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This repository has been archived by the owner on Jul 13, 2021. It is now read-only.


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This project runs a django web server that responds to a single request:

GET /smallest/[start]/[stop]/

Where start and stop are 2 integers

It then returns that smallest positive integer that is divisible by all integers starting at [start] and stopping at [stop].

For example GET /smallest/3/5/ will return 60 since its the smalles number divisible by 3, 4 and 5


Clone the project with:

git clone

All subsequent commands will be run from the project root directory:

cd west-assignment

In a development environment the project needs some dependencies installed. Install them with pipenv:

pipenv install

Running the project


In production the project can be deployed with docker-compose

If you have changed dependencies through pipenv, update the requirements.txt before deploying with:

pipenv lock --requirements > requirements.txt

Now deploy with docker-compose:

docker-compose up --build

The API can now be reached at the default web port with http://localhost/smallest/1/25/


The project can be run for development with:

pipenv run python src/ runserver

This enables hot reload, debug and other django development features.

The API can now be reached at port 8000 with http://localhost:8000/smallest/1/25/

Running tests

Running most tests can be done with:

pipenv run python -m unittest

Slow running tests can be run by setting the environment variable $SLOW with:

SLOW=1 pipenv run python -m unittest (These take about 30 seconds on my laptop.)

Relevant files

Most of the interesting engineering is limited to the following files:

  • src/assignment/
  • test/assignment/
  • Dockerfile
  • docker-compose.yml

Other notes

  • Pipenv can be skipped by installing from requirements.txt
  • A Makefile is available with easy shortcuts to all the commands mentioned in this file.
  • A .projections file is available that maps src files to test files.


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