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Usage information:

compute_ctensor --help

Example (for Maxwellian molecules):

compute_ctensor -r80 -a100 -i130 -K 60

This computes the tensor entries with 80 Gauss points in radial, 100 quad points in angular direction and use 130 points to evaluate the inner integral (trapezoidal rule). The output will be written to collision_tensor.h5. For portability reasons the tensor is stored in sparse COO format.

The tensor assembly is parallelized via OpenMP. Set the environment variable OMP_NUM_THREADS to the desired value.

Variable hard spheres (VHS) model: Use the compute_ctensor_vhs executable, see --help for options.

A complete example of how to run the code can be found after installation in ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/example/inhomogeneous. The bash-script contains the complete procedure.

Have a look at timestep_hom --help.


timestep_hom --ct=/path/to/collision_tensor.h5 -i init.h5 -n 200 --dt=0.001

This makes 200 time-steps using RK4 with step size 0.001. By default it looks for the coefficients in the dataset coeffs in the file specified with -i. The -a flag disables high frequency components in angular direction, when the corresponding coefficients are below a certain threshold, recommended for radially symmetric solutions.

Coefficients of the initial distribution may be generated with the help of the Python scripts. An example can be found in example/homogeneous. The file can be used as a template.

Ouput: timestep_hom writes the solution coefficients for each time-step in a file called coefficients.h5. This file can be used to visualize the data:

import h5py
from numpy import *
from matplotlib.pyplot import *
from pyboltz.basis import get_basis, KSBasis
basis = get_basis() # loads basis from spectral_basis.desc
x = linspace(-3,3, 100)
X,Y = meshgrid(x,x)
# evaluation points as complex numbers
z = X+1j*Y
with h5py.File('coefficients.h5', 'r') as fh5:
    for i in range(nsteps):
        C = array(fh5['data/%d' % i])
        # evaluate solution at z
        F = basis.evaluatez(C, z)

The C++ classes related to the homogeneous Boltzmann equation are completely exposed to Python (via Boost.Python). This includes the basis transformations (Polar-Laguerre, Hermite, nodal basis), the collision operator and the quadrature rules.

Yaml Configuration

The config file must be called yaml.config and reside in the same directory where the executable is run.

Example config:

Linear Solvers:
# Definitions
- &gmres
  type: gmres
  maxiter: 1000
  tol: 1e-8
  restart: 30
  log result: true
  log history: false

  Boundary Conditions:
 # Definitions
 - &inflow1
   type: inflow
   func: zero

 - &inflow2
   type: inflow
   # inflow function type
   func: maxwellian
   # temperature
   T: 1.2
   # inflow velocity
   v: [2, 0]
   # inflow density
   rho: 1.0

 - &diffusive_reflection1
   type: diffusive reflection
   # temperature
   T: 2
   # tangential velocity
   vt: 1

 - &diffusive_reflection_x_dependent
   type: diffusive reflection x
   # function Tx(x,y)
   Tx: "1-0.5*cos(2*pi*x)"
   vt: 0.03

   type: extern
   file: gmsh.msh

   deg: 20

   # map gmsh ids to boundary conditions
   {0: *inflow1, 1: *inflow2, 2: *diffusive_reflection1}

   file: collision_tensor.h5
   # Knudsen number
   kn: 1.0

   # delta t
   dt: 1e-3
   # total number of time-steps
   N: 1000
   # write solution vector to disk every n-th time-step
   dump: 10
   # export paraview files every n-th time-step
   export_vtk: 5

 Solver: *gmres
 Preconditioner: ilu

Boundary conditions

Currently implemented boundary conditions are:

  • Inflow:
type: inflow
func: zero

# or

type: inflow
func: maxwellian
# Temperature
T: 1
# velocity
v: [3, 0]
# density
rho: 1.4
  • Specular reflection:
type: specular reflection
  • Diffusive reflection,

    type: diffusive reflection
    v: [1, 0]

    If v is not specified, v=0 is assumed. Alternatively, the tangential velocity vt can be defined.

    type: diffusive reflection
    vt: 1 # tangential velocity

There is a CMake script.

Currently, the following versions are known to work.

  • Deal.II >= 8.5.1
  • Trilinos >= 12.12.1
  • HDF5 C library with MPI >= 1.8.12.
  • Boost >= 1.63.0 (required: numpy support in Boost.Python)
  • Python >= 3.6
  • Eigen >= 3.3.1
  • Cmake >= 2.8
  • MPFR >= 3.1.2
  • METIS >= 5.1
  • yaml-cpp >= 0.6.1
  • HDF5 python (h5py):
  • recent gcc compiler

If the above mentioned libraries reside in custom locations the paths must be passed to cmake using -DPACKAGENAME_DIR, see ccmake ..


Tested with Trilinos 12.12.1, earlier versions should work as well.


cmake .. \
    -DTrilinos_ENABLE_NOX:BOOL=OFF \
    -DTrilinos_ENABLE_OpenMP:BOOL=ON \
    -DTrilinos_ENABLE_CXX11:BOOL=ON \
    -DEpetraExt_USING_HDF5=ON \

EpetraExt_USING_HDF5 and must be set to ON.


Versions 8.5 and 8.4 should work.


cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \
    -DTRILINOS_DIR=/usr \
    -DHDF5_DIR=/path/tohdf5 \


Application code in applications/modified_least_squares uses yaml config files. Sources can be found here: Environment variable YAMLCPP_DIR must point to the install directory.

Optional: some post processing python scripts use pyyaml (


Make sure that Boost is built with Python 3 and numpy support.


Simulation results are exported to the HDF5/xdmf format, which is compatible with Paraview.


git clone
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/path/to/installdir ../code

Note that the build directory should reside outside the source directory.

make install will install binaries to ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/bin. Python modules will be installed to ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/lib/python3.6/site-packages. In order to use the Python scripts for pre- and postprocessing the environment variable PYTHONPATH should be set accordingly.

In case that some of the dependencies are installed in non standard paths, one has to set environment variables pointing to the correct locations (e.g. METIS_DIR, Trilinos_DIR, etc...). The name of these variables can be found in the files FindPackage.cmake under cmake-Modules, or by calling ccmake . in the build directory.