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A web spider that makes sense (to me)

$ track

Mirrors all of Wikipedia.

$ track

Mirrors all of Wikipedia, and also follow links to the English and French Wiktionaries.

$ track

Mirrors all copies of Wikipedia, except the English one.

$ track

Mirrors all Wikipedia pages starting with a P, but crawls all of Wikipedia to find them.

$ track

Downloads all images files from Wikipedia Commons, but no single file larger than 1 megabyte.

How it works:

One or more initial urls are added to a queue. This queue is processed until it is exhausted.

For each url, the @follow rules are run. If they do not pass, the url is ignored and the spider moves on to the next url.

If it passes, the url is fetched and it's links are added to the queue.

Then, the @save rules are checked to see whether it should be saved to the local mirror.

The rules are a series of tests. If a test passes, the url is either allowed (if the test is prefixed with a +) or disallowed (if the test is prefixed with a -). The tests are processed from left to right, meaning later passing tests overwrite earlier passing tests. This is quite important to understand:

-depth>3 +original-domain

The above is likely a mistake: All urls on the starting domain would be followed to an indefinite depth, whereas the first test has no effect at all, because unless a + test matches, a url is already skipped by default. Turn this around and it makes more sense:

+original-domain -depth>3

Now a url, by default marked as "skipped", will be allowed if it is on the same domain as the source - unless it was found after more than three steps, because the depth test is the final step all urls have to pass.

There are simple yes/no tests (original-domain), tests that match text ( and tests that compare numbers (depth<3). See the full list of available tests.


Python 3.3 is required on your machine:

$ sudo easy_install3 track0


This was born out of my frustration trying to make HTTrack work for me. I never understood how all the different options were expected to interact, and I decided there must be a better way. So this is my vision as to how a website copier could work.

Could work, because while this works reasonably well already, its missing a bunch of important features, and is severely undertested. At this point, you should consider it more of a proof of concept.

Among the things currently not supported:

  • Only a single request at a time, no concurrent connections.
  • robots.txt is ignored.
  • No support for authentication, HTTP or cookie-based.
  • No fancy (or any) JavaScript parsing.

Why not wget?

wget can recursive download and correct local links accordingly, does the job quite well, and has a good API. However, it doesn't quite go beyond the downloading to full mirroring: for example, updating an existing mirror isn't really something it is designed for (*). Similarly, as it lacks the concept of a local mirror, different staring urls are not aware of each other.

(*) There is limited support for checking the timestamps of existing files, but only if it's links have not been adjusted, or backup copies exist.

More documentation

$ track

The above command line, where no rules are specified, will download the given page and all of the files required to display it offline (images, stylesheets, etc.), but will not follow any links to further pages. It will create a folder ./tracked in the working directory for this.

It is therefore equivalent to:

$ track
    -O tracked
    @follow - +requisite
    @save +

Since the @save rule default is +, it usually suffices that you set up a @follow, unless you are interested in only saving a subset of the files encountered.


Requisites deserve further mention. Generally, track does not differentiate between different types of files. Whether the url being processed points to an HTML page or an image file, it will apply the rules in the same way (the only difference is that an image file cannot point to any further urls).

Because it is a common use case to want to mirror a page in such a way that it can be locally viewed without accessing to the original server, and because web pages are a collection of a multitude of different files (images, scripts, stylesheets and more), track has been written to have some knowledge about which files are required to display a page. These urls are internally flagged as requisites. By using the rule @follow +requisite, you are ensuring that all such urls are followed.

The requisite test is quite smart. It will only match the requisites of pages that are actually saved. Take for example the following:

$ track
    @follow +original-domain +requisite
    @save +path=*fiscal* +requisite

This would spider the whole site, but only save pages where the path contains the word fiscal.

Link conversion

By default, the local mirror will be modified so that all links are working: If a file is available locally, the url will be modified to refer to the local copy. Otherwise, the url will be modified so that it refers to the original copy using a full domain name.

It is possible to turn this behaviour off using the -no-link-conversion switch.

Update an existing mirror

Inside the mirror will be a hidden folder containing the data that track needs to update a mirror, including things like etags and last-modified dates which are used to avoid re-downloading content where possible.

To update a mirror, simple call track while with the correct directory:

$ track -O ./local-mirror

The mirror knows what arguments where used the last time, and will use them again for the update.

You can happily use the same directory for multiple different sites:

$ track -O ./local-mirror
$ track -O ./local-mirror

Note however that only the arguments of the last call are remembered. So in the above case, if you update the mirror with a simple track -O ./local-mirror, only is repeated.

By default, track only ever adds or changes files in the local mirror; it never deletes any existing pages. You can change this behaviour:

$ track -O ./local-mirror --enable-delete

Using this flag, all existing files that where not encountered and saved during this run will be deleted afterwards. This doesn't work well with dumping multiple sites into the same directory though, as described above.


The delete mode does not mean "delete pages that no longer exist online"; it means: "delete pages not encountered by the spider tis time". For example, imagine you have mirrored a site like this:

$ track @follow "+depth<=3"

Then, you update it with a modified follow rule:

$ track --enable-delete @follow "+depth<=2"

This means that all pages on depth level 3 will be removed.

Breaking tests

In addition to the + and - rules that you are already familiar with, you can also use ++ or --. Those mean: if the test matches, stop the rule evaluation right here, with the respective result.

For example:

$ track
    @follow ++original-domain

This would mirror all of Wikipedia. Only links that go to a different domain than pass the first test. Those that go to the English Wikionary will be allowed, but must also pass the last test, which ensures that they are not followed any further: Only the initial Wiktionary page will be mirrored.

The stop rule

In addition to @follow and @save, you can also define a @stop rule. This is rarely needed. If the rule matches a url, no links from that url will be followed.

The key is that it runs after @save, while @follow runs before.

Sites that require login


This is a work in progress.

HTTP Auth is not yet supported. Cookie-based auth can be done by simulating a POST request:

track -O local-mirror --cookies persist{user=foo,password=bar} @save -


If a url redirects to a different location, the redirect target needs to pass the @follow rule. That is in addition to the url that does the redirecting, which needs to pass at least those tests that run before the redirect is detected.

For example, a +original-domain test needs to pass both urls. A +size>100k test only needs to pass the target url: Clearly, it wouldn't make much sense to require the redirect itself to be large. The same thing is true for tests like content or content-type.

The local copy in the mirror will always be saved under a filename representing the target url.


If there is more than a single redirect in a chain, only the final url needs to pass the rules: For example, if you filter by domain, presumably you will not be bothered if a redirect takes a round trip through a different domain; its the final document that matters.

track also deals with a special case where a url is known to be a redirect, but is not saved to the local mirror, presumably because the @save rule did not match. If the url was using a permanent redirect with status code 301, links to that url will be replaced with a link to the target location instead.

Let's look at a example. Say a page has as a link like this:

Redirecting, using a 301 permanent redirect, to the real address:

If you have configured the spider to not follow urls to, the local mirror will still rewrite links to point directly to

In a different case, you might have a url like this:

using a temporary redirect to:

In this case, the local mirror will contain the link to the download.php file; the download generator will remain intact, rather than linking to the internal file.

Understanding the output

ol.p1 { padding: 10px; background-color: black; color: white; font: 14.0px 'Courier New'; list-style-type: none; counter-reset: sig-lines; margin-left: 0px; } ol.p1 li { position: relative; margin-bottom: 2px; } ol.p1 li.sig:before { content: counter(sig-lines); counter-increment: sig-lines; position: absolute; left: -35px; background-color: black; border-radius: 50%; padding: 5px; top: -2px; font-size: 12px; display: inline-block; width: 12px; height: 12px; text-align: center; } span.s1 {color: #33bd26} span.s2 {font: 14.0px Menlo; color: #33bd26} span.s3 {color: #2de71f} span.s4 {color: #afae24} span.s5 {color: #c33720} span.s6 {color: #edec15} span.f {white-space: pre-wrap;}
  1. $ track0 @follow +requisite +original-domain @save "+size<100k”
  2. +162/170 @+size<100k
  3. @+original-domain @+size<100k
  4. 304 @+original-domain
  5. -
  6. -
  7. -
  8. 404 [Not Found] @+original-domain
  9. +33/33 @+requisite @+size<100k
  10. @+original-domain
  11. +57/77 @+original-domain @+size<100k
  12. @+original-domain
  13. -
  14. + +240/280 @+original-domain
  15. [2059 queued, 43 files saved]
  1. The url was saved (⚑, bold text). It contains 170 links, 162 of which where added to the queue. The missing links were unsupported types like ftp urls, or often javascript: links. Since it was a starting url provided by the user, it did not need to pass any tests to be followed, and it was saved because it matched the size test (@+size<100k).
  2. This url was followed because it matched the +original-domain test, and it was saved because it matched the save rule (@+size<100k). The first test listed is the determinant @follow rule, the second one from the determinant @save rule. If you have not specified a @save rule, it will not be given.
  3. The 304 indicates that this file already exists in the local mirror, and the server informed us that it has not changed. It was not downloaded again.
  4. The following three urls were skipped (-), because no @follow rule matched. They were neither recognized as page requisites, nor are they on the same domain as the starting url.
  5. The url could not be downloaded. In this case, the server returned a 404 Not Found status.
  6. This is an example of a redirect (→). Both the redirect itself and the target url pass the @follow rule, and the file is saved.
  7. This is another redirect, except in this case, you can see that the second url has not been followed
  8. This url was followed (+). However, it did not pass the @save rules. The line is missing the save indicator (⚑, bold text), and is instead colored yellow. You can see that despite not being saved, it contains 240 links that will be followed.

Other recipes

Saving all images from a site

$ track
    --layout {url|md5|10}_{filename}
    @follow +original-domain
    @save +content-type=image/*

Grab the first page from any external site

$ track
    @follow +original-domain +domain-depth=0

This uses the domain-depth test, which is the depth since the spider arrived at the current domain. Therefore, the rule above would spider the original domain, but would also allow any urls that were just discovered pointing to a different domain.

Allowing a size range

This would be the standard way:

$ track
    @follow +size>10 -size>20

But just for fun, here are some other options:

+ -size<10 -size>20
- --size>20 +size>10


A web spider that makes sense (to me)






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