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Python to BigData: Capstone Project


This is a final project of Python Engineer to BigData Engineer LP including marketing analytics BigData tasks on sample dataset. The solution is made using PySpark v3.1.1.

List of tasks:

  • Task #1.1. Build purchases attribution projection (using default SparkSQL) [Source code]
  • Task #1.2. Build purchases attribution projection (using custom UDF) [Source code]
  • Task #2.1. Calculate top marketing campaigns by revenue [Source code]
  • Task #2.2. Calculate the most popular marketing channel [Source code]

Additional tasks:

  • Task #2.1(2). Calculate top marketing campaigns by revenue (using Spark DataFrame API only) [Source code]
  • Task #2.2(2). Calculate the most popular marketing channel (using Spark DataFrame API only) [Source code]

Solution Description

This section describes project structure, general approach for the solution and tasks implementation details.

See more details about the project structure in Project structure section.

Each task is in a separated Python file imitating a Spark job. All tasks source code is placed in src/jobs folder. Another module in src folder - src/shared, contains utilitary code to use in all jobs:

  • src/shared/ - has function start_spark_session() which determines running environment - on local Spark or on remote Spark cluster and creates related Spark session object, logger wrapper object and parses configuration into dictionary if presented. In case of local run, job uses default test configuration or you can specify your own (see Run on local Spark). For remote run, each files ends with _config.yaml will be recognized as config file and parsed.
  • src/shared/ - has class Log4jWrapper which is a wrapper over Spark Log4j logger. This class allows simply write logs to Spark job logs with prefix <SPARK_APP_ID SPARK_APP_NAME>.

All Python files for each task have the similar structure. Main idea of the structure is that, in terms of ETL job, the 'Transormation' step should be isolated from the 'Extract' and 'Load' steps. Each job step is incapsulated in its own function and communicates using DataFrame objects, e.g. the 'Transformation' step takes input data as one or more DataFrame objects and returns the transformed data as a single DataFrame object. All steps are used in main() method which initializes SparkSession object and uses it to work with data. This approach allows easily test each step of the job and makes 'Tranformation' step idempotent.

Each job may have a set of job-specific parameters, like input data folder, output folder, some hyperparameters. Jobs parametrization is supported via YAML files. In my opinion, it is a more flexible way rather than using Python script arguments because allows adding new parameter without source code changing and have a well-structured view of all parameters of a job. There is a strict contract for config files naming - they should have _config.yaml suffix. It is needed for running job on a remote Spark cluster - function src/shared/ automatically finds all files with this suffix in Spark root directory and parses its as configuration. So, for local runs you can use test configuration which each job uses by default and send specific prodaction config files to Spark cluster when run a job on remote cluster.

Project structure

The repository has the following structure:

 |-- _dist/                             # folder for build artifacts
 |-- docs/                              # additional docs and pictures
 |-- config/                            # jobs config as YAML files
      |-- test/
      |-- prod/
 |-- src/
      |-- jobs/                         # jobs definition
      |-- shared/                       # Python code available for each job
 |-- tests/
      |-- _data/                        # test data
           |-- dummy                    # fake small data to check jobs tranformations
           |-- mobile_app_clickstream   
           |-- purchases_attribution    # data calculated in task #1
           |-- user_purchases
      |-- jobs/                         # tests for jobs
      |-- shared/                       # tests for shared modules
 |   .env                               # file witn environment variables for pipenv
 |   .gitignore
 |   .noserc                            # nosetests settings
 |   .pylintrc                          # pylint settings
 |   Makefile
 |   Pipfile
 |   Pipfile.lock

The main module containing Spark jobs definition is src/jobs. Module src/shared contains Python code which is packing together with jobs definition and can be used in all jobs. This module contains a wrapper for Spark Log4j logger to use it in Python code and a function which initialize Spark session object depends on environment.

Any configuration parameters, like paths to input data and ouput folder, can be specified in YAML files in config/ folder. Note, that these files should have _config.yaml suffix.

File Makefile contains the project setting up and building commands definition.

Folder _dist is using by the Makefile to store temporary build artifacts and final archive -

Files Pipfile and Pipfile.lock configure Python environment and its dependencies. For this environment the are a set of environment variables saved in .env.

Files .noserc and .pylintrc stores configuration for nosetests and pylint to simplify its usage.

How user session for the task#1 is calculating

In task #1 it is necessary to add field sessionId to the resulting projection:

// a session starts with app_open event and finishes with app_close 
sessionId: String

Theoretically, we can have the following cases of user session (omitting useless event types):

Possible (in theory) user session cases

Cases #1 and #2 - we can mark all app_open events, leading with app_close event (using windowing by userId), with a unique id and then add this id for all events happened between related app_open and app_close events (This approach was used for the solution).

Case #3 - need to take into account overlapping sessions. We can add additional grouping by campaign_id and channel_id when calculating leading events for app_open event and use the first app_open event and the last app_closed event. We can group sessions came from one channel and campaign into one.

The first approach was chosen for the task because, analysis of the whole input data shows that there is no overlapping sessions at all. Moreover, there is only one session with only one purchase per user.


This section describes how to build, run and work with the project.

There is a Makefile to setup development environment, build and run tests. You can run

make help

to see all available commands with the Makefile.



Is is recommended to use MacOS or Linux to build or run this porject.

But if you are using Windows make sure you have make command installed from GNUWin32 package:

Please make sure you have installed the following:

  • Python 3.7+

  • PySpark v3.1.1+

  • pipenv

    How to install

    python -m pip install pipenv


Execute the following command to set up the project:

make venv

This command makes the following:

  • Checks that pipenv installed
  • Creates Python virtual environment in .venv folder
  • Install all project dependencies to the virtual environment

Running the tests

Run the following command to execute all tests:

make test


There is an ability to pack all jobs files and its dependencies into one ZIP archive called to use it on remote Spark cluster.

To do this run the command:

make build

This command makes the following:

  • Clean up _dist folder
  • Download all Python dependencies to _dist folder
  • Copy all files from src/jobs and src/shared to _dist folder
  • Create archive called

Run on local Spark

To run a certain Spark job on local cluster, use the following commands:

make venv
pipenv run python <PATH_TO_JOB_FILE>


  • <PATH_TO_JOB_FILE> - relative path to Python file describing a Spark job, e.g. 'src/jobs/task1/'

By default in local run mode all jobs uses test configuration specific for the job (you can browse ./config/test to find it). Test configuration uses test data which is 5 random files from each input dataset.

To use other configuration (e.g. production configuration which uses whole datasets), add the path to the configuration file while running a job:

make venv
pipenv run python <PATH_TO_JOB_FILE> <PATH_TO_CONFIG_FILE>

For example:

pipenv run python src/jobs/task1/ config/prod/purchases_attribution_config.yaml

Run on remote Spark cluster

After building the archive with jobs and its dependencies you can run a job with spark-submit command:

$SPARK_HOME/bin/spark-submit \
    --master <YOUR_MASTER_NODE> \
    --py-files \
    --files <PATH_TO_CONFIG_FILE> \


  • <YOUR_MASTER_NODE> - a Spark cluster master node address. See Spark Master URLs
  • <PATH_TO_CONFIG_FILE> - relative path to the job's configuration file in YAML format. The file should be ended with _config.yaml, e.g. 'config/prod/purchases_attribution_config.yaml'
  • <PATH_TO_JOB_FILE> - relative path to Python file describing a Spark job, e.g. 'src/jobs/task1/'

For example, command to run job:

make build
$SPARK_HOME/bin/spark-submit \
    --master yarn> \
    --py-files \
    --files config/prod/purchases_attribution_config.yaml \


When running a job on remote Spark cluster, you should use a configuration file with at least paths to input data and output directory.


This section contains list of additional documentation.


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