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A distributed library created from your friends' bookshelves

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A distributed community library

One-time setup

Have Python 3 and pip3 (or whatever will install dependencies for your Python 3 installation).

Install virtualenv using pip3:

pip3 install virtualenv

Then navigate to the repo and set up your virtual environment using virtualenv:

virtualenv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate # if using a Windows Command Line, run '.venv\Scripts\activate' instead

Verify that the virtual environment is active by checking that (.venv) is prepended to your bash prompt.

Now, install requirements:

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

One-time setup for database

Install Postgres 10. Once it's installed, run psql. (On Windows, you will first need to add C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\10\scripts to your path, and then run the command runpsql). You will be prompted to enter a server, database, port and username. Use the defaults provided by the prompts. Then run:

create database library_dev;
create user library with superuser password 'godrics';

Verify that your database name ("library_dev"), username ("library"), and password ("godrics") match that specified in SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI in

Now, navigate to the repo and set up the tables:

python db migrate # creates migration scripts for tables in
python db ugrade # runs migration scripts

Every time you enter the directory

Run venv to create the virtual environment.

source .venv/bin/activate # if using a Windows Command Line, run .venv/Scripts/activate instead

Verify that the above command ran successfully by checking that (.venv) is prepended to your bash prompt.

When exiting the directory, run this command to exit the virtual environment:


To run the app locally

heroku local

Or, run through python:


You can then connect at localhost:5000.

To run the tests

TODO: run dev env database setup before these will pass

python3 -m unittest

To deploy

First, make sure that you have the heroku app added as a git remote:

heroku git:remote -a l-space

Once it is set up, use the following command to push commits to heroku:

git push heroku master

To manage the production db

After committing all new migrations, run them on production:

heroku run python db upgrade

To connect to and query the production database, run:

heroku pg:psql

For either of the above commands, if you get the error You do not have access to the app project., specify the project name (l-space) using the -a flag.

Note that there are alembic upgrade scripts in migrations/versions that applied these upgrades.

View error logs

heroku logs


A distributed library created from your friends' bookshelves






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