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A Novation Launchpad Macro Scripting System

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LPHK (LaunchPad HotKey)

A Novation Launchpad macro scripting system.

First Look

Scheduling System

DOOM on a Launchpad

First Look GUI

What does it do?

The goal of this project is to implement a macro scripting system for the Novation Launchpad, in order to use the launchpad as a scriptable, general purpose macro keyboard.

It uses "LPHKscript", a very simple scripting language similar to DuckyScript, and has a GUI to enter scripts, set colors, and to save/load your setup.

I have specifically chosen to do my best to develop this using as many cross platform libraries as possible, with a hard requirement that Linux and Windows be supported, and a strong preference for Mac as well. The GUI is driven by TK, which works on all of the above plus Unix. The interface with the launchpad and several script functions are built on pygame, which is compatable with basically everything ever. Pretty much everything else is standard Python 3.

Why would you do that?

Because it could be immensely useful for a wide variety of tasks, such as:

  • Gaming, to bind:
    • Items
    • Volume
    • Attacks
    • Typed commands
    • Reference Website launcher
    • Window switcher
  • Editing, to bind:
    • Cuts/insertions
    • Modes
    • Effects
    • Render
    • Preview
    • Scrubbing
  • Programming, to bind:
    • Commenting code
    • Autotyping function/loop templates
    • Compiling/excuting
    • Breakpoints
    • Debugger
  • ... and many more!

Does it work yet?

Yes! It does not have all the features I want just yet, and still has bugs, but it works! You can use the GUI to load/save layouts and edit button scripts/colors. It's not nearly as polished as I want yet, but it is functional!

This is still WIP and still a beta version. See below for a todo list. I have a life (a crazy one at that), so no promises on a delivery date. Feel free to offer your help!

How do I use it?

Plug your Launchpad MkII (for now, Pro and others are coming) in, then run with Python 3, either through IDLE or "python3".

Click Launchpad > Connect to Launchpad MkII.... If the connection is successful, the grid will appear, and the status bar at the bottom will turn green.

Click on a button to open the Script Edit window for that button. All scripts are saved in the .LPHKlayout files, but the editor also has the ability to import/export single .LPHKscript files. For examples, you can click Import Script and look through the user_scripts/examples/ folder. Select the button color and brightness, then click Bind Button (x, y). If there are syntax errors, this is when they will be caught, and you will be informed without the editor closing.

Go to Layout > Save layout as... to save your current layout for future use, colors and all.

Go to Layout > Load layout... to load an existing layout. Examples are in user_layouts/examples/.

The whole GUI is still rough around the edges, so don't be too supprised if something breaks. If it does, kindly open a detailed issue on GitHub so I can fix the error. :) And don't feel shy making feature requests, either!

What is LPHKscript?

LPHKscript is a simple macro scripting language tailor made for LPHK. Syntax is closer to a shell/batch script than, say, JavaScript.

Only one script runs at a time, and there is a sceduling system for them. If a script is scheduled, it's button will pulse red. If the script is running, the button will flash red quickly. When you press a script button, if there is a script running, it adds the script to the queue. If no scripts are running, the script is added to the queue and the queue execution is started. Tapping a scheduled script's button will unschedule it, and tapping a running scripts button will kill it. If that sounds confusing, load up user_layouts/examples/all_delays_all_day.LPHKlayout and press a bunch of buttons.

There is one exception to the scheculing system. If the first line of a script is @ASYNC, the script will run in the background and will not interact with the other scripts. It can still be prematurely killed by tapping the button. If this is used, it must be on the very first line.

Any line that starts with a dash - will be considered a comment, and will be ignored by the syntax validator/script parser. If @ASYNC is used, a comment cannot come before the @ASYNC command, as that must be on the first line, always.

Commands follow the format: COMMAND arg1 arg2 .... Scripts are just a text file with newlines seperating commands.

The current command list is as follows:

  • STRING - types (argument 1)
  • DELAY - delays the script for (argument 1) seconds
  • TAP - taps the normal character (argument 1), if (argument 2) supplied, delay (argument 2) seconds before releasing
  • PRESS - presses normal character (argument 1)
  • RELEASE - releases the normal character (argument 1)
  • SOUND - play a sound named (argument 1) inside the user_sounds/ folder, .wav and .ogg only, if (argument 2) supplied, set volume to (argument 2), 0-100
  • SP_TAP - taps the special character (argument 1), if (argument 2) supplied, delay (argument 2) seconds before releasing
  • SP_PRESS - presses the special character (argument 1)
  • SP_RELEASE - releases the spacial character (argument 1)
  • WAIT_UNPRESSED - waits until the button it's bound too is unpressed (no arguments)
  • WEB - open website (argument 1) in default browser
  • WEB_NEW - open website (argument 1) in default browser, try new window

For all commands, the arguments cannot contain the following strings, as they are reserved for the LPHKlayout file format:


For the SP_ functions, the following values are allowed:

  • alt
  • alt_gr
  • alt_r
  • backspace
  • bright_down
  • bright_up
  • caps_lock
  • cmd
  • cmd_r
  • crtl
  • ctrl_r
  • delete
  • down
  • end
  • enter
  • esc
  • f1 - f20
  • home
  • insert
  • left
  • menu
  • mute
  • next_track
  • num_lock
  • page_down
  • page_up
  • pause
  • play_pause
  • prev_track
  • print_screen
  • right
  • scroll_lock
  • shift
  • shift_r
  • space
  • tab
  • up
  • vol_down
  • vol_up

What still needs to be written?

  • MkII specific interface
  • Support for all launchpads
  • Events system
  • Colors system
  • LPScript base iteration
  • Keyboard lib base
  • Proof of concept demo
  • Saving/Loading
  • Sound functionality
  • Basic GUI
  • Save/load single scripts in GUI
  • Script entry error checking
  • Add launchpad connection menu
  • Add M_MOVE, M_TAP, M_SCROLL, and M_SET commands
  • Put save/load script into menu
  • Make Add Command... menu that acts as a guided helper for making commands
  • Add mouse event capture prompts to Add Command... menu boxes
  • Add keyboard event capture (incl. unknown keycodes) to Add Commands... menu boxes
  • Add some sort of move_on_line_over_time function to the mouse library... or maybe just straight up in the script parser b/c of the kill.set() Event() handling...
  • Add M_LINE and M_LINE_ABS commands
  • Add generalized macro recorder wizard (!!!)
  • Add a REPEAT command to do last command n number of times
  • Add a WAIT_UNPRESSED command that delays while the button the script is bound to is pressed
  • Add @ASYNC header command to run script independent of other scripts
  • Add launchpad connection status indicator/remove popups
  • Add commenting script lines
  • Add script status icons (playing, queued)
  • Make pressing a running/queued button cancel/terminate execution
  • Make queued/playing buttons blink instead of be solid (Big shout out to FMMT666 for adding the features I needed to!)
  • A "run the script on button X Y" command... runs risk of infinite loops.
  • MIDI output command? (Low priority)
  • Load layout command? (That could get messy, maybe not a script func, but a seperate GUI option to bind loading a specific layout)


A Novation Launchpad Macro Scripting System






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  • Python 99.7%
  • Shell 0.3%