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Integrating heterogeneous data sources to predict gene essentiality in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

Course project for CU Boulder CSCI 5622: Machine Learning with Dr. Jordan Boyd-Graber

Team members: Nicolas Metts, Matthew Pennington, Rani Schwindt and Carter Tillquist


An "essential" gene is one which, when absent/deleted, confers a lethal phenotype. We propose that gene essentiality can be predicted using a weighted combination of features. Here we use data sets with genes from Saccharomyces cerevisiae, a well characterized yeast species.

Seringhaus data set (data/cerevisiae_compiled_features.csv)

In 2006, Seringhaus et al used 14 biological features to train a classifier for predicting essential genes in S. cerevisiae and a related organism S. miktae. On 4,648 genes in S. cerevisiae, the classifier resulted in a precision TP/TP+FP = 0.69 and recall TP/TP+FN = 0.091. The classifier used was an average of 7 different classifiers, including logistic regression, Naive Bayes, and AdaBoost.

The data from this paper was provided by the lab here, however, it only includes a complete feature set for 3,500 genes.

Label = SGD_ess (1 = essential, 0 = nonessential)

Seringhaus features for 3,500 genes

Feature Description Raw data format
Mitochondria Does the protein localize to the mitochondria (predicted) Binary
Cytoplasm Does the protein localize to the cytoplasm (predicted) Binary
ER Does the protein localize to the ER (predicted) Binary
Nucleus Does the protein localize to the nucleus (predicted) Binary
Vacuole Does the protein localize to the vacuole (predicted) Binary
Other Does the protein localize somewhere else (predicted) Binary
CAI Codon adaptation index 0 to 1
Nc Effective number of codons Integer
GC GC content 0 to 1
L_aa Number of amino acids in protein (predicted) Integer
Gravy Hydrophobicity (positive) or hydrophilicity (negative) -inf to inf
DovEXPR Unknown 0 to inf
BLAST_hits_in_yeast Number of related genes in yeast (BLAST similarity) Integer
INTXN_partners Number of protein interaction partners Integer
Chromosome Which chromosome (yeast have 16) is the gene on Integer
Chr_position Where does the gene start relative to the whole chromosome 0 to 1
Intron Unknown Binary
CLOSE_STOP_RATIO % of codons one third-base away from stop codon 0 to 1
RARE_AA_RATIO % of rare amino acids in translated ORF 0 to 1
TM_HELIX Number of transmembrane helices (predicted) Integer
In_how_many_of_5_proks_BLAST Number of related genes in 5 prokaryotes (BLAST similarity) Integer
In_how_many_of_6_close_yeast_BLAST Number of related genes in 6 yeast species (BLAST similarity) Integer

Rani's data set in progress (data/07Nov15_all_genes_features.txt)

Compiling features for all 5,799 genes in S. cerevisiae. Label = Essential (1 = essential, 0 = nonessential). Note that the localization features in this data set are not predicted, but were experimentally determined.

Features for 5,799 genes

Feature Description Raw data format
Transcript length Length of the transcribe gene including UTRs Integer
Strand Whether gene is on the positive DNA strand (1) or negative (-1) 1 or -1
GC GC content 0 to 1
Enzyme Does the protein have enzymatic activity 0 to 1
SEG.low.complexity Predicted to have low-complexity regions 0 to 1
Transmembrane.domain Does the protein have a transmembrane domain 0 to 1
Signal.peptide Does the protein have a signal peptide 0 to 1
Coiled.coil Does the protein have a coiled coil 0 to 1
Nucleus Does the protein localize to the nucleus Binary
Mitochondria Does the protein localize to the mitochondria Binary
ER Does the protein localize to the ER Binary
Cytoplasm Does the protein localize to the cytoplasm Binary
Ribosome Does the protein localize to the ribosome Binary

TO DO: add Gene Ontology terms about protein and gene function


Course project for CU Boulder CSCI 5622: Machine Learning with Dr. Jordan Boyd-Graber






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