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Molecular Dynamics Simulation on a Sphere

Tim Scheffler, 2015 - 2019

This is a Python/C project to demonstrate molecular dynamics simulation on a sphere. The particles interact via a cutoff Coulomb potential. A damping force proportional to the relative velocities of interacting particles will be used to dissipate energy and to cool down the system in order to approach a configuration of minimal energy. This ground state should then give the optimal packing of N particles on a sphere.


  • Python 3.x
  • A C-Compiler
  • SciPy
  • PyOpenGL

Tested on Kubuntu 18.04 with Python 3.7.3. Intel Core i5-6600 @ 3.30GHz and macOS Big Sur, (anaconda) python 3.8.5.
(For running on Windows you might need freeglut)


Use the following command to build the C-extension:

$ python build_ext -i


Start the GUI simulation with

$ python

Parameters (like e.g. number of particles or the number of used CPU cores) are setup as global variables at the top of

With focused OpenGL window you can drag the mouse (while clicking) to rotate the sphere. Use the following keys to control the simulation:

  • "g": start/pause the simulation
  • "q": quit

Please be aware, that there is no error handling in the C part. If something bad happens, like malloc can not get enough memory or there is a negative argument for the sqrt function, the program crashes hard. In that case try a simulation with less particles or smaller time step.

Simulation technique

This is a molecular dynamics simulation using the velocity verlet algorithm[1] for time integration. We make the lookup of interacting particles more efficient with a linked list cell algorithm[1]. Keeping the particles constrained to the surface of the sphere is done via the RATTLE algorithm[2], which can be solved analytically for this simple constraint.

The simulation is purely three-dimensional: all particles have 3d vectors for position, velocity and acceleration. In principle, as the particles are constrained to the surface of the sphere, the system is two-dimensional, but simulating the two-dimensional manifold is more complicated[3] than just using the embedding three-dimensional space for simulation. Doing so we can also use the simple 3d linked cell algorithm for neighbour lookup, although most of the 3d cells will be empty. Additionally, we could use this code for simulation of other constraining surfaces.

The particle interaction is a cutoff Coulomb potential of the form:

V(r) = 1/r + r/r_c^2 - 2/r_c   for r < r_c
       0                       otherwise

where r is the distance between interacting particles and r_c is the cutoff-distance. The coulomb force is three-dimensional, meaning r is just the euclidean distance r = sqrt(dx^2 + dy^2 + dz^2) between two particles.

The forces between the particles are always repelling, but this is not a problem as the system is confined to the surface of the sphere. In the ground state the overall distance of the particles would reach a maximum. This would yield in a flat geometry a perfect hexagonal lattice, meaning that each particle would have exactly six nearest neighbours.

In a non-flat two-dimensional space, like the surface of the sphere, a perfect hexagonal lattice cannot be established and there are particles with more or less than six nearest neighbours. (See: Euler Poincaré relation.)

During the simulation we will observe a system cooling down and (hopefully) approaching the ground state. In order to measure the development we will count the number of particles, that have exactly six neighbours. For this we use the qhull implementation from scipy.

In the OpenGL window all particles having six neighbours are coloured green, particles having less than six neighbours are coloured blue, more than six red.

Additionally we will draw a yellow circle with the radius r_c around one particle. This is just a visual aid to judge the cutoff radius. The center particle for this "cutoff sphere" is arbitrarily choosen to be N/2.

For the initial configuration it is important, that the particles are not too close, because the Coulomb potential can become so large, that the simulation gets unstable. Therefore we use the method of Fibonacci spheres for a good first configuration.

For more information about Coulomb particles on curved surfaces, please see the talk by Paul Chaikin "Classical Wigner Crystals on flat and curved surfaces".

External sources

The basis for the OpenGL visualisation is taken from "Adventures in OpenCL" tutorial series by Ian Johnson.


MIT license

Copyright(c) 2015 - 2019 Tim Scheffler

Some of the code is taken from other sources, and there should be a link to the original source.

Example Simulation

(These pictures were taken from a version of the visualisation in which the yellow "cutoff sphere" visual aid had not yet been implemented.)

We have N = 40000 particles.

Initial configuration after placing 40000 particles with the Fibonacci spheres method:

Initial condition

(Particles having six neighbours are coloured green, particles having less than six neighbours are coloured blue, more than six red.)

After 660 simulation steps. The global structure of the initial configuration breaks apart:

Steps = 660

After 2317 simulation steps:

Steps = 2317

After 13020 simulation steps:

Steps = 13020

Configuration after 29918 simulation steps:

Steps = 29918

After comparison of the last two configurations one sees, that the number of single islands is reduced and the strings become more flat. Strings ("scars") like these are discussed in the talk by Paul Chaikin.

If we now plot the development of the number of particles with six nearest neighbours against time, we get the following plot

Development of NN counts

Here we see, that initially after placing the particles with the Fibonacci spheres method the distribution is already quite good. After starting the dynamics the global structure from the Fibonacci spheres is destroyed and we temporarily get a configuration with worse NN (Nearest Neighbour) distribution. But after that, the system slowly approaches the optimal configuration as it cools down. Hereby the approach to the ground state gets slower and slower.

Time complexity

In the following we will take a look at how the linked cell algorithm influences the time complexity of the simulation.

Brute force implementation

The Python class BruteForceWorld does not use the linked cell optimisation and calculates all particle-particle interactions during the force calculation sub-step. This means the time complexity scales with O(n^2). The dvs_advance and dvs_correct scale with O(n) and for the general infrastructure of the code we expect a O(1) behaviour. So, in the end we expect the runtime T(n) for n particles to be

T(n) = a + b n + c n^2

with a, b, c >= 0

The following log-log plot shows the time complexity for 7500 time steps and varying particle numbers n. The time is given in seconds.

Time complexity of naive implementation

The fitted curve is a = 7e-18, b = 2e-17, c = 7e-6, basically, just the quadratic term. The fit was made using scipy.optimize.curve_fit and constraining the parameters to >= 0 (without the constrain we might get negative parameters for the smaller polynomial terms, but this would make no sense as the above mentioend O(1) and O(n) parts of the simulation must increase the running time.)

The plot only covers one decade in the n log scale, because the running times were becoming quite long and I was impatient. One sees, that the time complexity, at least for larger n, is approximated quite nicely by O(n^2), as expected.

Cell implementation with fixed cutoff

In order to make the simulation more efficient if the interaction can be limited to a fixed range, we use the linked cell algorithm. As described above, we modify the original Coulomb interaction such that the force is cut-off at a given distance r_c.

Using the linked cell algorithm we get the following running times:

Time complexity of cell implementation, fixed cutoff

As one can see, the timing is way better compared to the naive "brute force" implementation above. For example, in the brute force version the running time for a system of n = 10000 particles was T(n=10000) = 718s. In the cell version we get T(n=10000) = 27s.

But, as the cutoff distance is kept constant, in this case r_c = 0.1, the number of cells for the system is also constant. The force calculation however is cell-based, which means roughly, that for all particles inside a cell n_c we must calculate O(n_c ^ 2) interactions. For the fixed cutoff, however, n_c is proportional to n and therefore we see in the log-log plot the O(n^2) behaviour for large n.

Cell implementation with varying cutoff

Here we vary the cutoff in the following way:

cutoff = math.sqrt( 4*math.pi / n ) * 2.5

This is because we expect the particles to be distributed evenly on the surface of the sphere (4π), therefore the average area on the sphere for one particle is just 4π/n and the radius of this area is just its square root. We use this radius as the basis for the 3d cutoff although this radius is calculated on the 2d surface of the sphere. But as the particle number increases, the area inside the cutoff distance becomes more and more flat. So we expect, for large n, that the number of particles inside the cutoff distance around one particle stays constant, if we vary the cutoff for n following this formula.

So we can assume, that the time complexity (for the force calculation, which takes most of the calculation time) per occupied cell stays constant O(1). As binning of the cells scales with 1/r_c in each dimension, which is n^(1/2). Given the spherical constraint only the cells, which contain parts of the surface of the sphere, will be populated by particles, the majority of cells will be empty. This surface is two-dimensional and the number of cells will scale with (1/r_c)^2. Therefore, we expect an overall time complexity of O(1 * (n^(1/2))^2) = O(n).

Time complexity of cell implementation, varying cutoff

As one can see, the samples belonging to the green dots follow O(n) for small n, but as the number of particles, n, gets larger the complexity is larger than O(n). This is because the number of cells scales with (1/cutoff)^3 = n^(3/2). And as the number of cells increases more and more time is spent just for running through all the cells. This even more clearly seen for the blue dots, which belong to a sample run with a different C-lib: In this C-lib the line

if (cells->cells[this_cell] == -1) continue;  // empty main cell

in the davis.c file had not yet been added, so here we run all the following code (including looking up all neighbour cells) even if the main cell is empty. This increases the overall running time compared to the corrected version (green dots) and also introduces the O(n^(3/2)) behaviour for much lower n, as one can see.


For the time complexity measurements I only used the single-threaded versions of the algorithms, as the multi-threaded versions introduced some additional periodic features in the n-dependencies, which seem to be of purely technical origin.

TensorFlow Implementation

The files and contain an experimental TensorFLow implementation of the MD-part. For a start, I just tried to re-create the BruteForceWorld C-lib version of the MD-integration, which means at every timestep all O(n^2) particle-particle interactions will be calculated.

For n = 1000 particles the TensorFlow version runs on the CPU at approx. 100 steps / 2s. I chose to use the CPU instead of the GPU in order to compare the performance to the C-lib version of Davis: using the same number of particles, the C-lib version runs at approx. 2100 steps / 2s.

I am not an expert in TensorFlow and so my TF implementation of the MD-integration might be too naive or maybe TF is just not suited well for this kind of problem. There surely is some room for optimisation in the TF implementation, for example: in the TF we calculate the sqrt for the i > j and i < j direction of a pair. In the C-lib however only the i < j direction is used. But this slight improvement would surely not help in the 20x performance lag of the TF-version.

I tried various adjustments in the TF-version, but I could not manage to improve the performance anywhere near to the performance of the C-lib, so after some time I gave up on this.


[1]: M.P. Allen, D.J. Tildesley, "Computer Simulation of Liquids", (Oxford Scientific Publications, 1987)

[2]: H.C. Andersen, "Rattle: A 'Velocity' Version of the Shake Algorithm for Molecular Dynamics Calculations", Journal of Computational Physics 52, (1983) 24

[3]: See for example the appendix A of J.-P. Vest, G. Tarjus, P. Viot, "Dynamics of a monodisperse Lennard-Jones system on a sphere", arXiv:1401.7168v1 [cond-mat.stat-mech]