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A set of fabric scripts to setup a cluster for LEADS project (research project, funded by EU).

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LEADS cluster


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The project goal is to provide an easy way to setup a cluster for FP7 EU LEADS project (

This project is based on: A project created and maintained by Pierre Sutra.

Main git repo is


Structure: The name of a scenario and the corresponding version of the leads-cluster:

  • leads-cluster setup (1.0.0)

    N-node cluster in one Cloud&Heat cloud

      ----        ----
     | L1 |  <-> | L2 |
      ----        ----
    |    deployment    |
    |         A        |
  • Hadoop (1.1.0)

    Install Hadoop

  • Nutch (1.2.0)

    Install Nutch

  • Infinispan setup (2.0.0)

    Cross deployment (microclouds) deployment

      ----        ----                  ----        ----
     | L1 |  <-> | L2 |    <-------->  | L3 |  <-> | L4 |
      ----        ----                  ----        ----
     ------------------                ------------------
    |    deployment    |              |    deployment    |
    |         A        |              |         B        |
     ------------------                ------------------
  • Move to coreos + docker (3.0.0)

How to use it

Makefile is the entry point for this project.


[ Create VMs, tagged ] -> [ Create Security Group if missing ] ->  [start machines]

  -> [install LEADS from container] -> [configure] -> [start services]


Please use virutalenv and virtualenvwrapper to manage your python libraries.

  1. Init the virutalenv
make init_virtualenv
workon leads-cluster

You need to enable virtualenv to run all tasks described below.

  1. Create cluster

This task will create nodes only if nodes do not exist. It is idempotent.

# you need to load your openrc
source openrc

# specify number of nodes:

# you need to specify ssh-pair that you want to use
# to setup LEADS nodes through ssh
export LEADS_CLUSTER_PRIMARY_SSH_KEY=ssh-pair-name

# list of secondary ssh-key that are injected to the node
# thought clout-init script
export LEADS_CLUSTER_ADD_SSH_KEYS="ssh-rsa AAA...,ssh-rsa AAA..."
make cluster_create

Optional options through environment variables:

  • LEADS_CLUSTER_NAME, default value: leads_m24_cluster

This task also generates the following files:

  • cluster_hosts - host names of nodes in the cluster

  • cluster_private_ips - private ips of nodes in the cluster

  • cluster_ssh_config - ssh config, so you can easily to connect to them with ssh:

    ssh leads_m24_cluster_node_0 -F cluster_ssh_config
  1. Install infinispan

This script requires cluster_hosts, cluster_private_ips, and cluster_ssh_config. So, you need to run the previous step.

make cluster_install_infinispan
  1. Start infinispan

In parallel, the infinispan service is stopped on all the cluster nodes

make cluster_start_infinispan

You can check whether it works with:

  1. Stop infinispan

In parallel, the infinispan service is started on all the cluster nodes

make cluster_stop_infinispan
  1. Install hadoop

In the current version, hadoop is installed on the same nodes as infinispan. We distringuish: master (running: namenode, datanode, resource manager, node manager) and slave (node manager).

In the next versions, we will move it to separate nodes. We also introduce a separate resource manager.

# you can specify which node should be the hadoop master
# default is 0

# you can specif which nodes are slaves
# default is 1

make cluster_install_hadoop
  1. Start hadoop
make cluster_start_hadoop
  1. Stop hadoop
make cluster_stop_hadoop

Providing software artifacts

We share all the binaries with swift container (see helpers)

          | swift container  |
      --> |                  | -
     /     ------------------    \
     |                           |
     |                           |
   upload                        |
     |                          \/
 -------------              fabric deploy
|   compile   |
|   & build   |
| workstation |
|             |


  1. Deploying new infinispan archive

The infinispan, that we installed, is download from an URL (currently hard-coded in Below, you will find instruction how to deploy new version of infinispan to swift container and generate a URL to access it during installation.

  1. Upload infinispan-server-7.0.1-SNAPSHOT.tgz to infinispan container.

    # openrc of the microcloud with the *infinispan* container (see Makefile for the default)
    source openrc
    swift upload infinispan infinispan-server-7.0.1-SNAPSHOT.tgz

    You can also use a tool with nice UI, such as: cyberduck.

  2. Generate temp-url to access infinispan-server-7.0.1-SNAPSHOT.tgz without password (so called temp-url)

export OS_USERNAME=...
export OS_PASSWORD=...

# select the current the temp-key
export MY_SECRET_KEY=$(swift stat | grep Temp-Url | cut -d":" -f2 | tr -d ' ')
# or generate new one
export MY_SECRET_KEY=$(openssl rand -hex 32)

make swift_repo_get_temp_url_infinispan_package SWIFT_TEMPURL_KEY=${MY_SECRET_KEY}
  1. Modify infinispan_package_url in

  1. Importing new ssh_keys to the running nodes
make deploy_additional_keys

Weapon of choice

  • fabric - most familiar to project partners
  • cloud-init scripts / docker to create software artifacts early in the process



  • create instances of Infinispan/nutch/... and tag them with specific metadata
  • opening ports (security groups)
  • configuring Infinispan (overwriting), spawning manually new instances, connecting them (?)
  • the cluster nodes should discover other nodes



A set of fabric scripts to setup a cluster for LEADS project (research project, funded by EU).






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