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Aptivate Generic Intranet

This is a basic intranet application, written in Django.

It's intended to be easily extensible, and made from reusable components.

Standard components are expected to include:

  • Document library with content indexing and searching
  • User profiles and permissions
  • User directory (to find and contact users)

It may eventually include calendar, blog and wiki modules as well.

Installation on Unix

intranet here means the directory where you checked out the Intranet code. It should contain directories like apache, deploy and django.

Decide which environment name you're going to deploy. These are files like intranet/django/intranet/*. Examples are dev, staging and production. If none of these configurations match your own, you may wish to create a new one.

cd atamis-intranet
./deploy/ deploy:dev (or :whatever environment name)
cd django/intranet
./ runserver

This should show you the server running correctly:

Installation on Windows

Installing the Django stack

Install BitNami DjangoStack to get a working Django installation on Windows. You can disable PostgreSQL and SQLite databases if you like, you only need MySQL.

It's important to use DjangoStack 1.3 for now, until the support for Django 1.4 is completed.

During the installation you will need to choose a MySQL password. DO NOT leave it blank and DO write it down somewhere safe and secure!

Say Yes to associating .py files with the Python interpreter, and No to Do you want to set up an initial project.

Add the following directories to your PATH:

  • C:\Program Files\BitNami DjangoStack\mysql\bin
  • C:\Program Files\BitNami DjangoStack\python
  • C:\Program Files\BitNami DjangoStack\python\scripts

Configuring the Django stack

Open a command prompt and install pip and virtualenv in the BitNami Python environment:

easy_install pip virtualenv

You need to download an LXML binary package for Windows. This needs to match the version of Python installed by BitNami, currently 2.6. You can install that version using this command:

easy_install lxml==2.3

If that doesn't work, check the available downloads for one that works with your BitNami's version of Python.

You need to download and install pywin32. Read the README file carefully, and then go to the build list, choose the latest build (or Build 217 if the latest doesn't work for some reason), download the appropriate version for your system, for example pywin32-217.win32-py2.6.exe for 32-bit Python 2.6 and run it to install it.

Similarly you need to download and install PIL 1.1.6 for your BitNami's version of Python. Choose the right version from the download list, download and run it. It should complain and refuse to install if it doesn't find the right version of Python already installed on the system. Note that PIL 1.1.7 is broken and you should not use it unless you want to manually hack the manifests with mt.exe.

Similarly, if you want to use the Active Directory integration, you need to download and install python-ldap from Christoph Gohlke.

Note that the current official version of python-ldap on PyPI (2.4.10) appears to be broken. You cannot load the library after installation due to a DLL error. So please don't install that version:

Python 2.6.2 (r262:71605, Apr 14 2009, 22:40:02) [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)] on win32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import ldap
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "c:\Program Files\BitNami DjangoStack\python\lib\site-packages\ldap\", line 22, in <module>
    from ldap._ldap import *
ImportError: DLL load failed: This application has failed to start because the application configuration is incorrect. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem.

Installing the Intranet

You need to know where to get the files from. This is most likely a Git repository, unless someone gave you a ZIP file or something like that. The ZIP installation doesn't require Git, but can't easily be upgraded later.

We will assume that you need to check out the code from a Git repository.

Downloading the application using Git

Install the latest version of MSYS Git. During the installation, be sure to select Run Git from the Windows command prompt.

If you need access to a private repository, follow these instructions to generate a new file. Skip Step 4: Add your SSH key to GitHub, and send the file to the administrator who controls the repository you want to access.

Run the Git GUI (from Start/Programs/Git) and choose Clone Existing Repository. For the Source Location, enter the Git repository URL that you were given, for example: git:// For the Target Directory, click on the Browse button, navigate to C:/Program Files/BitNami DjangoStack/apps, and then add '/intranet' on the end of the directory name. Click on the Clone button. When it's finished downloading the code, you will see a window with red, orange and green bars. Please close this window.

Configuring the application

Open a Windows command prompt and change directory to the intranet directory:

cd "C:\Program Files\BitNami DjangoStack\apps\intranet"

Start a Windows deployment:

python deploy\ deploy:windows

It should end like this, anything else is an error:

** Finished deploying intranet for windows.

If it fails with the following error:

WindowsError: [Error 14001] This application has failed to start because the application configuration is incorrect. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem

That's due to a bug in virtualenv. It seems that you can fix it with the following commands:

pip uninstall virtualenv
pip install git+git://
del /s/q django\intranet\.ve

Loading initial data

Create a user that you can use to log into the Intranet:

python django\intranet\ createsuperuser

Load any fixtures that you've been told to load, for example:

cd django\intranet
python loaddata atamis\fixtures\ata_groups.json
python loaddata atamis\fixtures\ata_programs.json

Testing the application

Run the Intranet using the test server:

python runserver

Open a web browser and check that you can connect to the Intranet using the test server at http://localhost:8000/, and that you can log in using the superuser account that you just created.

Press Ctrl+C in the command prompt window to kill the test server, and try to access the Intranet through Apache at http://localhost/, and log in using the superuser account.

Installing Apache Tika Server

The Intranet uses Apache Tika to extract plain text from binary documents, such as Microsoft Word and Excel files, to index them for searching. Apache Tika requires a servlet container such as Apache Tomcat to host it reliably and start automatically when the system is started.

Download the latest stable version of Tomcat 7. We recommend downloading the 32-bit/64-bit Windows Service Installer. Run the installer to install the application.

If the installer asks for the path to java 6.0 or later JRE, that probably means that you don't have a Java runtime environment installed. In that case, cancel the installation of Tomcat, download and install a Java 7 JRE, probably the "Windows x86 Offline" or "Windows x64" version, and then start the Tomcat installation again.

During the installation, enter a Tomcat Administrator User name and Password, and record them somewhere safe and secure.

When the installation finishes, open http://localhost:8080/ in your browser and check that it shows a page saying If you're seeing this, you've successfully installed Tomcat. Congratulations!.

Now use Windows Explorer to find:

C:\Program Files\BitNami DjangoStack\apps\intranet\java\tika-server-1.1-SNAPSHOT.war

Copy it to whichever of the following directories exists:

C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 7.0\webapps
C:\Program Files (x86)\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 7.0\webapps

And rename it to tika.war. Watch that directory, in a few seconds you should see a directory called tika magically appear, as Tomcat unpacks the WAR file. You should then be able to open http://localhost:8080/tika/tika in your browser, and it should show this message:

This is Tika Server. Please PUT

When you see that, your installation should be finished! Try uploading some documents to the intranet to check that it works, and the contents are properly extracted and indexable.

Open Control Panel/Administrative Tools/Services, find the Apache Tomcat service and double-click on it. If it's not started, click on the Start button. Check that the Startup type is set to Automatic.

Error R6034

You may get the following pop-up error message while using the Intranet:

Program: C:\PROGRA~1\BITNAM~1\apache2\bin\httpd.exe
An application has made an attempt to load the C runtime library incorrectly.

This seems to be caused by BitNami DjangoStack distributing its own copy of the Microsoft C runtime, which can conflict with the version installed on the system. It seems to happen the first time that the application uses a native library, for example when uploading a new image or document.

You can try the following steps to disable BitNami's copy of the C runtime:

  • Go into C:\Program Files\BitNami DjangoStack\apache2\bin
  • Create a directory called disabled
  • Move all the msvc*.dll and Microsoft.VC90 files into the disabled directory
  • Go into C:\Program Files\BitNami DjangoStack\python
  • Repeat the same steps as above.

Then restart the djangoStack Apache service and check that the error does not occur when you upload a file.


The Aptivate Intranet Project/Product







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