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quichem (pronounced [kwi-kehm]) is a utility written in pure Python
allowing for fast input and parsing of chemical formulae and equations.
Entering data does not require any modifier keys or keystrokes to be pressed.
quichem also now has a LaTeX package which will dynamically take

quichem input in the LaTeX source and typeset it in the final document.

quichem is distributed under the GNU LGPL v3.0. The quichem LaTeX
package (comprised of quichem.dtx and quichem.ins) is distributed

under the LPPL v1.3 or newer.

Quick Links
+ Looking for the Windows application? Download it from quichem's

releases section.

+ Don't know where to get started? Have a look at the

user guide.

+ Want to use quichem as a LaTeX package? Have a look at its

README and documentation.


========================= ======================================================================================
Input reStructuredText Output
========================= ======================================================================================
o2aq O2(aq)
li= Li+
'nh4'2s (NH4)2S
b'nh4'3'p.o4'2 B(NH4)3(PO4)2
2cl-aq=2ag=aq-2agcl;s 2 Cl(aq) + 2 Ag+(aq) ⟶ 2 AgCl(s)

For more examples and a detailed description, see SYNTAX.rst.

Current Output Format Support

  • plain text
  • plain text (ASCII only)
  • reStructuredText
  • HTML
  • LaTeX
  • LaTeX for the mchem package
  • Microsoft Word (with quichem-pyside, the Qt GUI front-end)
  • PNG image (with quichem-pyside, the Qt GUI front-end)



  • Python >= 3.2
  • modgrammar >= 0.10
  • PySide (optional; for Qt GUI front-end)
  • cx_Freeze (optional; for building PySide GUI front-end)
  • wxPython [Phoenix only] (optional; for wxWidgets GUI front-end)
  • MathJax (optional; if not using MathJax included with quichem in web.tar/quichem/gui/

Python 2.7 Support

Efforts have been taken to retain compatibility with Python 2.7. However, modgrammar-py2 is at version 0.9.2, and therefore quichem will only regain support for Python 2.7 once modgrammar-py2 has been updated to match the modgrammar 0.10 API.

Customized MathJax Inclusion

quichem uses MathJax to render chemical equations and formulae. The included MathJax has had many of its resources removed to reduce its size. It is stored in web.tar. The PySide GUI frontend uses Qt's resource system to store MathJax inside a Python file (quichem/gui/ The included MathJax can be replaced with another version if desired. The MathJax files necessary for quichem to operate are listed in the Qt resource file web.qrc.


Windows binaries for the PySide quichem front-end can be downloaded from the releases section. The binaries are created with cx_Freeze, so Python does not have to be installed for them to run.

There are currently no pre-built binaries for the wxPython front-end.

quichem binaries are no longer being hosted at SourceForge.

Installing as a Python Package

To install quichem as a Python package, locate to the quichem directory and run:

$ python install

quichem should now be importable.

Package Size

If GUI front-ends are not needed, the package size can be reduced by removing the gui directory from the quichem/ directory. web.tar, located in the root of the package, is only needed for the wxPython GUI and can be removed after it is extracted or if only the PySide GUI is to be used.

Running GUI from Source

Locate to the quichem directory and run:

$ python -m quichem.gui.pyside

for the PySide front-end, or:

$ python -m quichem.gui.wxpython

for the wxPython front-end1.

This will create a small Qt or wxWidgets window demonstrating how the various output formats render your input.

Building from Source

PySide Front-end

Locate to the build/cx_Freeze-pyside/ subdirectory of the quichem directory. Run:

$ python build

The Windows binary will be located in build/.


quichem-pyside running on Windows 7.

quichem-pyside running on Windows 7.


Below are some features which may be implemented in quichem in the future.

  • full wxPython clipboard support
  • Windows binaries for wxPython front-end
  • multiple files for installing the quichem front-ends as separate packages (using namespace packages)
  • isotopes (through indication of atomic mass)
  • plain text in equations, such as "energy"
  • subatomic particles
  • OpenOffice/LibreOffice math output format
  • different notation standards (e.g. IUPAC, ACS, etc.)
  • automatic parsing and compiling of quichem markup in supported text documents (HTML, reStructuredText)
  • a PyGTK front-end & Win32 GUI front-end

  1. Because wxWidgets does not have a resource subsystem like Qt, external web files are needed for the wxPython front-end to operate. Extract web.tar located in the quichem directory into a folder named web/ in the working directory before using the wxPython front-end.


Parser and utilities for extremely fast input of chemical formulae and equations.







No packages published
