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#Nearest Neighbor


  • Problem: classify images
    • input: bitmap image 01, 10
    • output: classification 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

##Info: Pattern classification is a part of the field of Machine Learning. The goal of classification is to partition or modularize the space of possible choices into distinct classes of objects based on features about the data.

The classification in this problem is related to images of numbers. The goal of the program is to identify numbers based on the their bitmap representations.

To accomplish the goal of image classification a nearest neighbor approach was taken. Nearest neighbors is a simple and fast method for identifying and classifying data.

The data structure used to perform nearest neighbor search is a k-dimensional tree. Kd-trees provide a fast search for classification. A balanced kd-tree has a time complexity of log(n).

The kd-tree is built with the medians of the the data set after sorting. The data is then inserted left or right of the tree based on the ith element in the data vector.

The reason the kd-tree is so powerful is because of its ability to mimic the effects of binary search. In binary search the numbers are first sorted then split into orders of left and right because of the global ordering of all the data. Half of the data is to the left of the center of the sorted data and the other half is to the right. Therefore, when you search from the center you are eliminating half of the data set each center partition you make, which is a similar effect in kd-tree search.

Do to the large dimensionality of bit images, the images were transformed to avoid high dimensional search.

  • Transform: 64x64 -> 8x8
    • input: 4096 dimensional feature space
    • output: 64 dimensional feature space

Large dimensions within machine learning is a common problem known as the curse of dimensionality because space grows exponentially for every dimension added. The data was transformed to a more manageable size.

The nearest neighbors can be found by using a variety of distance measuring metrics.

  • Metrics
    • Euclidean
    • Manhattan

The data set for this project can be found here.


Error Test Train
kd-1 12% 1797 3823


  • cd /dir/of/near_n
  • python ./img-data/*

pip install matplotlib

##Next Step:

  • Principle Component Analysis (PCA)
  • Pygame integration
  • KD-Tree in data base


nearest neighbor: image classification






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