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Django NPS

Django app supporting Net Promoter Score (NPS) surveys


Background - Net Promoter Score

The NPS is a measure of customer loyalty that is captured by asking your customers a singe question:

How likely is it that you would recommend our [company|product|service] to a friend or colleague?"

The answer to this question is a number from 0-10 (inclusive). These scores are then broken out into three distinct groups: 'detractors' (0-6), 'neutral' (7-8) and 'promoters' (9-10). The NPS is then the difference between the number of promoters and detractors (as a percentage of the whole population).

For example, if you ask 100 people, and you get the following results:

detractors: 20%
neutrals:   10%
promoters:  70%

Then your NPS is 70 - 20 = 50. (NPS is expressed as a number, not a %)

NPS was orginally developed at the strategy consultants Bain & Company by Fred Reichheld in 2003. They retain the registered trademark for NPS, and you can read all about the history of it on their site "Net Promoter System".


This app is used to store the individual scores, and calculate the NPS based on these. It does not contain any templates for displaying the question itself, neither does it put any restriction around how often you ask the question, or to whom. It is up to the app developer to determine how this should work -each score is timestamped and linked to a Django User object, so you can easily work out the time elapsed since the last time they were asked.

For example, if you want to ensure that you only survey users every X days, you can add a context property to the template using the display_to_user method:

>>> # only show the survey every 90 days
>>> UserScore.objects.days_since_user_score(request.user) > 90

If you then show the survey - the output of which is a single value (the score) together with an optional reason ("what is the main reason for your score"), is then posted to the post_score endpoint, which registers the user score.

The NPS value itself can be calculated on any queryset of UserScore objects -which allows you to track the score based on any attribute of the score itself or the underlying user. For instance, if you have custom user profiles, you may wish to segement your NPS by characteristics of those profiles.

>>> # December's NPS
>>> UserScore.objects.filter(timestamp__month=12).net_promoter_score()

The post_score endpoint returns a JsonResponse which contains a 'success': True|False value together with the UserScore details:

  "success": True,
  "score": {"id": 1, "user": 1, "score": 0, "group": "detractor"}

If the score was rejected, the errors are returned in place of the score (errors are a list of lists, as returned from the Django Form.errors property:

  "success": False,
  "errors": [["score", "Score must be between 0-10"]]

The app contains a piece of middleware, NPSMiddleware, which will add an attribute to the HttpRequest object called show_nps. If you add the middleware to your settings:

    # standard django middleware

You can then use this value in your templates:

<!-- show_nps template = {{request.show_nps}} -->
{% if request.show_nps %}
    <div>HTML goes here</div>
{% endif %}



The number of days between surveys, integer, defaults to 30. This value is used by the default show_nps function to determine whether someone should be shown the survey.


A function that takes an HttpRequest object as its only argument, and which returns True if you want to show the survey. This function is used by the net_promoter_score.show_nps function. It defaults to return True if the request user has either never seen the survey, or hasn't seen it for more days than the NPS_DISPLAY_INTERVAL.

This function should be overridden if you want fine-grained control over the process - it's the main hook into the app.


There is a full suite of tests for the app, which are best run through tox. If you wish to run the tests outside of tox, you should install the requirements first:

$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ python test




Usual rules apply:

  1. Fork to your own account
  2. Create a branch, fix the issue / add the feature
  3. Submit PR

Please take care to follow the coding style - and PEP8.


Credit is due to epantry for the original project from which this was forked.

Thanks also to the kind people at Eldarion (website) for releasing the PyPI package name.


Django app supporting Net Promoter Score (NPS) surveys







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