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Django-ZODB is a simple ZODB database backend for Django Framework. It's strongly inpired in repoze.zodbconn.


Django-ZODB requires the following packages:

If you need to store your data in a RDBMS system you will need to install the following packages too:

  • RelStorage 1.5.0a1 or newer - ZODB storage system that store pickles in a relational database (in a non-relational format).
  • MySQLdb 1.2.3 or newer - required to connect MySQL database.
  • psycopg2 2.3.0-beta1 or newer - required to connect PostgreSQL database.
  • cx_Oracle 5.0.3 or newer - required to connect Oracle database.


Not tested with psycopg2 and cx_Oracle but we believe that everything will work as expected because we use RelStorage to connect to the database.

Install from sources:

$ python install

Or from PyPI (using easy_install):

$ easy_install -U django-zodb

Running tests

Install coverage if you need test coverage informations:

$ easy_install -U coverage

To run tests:

$ python test


You need to configure your like this:

ZODB = {
    'default': [
    'test':      [ 'mem://', 'mem://?database_name=catalog' ],
    'legacy_db': [ 'zconfig:///srv/www/zodb_media.conf' ],
    'user_dir':  [
    'old_app':   [

You can find a list of schemes and connection adapters in Connection Schemes.

Creating sample application

I strongly believe in "learn by doing" strategy, so, let's create a sample Wiki application that stores their pages in ZODB.

I suggest the reading of the following tutorials and articles if you don't know ZODB or the Traversal Algorithm (that we will use in our tutorial):


Repoze.BFG is now known as Pyramid.

Starting Django Project and Application

We will start a project called intranet with a Django application called wiki:

$ startproject intranet
$ cd intranet
intranet $ python startapp wiki

Now we need to modify our to include this new application and configure our database connections:

#!/usr/bin/env python

import os
ROOTDIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))

# No relational database...
DATABASE_NAME = ':memory:'

# append the following lines (on Windows, use file:///c:/xxx with 3 slashes):
ZODB = {
    'default': ['file://' + os.path.join(ROOTDIR, 'wiki_db.fs')],

# ... other Django configurations ...

    # ... other middlewares ...

    # If everything is ok (aka no exception raised) this middleware will
    # run a transaction.commit() on response.

    'django_zodb',  # enable zshell command

Let's create our model classes. We will need a "root" object that will store our objects (let's name it Wiki) and a model to store the wiki pages itself (Page):

#!/usr/bin/env python
# wiki/

import markdown  #
from django_zodb import models

# models.RootContainer - Define a 'root' object for database. This class
#                        defines __parent__ = __name__ = None
class Wiki(models.RootContainer):
    def pages(self):
        for pagename in sorted(self):
            yield self[pagename]

    def get_absolute_url(self):
        return "/wiki"

    # It's possible to change models.RootContainer settings using Meta
    # configurations. Here we will explicitly define the default values
    class Meta:
        database = 'default'  # Optional. Default: 'default'
        rootname = 'wiki'     # Optional. Default: RootClass.__name__.lower()

# models.Container - We will use Container to add support to subpages.
class Page(models.Model):
    def __init__(self, content="Empty Page."):
        super(Page, self).__init__()
        self.content = content

    def html(self):
        md = markdown.Markdown(safe_mode="escape",
                extensions=('codehilite', 'def_list', 'fenced_code'))
        return md.convert(self.content)

    def name(self):
        return self.__name__

    def get_absolute_url(self):
        return u"/".join((self.__parent__.get_absolute_url(),

We've a configured application and models. It's time to map an URL to our view function:

#!/usr/bin/env python

# ... Django default URL configurations ...

urlpatterns = patterns('',
    # ... other URL mappings ...
    (r'^(?P<path>.*)/?$', ''),

And wiki/

#!/usr/bin/env python

import re

from django.shortcuts import render_to_response
from django.http import HttpResponseRedirect
from django import forms

import transaction
from django_zodb import views
from django_zodb import models

from import Wiki, Page

wikiwords = re.compile(ur"\b([A-Z]\w+([A-Z]+\w+)+)")

class PageEditForm(forms.Form):
    content = forms.CharField(widget=forms.Textarea)

class WikiView(views.View):
    def __index__(self, request, context, root, subpath, traversed):
        return HttpResponseRedirect("FrontPage")

    def add(self, request, context, root, subpath, traversed):
            name = subpath[0]
        except IndexError:
            return HttpResponseRedirect("/")

        if request.method == "POST":
            form = PageEditForm(request.POST)
            if form.is_valid():
                page = Page(form.cleaned_data['content'])
                root[name] = page
                return HttpResponseRedirect(page.get_absolute_url())
            form = PageEditForm()

        page_data = {
            'name': name,
            'cancel_link': "javascript:history.go(-1)",
            'form': form,
        return render_to_response("edit.html", page_data)
views.registry.register(model=Wiki, view=WikiView())

class PageView(views.View):
    def __index__(self, request, context, root, subpath, traversed):
        content = context.html()

        def check(match):
            word =
            if word in root:
                page = root[word]
                view_url = page.get_absolute_url()
                return '<a href="%s">%s</a>' % (view_url, word)
                add_url = models.model_path(root, "", "add", word)
                return '<a href="%s">%s</a>' % (add_url, word)

        content = wikiwords.sub(check, content)

        page_data = {
            'context': context,
            'content': content,
            'edit_link': context.get_absolute_url() + "/edit",
            'root': root,
        return render_to_response("page.html", page_data)

    def edit(self, request, context, root, subpath, traversed):
        context_path = models.model_path(context)

        if request.method == "POST":
            form = PageEditForm(request.POST)
            if form.is_valid():
                context.content = form.cleaned_data['content']
                return HttpResponseRedirect(context_path)
            form = PageEditForm(initial={'content': context.content})

        page_data = {
            'context': context,
            'cancel_link': context_path,
            'form': form,
        return render_to_response("edit.html", page_data)
views.registry.register(model=Page, view=PageView())

def create_frontpage(root):
    frontpage = Page()
    root["FrontPage"] = frontpage
    return root

def page(request, path):
    root = models.get_root(Wiki, setup=create_frontpage)
    return views.get_response_or_404(request, root=root, path=path)


From Repoze.BFG documentation:

Traversal is a context finding mechanism. It is the act of finding a context and a view name by walking over an object graph, starting from a root object, using a request object as a source of path information.

Django-ZODB implements the traversal algorithm in function django_zodb.views.traverse() that receive two arguments:

  • root - an instance of Root model.
  • path - a string with the path to be traversed.

And return a views.TraverseResult object with the following attributes:

  • context - model object found by traversal.
  • method_name - a method name if exists.
  • subpath - aditional path arguments.
  • traversed - path elements 'traversed'.
  • root - root object.

We've created some shortcuts functions to interpret these results:

  • get_response(request, root, path) -> HttpResponse
  • get_response_or_404(request, root, path) -> HttpResponse or Http404

These functions will traverse the model tree and call a registered view function that handle the context model object found. For example:

def handle_page_objects(request, result):
    # result is a TraverseResult object.
    # result.context is a Page object found by traverse
    return render_to_response(...)

# Register handle_page_objects function to handle Page objects:
views.registry.register(model=Page, view=handle_page_objects)

You can register a views.View() instance to handle model objects:

class PageView(views.View):
    # This is the 'default' handle (no method_name)
    def __index__(self, request, context, root, subpath, traversed):
        # ... context is a Page object ...
        return render_to_response(...)

    # called when method_name == "edit"
    def edit(self, request, context, root, subpath, traversed):
        # ... context is a Page object ...
        return render_to_response(...)

# Register a PageView *instance* to handle Page objects
views.registry.register(model=Page, view=PageView())

Connection Schemes

You can specify a ZODB connection using a URI. This URI is composed of the following arguments:


Depending on the chosen scheme some of these arguments are required and others optional.

On Windows, file uris shall loook like "file:///c:/my/path", with 3 slashes after the scheme.

Database and Connection settings

Arguments related to database connection settings. These arguments are optional and must be passed as query argument in URI (eg. ?database_name=db&...).

  • database_name - str - database name used by ZODB.
  • connection_cache_size - int - size (in bytes) of database cache.
  • connection_pool_size - int - size of connection pool.

These arguments are passed to ZODB.DB.DB() constructor.

Memory Storage mem: (ZODB.MappingStorage)

Returns an in-memory storage. It's basically a Python dict() object.

Valid URIs:


Optional Arguments

File Storage file: (ZODB.FileStorage)

Returns a database stored in a file. You need to specify an absolute path to the database file.

Valid URIs:


Invalid URIs:


Required Arguments

  • path - str - absolute path to file where database will be stored.

Optional Arguments

  • create - bool - create database file if does not exist. Default: create=True.
  • read_only - bool - open storage only for reading. Default: read_only=False.
  • quota - int - storage quota. Default: disabled (quota=None).
  • See Demo storage argument.
  • See Blob storage arguments.

zconfig: (ZODB.DB.DB)

Returns database (or databases) specified in ZCML configuration file.


This scheme has some small differences with other schemes because it returns a DB object instead of a Storage. It's a problem only in cases where you are creating the connection 'by hand' instead of use a higher level API.

URIs Examples:


Required Arguments

  • path (str) - absolute path to file where database will be stored.

Optional Arguments (and default values)

  • #fragment='' (str) - Get only an specific database. By default ('') get only the first database specified in configuration file. We don't use a query argument (&arg=...) to specify database name to keep compatibility with repoze.zodbconn.

zeo: (ZEO.ClientStorage.ClientStorage)

Returns a connection to a ZEO server.


mysql: (RelStorage)

Returns a database stored in a MySQL relational server. This scheme uses RelStorage to establish connection with database server.

URIs Examples:



postgresql (RelStorage)

Returns a database stored in a PostgreSQL relational server. This scheme uses RelStorage to establish connection with database server.

URIs Examples:



Demo storage argument

  • demostorage (bool) - Enable the ZODB's demo storage wrapper.

Blob storage arguments

  • blob_dir (str) - Directory where blob objects will be stored.

Relational storage arguments

Django-ZODB uses Relstorage to connect to RDBMS and we preserve the same arguments used by RelStorage. The only difference between RelStorage`s arguments and Django-ZODB arguments is that we use "_" (underline) instead of "-" (dash). For example: the RelStorage's argument "shared-blob-dir" becomes "shared_blob_dir".


Hi, I'm accepting all kind of collaborations to this project. You can open issues in our issue tracker, send me a patch, an e-mail message with your questions, etc.

All kind of collaboration will be welcome.


  • Review my 'engrish' in documentation
  • Create a new Website
  • Release 0.2 version (and announce)
  • Test Relstorage connections with Oracle and PostgreSQL
  • Create more commands for ZODB management
  • Create a Django-ORM layer (wow!)
  • Evaluate some fulltext-search, catalog, etc integrations
  • Fix performance issues (?)
  • ... and fix (tons of) bugs! :D


Using Django and ZODB together, with handy URI notations







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