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Eye-blinking counter-measures for the REPLAY-ATTACK database

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Eye-Blink Detector to Counter Spoofing Attacks

This package implements an eye-blink detector using a similar frame-differences technique as described at the paper Counter-Measures to Photo Attacks in Face Recognition: a public database and a baseline, by Anjos and Marcel, International Joint Conference on Biometrics, 2011.

If you use this package and/or its results, please cite the following publications:

  1. The original paper with the frame-differences and normalization technique explained in details:

      author = {Anjos, Andr{\'{e}} and Marcel, S{\'{e}}bastien},
      keywords = {Attack, Counter-Measures, Counter-Spoofing, Disguise, Dishonest Acts, Face Recognition, Face Verification, Forgery, Liveness Detection, Replay, Spoofing, Trick},
      month = oct,
      title = {Counter-Measures to Photo Attacks in Face Recognition: a public database and a baseline},
      journal = {International Joint Conference on Biometrics 2011},
      year = {2011},
      pdf = {}
  2. Bob as the core framework used to run the experiments:

        author = {A. Anjos AND L. El Shafey AND R. Wallace AND M. G\"unther AND C. McCool AND S. Marcel},
        title = {Bob: a free signal processing and machine learning toolbox for researchers},
        year = {2012},
        month = oct,
        booktitle = {20th ACM Conference on Multimedia Systems (ACMMM), Nara, Japan},
        publisher = {ACM Press},

If you wish to report problems or improvements concerning this code, please contact the authors of the above mentioned papers.

Raw data

This method was originally conceived to work with the the PRINT-ATTACK database, but has since evolved to work with the whole of the the REPLAY-ATTACK database, which is a super-set of the PRINT-ATTACK database. You are allowed to select protocols in each of the applications described in this manual.

The data used in these experiments is publicly available and should be downloaded and installed prior to try using the programs described in this package.


Annotations for this work were generated with the free-software package called flandmark <>. Please cite that work as well if you use the results of this package on your own publication.



If you are reading this page through our GitHub portal and not through PyPI, note the development tip of the package may not be stable or become unstable in a matter of moments.

Go to to download the latest stable version of this package.

There are 2 options you can follow to get this package installed and operational on your computer: you can use automatic installers like pip (or easy_install) or manually download, unpack and use zc.buildout to create a virtual work environment just for this package.

Using an automatic installer

Using pip is the easiest (shell commands are marked with a $ signal):

$ pip install antispoofing.eyeblink

You can also do the same with easy_install:

$ easy_install antispoofing.eyeblink

This will download and install this package plus any other required dependencies. It will also verify if the version of Bob you have installed is compatible.

This scheme works well with virtual environments by virtualenv or if you have root access to your machine. Otherwise, we recommend you use the next option.

Using zc.buildout

Download the latest version of this package from PyPI and unpack it in your working area. The installation of the toolkit itself uses buildout. You don't need to understand its inner workings to use this package. Here is a recipe to get you started:

$ python
$ ./bin/buildout

These 2 commands should download and install all non-installed dependencies and get you a fully operational test and development environment.


The python shell used in the first line of the previous command set determines the python interpreter that will be used for all scripts developed inside this package. Because this package makes use of Bob, you must make sure that the script is called with the same interpreter used to build Bob, or unexpected problems might occur.

If Bob is installed by the administrator of your system, it is safe to consider it uses the default python interpreter. In this case, the above 3 command lines should work as expected. If you have Bob installed somewhere else on a private directory, edit the file buildout.cfg before running ./bin/buildout. Find the section named external and edit the line egg-directories to point to the lib directory of the Bob installation you want to use. For example:

recipe = xbob.buildout:external

User Guide

It is assumed you have followed the installation instructions for the package and got this package installed and the REPLAY-ATTACK (or PRINT-ATTACK) database downloaded and uncompressed in a directory to which you have read access. Through this manual, we will call this directory /root/of/database. That would be the directory that contains the sub-directories train, test, devel and face-locations.

Note for Grid Users

At Idiap, we use the powerful Sun Grid Engine (SGE) to parallelize our job submissions as much as we can. At the Biometrics group, we have developed a little toolbox <> that can submit and manage jobs at the Idiap computing grid through SGE. If you are at Idiap, you can download and install this toolset by adding gridtk at the eggs section of your buildout.cfg file, if it is not already there. If you are not, you still may look inside for tips on automated parallelization of scripts.

The following sections will explain how to reproduce the paper results in single (non-gridified) jobs. A note will be given where relevant explaining how to parallalize the job submission using gridtk.


If you decide to run using the grid at Idiap, please note that our Lustre filesystem does not work well with SQLite. So, do not place the xbob.db.replay package inside that filesystem. You can and should save your results on /idiap/temp though.

Calculate Frame Differences

The eye-blink detector calculates normalized frame differences like our face versus background motion detector at the antispoofing.motion package, except it does it for the eye region and face remainer (the part of the face that does not contain the eye region). In the first stage of the processing, we compute the eye and face remainder regions normalized frame differences for each input video. To do this, just execute:

$ ./bin/ /root/of/database /root/of/annotations results/framediff

There are more options for the script you can use (such as the sub-protocol selection). Note that, by default, all applications are tunned to work with the whole of the replay attack database. Just type --help at the command line for instructions.

There is one parameter in special you may need tunning on the above script, which relates to the --maximum-displacement option. This option controls the percentage in eye-center movement in which the method still considers the current detection is valid, w.r.t. the previous frame. If the eye-center positions between the current and previous frame move more than the specified ratio of the eye-width, then the detection is considered invalid and is discarded.


To parallelize this job, do the following:

$ ./bin/jman submit --array=1300 ./bin/ /root/of/database /root/of/annotations results/framediff

The magic number of 1300 entries can be found by executing:

$ ./bin/ --grid-count

Which just prints the number of jobs it requires for the grid execution.

Creating Partial Score Files

To create the final score files, you will need to execute, which contains a simple strategy for producing a single score per input frame in every video. The final score is calculated from the input eye and face remainder frame differences in the following way:

S = ratio(eye/face_rem) - running_average(ratio(eye/face_rem))

The final score is set to S, unless any of the following conditions are met:

  S < running_std_deviation(ratio(...))

  eye == 0

  S < running_average(ratio(...))

In these cases S is replaced by the output of running_average(ratio(...)).

To compute the scores S for every frame in every input video, do the following:

$ ./bin/ --verbose results/framediff results/partial_scores

There are more options for the script you can use (such as the sub-protocol selection). Note that, by default, all applications are tunned to work with the whole of the replay attack database. Just type --help at the command line for instructions.

We don't provide a grid-ified version of this step because the job runs quite fast, even for the whole database.

Counting Eye-Blinks

The next step of the process is to use the partial scores for each video (a signal through time) to count the number of blinks perceived in every database element. You can use the script for that:

$ ./bin/ --verbose results/partial_scores results/blinks

The output files will have integer values as scores for each frame, with the number of blinks accounted up to that point in time. These files can be used as score output files for fusion processes.

Merging Scores

If you wish to create a single 5-column format file by combining this counter-measure scores for every video into a single file that can be fed to external analysis utilities such as our antispoofing.evaluation <> package, you should use the script The merged scores represent the number of eye-blinks computed for each video sequence. You will have to specify how many of the scores in every video you will want to consider and the input directory containing the scores files that will be merged (by default, the procedure considers only the first 220 frames, which is some sort of common denominator between real-access and attack video number of frames).

The output of the program consists of a single 5-column formatted file with the client identities and scores for every video in the input directory. A line in the output file corresponds to a video from the database.

You run this program on the output of So, it should look like this if you followed the previous example:

$ ./bin/ --verbose results/partial_scores results/blinks

The above commandline example will generate 3 text files on the results directory containing the training, development and test scores, accumulated over each video in the respective subsets. You can use other options to limit the number of outputs in each file such as the protocol or support to use.

There are two main options you may need to tweak on this program: --skip-frames and --threshold-ratio. The first one, --skip-frames, determines how many frames to skip between eye-blinks, to avoid multiple eye-blink detections on a single user blink (defaults to 10). The other parameter defines how many standard-deviations from the running mean, a given signal peak should be considered as originating from an eye-blink. It is set by default to 3.0.

Creating Movies

You can create animated movies showing the detector operation using the script. This script will combine all the above steps in the detection process and will generate a movie file showing the original input movie that is being analyzed, facial landmarks, the light normalization result and the resulting score evolution, together with instantaneous eye-blink thresholds. You can use it to debug the eye-blinking detector and better tune the parameters for batch processing. The script takes the full path to a movie file in the REPLAY-ATTACK database and an output movie filename:

$ ./bin/ database/train/attack/hand/ test.avi

You can use many of the tweaking options defined in the batch processing scripts to fine tune the output behavior. Use --help to find-out more information about this program.


In case of problems, please contact any of the authors of the paper.


Eye-blinking counter-measures for the REPLAY-ATTACK database






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