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The docker swarm for team 3's final project.

What is this repository for?

  • This project is a music recognition and recommendation service, runnable as a docker swarm.
  • Version 1.0

Public Web Link

A Docker swarm has been set up on Matt Nikkel's desktop, and the services should be available at a link given in the submission. If any issues arise, please send an email to

Docker Swarm Setup

The process to setup the docker swarm is tedious, so the folder setup-scripts contains helper scripts to automate sections of this setup. All setup scripts are intended to be run within the docker_container folder, e.g. $ ./setup-scripts/


  • OS: Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
  • Docker is installed
  • Strong network connection
  • VirtualBox is installed

Setup steps

Step 1 - Create Virtual Machines

Run $ ./setup-scripts/

  • Sets up 4 VMs: manager, worker1, worker2, worker3
  • Creates port forwarding rules to access web servers from localhost
    • Port 8080: web app (UI accessible at http://localhost:8080)
    • Port 8081: fingerprint service (UI accessible at http://localhost:8081/team2/ui)
    • Port 8082: suggestion service (UI accessible at http://localhost:8082/v1/ui)
    • Port 8083: storage service (UI accessible at http://localhost:8083/v1/ui)

Step 2 - Create Swarm

Run $ ./setup-scripts/

When shown, copy the displayed command and paste it into the command prompt

  • Initializes a swarm on the manager machine
  • Commands worker machines to join the swarm as workers

Step 3 - Label Machines

Run $ ./setup-scripts/

  • Applies labels to the worker nodes for placement of database containers

Step 4 - Build Images on VMs

Run $ ./setup-scripts/

  • Builds docker container images on each VM

Step 5 - Deploy Swarm for the First Time

Run $ ./setup-scripts/

  • Creates the external network (allows external setup containers to be attached to the network and easily removed)
  • Deploys swarm
  • Runs setup container to create replica sets
  • Starts up mongo shard router
  • Configures sharded database on shard router

Redeploy Swarm

If needed, run $ ./setup-scripts/ to redeploy the swarm.

This script performs the following actions:

  • Remove the stack from the swarm
  • Pull the git repo
  • Re-build container images on VMs
  • SRe-sart stack on swarm

NOTE: The shards, replica sets, and mongo shard router retain their configuration as long as the docker volumes are not removed in the redeploy process

Shallow Clean Machines

To "shallow clean" the VMs (by removing unused container images), run $ ./setup-script/

Deep Clean Machines

To "deep clean" the VMs (by removing all docker container images and removing all docker volumes) run $ ./setup-script/

Individual Portions

Web App

Build: $ docker build -t musica-webapp ./webapp

Run: $ docker run -p "80:80" musica-webapp

WARNING: This will NOT result in a usable website. The nginx server is configured to forward the following URIs:

  • /suggestion/artist={artist_name} => http://suggest-server:8080/v1/artist={artist_name}
  • /fingerprint => http://fingerprint-server:8080/team2/fingerprint

If any of the desination hosts cannot be reached, the web server will exit. Therefore, a standalone container will start and quickly exit.


Build test container: $ docker build -t selwd:v1 ./webapp_testing

Run tests: $ docker run --rm selwd:v1

Fingerprint Service

Build: $ docker build -t musica-fingerprint ./fingerprint

Run: $ docker run -p "8080:8080" musica-fingerprint

NOTE: Submitting a recorded audio file requires sending a Base-64 string of length over 100,000+ characters to the server; testing this independently of the web app is a pain, but still possible using the fingerprint testing repository code.


Found at

Due to the large strings used, tests are best implemented using python.

Suggestion Service

Build: $ docker build -t musica-suggest ./music_suggest

Run: $ docker run -p "8080:8080" musica-suggest

NOTE: This suggestion service relies on the storage service for cached data, so running a standalone contianer will add a fixed delay (equal to the timeout delay used when attempting to contact the storage service) to all requests.


Build test containers: $ docker-compose -f ./music_suggest/docker-compose.yaml build

Run tests: $ docker-compose -f ./music_suggest/docker-compose.yaml up

Storage Service

Build: $ docker build -t musica-storage-mongodb ./reco_storage/docker/reco-storage-mongodb && docker build -t musica-storage-setup ./reco_storage/docker/reco-storage-setup && docker build -t musica-storage-webserver ./reco_storage

Run: docker network create --attachable mainnet; docker-compose -f ./reco_storage/docker-swarm-large.yml up -d && sleep 15 && docker run --network=mainnet musica-storage-setup ./ && docker restart recostorage_reco-storage-router_1 && sleep 30 && docker run --network=mainnet musica-storage-setup ./

NOTE: Service will be accessible on port 8083.


Build test container: $ docker build -t reco-storage-test ./reco_storage/docker/reco-storage-test

Run tests: $ docker-compose -f ./reco_storage/docker-testing.yml up


The docker swarm for the final.






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  • CSS 36.1%
  • Python 26.5%
  • HTML 22.6%
  • JavaScript 11.5%
  • Shell 3.3%