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Group Assignment for CI6226 Information Retrieval and Analysis

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This is a basic search engine for the dblp computer science bibliography with applications in Information Retrieval. It is built on top of PyLucene, a python extension of the highly-popular full-text search engine Lucene.


The project runs on Python 2.7.

The search engine has the following Python dependencies:

To run the applications, more packages are required:

  • nltk (run and install all packages)
  • numpy
  • scikit-learn
  • lda

If not specified otherwise, pip can be used to install the packages, i.e. use pip install <package>.

To set up the project, download the xml and dtd files of the dblp dataset into the data/ folder. You may also want to have a look into the config.json file, where some parameters can be set (e.g. the maximum number of results that are returned from the search).


Make sure you execute all commands from within the program directory: cd info-retrieval. As a first step, you should run python to parse the DBLP dataset and construct a Lucene index from it. The output should look similar to this:

100000 documents processed...
200000 documents processed...
3200000 documents processed...
Finished indexing. 3205115 documents indexed in total.

Search Engine

You can use one of the following ways to interact with the search engine:

  • local web UI: run python to start a local server. Open in your browser and start searching!
  • CLI: run python and follow the instructions.


The easiest way to use the applications is to run python and follow the instructions. If you want to call the functions directly (e.g. to build a UI on top), follow the steps below.

Finding popular topics

By sending a query (i.e. a year), the application can retrieve all titles from the paper published in that year and find the most popular topics.

from popular_topics import PopularTopics

# create an analyzer before using this application.
pt = PopularTopics(index_dir, analyzer)
results = pt.get_popular_topics(query_year, top_k)

Finding similar publication venues and years

We use LDA to find the most similar publication venues and years. If this is the first time you run this code, then you need to build an LDA model using:

from similar_venue_year import SimilarVenueYear
svy = SimilarVenueYear()
svy.lda_modeling(context, n_topics=10, n_iter=100)

You may want to store the model so the next time you can just load the model from files, instead of running LDA again.

svy.write_to_file(path) # default: ./temp

Query for the top-k similar publication venues and years:

results = svy.query_venue_year(venue='SIGIR', year='2015', top_k=10)


Search Engine

Let's use the command-line interface (python to search for the phrase "query optimization":

Standard search. Type ':q' to quit.
Query: "query optimization"

However, we also want to restrict the results to publications from 2000. This is where the advanced search comes into play:

Use advanced search? (y/n): y
Advanced search. Hit enter with no input to skip field.
Year: 2000

This yields the following result:

Execute search.
Searching for: "query optimization"
Searching for (advanced):  {'venue': '', 'authors': '', 'year': '2000', 'title': ''}
Detected phrases:  ['query optimization']
Lucene query: +(+(content:query content:optimization content:"query optimization"^5.0)) +year:2000
1257 results found (0.20s)
Showing only top 10

Result list:
1) conf/edbt/Josinski00 (relevance: 3.58)
Dynamic Query Optimization and Query Processing in Multidatabase Systems
Henryk Josinski
EDBT PhD Workshop - 2000
2) journals/is/PlodzienK00 (relevance: 3.51)
Object Query Optimization through Detecting Independent Subqueries
Jacek Plodzien, Anna Kraken
Inf. Syst. - 2000
3) journals/dr/Sellis00c (relevance: 3.51)
Review - Query Optimization by Simulated Annealing
Timos K. Sellis
ACM SIGMOD Digital Review - 2000
4) journals/dr/Srivastava00a (relevance: 3.51)
Review - Query Optimization by Predicate Move-Around
Divesh Srivastava
ACM SIGMOD Digital Review - 2000
5) journals/dr/Wu00 (relevance: 3.51)
Review - Query Optimization for XML
Yuqing Melanie Wu
ACM SIGMOD Digital Review - 2000
6) conf/sac/HaratyF00 (relevance: 3.51)
Distributed Query Optimization Using PERF Joins
Ramzi A. Haraty, Roula C. Fany
SAC (1) - 2000
7) conf/cata/HaratyF00 (relevance: 3.51)
A PERF solution for distributed query optimization
Ramzi A. Haraty, Roula C. Fany
Computers and Their Applications - 2000
8) conf/edbt/Wang00 (relevance: 3.51)
Cost-Based Object Query Optimization
Quan Wang
EDBT PhD Workshop - 2000
9) conf/sbbd/AndradeS00 (relevance: 3.51)
Query Optimization in KESS - An Ontology-Based KBMS
Henrique Andrade, Joel H. Saltz
SBBD - 2000
10) conf/iceis/OommenR00 (relevance: 3.51)
An Empirical Comparison of Histogram-Like Techniques for Query Optimization
B. John Oommen, Luis Rueda
ICEIS - 2000

Looks not too bad, right? However, you may have noticed that some of the outputs are rather verbose from an end-user perspective (e.g. the internal Lucene query). This is because the command-line interface is meant to be used for debugging purposes. For example, the output shows that the search has found a total of 1257 hits, which seems to be quite a lot. By looking at the internal Lucene query, we can conclude that this is because we also accept results that contain either the term query or optimization. This considerably increases recall at the cost of some more false positives. If that is not desired, we could go back to the source code and adapt this aspect to our needs.

In reality, an end user would prefer to use the web UI, which is mostly self-explanatory (advanced query input not shown): Search results for query "query optimization" year:2000


Finding popular

Running python shows the following dialogue, where we can enter our search query: 2015.

Search for most popular topics in a given year. Press enter with no input to continue.
Year: 2015

As a result, we get the top 10 most popular topics with the number of occurences in the paper titles shown in parentheses:

1) case study (1294)
2) wireless sensor networks (978)
3) performance analysis (525)
4) special issue (455)
5) performance evaluation (397)
6) cognitive radio networks (350)
7) comparative study (344)
8) empirical study (315)
9) neural network (313)
10) genetic algorithm (303)

Finding similar publication venues and year

Similarly, we can search for the most similar publication venues and years. Since we are using Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA), we first have to learn the model (Hint: If you get a memory error, try to reduce the number of topics). The output should look similar to this:

Search for most similar publication venues and years. This requires to first run LDA (may take some minutes).
Do you want to continue? (y/n): y
Running LDA...
INFO:lda:n_documents: 52113
INFO:lda:vocab_size: 41704
INFO:lda:n_words: 22698646
INFO:lda:n_topics: 10
INFO:lda:n_iter: 100
INFO:lda:<0> log likelihood: -239102931
INFO:lda:<10> log likelihood: -200741256
INFO:lda:<99> log likelihood: -186544533

Finished LDA.

Afterwards, we can send our query, for example ICML 2008:

Search for most similar publication venues and years. Press enter with no input to continue.
Venue: ICML
Year: 2008

1) NIPS 2013 (0.9962)
2) NIPS 2014 (0.9961)
3) ICML 2013 (0.9956)
4) ICML 2006 (0.9954)
5) NIPS 2007 (0.9953)
6) NIPS 2010 (0.9953)
7) AISTATS 2012 (0.9946)
8) Journal of Machine Learning Research 2010 (0.9945)
9) ICML 2007 (0.9944)
10) ICML 2011 (0.9943)

which will output the top-10 most similar publication venues and years (except itself), with the topic similarity scores shown in parentheses.


Group Assignment for CI6226 Information Retrieval and Analysis






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