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CQL generation tool for the Datastax Cassandra driver


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The cql-builder library is a CQL statement generation tool for Apache Cassandra. It is intended to be used in conjunction with the Datastax Cassandra driver written in Python. The generation tool is built on the idea that each component of a CQL statement can be expressed as an abstraction. A valid CQL statement can be created by chaining together these abstractions.

This API works exclusively with the Datastax Cassandra driver for CQL3.


Install with pip:

pip install cql-builder


The available statements which can be generated with QueryBuilder in cql_builder.builder are: Insert, Update, Select, Delete and Truncate. Statements can be generated by the full table path (keyspace.column_family) or by partial path (column_family).

Statement Builder Parameters
Insert QueryBuilder.insert_into column_family, [keyspace]
Update QueryBuilder.update column_family, [keyspace]
Select QueryBuilder.select_from column_family, [keyspace]
Delete QueryBuilder.delete_from column_family, [keyspace]
Truncate QueryBuilder.truncate column_family, [keyspace]


Conditions which are used in the where expression of the statement are in cql_builder.condition and include: eq, gt, gte, lt, lte, within and all_eq.

Condition Usage
eq, gt, gte, lt, lte condition(name, value)
all_eq all_eq(name=value, ...)
within within(name, {value, ...})


from cassandra.cluster import Cluster
from cassandra.query import SimpleStatement
from cassandra import ConsistencyLevel as Level
from cql_builder.builder import QueryBuilder

keyspace = 'keyspace'
column_family = 'column_family'
cluster = Cluster(['localhost'])

# Generate & execute a statement with full table path.
# INSERT INTO keyspace.column_family (first, last) VALUES ('foo', 'bar')
session = cluster.connect()
insert = (QueryBuilder.insert_into(column_family, keyspace)
	.values(first='foo', last='bar')
query, args = insert.statement()
session.execute(query, args)

# Generate & execute a statement with partial table path with specified consistency.
# INSERT INTO column_family (first, last) VALUES ('foo', 'bar')
session = cluster.connect(keyspace)
insert = (QueryBuilder.insert_into(column_family)
	.values(first='foo', last='bar')
query, args = insert.statement()
statement = SimpleStatement(query, consistency_level=Level.LOCAL_ONE)
session.execute(statement, args)


Expression Usage Description
.values .values(name=value, ...) name-value pairs to set
.using .using(option=value, ...) option pairs to use
.if_not_exists .if_not_exists() set if not exists property
from datetime import timedelta
from cql_builder.builder import QueryBuilder

# INSERT INTO column_family (first, last) VALUES ('foo', 'bar') USING TTL 3600
insert = (QueryBuilder.insert_into(column_family)
	.values(first='foo', last='bar')

# INSERT INTO column_family (last, friends) VALUES ('bar', ['joe', 'schmoe']) USING TTL 10800
insert = (QueryBuilder.insert_into(column_family)
	.values(last='bar', friends=['joe', 'schmoe'])


Expression Usage Description
.using .using(option=value, ...) option pairs to use
.set .set(name=value, ...) name-value pairs to set
.set_at .set_at(name, key, value) value to set at key index
.add .add(name, value) value to add to value at name
.subtract .subtract(name, value) value to subtract from value at name
.where .where(condition, ...) conditions for rows to apply updates to
from cql_builder.builder import QueryBuilder
from cql_builder.condition import eq, gt, lte, all_eq, within

# UPDATE column_family USING TTL 3600 SET age=13 WHERE first='foo' AND last='bar'
update = (QueryBuilder.update(column_family)
	.where(all_eq(first='foo', last='bar'))

# UPDATE column_family SET age=13 WHERE names IN ('foo', 'bar')
update = (QueryBuilder.update(column_family)
	.where(within('names', ['foo', 'bar']))

# UPDATE column_family SET friends=friends + ['joe'] WHERE last='bar'
update = (QueryBuilder.update(column_family)
	.add('friends', ['joe'])
	.where(eq('last', 'bar'))


Expression Usage Description
.columns .columns(name, ...) specific columns to select
.all .all() all columns
.count .count() count of the rows
.where .where(condition, ...) conditions for rows to select from
.limit .limit(count) limit the result count
from cql_builder.builder import QueryBuilder
from cql_builder.condition import eq

# SELECT first, last from column_family WHERE last='bar'
select = (QueryBuilder.select_from(column_family)
	.columns('first', 'last')
	.where(eq('last', 'bar'))

# SELECT * from column_family WHERE name='foo' LIMIT 5
select = (QueryBuilder.select_from(column_family)
	.where(eq('name', 'foo'))


Expression Usage Description
.columns .columns(name, ...) specific columns to delete
.at .at(name, key) specific value at key index
.where .where(condition, ...) conditions for rows to delete from
from cql_builder.builder import QueryBuilder
from cql_builder.condition import eq

# DELETE FROM column_family WHERE name='foo'
delete = (QueryBuilder.delete_from(column_family)
	.where(eq('name', 'foo'))

# DELETE first, age FROM column_family WHERE name='foo'
delete = (QueryBuilder.delete_from(column_family)
	.columns('first', 'age')
	.where(eq('name', 'foo'))


from cql_builder import QueryBuilder

# TRUNCATE column_family
truncate = QueryBuilder.truncate(column_family)


CQL generation tool for the Datastax Cassandra driver







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