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eTutor is a intelligent tutoring assistant inspired by Lucida. The project is released under BSD license, except certain submodules contain their own specific licensing information.

This project differs from the original Lucida project in the following ways:

  • Uses gRPC instead of Thrift.
  • Build works on Ubuntu and OSX.
  • Improved dependency management.
  • Uses Google services.


  • site: web site and back-end service clients. Currently, there are 4 categories of back-end services:

    1. "ASR" (automatic speech recognition): We use Google's Speech API.
    2. "IMM" (image matching): We use Google's Vision API.
    3. "QA" (question answering): Based on OpenEphyra.
    4. "DIAL" (dialog): Based on OpenDial.

    The site determines which services are needed based on the user input, sends requests to them, and returns response to the user.

  • deps: dependencies necessary for compiling eTutor. Due to the fact that services share some common dependencies, all services should be compiled after these dependencies are installed.

  • src: common code for gRPC service support.

We use autotools for the make system. A lot of people prefer CMake but this is the devil I know.

Initializing the Build

This must be done once. From this directory run:

make init

The command make init will install all missing dependencies so may need root access. We assume your username is in the sudoers list so make sure it is. Do not run make init as root because this will create a whole bunch of files in the build tree owned by root.


  • From this directory, type: make.

  • Start all services:

    make start_all

    This will spawn a gnu screen for each backend service as well as the web site. To see the list of active screens run screen -list. Once they all start running, open your browser and visit http://localhost:3000/.

  • Stop all services:

    make stop_all

Java Support

Many of the backend services run on Java. Java source is built using gradle. The make system runs gradle to create the java backend services but if you want to build java without make then run:

  • gradle build: to build and run tests with minimal output.
  • gradle build --info: to build and run tests displaying stdout and log messages during test.
  • gradle build -x test: build without running tests.
  • gradle test [--info]: just run tests.

The QADaemonTest can take over 30 seconds if an error occurs so use the --infooption to see what is happening.

Build Javadocs

Run gradle alljavadoc. The docs will be located at build/docs/.

IntelliJ IDEA Integration for Java Code

The root project file build.gradle uses the idea plugin. To create your IDEA project run gradle idea. To rebuild the project run gradle cleanIdea idea.

Open IDEA and load the project at the root level. When you open the first time a warning message will appear saying "unlinked gradle project". Click on that message and import the gradle project.


To execute all tests run make test.

Adding Backend Services

Java Services Based on External Source

  1. Create a new directory under the top level directory. Name it according to the service provided. We refer to it as <service-name>.
  2. Add the build tree for the existing source as a subdir of <service-name>. Add a build.gradle to this directory.
  3. Create a build.gradle file in <service-name>. Use the file qna/build.gradle as a reference.
  4. Add the new projects to settings.gradle.

For example:

qna[+] <service-name=qna>
    +-- build.gradle
    +-- OpenEphyra [+]- build.gradle
    |               |
    |               '-- (external sourcetree)
    +-- src [+] -- main/java/ai/lucida/openephyra [+]
             |                                     |
             |                                     '-- source for qna gRPC service
             '---- test/java/ai/lucida/openephyra [+]
                                                   '-- tests for qna gRPC service

C++ Services Based on Existing Source


New C++ Services

Add your source code to src/main/cpp/<backend-component-name>. Add your tests to src/test/cpp/<backend-component-name>


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