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Tail Tools

This is a Python 2 based suite of tools for analysing Illumina or SOLiD sequencing reads with poly(A) tails, as produced using the PAT-Seq technique. The PAT-Seq technique was developed by Dr. Traude Beilharz, who heads the RNA Systems Biology Laboratory at Monash University.

Tail Tools is developed by Dr. Paul Harrison ( at Monash University. Development was initially under the auspices of the Victorian Bioinformatics Consortium and now continues with the Monash Bioinformatics Platform. Michael See contributed R code to visualize output as an interactive heatmap.

Please feel free to email Paul any questions you have about getting Tail Tools up and running.



This software is distributed under the terms of the GPL, version 2 or later, excepting that:

  • The third party javascript libraries included for convenience in directory tail_tools/web/third_party are covered by the terms of their respective licenses (also in that directory).

  • The remaining files in the directory tail_tools/web are placed in the public domain.


Use of PyPy is recommened for speed.

  • nesoni, most easy installed with pip:

    pip install nesoni

    You don't need to install all of nesoni's dependencies, just Python 2.7 or later or PyPy. Do be sure to install the R component of nesoni.

  • bowtie2 for Illumina reads or SHRiMP for SOLiD reads

  • samtools

  • The "convert" tool from ImageMagick.

  • rsync (for downloads from UCSC browser)

  • R, with package "seriation" and BioConductor packages "limma" and "edgeR", and "varistran"

  • Fitnoise for differential testing.



  • SplitsTree Note: v4.13.1 seems to be broken, v4.11.3 works


Easy way:

pip install --upgrade tail-tools

Bleeding edge github version with pip:

pip install --upgrade 'git+'

From source:

python install

For PyPy it seems to be currently easiest to set up in a virtualenv:

virtualenv -p pypy myenv
pip install --upgrade 'git+'

R library installation

Tail Tools includes an R package. This isn't essential to run the pipeline, but contains functions to produce various Shiny reports. It can be installed from R with:

Easy way:

devtools::install_github("Victorian-Bioinformatics-Consortium/tail-tools", subdir="tail_tools")

From source:



This package contains a number of tools, which can be listed by typing:


The package can be used directly from the source directory with:

python -m tail_tools

These tools may also be used from a python script (using the same system as my older genomics python package "nesoni"). A typical example of invoking the pipeline from python can be found below.

R library usage

The tailtools R library can then be loaded in R with:


The pipeline also includes a Shiny app as part of its output (in subdirectory "shiny"). This can be served with ShinyServer or viewed from within R with shiny::runApp("pipelineoutputdir/shiny").

Reference format

Before processing any reads, you need to create a "tail-tools reference directory".

References are most easily downloaed from the UCSC browser or the Ensembl genome browser.

References can be downloaded from the UCSC browser using:

tail-tools make-ucsc-reference: \
    <output_dir> \

References can also be downloaded from the Ensembl genome browser using "tail-tools make-ensembl-reference". The Ensembl genome annotations are more comprehensive, but using them requires specifying more parameters. Type "tail-tools make-ensembl-reference" for more instructions, or email Paul.

If creating your own reference, it needs to consist of:

  • sequences, eg in FASTA format
  • annotations in GFF3 format

The reference directory is then created with the command:

tail-tools make-tt-reference: \
    <output_dir> \
    <sequence_file> \

Annotations shall include the following feature types and attributes:


  • ID - unique identifier
  • Name (optional) - nomenclature name
  • Product (optional) - short description
  • Biotype (optional) - what type of gene it is (protein_coding, rRNA, etc)


  • ID - unique identifier
  • Parent - gene ID


  • Parent - mRNA ID


  • Parent - mRNA ID

The pipeline assumes that genes do not have overlapping exons on the same strand. Is this too much to ask for in a reasonable genome annotation? Apparently the answer is yes. The UCSC and Ensemble genome downloaders merge genes with overlapping exons -- ids and names are concatenated with "/" as a separator. This can complicate downstream analysis, and Paul apologises for the pain this causes.


Having created a reference directory, the next step is to run the pipeline, "analyse-polya-batch". This can be done from the command line, but is more usefully done from a python script. We suggest adapting the following example to your data:

import tail_tools, nesoni, glob

tags = [
    ('wt1',   ['wt','rep1']),
    ('wt2',   ['wt','rep2']),
    ('wt3',   ['wt','rep3']),
    ('mutA1', ['mutA','rep1']),
    ('mutA2', ['mutA','rep2']),
    ('mutA3', ['mutA','rep3']),
    ('mutB1', ['mutB','rep1']),
    ('mutB2', ['mutB','rep2']),
    ('mutB3', ['mutB','rep3']),

# Where to find FASTQ files. %s becomes the name of the sample. Wildcards * and ? may be used.
filename_pattern = 'raw_data/%s.fastq.gz'

# For each sample we create a tail_tools.Analyse_polya instance
# Each sample is given a set of tags
samples = [ ]
for name, tags in tags:
    reads = sorted(glob.glob(filename_pattern % name))    
    assert reads, 'No reads for '+name
        reads = reads,
        tags = tags,
        #To adjust clipping prior to alignment, modify these defaults:
        # clip_runs_basespace = tail_tools.Clip_runs_basespace(
        #    clip_quality=0, length=20),
        #To allow for looser mispriming, lower this.
        #To only allow for stricter mispriming, raise this (maximum 1).
        #extension_prop_a = 0.6

action = tail_tools.Analyse_polya_batch(
        # Output directory
        # Title for report
        title = 'Pipeline output',
        # Reference directory you created earlier
        reference = '/path/to/reference/directories/S_cerevisiae_82',
        # Allow reads/peaks this far downstrand of 
        # the annotated transcript end point
        # (however extension will not continue into CDS on the same strand)
        # For yeast use 400, for sparser genomes than yeast use 2000
        # (Left blank since it's easy to forget to change.)
        extension = ... ,
        # Size of peak features generated
        # ie how far back from a site a read can end and still be counted towards it
        # Should be read length or a little shorter
        peak_length = 300,
        # Minimum average tail length required to call a peak.
        # Set higher then 0.0 if there is mispriming.
        # 15.0 may be reasonable.
        peak_min_tail = ...,
        # Optional: Species to use in GO term analysis, choices are: Sc Ce Mm Hs
        # List of instances of tail_tools.Analyse_polya
        samples = samples,
        # List of sample groups
        # A sample group is specified as 
        # '<nesoni-selection-expression>=<name>'
        # (=<name> may be omitted)
        # See nesoni help for description of selection expressions,
        # this uses the tags given to each sample to concisely 
        # specify sets of samples.
        groups = [ 'wt', 'mutA', 'mutB' ],
        # (Advanced)
        # Perform differential tests
        tests = [
                title = 'Mutant A vs wildtype',
                null  = ['wt/mutA'],
                alt   = ['mutA'],

# A little boilerplate so that
# - multiprocessing works
# - you can control making
#   (see nesoni help on --make-* flags)

def main():

if __name__ == '__main__': 

# If run again with adjusted parameters,
# only the parts that need to be run again will run.
# To force a complete re-run:
#     python --make-do all
# To re-run everything but the alignment to reference
# (eg if there is a new version of tail-tools)
#     python --make-do all --make-done analyse-polya

BAM-file alignment attributes

Pipeline output



Tools for analysing PAT-Seq high-throughput sequencing data.







No packages published


  • Python 55.8%
  • R 39.7%
  • HTML 4.3%
  • Other 0.2%