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This repository has been archived by the owner on Jul 22, 2021. It is now read-only.


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To Do

This is a simple Python 3 script that serves as a command line to-do list. It is custom built to my preferences and may change drastically over time.


  1. Install Python requirements pip install -r requirements.txt
  2. make an alias in your .bashrc: alias todo='/path/to/'


Adding Tasks

To add one or more tasks, use the todo add subcommand:

$ todo add "Do laundry"
Added task T1 - Do laundry

$ todo add "Do dishes" "Buy groceries"
Added task T2 - Do dishes
Added task T3 - Buy groceries

List Tasks

To list tasks, use the todo list command. Checked off tasks will have an X in the brackets.

$ todo list
- [ ] T1 - Do laundry
- [x] T2 - Do dishes
- [ ] T3 - Buy groceries

Complete Tasks

To check off a task, use the todo done command.

$ todo done T1
Checked off task T1 - Do laundry

$ todo done T2 T3
Checked off task T2 - Do dishes
Checked off task T3 - Buy groceries

# uncheck a task with -u/--uncheck
$ todo done -u T2
Unchecked task T2 - do dishes

Delete Tasks

$ todo delete T2
Are you sure you want to delete T2 - Do dishes? (y/n) y
Deleted task T2 - Do dishes

Edit Tasks

$ todo edit -c chores T1
Edited Tasks:
T1 - CHORES:do laundry

$ todo add foo
Added task T4 - foo
$ todo edit -n bar T4
Edited Tasks:
T4 - bar


Custom command-line to-do list







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