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Census RM Toolbox

The most bestestest tools for make running the census big success wow.

Batched reminder scheduling

To comply with a limit on the number of cases we can send for reminder print materials in one day, some reminder runs are split into batches and spread in a wave over multiple days. To ensure we maximize our use of said limit, we need to maximize how many batches of cases we include in each day of this wave. The reminder batching script in this repo counts the cases that would be included from each batch and adds them to a rolling total, pulling batches in until the limit is hit. The script can then just output the classifiers including these batches, or insert the action rules for them itself depending on the options it is run with.

Running the reminder batch scheduler

Without setting up action rules

This is useful to get preliminary counts of the cases included.

Run the script with


This should output the case count for each print batch until it hits the max.

Setting up the action rules

WARNING: This will insert the action rules into the action database. Be sure you want to schedule these materials for print.

Run the script with the --insert-rules flag.

The --trigger-date-time also become necessary to schedule the rule correctly. The trigger date time must be supplied in rfc3339 format.

reminderbatch -w <WAVE_NUMBER> -b <STARTING_BATCH_NUMBER> -a <ACTION_PLAN_ID> --insert-rules --trigger-date-time=<DATE_TIME>

Once the script succeeds the action rules should be present in the action database.

IMPORTANT: The output should tell you the final batch included, you may need to keep this in order to start from the next batch the following day.

Specifying max cases

The max cases for a day defaults to 2,500,000. You may need to lower this limit to compensate for other print materials that day. Use the flag --max-cases <MAX_CASES>


reminderbatch -w <WAVE_NUMBER> -b <STARTING_BATCH_NUMBER> -a <ACTION_PLAN_ID> --max-cases 2000000
reminderbatch -w <WAVE_NUMBER> -b <STARTING_BATCH_NUMBER> -a <ACTION_PLAN_ID> --insert-rules --trigger-date-time=<DATE_TIME> --max-cases=1000000 

Response-driven reminder scheduling

We can create response-driven action rules from a provided CSV file of LSOAs from a bucket. The format of the file name will be <REMINDER_TYPE>_<REGION>_<DATE_TIMESTAMP>.csv, e.g. rdr1_E_2019-08-03T14-30-01.csv. You will need to copy this file from the bucket to your cloud shell, then copy to the running toolbox instance.

Get counts of cases for response-driven reminders

To get a count of cases using the LSOAs file:

reminderlsoacount <LSOA_FILE.CSV> --action-plan-id <ACTION_PLAN_ID>

Without setting up action rules

This is useful to get the shape of what the classifiers will look like when used in the action rule.

Run the script with:

reminderlsoa <LSOA_FILE.CSV> --reminder-action-type <ACTION_TYPE> --action-plan-id <ACTION_PLAN_ID>

This should output the classifiers used for the action rule.

Setting up the action rules

WARNING: This will insert the action rules into the action database. Be sure you want to schedule these materials for print.

WARNING: There is currently NO validation on the LSOAs file. You will need to be sure that the business area have validated the LSOAs for RM to ingest. We will process whatever they provide, as agreed. Run the script with the --trigger-date-time and --insert-rule flags. The trigger date time must be supplied in rfc3339 format:

reminderlsoa <LSOA_FILE.CSV> --reminder-action-type <ACTION_TYPE> --action-plan-id <ACTION_PLAN_ID> --trigger-date-time <DATE_TIME> --insert-rule 

Once the script succeeds the action rule should be present in the action database.

Bulk Processing

Bulk Refusals

Bulk refusals files can be dropped in a bucket for processing, the file format required is


Including the header row.

The refusal type must be one of


The file should be placed in the configured bulk refusals bucket with a name matching refusals_*.csv, then the processor can be run with


Rows which are successfully processed will be added to PROCESSED_refusals_*.csv and errored rows be appended to ERROR_refusals_*.csv with the corresponding error details written to ERROR_DETAIL_refusals_*.csv.

Bulk New Addresses

Bulk new addresses can be dropped in a bucket for processing, the file format required is

29763560087,42815171218,HH,HOUSEHOLD,U,RD04,,34 Definitely a street,,,Armless Hamlet,EI7 1PW,120.4446,-95.6070,E32528638,E93337100,E91038113,E34651127,E66650625,2,4,HH_LP1E,,,0,0,86

This follows the same validation rules as the sample loader.

To process the file it needs to be put in the bulk new addresses bucket with a name matching new_addresses_*.csv. The processor can then be run with


Rows which are successfully processed will be added to PROCESSED_new_addresses_*.csv and errored rows be appended to ERROR_new_addresses_*.csv with the corresponding error details written to ERROR_DETAIL_new_addresses_*.csv.

Bulk Invalid Addresses

Bulk invalid addresses files can be dropped in a bucket for processing, the file format required is


Including the header row.

The file should be placed in the configured bulk invalid addresses bucket with a name matching invalid_addresses_*.csv, then the processor can be run with


Rows which are successfully processed will be added to PROCESSED_invalid_addresses_*.csv and errored rows be appended to ERROR_invalid_addresses_*.csv with the corresponding error details written to ERROR_DETAIL_invalid_addresses_*.csv.

Bulk Un-Invalidate Address

Bulk un-invalidating addresses can be dropped in a bucket for processing, the file format required is


Including the header row

The file should be placed in the configured bulk uninvalidated addresses bucket with a name matching uninvalidated_addresses_*.csv, then the processor can be run with


Rows which are successfully processed will be added to PROCESSED_uninvalidated_addresses_*.csv and errored rows be appended to ERROR_uninvalided_addresses_*.csv with the corresponding error details written to ERROR_DETAIL_uninvalidated_addresses_*.csv.

Bulk Deactivate UAC

Bulk deactivate uac files can be dropped in a bucket for processing, the file format required is


Including the header row.

The file should be placed in the configured bulk deactivate uac bucket with a name matching deativate_uac_*.csv, then the processor can be run with


Bulk Address Update

Bulk address updates can be dropped in a bucket for processing, the file format required is

ce00bce1-4d3f-400c-95df-a3d8150622c3,123456789,987654321,ROYAL HOUSEHOLD,4321,foo_incorporated,foo flat1,foo some road,foo somewhere,foo some town,F00 BAR,0.0,127.0,foo_1,foo_2,foo_3,foo_4,5,3,HH_LP1E,ABC123,XYZ999,10,1,99

This follows similar validation rules as the sample loader.

To process the file it needs to be put in the bulk address update bucket with a name matching address_updates_*.csv. The processor can then be run with


Rows which are successfully processed will be added to PROCESSED_address_updates_*.csv and errored rows be appended to ERROR_address_updates_*.csv with the corresponding error details written to ERROR_DETAIL_address_updates_*.csv.

Bulk Non-Compliance

Bulk non-compliance files can be dropped in a bucket for processing, the file format required is


Including the header row.

The non-compliance status must be one of

NCL - for 1st letter
NCF - for field follow up

The file should be placed in the configured bulk non-compliance bucket with a name matching non_compliance_*.csv, then the processor can be run with


Rows which are successfully processed will be added to PROCESSED_non_compliance_*.csv and errored rows be appended to ERROR_non_compliance_*.csv with the corresponding error details written to ERROR_DETAIL_non_compliance_*.csv.

Find Invalid Address Case IDs from UPRN File

Run Book -

When we receive a file of UPRNs for cases that have been identified as invalid addresses, this feature will call the Case API against the UPRNs provided and generate a new file in the bulk invalid address bucket and run the bulk processor against the file.

This is done by running:

invalidaddressdelta <file_name>

The rows which are successfully processed will be added to PROCESSED_invalid_addresses_*.csv

The file format will be:


Including the header row. The reason given will always be ADDRESS_DELTA.

Build Bulk Address Update From Sample File

To enable updating case data from an amended sample file (without knowing the case IDs), this script will run through a sample file looking up the UPRNs in the case API and build a address update file that can be run through the bulk processor. These files must be manually copied onto and off the toolbox pod.

This script will fail if there are more than one case IDs or no matching any UPRN as we need to be able to match one and only one case.

Note that the columns REGION, ADDRESS_LEVEL and ADDRESS_TYPE are included in the sample file but not in the address update.


python -m toolbox.bulk_processing.build_address_update_from_sample <PATH TO SAMPLE FOR UPDATE>

(outside the pod using pipenv run python)

The output file will be written to address_updates_<SOURCE FILE NAME> in the current working directory.

Questionnaire Linking

On dev-toolbox run

qidlink <filename.csv>

Bad Message Wizard

On the pod run


This should start a terminal wizard for dealing with bad messages through the exception manager service

There is an option to filter messages, this works by regex on every field in the message summary. Some common examples are:

    ^Case ID.*not present$ 
    ^Questionnaire Id.*not found!

How to use - Find and remove messages on pubsub

This tool will allow you to be able to find and delete messages on a pubsub topic


Name Description
subscription name Pubsub subscription name to look on
subscription project id GCP project name
-s --search Search for a string inside of the pubsub message body
DELETE Used with message_id, deletes pubsub message of the id supplied
message_id Message id of the pubsub message

View messages on pubsub subscription:

python -m toolbox.message_tools.get_pubsub_messages <subscription name> <subscription project id>

View messages on a pubsub subscription with bigger limit:

python -m toolbox.message_tools.get_pubsub_messages <subscription name> <subscription project id> -l <limit>

Search for a message:

python -m toolbox.message_tools.get_pubsub_messages <subscription name> <subscription project id> -s <search term>

Delete message on pubsub subscription:

python -m toolbox.message_tools.get_pubsub_messages <subscription name> <subscription project id> <message_id> DELETE

How to use - Moving messages from pubsub to bucket

Move messages from pubsub to a GCS bucket


Name Description
subscription name Subscription name to look on
subscription project id GCP project name
bucket name Bucket you want to move the pubsub message to
message_id Message id of the pubsub message you want to move

Moving a pubsub message to a bucket:

python -m toolbox.message_tools.put_message_on_bucket <subscription name> <subscription project id> <bucket name> <message_id>

How to use - publishing message from GCS bucket to pubsub topic

Publishing message from GCS bucket to pubsub topic


Name Description
topic name topic name to put message on
project id GCP project name
bucket name Bucket you want to move the pubsub message to
bucket blob name Name of the blob you want to publish to a topic

Publishing message from GCS bucket to pubsub topic:

python -m toolbox.message_tools.publish_message_from_bucket <topic name> <project id> <bucket blob name> <bucket name>

QID Checksum Validator

A tool to check if a QID checksum is valid. Also shows the valid checksum digits if the QID fails.


qidcheck <QID>


Name Description
qid The QID you wish to validate

Optional Arguments

A non-default modulus and or factor for the checksum algorithm can be used with the optional flags --modulus and --factor

SFTP Support Login

To connect to SFTP (i.e. GoAnywhere) to check print files (read only).



Uploading a file to a bucket

To upload a file to a bucket.


uploadfiletobucket <file> <project> <bucket>

Running in Kubernetes

To run the toolbox in a kubernetes environment, you'll have to create the deployment using the YAML files in census-rm-kubernetes. If you do not have a Cloud SQL Read Replica, use the dev deployment YAML file

Once the pod is up, you can connect to it:

kubectl exec -it $(kubectl get pods --selector=app=census-rm-toolbox -o jsonpath='{.items[*]}') -- /bin/bash


Operational tools for supporting RM in production






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  • Python 93.3%
  • Shell 6.2%
  • Other 0.5%