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Generate code and manage infrastructure for receiving webhooks with AWS API Gateway and pushing to SQS via Lambda.


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Project Status: WIP – Initial development is in progress, but there has not yet been a stable, usable release suitable for the public.

Generate code and manage infrastructure for receiving webhooks with AWS API Gateway and pushing to SQS via Lambda.

Webhooks are great, and many projects and services are now offering them as a notification option. But sometimes it makes more sense to have the messages in a queue that can absorb changes in rate and de-couple the sending service from a potentially slow or unavailable backend.

webhook2lambda2sqs generates code for an AWS Lambda function to receive webhook content via API Gateway and push it to an SQS queue, where it can be consumed as needed. It supports multiple endpoints via unique URL paths (API Gateway resources), where content sent to each endpoint is pushed to one or more SQS queues.

In addition, webhook2lambda2sqs includes a wrapper around HashiCorp Terraform to automate creation and maintenance of all or part of the infrastructure required to operate this (the API Gateway and its configuration, the Lambda function, the function's IAM role, etc.). If TerraForm isn't a viable option for you to manage infrastructure with, you can use the generated configuration (which maps quite closely to AWS API parameters) as a guide for manual management.


  • An Amazon AWS account to run this all in (note - it will probably be cheap, but not free)
  • Python 2.7+ (currently tested with 2.7, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5). Note that AWS Lambda currently only supports python 2.7 as an execution environment, but you're welcome to use other versions on the machine where you run this project.
  • Python VirtualEnv and pip (recommended installation method; your OS/distribution should have packages for these)
  • HashiCorp Terraform to manage the AWS infrastructure, if desired. Terraform is written in Go, and distributed as a static binary.


Program Components

  • Lambda Function code generation
  • Terraform configuration generation
  • Management of infrastructure via Terraform

AWS Components

  • An IAM Role that allows the Lambda function to send messages to the specified SQS queues.
  • The Lambda Function itself
  • An API Gateway instance to receive webhooks and trigger the Lambda Function for them
  • Optionally, a user-specified "vanity" Route53 DNS record pointing to the API Gateway


It's recommended that you install into a virtual environment (virtualenv / venv). See the virtualenv usage documentation for information on how to create a venv. If you really want to install system-wide, you can (using sudo).

pip install webhook2lambda2sqs

If you wish to use Terraform to manage the infrastructure, you need to install that according to the documentation. Note that there are packages available in the official repositories of most Linux distributions, and there is also a Homebrew formula for Mac users.


webhook2lambda2sqs is configured via a JSON configuration file, which defines both settings for Terraform to manage the infrastructure, as well as the mapping of API Gateway URL paths to SQS queues. You can view a sample configuration file as well as documentation on the various fields with webhook2lambda2sqs example-config; the config file example will be written to STDOUT (so it may be redirected to a file) and the documentation will be written to STDERR.

Example output of the example-config action:

$ webhook2lambda2sqs example-config
    "aws_tags": {
        "tag2_name": "tag2_value",
        "tag_name": "tag_value"
    "endpoints": {
        "some_resource_name": {
            "method": "POST",
            "queues": [
    "name_suffix": "something",
    "terraform_remote_state": {
        "backend": "backend_name",
        "config": {
            "option_name": "option_value"

Configuration description:

aws_tags - a dict of key/value pairs to set as tags on all terraform-managed
  resources that support tagging. If not specified here, a "Name" tag will
  automatically be added with a value as described in the "name_suffix"
  description below.
endpoints - dict describing each webhook endpoint to setup in API Gateway.
  - key is the API Gateway resource name (final component of the URL)
  - value is a dict with the following keys:
    - 'method' - HTTP method for API Gateway resource
    - 'queues' - list of SQS queue names to push request content to
name_suffix - by default, all AWS resources will be named
  "webhook2lambda2sqs"; specify a suffix to add to that name here.
terraform_remote_state - dict of Terraform remote state options. If
  specified, will call 'terraform remote config' before every terraform
  command to setup remote state storage.

  Dict keys:
  - 'backend' - name of the terraform remote state backend to configure
  - 'config' - dict of backend configuration option name/value pairs


Required IAM Permissions For Code Generation

Generating the Terraform configuration files requires the iam::GetUser permission for the user you're running it as. This is required to determine your AWS account ID, which is needed in the IAM policy. In addition, the region that you connect with will be included in the policy.

Required IAM Permissions For Infrastructure Management

Managing the infrastructure via Terraform requires the following IAM permissions:

  • foo

Generating Code and Infrastructure Configuration

Something else here.

Note that the generated Terraform is a single file and does not make use of variables. As Terraform doesn't support iteration or conditionals, it's really required that we generate the important parts of the configuration programmatically, so there's little use in tfvars.

Managing Infrastructure

Something else here.

You'll want to have the AWS_DEFAULT_REGION environment variable set. AWS credentials are managed however you want per terraform's documentation, i.e. environment variables, shared credentials file or using an instance profile/role on an EC2 instance.

Important Note: Unlike CloudFormation, Terraform relies on storing the state of your managed infrastructure itself. You can use a variety of remote storage options including Consul, etcd, http and S3, or you can leave the default of storing state locally in a terraform.tfstate file. Please note that you'll need to save state somewhere in order to update or destroy the infrastructure you created. You can specify remote state options in the configuration file, or just deal with the state file locally.

Bugs and Feature Requests

Bug reports and feature requests are happily accepted via the GitHub Issue Tracker. Pull requests are welcome. Issues that don't have an accompanying pull request will be worked on as my time and priority allows.


To install for development:

  1. Fork the webhook2lambda2sqs repository on GitHub
  2. Create a new branch off of master in your fork.
$ virtualenv webhook2lambda2sqs
$ cd webhook2lambda2sqs && source bin/activate
$ pip install -e
$ cd src/webhook2lambda2sqs

The git clone you're now in will probably be checked out to a specific commit, so you may want to git checkout BRANCHNAME.


  • pep8 compliant with some exceptions (see pytest.ini)
  • 100% test coverage with pytest (with valid tests)


Testing is done via pytest, driven by tox.

  • testing is as simple as:
    • pip install tox
    • tox -e <environment name>
  • If you want to pass additional arguments to pytest, add them to the tox command line after "--". i.e., for verbose pytext output on py27 tests: tox -e py27 -- -v

Acceptance Tests

These will actually spin up the entire system end-to-end, send some messages via POST and GET, and test that they work. It should clean everything up when finished.

tox -e acceptance

Use export NO_TEARDOWN=true to prevent tear-down of the infrastructure.

Release Checklist

  1. Open an issue for the release; cut a branch off master for that issue.
  2. Run the acceptance tox environment locally.
  3. Confirm that there are CHANGES.rst entries for all major changes.
  4. Ensure that Travis tests passing in all environments.
  5. Ensure that test coverage is no less than the last release (ideally, 100%).
  6. Increment the version number in webhook2lambda2sqs/ and add version and release date to CHANGES.rst, then push to GitHub.
  7. Confirm that README.rst renders correctly on GitHub.
  8. Upload package to testpypi:
  9. Create a pull request for the release to be merged into master. Upon successful Travis build, merge it.
  10. Tag the release in Git, push tag to GitHub:
  • tag the release. for now the message is quite simple: git tag -a vX.Y.Z -m 'X.Y.Z released YYYY-MM-DD'
  • push the tag to GitHub: git push origin vX.Y.Z
  1. Upload package to live pypi:
    • twine upload dist/*
  2. make sure any GH issues fixed in the release were closed.

A Note About the License

This program is licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3.0 or later ("AGPLv3"). The AGPLv3 includes a clause that source code must be made available to anyone using the program over a network.


Generate code and manage infrastructure for receiving webhooks with AWS API Gateway and pushing to SQS via Lambda.







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  • Python 100.0%