember to prepend all messages to Eliza with "Eliza, " or she won't answer.


Return a message with the names of the day in the Swedish calendar.




Nomino is a random name generator.



It is also possible to define name list to use, as well as how many names to generate, and which gender they should be.


!name 5 scottish women

You can also choose different lists for given name and surname.


!name chinese gaelic

Available name lists

Arabic, Chinese, Czech, English1500ce, English, French, Gaelic, German, Hindu, Irish, Japanese, Mutant, Russian, Scottish, Spanish, Svenska2000ce, Venetarian1300ce


Sends a random quote from different quote files.



Additional quote files:

  • !jeff - Quotes by Jeff Murdoch from TV series Coupling
  • !murphy - Random Murphy's Law (Mostly English, some Swedish)
  • !kimjongil - Swedish silly Kim Jong Il messages.
  • !kjell - Swedish quotes from TV series Kjell
  • !evaemma - Swedish quotes from blogger EvaEmma Andersson
  • !storuggla - Swedish quotes from Storuggla
  • !8ball - Emulate a Magic 8-ball

Add new quotes

It is also possible to add new quotes which are added to a temporary file. These have to be added to used quote file by hand later.

!quote add "New quote to add here."

Quote file format

The quote files should be encoded in UTF-8. Each quote should be separated by a line containing only a percentage sign:

First quote.
Second quote.


Writes a possibly hilarious slapping message as well as giving out hugs.


!slap username


!hug username


Returns definitions of given term, prints a random definition and allows adding new definitions.


List of commands available for the Term plugin.

!term 'dnd'
!term add Term=Definition

New terms are added to a separate file and needs to be added to the main file by hand.


Returns the week number according to the ISO date standard, commonly used in Scandinavia.




Halibot contains helper commands for the jabber bot.


Displays a short help message.

!help pluginname

Displays description of plugin with name pluginname.

!say password text

When this command is sent as a private/direct message to the bot, the bot will in turn send out a message with the given text. The first word after "!say" must be the same as the password entered in "halibot_password" configuration option.


Displays name and version of program, along with system information of the computer the script is running on.


List all known commands by all loaded plugins.


Lists the names of all loaded plugins.

!jump password

If this command is sent as a private/direct message to the bot and the password matches the configured password in the bot, the bot will leave the current room and try to connect to the given jabber room id.


Make a coin toss.


This plugin allows users to see when others were last seen in the channel. It is also possible to tell the bot to relay a message to a user next time they are in the chat.

This plugin currently requires Sqlite and SQLAlchemy to run. Since it's using ORM via SQLAlchemy, it should be easy to switch to other databases for those who wish.

!seen Username

If the plugin has seen a user with the name Username in the chat, the last time this person sent a message is printed.

!tell Username Message

Leave a text message for the user with name Username. The plugin will then print this message next time it sees that user in the chat.


The Twitter plugin posts all messages to a given Twitter account. It can also read mentions of the configured twitter account and post them to jabber/shoutbox.

Activate this plugin by adding "Twitter" to the list of plugins in the config.ini file.

The new version of the Twitter plugin uses OAuth for authentication, which means that you will have to register your own instance of Shoutbridge as an application at where you need to log in using the account you want the application to tweet as.

Under OAuth settings for your application you will find "Consumer key" and "Consumer secret". Enter these into the config file as the options twitter_consumer_key and twitter_consumer_secret

Under "My Access Token" you will find the oauth_token and oauth_token_secret which you will need to place in the options twitter_oauth_token and twitter_oauth_token_secret

If you want the plugin to also read mentions of the configured Twitter account, set the "twitter_update_time" value to the number of seconds between each update. If you don't want this feature, set this value to 0.


The Twitter plugin shortens the names of the posters and adds the initials to the end of the tweet. It tries to be smart about it, but some user names are just not really possible to shorten automatically.

In the attributes of the Twitter plugin code, you can set a max_name_len which defines how many letters a name can be to not be shortened at all. This length is after any special characters has been removed. There is also a list of names to ignore and not remove at all. By default, the name "HALiBot" is in this list.

Messages that are too long are shortened so that they are no longer than 140 characters, including the name. For obvious reasons.


The fake plugin has a couple fake commands in lieu of real IRC features.


HALiBot pretends to kick the user, optionally with a reason given.

!kick user reason


HALiBot pretends to ban the user, optionally with a reason given.

!ban user reason


HALiBot pretends to kick and ban the user, optionally with a reason given.

!kickban user reason


Adds a command that lets users make a lucky google search, or a wikipedia search.


Returns the first hit from Google for the search terms.


Returns the first matching page for the search terms.


A very simple game where all users control the same hero through a dungeon.

!quest reroll

Creates a new hero if one doesn't already exist.

!quest deeper

Makes the hero go another level deeper into the dungeon.

!quest loot

The hero looks for gold.

!quest fight

Makes the hero find a monster and tries to kill it.

!quest rest

If the hero has been hurt some health is regained.

!quest charsheet

Shows information about the current hero.

Write your own plugin

If you know a little Python, writing your own bot plugin is easy.


Create a new file called

Start by importing the necessary modules:

from Plugin import *

Next, create the actual plugin class, make sure it extends the base Plugin class:

class HelloWorldPlugin(Plugin):

The class should have some attributes describing the class.

name = "HelloWorldPlugin"
author = "Your Name"
description = "A simple Hello World plugin."

The most important attribute is "commands", which contains a list of commands and matching method handlers, as well as additional information needed for the command.

Each dict() element in the commands list is the description of a single command. A command can have several different bot trigger commands, in this case only "!hello" is used. This means that when a user writes a message starting with this text, the method in the "handler" is called.

The onevents element lists all events this handler should be called on. See the advanced plugin documentation for more information about available triggers.

The entire command dictionary is sent to the handler method. This means that any extra information is available in the method.

commands = [
        command = ['!hello'],
        handler = 'hello_world',
        onevents = ['Message'],

Finally, we need to define the handler method. The name should be the same as the "handler" in the commands list.

The method will receive four arguments, text, nick, command and cmd.

  • shout - A Shout object with information about message. = Name of sender. shout.text = Message body text. shout.time = Unix timestamp of when message was received. = ID of message, if message was read from shoutbox. shout.userid = User id, if message was read from shoutbox.
  • command - Command that matched, will be one of the text strings in "command" in the dictionary.
  • comobj - The entire command dictionary object.

First the method definition.

def hello_world(self, shout, command, comobj):

The content of the handler method should do any necessary calculations. To send messages just call self.send_message(text) where text is the message to send. By default, the message will be sent as the username in the "nick" attribute of the plugin. This defaults to "HALiBot" if it isn't set.

    self.send_message("Hello World!")

That's all that is needed to create a simple plugin for Shoutbridge. More advanced actions can be done. For more information, check the Plugin base class.

Full example

from plugins.Plugin import *

class HelloWorldPlugin(Plugin):
    name = "HelloWorldPlugin"
    author = "Your Name"
    description = "A simple Hello World plugin."
    commands = [
            command = ['!hello'],
            handler = 'hello_world',
            onevents = ['Message'],

    def hello_world(self, shout, command, comobj):
        self.send_message("Hello World!")

Advanced Plugin Development

There is more to writing Shoutbridge plugins than just parsing text messages and returning information.

If you look at some of the bundled plugins, you should be able to get an idea on what is possible to do with a plugin.

Command matching

You can have any text in commands, including spaces. Starting commands with an exclamation mark (!) is the convention most of the bundled plugins are using. This is however not at all necessary, as is shown by the ElizaPlugin.

Commands are simply text strings that are matched against the start of a message. The commands do not have to be in the same case. All of the messages in the list below would match the command "!hi":

  • !hi
  • !hi how are you?
  • !his pants fell down
  • !HI

Matching Order

Commands will be matched in the order they are listed. The first command that matches for a handler will be the one that is passed to the handler as the "command" argument. Also note that the first command object matching is the only one that is triggered in a plugin.

If you want to match two similar strings to two different handlers, make sure to place them in the correct order. The longer of the two should be placed first, otherwise the shorter command will always match first.

Empty commands

If you give an empty string as the command, any message will match. This is useful if you want to do more advanced command parsing yourself. It is alsow what should be used for all Xmpp* trigger events, as they are XML strings and not normal text.

Method: setup

Directly after a plugin has been loaded, the setup method is called, without arguments. This method can be used to setup initial data or any other maintenance that needs to be done when the plugin is first started.

Method: show_text

The Plugin superclass has a default handler method called "show_text". This can be used as the command handler in all plugins. This handler method simply returns a randomly selected text string from the "text" element in the command dictionary.


The following will create the !flipcoin command which will return the flip of a coin. If the element "nick" is given, that text will be used as the author name of the message. If not present, the default Plugin nick will be used.

In this example, we also see how two different command names can used to trigger the same handler. In this case either "!flipcoin" or "!toss" can be used to flip a coin.

commands = [
        command = ['!flipcoin', '!toss'],
        handler = 'show_text',
        onevents = ['Message'],
        text = ['Heads', 'Tails'],
        nick = 'Coin tosser',

Method: prepend_sender

Send in a string to this method and the string will returned with the nick of the sender of the message being handled prepended.


If a user called "JohnDoe" sends the message "Hello World!", the following call can be made:

text = self.prepend_sender("Hello World!")

The "text" variable should then contain the following:

JohnDoe: Hello World!

If a second argument is given, this will be used as the separator between nick and text instead of ": ".

If send_nick isn't available, the message will be returned unmodified.

Method: send_message

Argument: text

Send text as message to both Shoutbox and Jabber conference. Prepends name of sender to message. The message will be sent using the default nick attribute of the plugin.


This is an example on how to use the method to send a message.

self.send_message("Message to send")

Method: strip_command

Arguments: text, command Strips the command from the start of the text message and returns the modified text.


The following will return "Alice":

self.strip_command('!hello Alice', '!hello')

Crossing the bridge

Each plugin will get a reference to the jabber bridge object in the attribute self.bridge

This means that all methods available in the bridge can be used. Such as sending IQ or Presence stanzas. Please read the Bridge documentation for more information.

Event triggers

In the onevents list, you should list each of the events that should trigger this handler. The available event triggers are:

  • Message - Triggered on both Shoutbox messages and XMPP messages. First argument is a Shout object.
  • ShoutMessage - Triggered on Shoutbox messages. First argument is a Shout object.
  • XmppMessage - Triggered only on XMPP messages. First argument to method is stanza as xml string.
  • XmppPresence - Triggered on XMPP Presence stanzas. First argument to method is stanza as xml string.
  • XmppIq - Triggered on XMPP IQ stanzas, first argument to method is stanza as xml string.
  • XmppDirectMessage - Triggered when bot receives a direct (private) message.
  • SentMessage - Triggered when messages are sent internally (via plugins etc)

The XMPP stanzas are passed as raw XML strings. This is since plugins shouldn't depend on a specifc bridge class or XML library.

Most plugins should trigger on the Message event. This means messages coming from either the web shoutbox chat or the jabber conference room. Using this trigger will make the plugin as generic as possible. Only use the ShoutMessage or XmppMessage for special cases that should only trigger on one type of message.

Testing Plugins

There is a test script to help test plugins without having to start up the bot and send jabber messages to it.

Run the script with the name of the plugin as the first argument. The rest of the arguments will be sent as a message to the plugin, as a "Message" event.


Send the message "!hello" to the HellowWorldPlugin.

python HelloWorldPlugin '!hello'


Some ideas for future development.

  • If UBB.threads user has XMPP login details saved, messages should be sent using these.

  • Possibly change to a transport gateway using XEP-0100: Gateway Interaction

  • When time is the same as the current time, don't prepend time to message.

  • If room hasn't been created when joining, accept default room configuration.

  • Add priority sorting to plugin triggering.

  • Away presence could hide user on forum

  • Log all exceptions to file.

  • BUG: When loadUrl fails, reactor stops running that loop.

  • Allow commands to be sent as direct messages as well.

  • Plugin ideas:

    • !calc - calculator
    • !memory - display used memory
    • !cyborg - cyborgify -
    • !techify - techify -
    • Possibly convert !trivia, !weather, !translate, !wiki etc from other bots.
    • Use people's dictionary and synlist.
  • Direct message commands:

    • !die - make bot disconnect and shutdown
    • !reconnect - make bot reconnect
    • !reload - make bot reload all plugins
    • !rehash - make bot reload configuration
  • Create unit tests for all code.

  • Have the possibility to not have shoutbox bridge at all.

  • Keep connection open on server-side script and read new shout messages immediately.

  • BUG: Graemlin replacement should be done before html stripping.

  • BUG: HTML-stripping not quite up to par.

  • Add language support for easy translation.

  • HalibotPlugin !listcommands plugin should list commands available for that plugin.

  • FEATURE: Command line option to start by skipping all current messages in shoutbox.

  • BUG: all params in loadUrl need to be a string, int types causes exception.

  • Re-add test code to plugins, calling a default test function: def _test(): import doctest, example return doctest.testmod(example)

      if __name__ == "__main__":


Jabber chat bot with multiple plugins and a bridge to the shoutbox in the UBB.threads forum software.







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