def test_curry_should_support_placeholders_to_curry_later_positional_arguments( self): expect(_(operator.add).curry(_, 'foo')('bar')._) == 'barfoo' expect( _(lambda x, y, z: x + y + z).curry(_, 'baz', _)('foo', 'bar')._) == 'foobazbar'
class ILicense(model.Schema): image_caption = TextLine( title=_(u"Legende zum Vorschaubild"), description=_(u"Bitte Lizenzinformationen in folgender Form angeben"), required=False, )
def test_curry_allows_reordering_arguments(self): expect(_(lambda x, y: x + y).curry(_._1, _._0)('foo', 'bar')._) == 'barfoo' expect( _(lambda x, y, z: x + y + z).curry(_._1, 'baz', _._0)('foo', 'bar')._) == 'barbazfoo'
def config_electrical_advanced(): menu = [ [_("Change ADC Offset"), set_adc_offset], [_("Enable ACS7xx Scaling Feature"), set_acs7xx_scaling], [_("Set ACS7xx Error Offset"), set_acs7xx_error], ] menu_map = {} menu_max = 0 for item in menu: menu_max = menu_max + 1 menu_map[menu_max] = item while True: print() print(_("Advanced Electrical Setup")) print() for index in menu_map: print("%d) %s" % (index, menu_map[index][0])) print() _input = input( _("Enter an option from 1-%d (enter q to quit): ") % (menu_max)) if _input.isdigit() and int(_input) in range(1, menu_max + 1): ch = int(_input) if ch in menu_map: menu_map[ch][1](ch) elif _input.lower().startswith("q"): return False continue
def test_zip(self): expect(_((1, 2)).izip((3, 4)).call(tuple)._) == ((1, 3), (2, 4)) expect(_((1, 2)).izip((3, 4), (5, 6)).call(tuple)._) == ((1, 3, 5), (2, 4, 6)) expect(_((1, 2)).zip((3, 4))._) == ((1, 3), (2, 4)) expect(_((1, 2)).zip((3, 4), (5, 6))._) == ((1, 3, 5), (2, 4, 6))
def set_units(): menu = [ [_("Imperial")], [_("Metric")], ] menu_map = {} menu_max = 0 for item in menu: menu_max = menu_max + 1 menu_map[menu_max] = item while True: print() print(_("Select measurment units (currently"), config_map['units'], ")") print() for index in menu_map: print("%d) %s" % (index, menu_map[index][0])) print() _input = input( _("Enter an option from 1-%d (enter q to quit): ") % (menu_max)) if _input.isdigit() and int(_input) in range(1, menu_max + 1): ch = int(_input) if ch in menu_map: config_map['units'] = menu_map[ch][0] write_config() return True elif _input.lower().startswith("q"): return False continue
def config_electrical(): menu = [ [_("Motor Setup"), set_motor], [_("Battery Setup"), config_battery], [_("Advanced"), config_electrical_advanced], ] menu_map = {} menu_max = 0 for item in menu: menu_max = menu_max + 1 menu_map[menu_max] = item while True: print() print(_("Electrical")) print() for index in menu_map: print("%d) %s" % (index, menu_map[index][0])) print() _input = input( _("Enter an option from 1-%d (enter q to quit): ") % (menu_max)) if _input.isdigit() and int(_input) in range(1, menu_max + 1): ch = int(_input) if ch in menu_map: menu_map[ch][1]() elif _input.lower().startswith("q"): return False continue
def config_battery(): menu = [ [_("New Battery Pack"), set_battery], [_("Edit Battery Pack"), set_battery], ] menu_map = {} menu_max = 0 for item in menu: menu_max = menu_max + 1 menu_map[menu_max] = item while True: print() print(_("Battery Setup")) print() for index in menu_map: print("%d) %s" % (index, menu_map[index][0])) print() _input = input( _("Enter an option from 1-%d (enter q to quit): ") % (menu_max)) if _input.isdigit() and int(_input) in range(1, menu_max + 1): ch = int(_input) if ch in menu_map: menu_map[ch][1](ch) elif _input.lower().startswith("q"): return False continue
def config_date_time(): menu = [ [_("Set Date"), set_date], [_("Set Time"), set_time], [_("Configure Auto-set"), set_auto_dt], ] menu_map = {} menu_max = 0 for item in menu: menu_max = menu_max + 1 menu_map[menu_max] = item while True: print() print(_("Date / Time")) print() for index in menu_map: print("%d) %s" % (index, menu_map[index][0])) _input = input( _("Enter an option from 1-%d (enter q to quit): ") % (menu_max)) if _input.isdigit() and int(_input) in range(1, menu_max + 1): ch = int(_input) if ch in menu_map: menu_map[ch][1]() elif _input.lower().startswith("q"): return False continue
def set_acs7xx_scaling(): menu = [ [_("Enable")], [_("Disable")], ] menu_map = {} menu_max = 0 for item in menu: menu_max = menu_max + 1 menu_map[menu_max] = item while True: print() print(_("ACS7xx Scaling (currently"), config_map['acs7xx_scaling'], ")") print() for index in menu_map: print("%d) %s" % (index, menu_map[index][0])) print() _input = input( _("Enter an option from 1-%d (enter q to quit): ") % (menu_max)) if _input.isdigit() and int(_input) in range(1, menu_max + 1): ch = int(_input) if ch in menu_map: config_map['acs7xx_scaling'] = ch write_config() return True elif _input.lower().startswith("q"): return False continue
def validate_integer(value, name, min_value=None, max_value=None): """Make sure that value is a valid integer, potentially within range. :param value: the value of the integer :param name: the name of the integer :param min_length: the min_length of the integer :param max_length: the max_length of the integer :returns: integer """ try: value = int(value) except (TypeError, ValueError, UnicodeEncodeError): raise webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=( _('%s must be an integer.') % name)) if min_value is not None and value < min_value: raise webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest( explanation=(_('%(value_name)s must be >= %(min_value)d') % {'value_name': name, 'min_value': min_value})) if max_value is not None and value > max_value: raise webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest( explanation=(_('%(value_name)s must be <= %(max_value)d') % {'value_name': name, 'max_value': max_value})) return value
class CustomContent(Content): """ A custom content type. """ id = Column(ForeignKey(''), primary_key=True) custom_attribute = Column(Unicode(1000)) type_info = Content.type_info.copy( name=u'CustomContent', title=_(u'CustomContent'), add_view=u'add_custom_content', addable_to=[u'Document'], selectable_default_views=[ ("alternative-view", _(u"Alternative view")), ], ) def __init__(self, custom_attribute=None, **kwargs): """ Constructor :param custom_attribute: A very custom attribute :type custom_attribute: unicode :param **kwargs: Arguments that are passed to the base class(es) :type **kwargs: see :class:`kotti.resources.Content` """ super(CustomContent, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.custom_attribute = custom_attribute
def test_tee_breakout_a_function_with_side_effects_and_disregard_return_value(self): side_effect = {} def observer(a_list): side_effect['tee'] = a_list.join('-')._ expect(_([1,2,3]).tee(observer)._) == [1,2,3] expect(side_effect['tee']) == '1-2-3' def fnording(ignored): return 'fnord' expect(_([1,2,3]).tee(fnording)._) == [1,2,3]
def test_should_call_callable_with_double_star_splat_as_keyword_arguments( self): def foo(*, foo): return foo expect(_(dict(foo='bar')).star_call(foo)._) == 'bar' expect(_(dict(foo='baz')).star_call(foo, foo='bar')._) == 'baz' expect(_(dict()).star_call(foo, foo='bar')._) == 'bar'
def test_flatten(self): expect(_([(1,2),[3,4],(5, [6,7])]).iflatten().call(list)._) == \ [1,2,3,4,5,6,7] expect(_([(1,2),[3,4],(5, [6,7])]).flatten()._) == \ (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) expect(_([(1,2),[3,4],(5, [6,7])]).flatten(level=1)._) == \ (1,2,3,4,5,[6,7])
def test_dir_vars(self): expect(_(object()).dir()._).contains('__class__', '__init__', '__eq__') class Foo(object): pass foo = Foo() = 'baz' expect(_(foo).vars()._) == {'bar': 'baz'}
def test_curry_raises_if_number_of_arguments_missmatch(self): expect(lambda: _(lambda x, y: x + y).curry(_, _)('foo')).to_raise( AssertionError, 'Not enough arguments') expect(lambda: _(lambda x, y: x + y).curry(_._1)('foo')).to_raise( AssertionError, 'Not enough arguments') seen = set() expect(lambda: _(seen).add.curry(_._1)((True, 1))).to_raise( AssertionError, r'Not enough arguments.*Need at least 2, got 1')
def test_should_wrap_callables(self): counter = [0] def foo(): counter[0] += 1 expect(_(foo)).is_instance(_.Wrapper) _(foo)() expect(counter[0]) == 1
def test_use_getitem_to_bypass_overrides(self): class UnfortunateNames(object): def previous(self, *args): return args def producer(*args): return UnfortunateNames() expect(_(producer)().previous('foo')).is_instance(_.Wrapper) expect(_(UnfortunateNames()).proxy.previous('foo')._) == ('foo', )
def test_help_method_outputs_correct_docstrings(self): with patch.object(sys, 'stdout', io.StringIO()): help(_) expect(sys.stdout.getvalue()).matches( 'Help on function fluentpy.wrap') with patch.object(sys, 'stdout', io.StringIO()): _(list).help() expect(sys.stdout.getvalue()).matches( 'Help on class list in module builtins')
def test_reduce(self): # no iterator version of reduce as it's not a mapping expect(_((1, 2)).reduce(operator.add)._) == 3 expect( _(((1, 2), (1, 4))).reduce( lambda acc, each: acc.setdefault(each[0], []).append(each[1]) or acc, dict())._) == { 1: [2, 4] }
def set_battery_model(): while True: print() print(_("Battery model (currently"), battery_map['model'], ")") print() model = input(_("Enter battery model or c to cancel: ")) if model == "c": return False else: battery_map['model'] = model write_battery_config() return True
def test_group_by(self): actual = {} for key, values in _((1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3)).igroupby()._: actual[key] = tuple(values) expect(actual) == {1: (1, 1), 2: (2, 2), 3: (3, 3)} actual = {} for key, values in _((1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3)).groupby()._: actual[key] = tuple(values) expect(actual) == {1: (1, 1), 2: (2, 2), 3: (3, 3)}
def set_battery_mfg(): while True: print() print(_("Battery manufacturer (currently"), battery_map['mfg'], ")") print() mfg = input(_("Enter battery manufacturer or c to cancel: ")) if mfg == "c": return False else: battery_map['mfg'] = mfg write_battery_config() return True
def test_each_should_allow_to_call_functions_on_iterators_purely_for_their_side_effect( self): from unittest.mock import Mock call_counter = Mock() expect(next(iter(_(['a', 'b']).ieach(call_counter)))) == 'a' expect(call_counter.call_count) == 1 expect(_(['a', 'b']).ieach(call_counter).to(tuple)) == ('a', 'b') expect(call_counter.call_count) == 3 expect(_(['a', 'b']).each(call_counter)._) == ('a', 'b') expect(call_counter.call_count) == 5
def _get_offset_param(params): """Extract offset id from request's dictionary (defaults to 0) or fail.""" try: offset = int(params.pop('offset', 0)) except ValueError: msg = _('offset param must be an integer') raise webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg) if offset < 0: msg = _('offset param must be positive') raise webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg) return offset
def test_flatten(self): expect(_([(1,2),[3,4],(5, [6,7])]).iflatten().call(list)._) == \ [1,2,3,4,5,6,7] expect(_([(1,2),[3,4],(5, [6,7])]).flatten()._) == \ (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) expect(_([(1,2),[3,4],(5, [6,7])]).flatten(level=1)._) == \ (1,2,3,4,5,[6,7]) # can flatten lists of strings expect(_([('D', 'L'), ('B', 'G')]).flatten()._) == ('D', 'L', 'B', 'G') expect(_([(b'D', b'L'), (b'B', b'G')]).flatten()._) == (b'D', b'L', b'B', b'G')
def test_should_behave_consistently_in_face_of_methods_returning_none_intermittently( self): # The problem with the implicit 'self' behaviour, the code changed behaviour # if a method returned 'zero' depending on the input class SometimesNone(object): def maybe_none(self, should_return_none): if should_return_none: return None return 'fnord' expect(_( SometimesNone()).maybe_none(True).self._).isinstance(SometimesNone) expect(_(SometimesNone()).maybe_none(False).self._).isinstance( SometimesNone)
def test_curry_raises_if_handed_too_many_arguments(self): curried = _(lambda x: x).curry( 3)._ # this should now be a funnction that takes _no_ arguments! expect(lambda: curried(2)).to_raise( TypeError, r'<lambda>\(\) takes 1 positional argument but 2 were given') expect(lambda: curried(x=2)).to_raise( TypeError, r"<lambda>\(\) got multiple values for argument 'x'") # a function of 3 arguments of which the first two are ignored curried = _(lambda x: x).curry(_._2)._ expect(curried(1, 2, 3)) == 3 expect(lambda: curried(1, 2, 3, 4)).to_raise( TypeError, r'<lambda>\(\) takes 1 positional argument but 2 were given')
def test_islice(self): expect(_([1, 2, 1]).slice(1)._) == (1, ) expect(_([1, 2, 1]).slice(1, 2)._) == (2, ) expect(_([1, 2, 1]).slice(None, None, 2)._) == (1, 1) expect(_([1, 2, 1]).islice(1).to(tuple)) == (1, ) expect(_([1, 2, 1]).islice(1, 2).to(tuple)) == (2, ) expect(_([1, 2, 1]).islice(None, None, 2).to(tuple)) == (1, 1) expect(_([1, 2, 1]).icycle().slice(1)._) == (1, ) expect(_([1, 2, 1]).icycle().slice(1, 2)._) == (2, ) expect(_([1, 2]).icycle().slice(None, 8, 2)._) == (1, 1, 1, 1)
def load(self): if self.object_id is not None: raw = self.manager.o.find_one(self.object_id) if not raw: raise DocumentValidationError(_('Failed to load document, unknown document_id=%s' % self.object_id)) self.inflate(raw) else: self._injected_object_id = ObjectId() self.object_id = self._injected_object_id
def send_invitation_email(meeting): meeting = frappe.get_doc("Meeting Brk", meeting) meeting.check_permission("email") if meeting.status == "Planned": frappe.sendmail( recipients = [d.attendee for d in meeting.attendees], sender = frappe.session.user, subject = meeting.title, message = meeting.invitation_message, reference_doctype = meeting.doctype, reference_name = ) meeting.status = "Invitation Sent" frappe.msgprint(_("Invitation Sent")) else: frappe.msgprint(_("Meeting status must be 'planned'"))
def assert_permission(self, user, action, *args): if self.manager.collection_name is None: raise DeveloperFault(_("Unable to check permission against non-modeled document")) user.can("%s+%s" % (self.manager.collection_name, action), args[0] if len(args) > 0 else None, True)
from django.db import modelsfrom django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ from .compat import Userfrom . import settings class Campaign(models.Model): name = models.CharField(_("Name"), max_length=255, unique=True) description = models.TextField(_("Description"), blank=True, null=True) pattern = models.CharField(_("Referrer pattern"), blank=True, max_length=255, help_text="All auto created referrers containing this pattern will be associated with this campaign") class Meta: ordering = ['name'] verbose_name = _("Campaign") verbose_name_plural = _("Campaigns") def __unicode__(self): return def __str__(self): return self.__unicode__() def count_users(self): count = 0 for referrer in self.referrers.all(): count += referrer.count_users() return count count_users.short_description = _("User count") class Referrer(models.Model): name = models.CharField(_("Name"), max_length=255, unique=True) description = models.TextField(_("Description"), blank=True, null=True) creation_date = models.DateTimeField(_("Creation date"), auto_now_add=True) campaign = models.ForeignKey(Campaign, verbose_name=_("Campaign"), related_name='referrers', blank=True, null=True) class Meta: ordering = ['name'] verbose_name = _("Referrer") verbose_name_plural = _("Referrers") def __unicode__(self): return def __str__(self): return self.__unicode__() def count_users(self): return self.users.count() count_users.short_description = _("User count") def match_campaign(self): for campaign in Campaign.objects.exclude(pattern=""): if campaign.pattern in self.campaign = campaign break class UserReferrerManager(models.Manager): def apply_referrer(self, user, request): try: referrer = Referrer.objects.get(pk=request.session.pop(settings.SESSION_KEY)) except KeyError: pass else: user_referrer = UserReferrer(user=user, referrer=referrer) class UserReferrer(models.Model): user = models.OneToOneField(User, verbose_name=_("User"), related_name='user_referrer') referrer = models.ForeignKey(Referrer, verbose_name=_("Referrer"), related_name='users') objects = UserReferrerManager() class Meta: ordering = ['referrer__name'] verbose_name = _("User Referrer") verbose_name_plural = _("User Referrers") def __unicode__(self): return "%s -> %s" % (self.user.username, def __str__(self): return self.__unicode__()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-################################################################################ fiscal_printer# Copyright (C) 2014 No author.# No email## This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the# License, or (at your option) any later version.## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.## You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License# along with this program. If not, see <>.############################################################################### import refrom openerp import netsvcfrom openerp.osv import osv, fieldsfrom import _ from controllers.main import do_eventfrom datetime import datetime from openerp.addons.fpoc.controllers.main import DenialService class fiscal_printer_disconnected(osv.TransientModel): """ Disconnected but published printers. """ _name = 'fpoc.disconnected' _description = 'Printers not connected to the server.' _columns = { 'name': fields.char(string='Name'), 'protocol': fields.char(string='Protocol'), 'model': fields.char(string='Model'), 'serialNumber': fields.char(string='Serial Number'), 'session_id': fields.char(string='Session'), 'user_id': fields.many2one('res.users', string='Responsable'), } def _update_(self, cr, uid, force=True, context=None): cr.execute('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM %s' % self._table) count = cr.fetchone()[0] if not force and count > 0: return if count > 0: cr.execute('DELETE FROM %s' % self._table) t_fp_obj = self.pool.get('fpoc.fiscal_printer') R = do_event('list_printers', control=True) w_wfp_ids = [] i = 0 for resp in R: if not resp: continue for p in resp['printers']: if, uid, [("name", "=", p['name'])]): pass else: values = { 'name': p['name'], 'protocol': p['protocol'], 'model': p['model'], 'serialNumber': p['serialNumber'], 'session_id': p['sid'], 'user_id': p['uid'], } pid = self.create(cr, uid, values) def search(self, cr, uid, args, offset=0, limit=None, order=None, context=None, count=False): self._update_(cr, uid, force=True) return super(fiscal_printer_disconnected, self).search(cr, uid, args, offset=offset, limit=limit, order=order, context=context, count=count) def read(self, cr, uid, ids, fields=None, context=None, load='_classic_read'): self._update_(cr, uid, force=False) return super(fiscal_printer_disconnected, self).read(cr, uid, ids, fields=fields, context=context, load=load) def create_fiscal_printer(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None): """ Create fiscal printers from this temporal printers """ fp_obj = self.pool.get('fpoc.fiscal_printer') for pri in self.browse(cr, uid, ids): values = { 'name':, 'protocol': pri.protocol, 'model': pri.model, 'serialNumber': pri.serialNumber, } fp_obj.create(cr, uid, values) return { 'name': _('Fiscal Printers'), 'domain': [], 'res_model': 'fpoc.fiscal_printer', 'type': 'ir.actions.act_window', 'view_id': False, 'view_mode': 'tree,form', 'view_type': 'form', 'context': context, } fiscal_printer_disconnected() class fiscal_printer(osv.osv): """ The fiscal printer entity. """ def _get_status(self, cr, uid, ids, field_name, arg, context=None): s = self.get_state(cr, uid, ids, context) r = {} for p_id in ids: if s[p_id]: dt = datetime.strptime(s[p_id]['clock'], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") r[p_id] = { 'clock': dt.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), 'printerStatus': s[p_id].get('strPrinterStatus', 'Unknown'), 'fiscalStatus': s[p_id].get('strFiscalStatus', 'Unknown'), } else: r[p_id]= { 'clock':False, 'printerStatus':'Offline', 'fiscalStatus': 'Offline', } return r _name = 'fpoc.fiscal_printer' _description = 'fiscal_printer' _columns = { 'name': fields.char(string='Name', required=True), 'protocol': fields.char(string='Protocol'), 'model': fields.char(string='Model'), 'serialNumber': fields.char(string='Serial Number (S/N)'), 'lastUpdate': fields.datetime(string='Last Update'), 'printerStatus': fields.function(_get_status, type="char", method=True, readonly="True", multi="state", string='Printer status'), 'fiscalStatus': fields.function(_get_status, type="char", method=True, readonly="True", multi="state", string='Fiscal status'), 'clock': fields.function(_get_status, type="datetime", method=True, readonly="True", multi="state", string='Clock'), 'session_id': fields.char(string='session_id'), } _defaults = { } _constraints = [ ] _sql_constraints = [ ('model_serialNumber_unique', 'unique("model", "serialNumber")', 'this printer with this model and serial number yet exists') ] def update_printers(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None): r = do_event('info', {}) return True def short_test(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None): for fp in self.browse(cr, uid, ids): do_event('short_test', {'name':}, session_id=fp.session_id, return True def large_test(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None): for fp in self.browse(cr, uid, ids): do_event('large_test', {'name':}, session_id=fp.session_id, return True def advance_paper(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None): for fp in self.browse(cr, uid, ids): do_event('advance_paper', {'name':}, session_id=fp.session_id, return True def cut_paper(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None): for fp in self.browse(cr, uid, ids): do_event('cut_paper', {'name':}, session_id=fp.session_id, return True def open_fiscal_journal(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None): for fp in self.browse(cr, uid, ids): do_event('open_fiscal_journal', {'name':}, session_id=fp.session_id, return True def cancel_fiscal_ticket(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None): for fp in self.browse(cr, uid, ids): do_event('cancel_fiscal_ticket', {'name':}, session_id=fp.session_id, return True def close_fiscal_journal(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None): for fp in self.browse(cr, uid, ids): do_event('close_fiscal_journal', {'name':}, session_id=fp.session_id, return True def shift_change(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None): for fp in self.browse(cr, uid, ids): do_event('shift_change', {'name':}, session_id=fp.session_id, return True def get_state(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None): r = {} for fp in self.browse(cr, uid, ids): try: event_result = do_event('get_status', {'name':}, session_id=fp.session_id, except DenialService, m: raise osv.except_osv(_('Connectivity Error'), m) r[] = event_result.pop() if event_result else False return r def get_counters(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None): r = {} for fp in self.browse(cr, uid, ids): event_result = do_event('get_counters', {'name':}, session_id=fp.session_id, r[] = event_result.pop() if event_result else False return r def make_fiscal_ticket(self, cr, uid, ids, options={}, ticket={}, context=None): fparms = {} r = {} for fp in self.browse(cr, uid, ids): fparms['name'] = fparms['options'] = options fparms['ticket'] = ticket event_result = do_event('make_fiscal_ticket', fparms, session_id=fp.session_id, r[] = event_result.pop() if event_result else False return r def cancel_fiscal_ticket(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None): fparms = {} r = {} for fp in self.browse(cr, uid, ids): fparms['name'] = event_result = do_event('cancel_fiscal_ticket', fparms, session_id=fp.session_id, r[] = event_result.pop() if event_result else False return r fiscal_printer() # vim:expandtab:smartindent:tabstop=4:softtabstop=4:shiftwidth=4:
timestamp('date',from_time) as start, timestamp('date',to_time ) as end, name, title, status, 0 as all_day from 'tabMeeting Brk' where 'date' between %(start)s and %(end)s""",{ "start": start, "end": end }, as_dict=True) def make_orientation_meeting(doc, method): #create an Orientation meeting when a new user is added meeting = frappe.get_doc({ "doctype": "Meeting Brk", "title": "Orientation for {0}".format(doc.first_name), "date": add_days(nowdate(), 1), "from_time": "09:00", "to_time": "09:30", "status": "Planned", "attendees": [{ "attendee": }] }) #the System Manager might not have permission to create a Meeting meeting.flags.ignore_permission = True meeting.insert() frappe.msgprint(_("Orientation meeting created"))
"""The main database has been opened.""" database = zope.interface.Attribute("The main database.") class DatabaseOpened(object): zope.interface.implements(IDatabaseOpenedEvent) def __init__(self, database): self.database = database # TODO: these interfaces are not particularly complete. The other # documentation is more accurate at the moment. KEY = 'zc.async' NEW = _('new-status', 'New') PENDING = _('pending-status', 'Pending') ASSIGNED = _('assigned-status', 'Assigned') ACTIVE = _('active-status', 'Active') CALLBACKS = _('callback-status', 'Performing Callbacks') COMPLETED = _('completed-status', 'Completed') class IReactor(zope.interface.Interface): """This describes what the dispatcher expects of the reactor. The reactor does not need to actually provide this interface.""" def callFromThread(callable, *args, **kw): """have callable run in reactor's thread, by reactor, ASAP. Intended to be called from a thread other than the reactor's main
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-################################################################################ fiscal_printer# Copyright (C) 2014 No author.# No email## This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the# License, or (at your option) any later version.## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.## You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License# along with this program. If not, see <>.############################################################################### import refrom openerp import netsvcfrom openerp.osv import osv, fieldsfrom import _ from controllers.main import do_eventfrom datetime import datetimeimport logging _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)_schema = logging.getLogger(__name__ + '.schema') _header_lines = ['headerLine 1', 'headerLine 2', 'headerLine 3', 'headerLine 4', 'headerLine 5', 'headerLine 6', 'headerLine 7']_footer_lines = ['footerLine 1', 'footerLine 2', 'footerLine 3', 'footerLine 4', 'footerLine 5', 'footerLine 6', 'footerLine 7'] class epson_ar_fiscal_printer(osv.osv): """ The fiscal printer entity. """ _inherit = 'fpoc.fiscal_printer' def _get_field(self, cr, uid, ids, field_name, args, context): r = {} for fp in self.browse(cr, uid, ids): r[] = { fn: False for fn in field_name } event_result = do_event('read_attributes', {'name':}, session_id=fp.session_id, event_result = event_result.pop() if event_result else {} if event_result and 'attributes' in event_result: attrs = event_result['attributes'] r[]['header'] = '\n'.join([ attrs[k] for k in _header_lines if k in attrs and attrs[k] ]) r[]['footer'] = '\n'.join([ attrs[k] for k in _footer_lines if k in attrs and attrs[k] ]) for fn in field_name: if fn in attrs: if fn in ['tasaIVA', 'maxMonto']: r[][fn] = float(attrs[fn])/100. elif fn in ['fechaFiscalizacion']: line = attrs[fn] r[][fn] = "20{2}-{1}-{0}".format(*[line[i:i+2] for i in range(0, len(line), 2)]) else: r[][fn] = attrs[fn] return r def _put_field(self, cr, uid, ids, field_name, field_value, arg, context): fp = self.browse(cr, uid, ids) data = { 'name':, 'attributes': {} } if (field_name == 'header'): lines = field_value.split('\n')[:len(_header_lines)] if field_value else [] lines = lines + (len(_header_lines) - len(lines)) * [''] data['attributes'].update(dict(zip(_header_lines, lines))) if (field_name == 'footer'): lines = field_value.split('\n')[:len(_footer_lines)] if field_value else [] lines = lines + (len(_footer_lines) - len(lines)) * [''] data['attributes'].update(dict(zip(_footer_lines, lines))) event_result = do_event('write_attributes', data, session_id=fp.session_id, return True _columns = { 'header': fields.function(_get_field, fnct_inv=_put_field, type="text", method=True, multi='epson_text', store=False, string='Header'), 'footer': fields.function(_get_field, fnct_inv=_put_field, type="text", method=True, multi='epson_text', store=False, string='Footer'), 'razonSocial': fields.function(_get_field, type="char", method=True, multi='epson_info', store=False, string='Razon Social'), 'cuit': fields.function(_get_field, type="char", method=True, multi='epson_info', store=False, string='CUIT'), 'caja': fields.function(_get_field, type="char", method=True, multi='epson_info', store=False, string='Caja/Punto de Venta'), 'ivaResponsabilidad': fields.function(_get_field, type="char", method=True, multi='epson_info', store=False, string='Resp. IVA'), 'calle': fields.function(_get_field, type="char", method=True, multi='epson_info', store=False, string='Calle'), 'numero': fields.function(_get_field, type="char", method=True, multi='epson_info', store=False, string='Numero'), 'piso': fields.function(_get_field, type="char", method=True, multi='epson_info', store=False, string='Piso'), 'depto': fields.function(_get_field, type="char", method=True, multi='epson_info', store=False, string='Depto'), 'localidad': fields.function(_get_field, type="char", method=True, multi='epson_info', store=False, string='Localidad'), 'cpa': fields.function(_get_field, type="char", method=True, multi='epson_info', store=False, string='Cod.Pos.'), 'provincia': fields.function(_get_field, type="char", method=True, multi='epson_info', store=False, string='Provincia'), 'tasaIVA': fields.function(_get_field, type="float", method=True, multi='epson_info', store=False, string='Tasa IVA'), 'maxMonto': fields.function(_get_field, type="float", method=True, multi='epson_info', store=False, string='Monto Maximo'), 'fechaFiscalizacion': fields.function(_get_field, type="date", method=True, multi='epson_info', store=False, string='Fecha Fiscalizacion'), } epson_ar_fiscal_printer() class epson_ar_fiscal_tf_printer_configuration(osv.osv): """ Configuracion necesaria para documentos fiscales Ticket-Facturas/Nota de Debito """ _inherit = 'fpoc.configuration' _description = 'Configuracion de TF/TND para Epson Argentina' epson_type_paper_status = { 'epson_ar_receipt': ( 'receiptState', { 0: 'ok', 1: 'low', 2: 'none', 3: 'unknown', }), 'epson_ar_journal': ( 'journalState', { 0: 'ok', 1: 'low', 2: 'none', 3: 'unknown', }), 'epson_ar_slip': ( 'slipHasPaper', { 0: 'ok', 1: 'low', 2: 'none', 3: 'unknown', }), } def solve_status(self, cr, uid, ids, status, context=None): r = super(epson_ar_fiscal_tf_printer_configuration, self).solve_status(cr, uid, ids, status, context=context) for conf in self.browse(cr, uid, ids): if conf.type not in ['epson_ar_receipt', 'epson_ar_journal', 'epson_ar_slip']: continue for stat in r.values(): _logger.debug(stat) if not stat: continue if 'paper_state' not in stat: key, rule = self.epson_type_paper_status.get(conf.type, (False, False)) stat['paper_state'] = rule.get(stat.get(key, 'unknown'),'unknown') if 'fiscal_state' not in stat: stat['fiscal_state'] = 'open' if stat['inFiscalJournal'] else 'close' if 'printer_state' not in stat: stat['printer_state'] = [ v for v in ['deviceopen' if stat['isPrinterOpen'] else False, 'onerror' if stat['inError'] else False, 'offline' if stat['isOffline'] else False, 'nomemory' if stat['memStatus'] else False, 'nopaper' if stat['slipHasPaper'] else False, 'printing' if stat['documentInProgress'] else False, 'ready'] if v ][0] return r def _get_type(self, cr, uid, context=None): r = super(epson_ar_fiscal_tf_printer_configuration, self)._get_type(cr, uid, context=context) return r + [ ('epson_ar_receipt', _('Receipt Epson Arg.')), ('epson_ar_journal', _('Journal Epson Arg.')), ('epson_ar_slip', _('Slip station Epson Arg.')), ] _columns = { 'type': fields.selection(_get_type, 'Type'), 'triplicated': fields.boolean('Imprimir en triplicado'), 'store_description': fields.boolean('Almacenar descripciones de items'), 'keep_description_attributes': fields.boolean('Conservar atributos de impresion de las descripciones'), 'store_extra_description': fields.boolean('Almacenar solo primer descripcion extra'), 'cut_paper': fields.boolean('Cortar papel'), 'electronic_answer':fields.boolean('Devuelve respuesta electronica'), 'print_return_attribute':fields.boolean('Imprime "Su Vuelto" con atributos'), 'current_account_automatic_pay':fields.boolean('Utiliza pago automatico como cuenta corriente'), 'print_quantities':fields.boolean('Imprimir Cantidad de unidades'), 'tail': fields.text('Modificaciones en el pie del ticket'), } def onchange_type(self, cr, uid, ids, type, context=None): r = super(epson_ar_fiscal_tf_printer_configuration, self).onchange_type(cr, uid, ids, type, context=context) if (type == "epson_ar_tf"): r['value']['protocol'] = 'epson_ar' return r def toDict(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None): r = super(epson_ar_fiscal_tf_printer_configuration, self).toDict(cr, uid, ids, context=context) fields = self._columns.keys() fields.remove('user_ids') for conf in, uid, ids, fields, context=context): if (conf['type'] == "epson_ar_tf"): conf_id = conf['id'] del conf['type'] del conf['name'] del conf['protocol'] del conf['id'] del conf['tail'] # Proceso especial. r[conf_id] = conf return r epson_ar_fiscal_tf_printer_configuration() # vim:expandtab:smartindent:tabstop=4:softtabstop=4:shiftwidth=4: