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Fit Sparse Synthetic Control Models in Python


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The fit() function can be used to create a set of weights and returns a fitted model which can be used to create synthetic units using it's .predict() method:

from SparseSC import fit

# fit the model:
fitted_model = fit(X,Y,...)

# make for the in-sample data
in_sample_predictions = fitted_model.predict()

# make predictions for a held out set of fetures (Y_hat) within the
# original set of units
additional_predictions = fitted_model.predict(Y_additional)


When estimating synthetic controls, units of observation are divided into control and treated units. Data collected on these units may include observations of the outcome of interest, as well as other characteristics of the units (termed "covariates", herein). Outcomes may be observed both before and after an intervention on the treated units.

To maintain independence of the fitted synthetic controls and the post-intervention outcomes of interest of treated units, the post-intervention outcomes from treated units are not used in the fitting process. There are two cuts from the remaining data that may be used to fit synthetic controls, and each has it's advantages and disadvantages.

Fitting a synthetic control model

Data and Model Type

The parameters X and Y should be numeric matrices containing data on the features and target variables, respectively, with one row per unit of observation, and one column per feature or target variable.

There area 4 model types that can be fit using the fit() function which can be selected by passing one of the following values to the model_type parameter:

  • "retrospective": In this model, data are assumed to be collected retrospectively, sometime after an intervention or event has taken place in a subset of the subjects/units, typically with the intent of estimating the effect of the intervention.

    In this model, Y should contain target variables recorded after the event of interest and X may contain a combination of target variables recorded prior to the event of interest and other predictors / covariates known prior to the event. In addition, the rows in X and Y which contain units that were affected by the intervention ("treated units") should be indicated using the treated_units parameter.

  • "prospective": In a prospective analysis, a subset of units have been designated to receive a treatment but the treatment has not yet occurred and the designation of the treatment may be correlated with a (possibly unobserved) feature of the treatment units. In this scenario, all data are collected prior to the treatment intervention, and data on the outcome of interested are divided in two, typically divided in two subsets taken before and after a particular point in time.

    In this model, Y should contain only target variables and X may contain a combination of target variables and other predictors / covariates. The parameters treated_units should be used to indicate the units which will or will not receive treatment.

  • "prospective-restricted": This is motivated by the same example as the previous sample. It requires a larger set of treated units for similar levels of precision, with the benefit of substantially faster running time.

  • "full": This model is motivated by the need for prospective failure detection, and is not used in the context of a historical event or treatment intervention.

    like the prospective models, data on the outcome of interested are divided in two, typically divided in two subsets taken before and after a particular point in time, and Y should contain only target variables and X may contain a combination of target variables and other predictors / covariates. The parameter treated_units is unused.

More details on the above parameters can be found in file in the root of this git repository.

Penalty Parameters

The fitted synthetic control weights depend on the penalties applied to the V and W matrices (v_pen and w_pen, respectively), and the fit() function will attempt to find an optimal pair of penalty parameters. Users can modify the selection process or simply provide their own values for the penalty parameters, for example to optimize these parameters on their own, with one of the following methods:

1. Passing v_pen and w_pen as floats:

When single values are passed in the to the v_pen and w_pen, a fitted synthetic control model is returned using the provided penalties.

2. Passing v_pen as a value and w_pen as a vector, or vice versa:

When either v_pen or w_pen are passed a vector of values, fit() will iterate over the vector of values and return the model with an optimal out of sample prediction error using cross validation. The choice of model can be controlled with the choice parameter which has the options of "min" (default) which selects the model with the smallest out of sample error, "1se" which implements the 'one standard-error' rule, or a function which implements a custom selection rule.

Note that passing vectors to both v_pen and w_pen is assumed to be inefficient and fit will raise an error. If you wish to evaluate over a N x N grid of penalties, use:

from intertools import product
fitted_models = [ fit(..., v_pen=v, w_pen=w) for v,w in product(v_pen,w_pen)]

3. Modifying the default search

By default fit() picks an arbitrary value for w_pen and creates a grid of values for v_pen over which to search, picks the optimal for v_pen from the set of parameters, and then repeats the process alternating between a fixed v_pen and array of values w_pen and vice versa until stopping rule is reached.

The grid over which each penalty parameter is searched is determined by the value of the other (fixed) penalty parameter. For example, for a given value of w_pen there is a maximum value of v_pen which does not result in a null model (i.e. when the V matrix would be identically 0 and W would be identically 1/N), and the same logic applies in both scenarios (i.e. when w_pen is fixed).

The search grid is therefor bounded between 0 and the maximum referenced above. By default the grid consists of 20 points log-linearly spaced between 0 and the maximum. The number of points in the grid can be controlled with the grid_length parameters, and the bounds are controlled via the grid_min and grid_max parameters. Alternatively, an array of values between 0 and 1 can be passed to the grid parameter and will be multiplied by the relevant grid_max to determine the search grid at each iteration of the alternating coordinate descent.

Finally, the parameter stopping_rule determines how long the coordinate descent will alternate between searching over a grid of V and W penalties. (see the Big list of parameters for details)

Advanced Topics

Custom Donor Pools

By default all control units are allowed to be donors for all other units. There are cases where this is not desired and so the user can pass in a matrix specifying a unit-specific donor pool via a N x C matrix of booleans.

Constraining the V matrix

In the current implementation, the V matrix is a diagonal matrix, and the individual elements of V are constrained to be positive, as negative values would be interpreted as two units would considered to more similar when their observed values for a particular feature are more different.

Additionally, the V matrix may be constrained to the standard simplex. which tends to minimize out of sample of error relative to the model constrained to the nonnegative orthant in some cases. V is constrained to the either the simplex or the nonnegative orthant by passing either "simplex" or "orthant" to the constrain parameter.

Fold Parameters

The data are split into folds both purpose of calculating the cross fold validation (out-of-sample) errors and for K-fold gradient descent, a technique used to speed up the model fitting process. The parameters cv_fold and gradient_fold can be passed either an integer number of folds or an list-of-lists which indicate the units (rows) which are allocated to each fold.

In the case that an integer is passed, the scikit-learn function kfold is used internally to split the data into random folds. For consistency across calls to fit, the cv_seed and gradient_seed parameters are passed to Kfold(..., random_state=seed).


If you have the BLAS/LAPACK libraries installed and available to Python, you should not need to do any further optimization to ensure that maximum number of processors are used during the execution of fit(). If not, seting the parameter paralell=True when you call fit() which will split the work across N - 2 sub-processes where N is the number of cores in your machine.

Note that setting paralell=True when the BLAS/LAPACK are available will tend to increase running times. Also, this is considered an experimenatl stub. While it works, parallel processing spends most of the time passing repeatedly sending a relatively small amount of data, which could be (but currently is not) initialized in each worker at the start. If this a priority for your team, feel free to submit a PR or feature request.

Gradient Descent in feature space

Currently a custom gradient descent method called cdl_search (imported from SparseSC.optimizers.cd_line_search import. ) is used which which performs the constrained gradient descent. An alternate gradient descent function may be supplied to the method parameter, and any additional keyword arguments passed to fit() are passed along to whichever gradient descent function is used. (see the Big list of parameters for details)

Big list of parameters

  • X (Matrix of flaots): Matrix of features variables with one row per unit of observation and one column per covariate / feature.

  • Y (Matrix of flaots): Matrix of targets variables with one row per unit of observation and one column per target variable.

  • model_type (string, default = "retrospective"): Type of model being fit. One of "retrospective", "prospective", "prospective-restricted" or "full" See above for details.

  • treated_units (int[]|boolean[]): A list of integers or array of booleans indicating the rows of X and Y which contain data from treated units.

  • w_pen (float | float[], optional): Penalty / penalties applied to the difference between the fitted weights (W) and the null weights (1/n), See above for details.

  • v_pen (float | float[], optional): Penalty / penalties applied to the difference between the fitted weights (W) and the null weights (1/n). See above for details.

  • grid: (float[], optional). See above for details.

  • grid_min (float, default = 1e-6): Lower bound for grid when grid are not provided. Must be in the range (0,1)

  • grid_max (float, default = 1): Upper bound for grid when v_pen and grid are not provided. Must be in the range (0,1]

  • grid_length (int, default = 20): number of points in the grid parameter when v_pen and grid are not provided

  • stopping_rule (int|float|function, optional): A stopping rule less than one is interpreted as the percent improvement in the out-of-sample squared prediction error required between the current and previous iteration in order to continue with the coordinate descent. A stopping rule of one or greater is interpreted as the number of iterations of the coordinate descent (rounded down to the nearest Int). Alternatively, stopping_rule may be a function which will be passed the current model fit, the previous model fit, and the iteration number (depending on it's signature), and should return a truthy value if the coordinate descent should stop and a falsey value if the coordinate descent should continue.

  • choice (string|function, default ="min"): Method for selecting the optimal penalty parameter from an array of penalty parameters, from the out-of-sample error estimates and standard errors of the estimates. When either v_pen or w_pen are passed a vector of values, fit() will iterate over the vector of values and return the model with an optimal out of sample prediction error using cross validation. The choice of model can be controlled with the choice parameter which has the options of "min" (default) which selects the model with the smallest out of sample error, "1se" which implements the 'one standard-error' rule, or a function which implements a custom selection rule

  • cv_folds (int[]|int[][], default = 10): An integer number of Cross Validation folds passed to sklearn.model_selection.KFold, or an explicit list of train validation folds

  • gradient_folds (int[]|int[][], default = 10): An integer number of Gradient folds passed to sklearn.model_selection.KFold, or an explicit list of train validation folds. Not used when model_type is "prospective-restricted"

  • cv_seed (int, default = 10101): passed to sklearn.model_selection.KFold to allow for consistent cross validation folds across calls to fit()

  • gradient_seed (int, default = 110011): passed to sklearn.model_selection.KFold to allow for consistent gradient folds across calls to fit()

  • progress (boolean, default = True): Controls the level of verbosity. If True, the messages indication the progress are printed to the console at each iteration of the gradient descent in the feature space (stdout).

  • verbose (boolean, default = False): Controls the level of verbosity. If True, the messages indication the progress are printed to the console at each calculation of the partial gradient (stdout). partial gradients are calculated h * c times in the leave-one-out gradient descent, and h * k times in the k-fold gradient descent, where h is the number of cross-validation folds , c is the number of controls, and k is the number of gradient folds. In short, this is level of messaging is typically excessive.

  • custom_donor_pool (boolean matrix, default = None): By default all control units are allowed to be donors for all units. There are cases where this is not desired and so the user can pass in a matrix specifying a unit-specific donor pool (NxC matrix of booleans).

    Common reasons for restricting the allowability: (a) When we would like to reduce interpolation bias by restricting the donor pool to those units similar along certain features. (b) If units are not completely independent (for example there may be contamination between neighboring units). This is a violation of the Single Unit Treatment Value Assumption (SUTVA). Note: These are not used in the fitting stage (of V and penalties) just in final unit weight determination.

  • parallel (boolean, default=false): split the gradient descent across multiple sub-processes. This is currently an experimental stub and tends to increase running time. See notes above.

  • method (string|function, default=SparseSC.optimizers.cd_line_search.cdl_search): The method or function responsible for performing gradient descent in the feature space. If method is a string, it is passed as the method argument to scipy.optimize.minimize. Otherwise, method must be a function with a signature compatible with scipy.optimize.minimize (method(fun,x0,grad,**kwargs)) which returns an object having x and fun attributes.

  • kwargs: Additional arguments passed to the optimizer (i.e. method or scipy.optimize.minimize). Additional arguments for the default optimizer include:

    • constrain (string): The value "orthant" constrains V to the non-negative orthant, and "simplex" constrains V to the standard simplex.

    • learning_rate (float, default = 0.2): The initial learning rate which determines the initial step size, which is set to learning_rate * null_model_error / gradient. Must be between 0 and 1.

    • learning_rate_adjustment (float, default = 0.9): Adjustment factor applied to the learning rate applied between iterations when the optimal step size returned by scipy.optimize.line_search is greater less than 1, else the step size is adjusted by 1/learning_rate_adjustment. Must be between 0 and 1,

    • tol (float, default = 0.0001): Tolerance used for the stopping rule based on the proportion of the in-sample residual error reduced in the last step of the gradient descent.

The Model Object:

fit() returns an object of type SparseSCFit which contains the details of the fitted model.


Input Parameters:
  • X: A reference to the input paremeter X
  • Y: A reference to the input paremeter Y
  • control_units: A reference to the input paremeter control_units
  • treated_units: A reference to the input paremeter treated_units
  • model_type: A reference to the input paremeter model_type
  • initial_w_pen: A reference to the input paremeter w_pen
  • initial_v_pen: A reference to the input paremeter v_pen
Fitted values:
  • fitted_w_pen: The selected w_pen value.
  • fitted_v_pen: The selected v_pen value.
  • V: The fitted matrix of feature weights.
  • sc_weights: The fitted synthetic control weights matrix W
  • score: Squared out-of-sample error from cross validation of the for the model associated with the selected penalty parameters.
  • trivial_units: An array of booleans indicating which (if any) units have zeros for all targets (outcomes) and all non-trivial features (features with a non-zero weight in the fitted V matrix). These are important as the penalties will tend to set their weights to 1/N for all synthetics units for which they may be included. (This is anticipated to be very rare in real life datasets)


  • model.get_weights (include_trivial_donors=False): Returns the synthetic control weights, optionally setting the contributions of trivial units to the predicted values of non-trivial units to zero.

  • model.predict (Y=None,include_trivial_donors=False): Returns matrix of synthetic units, optionally applying the synthetic control weights to a new set of features Y (e.g. for prospective use-cases).

  • model.str(): Brief summary of model fit.

  • model.summary(): Provides a summary of the coordinate descent steps in the search for an optimal pair of penalty parameters. Return a list with one pandas DataFrame (if installed) per direction of the coordinate descent.

Developer Notes

Performance Notes

The function get_max_lambda() requires a single calculation of the gradient using all of the available data. In contrast, SC.CV_score() performs gradient descent within each validation-fold of the data. Furthermore, in the 'pre-only' scenario the gradient is calculated once for each iteration of the gradient descent, whereas in the 'controls-only' scenario the gradient is calculated once for each control unit. Specifically, each control unit is excluded from the set of units that can be used to predict it's own post-intervention outcomes, resulting in leave-one-out gradient descent.

For large sample sizes in the 'controls-only' scenario, it may be sufficient to divide the non-held out control units into "gradient folds", such that controls within the same gradient-fold are not used to predict the post-intervention outcomes of other control units in the same fold. This result's in K-fold gradient descent, which improves the speed of calculating the overall gradient by a factor slightly greater than c/k (where c is the number of control units) with an even greater reduction in memory usage.

K-fold gradient descent is enabled by passing the parameter grad_splits to CV_score(), and for consistency across calls to CV_score() it is recommended to also pass a value to the parameter random_state, which is used in selecting the gradient folds.

Additional Performance Considerations

If you have the BLAS/LAPACK libraries installed and available to Python, you should not need to do any further optimization to ensure that maximum number of processors are used during the execution of CV_score(). If not, you may wish to set the parameter parallel=True when you call CV_score() which will split the work across N - 2 sub-processes where N is the number of cores in your machine. (Note that setting parallel=True when the BLAS/LAPACK are available will tend to increase running times.)


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Fit Sparse Synthetic Control Models in Python







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