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Scrape and create a queriable inverted index. Please note that the conventions for robot exclusion have been respected. You can see line 87 of the crawler module.

Environment and Dependencies

I you have conda installed on you machine, simply type the following commands. Otherwise open the environment.yml and manual install the dependencies listed using pip.

conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate crawler


  1. Crawl and Scrape N pages from the concordia website

python N   #replace N with the number of documents you wish to scrape
  1. Index the documents:

  1. Query the index:


Break down of this project

There are three main modules in this project.

  1. Crawler/Scraper
  2. Indexer
  3. Querier

1. Crawler/Scraper

This module will crawl and find all the subpages associated with the domain name. It will sequentially scrape the pages, extracting the text contents from the body of the html. It will then store that information in cache/documents/ . For each docID, this module will create cache/documents/docID/text and cache/documents/docID/url text files. The former contains the extracted text and the latter contains the url of the webpage scraped to representing this document. By default the crawler will scrape 10 pages (which is no where nearly enough to create an index) to show the effect of running the module. You can then specify (as shown in the TLDR) a specific number of pages that you wish to scrape. Please note that everytime the crawler runs it deletes the cache/document (i.e. all documents) if it already exists. So If you do download a large chunk of documents please be careful of accidentally deleting them by running the crawler multiple times. In my case, I ran $ python 100000 but I interrupted the scraping after ~22 thousand documents. Note that rate of webpages scraped per minute will decrease over time. I had about 250-350 documents/minute at the very beginning but after 20, 000 documents I was only scraping ~ 4-10 documents/minute. I am not quite sure why this happens. My first intuition is that as more documents are crawled and the list of visited webpages grows, the crawler will encounter the same webpages over and over because it follows links recursively. You will not scrape the same document twice tho because the crawler will ensure that the current document has not already been scraped before downloading it.

2. Creating the Inverted Index

This module will create an inverted index of the following format: {term: [df, (docID, tf), (docID, tf), ... , (docID, tf)]}.

term is a unique term found in the documents

df stands for document frequencie: the number of document in which this term appears at least once.

(docID, tf) This is a pair of document ID and term frequency (the number of times that this term appears in said docID).

When you run the indexer it will prompt you as follows:

Do you wish to stem your index? [Y]es/[N]o:

It is strongly suggested that you stem your index. Stemming removes the suffix of words and only keeps their root. Stemming helps in acheiving a better recall which helps in retreiving a larger portion of the documents that are relevant to your queries. The first thing to note is that stemming will roughly increase the runtime of indexing by a factor of 8. This is not very problematic if you haven't scraped lots of documents. However, if you do scrape tens of thousands of documents this will be the difference between seconds and minutes of indexing. The second thing to note is that you need to remember whether your index was stemmed when querying later on. You could create a stemmed and unstemmed index and experiment with queries and comparing results with both indices. Just remember that running the indexer will create cache/inverted_index.txt. If the file already exists it will be overwritten. simply cp cache/invertex_index.txt cache/stemmed_index.txt and recreate your index without stemming. Then cp cache/inverted_index.txt cache/unstemmed_index.txt. When querying you will be able to specify an index file different from the default one.

Running Queries

When you run python, the script will generate multiple prompts to configure your query.

Which index file do you wish to query (press enter for default inverted_index.txt):

Here you can speficy the file or just press enter for the default one.

Is this a stemmed index? [Y]es/[N]o:

Then you make sure to indicate correctly if the file contains a stemmed index.

Specify which type of query you are making [1] TF-IDF [2] BM25:

These are two ways of ranking documents. To learn about information retrieval and NLP you can visit the Stanford NLP textbook (for free yay). To read specifically about these two ranking techniques feel free to check out the chapters relating to TF-IDF and BM25 to understand the differences between these two ranking schemes.

Please enter your query (keep in mind that casing is irrelevant):

And finally you can type your query.

The top 15 documents IDs and their ranking score will be displayed, as well as their URLs, so that you may visit the webpages to view your search results.


Scrape and create an queriable inverted index







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