def aStar_client(goal):
        aStar = rospy.ServiceProxy('aStar', AStar)
        resp = aStar(goal.x, goal.y)

        waypoints = []

        for n in range(len(resp.pathX)):
            p = Point()
            p.x = resp.pathX[n]
            p.y = resp.pathY[n]
        #print "we got da points! " + str(waypoints)
        return waypoints
    except rospy.ServiceException, e:
        print "Service call failed: %s" % e
def aStar_client(goal):
        aStar = rospy.ServiceProxy('aStar', AStar)
        resp = aStar(goal.x, goal.y)

        waypoints = []
        for n in range(len(resp.pathX)):
            p = Point()
            p.x = resp.pathX[n]
            p.y = resp.pathY[n]
        #print "we got da points! " + str(waypoints)
        print "Received waypoints: " + str(waypoints) 
        return waypoints
    except rospy.ServiceException, e:
        print "Service call failed: %s"%e
Beispiel #3
def readMap(msg):
    global mapInfo  #map information such as width and hight, and cell sizes.
    global mapData  #the cells of the map, with 100 = impassable and 0 = empty, -1 = unexplored.
    global pub_map
    global mapProcessed
    global odom_list
    global path

    #mapData =
    #mapInfo =

    (tran, rot) = odom_list.lookupTransform('map', 'base_footprint',

    startPoint = Point()
    startPoint.x = tran[0]
    startPoint.y = tran[1]

    #print "resizing new map"
    resizedMap = mapResize(0.2,,

    mapInfo =
    mapData =

    #print "expanding new map."
    mapData = obstacleExpansion(1, mapInfo, mapData) = mapData

    print "publishing new map"

    #print "plan a new path."
    paths = aStar(globalToGrid(startPoint, mapInfo), goal, mapInfo, mapData,
                  pub_frontier, pub_expanded)
    publishGridList(paths[0], mapInfo, pub_path)

    print "path in readmap"
    path = paths[0]

    mapProcessed = 1
Beispiel #4
def readMap(msg):
    global mapInfo #map information such as width and hight, and cell sizes.
    global mapData #the cells of the map, with 100 = impassable and 0 = empty, -1 = unexplored. 
    global pub_map
    global mapProcessed
    global odom_list
    global path

    #mapData =
    #mapInfo =

    (tran, rot) = odom_list.lookupTransform('map','base_footprint', rospy.Time(0))

    startPoint = Point()
    startPoint.x = tran[0]
    startPoint.y = tran[1]

    #print "resizing new map"
    resizedMap = mapResize(0.2,,
    mapInfo =
    mapData =

    #print "expanding new map."
    mapData = obstacleExpansion(1, mapInfo, mapData) = mapData

    print "publishing new map"

    #print "plan a new path."
    paths = aStar(globalToGrid(startPoint, mapInfo), goal, mapInfo, mapData, pub_frontier, pub_expanded)
    publishGridList(paths[0], mapInfo, pub_path)

    print "path in readmap"
    path = paths[0]

    mapProcessed = 1
Beispiel #5
    # Use this command to make the program wait for some seconds
    rospy.sleep(rospy.Duration(1, 0))

    print "Starting pathfinder"

    #print out our debug map, startting by makeing a list of all of the wall locations
    #pubMap(pub_path, mapInfo, mapData)

    lastGoal = (-1, -1)
    lastStart = (-1, -1)

    newMap = obstacleExpansion(1, mapInfo, mapData, pub_waypoints)
    pubMap(pub_waypoints, mapInfo, newMap)

    r = rospy.Rate(10)
    while not rospy.is_shutdown():
        if (goal is not lastGoal) or (start is not lastStart):
            lastStart = start
            lastGoal = goal
            paths = aStar(start, goal, mapInfo, mapData, pub_frontier,
            publishGridList(paths[0], mapInfo, pub_path)
            #publishGridList(paths[1], mapInfo, pub_waypoints)


    print "exiting pathfinder"

    #go back up the stack and print all of the points where there is a 100 onto the map. See if the shape is rotated.
    #we will need to make all of those functions anyway.
def getNextmove(movingNode, nodeGrid):
    goalNode = getGoal(movingNode,grid,goalGrid)
    nextSpot = aStar(movingNode, goalNode, newgrid)

    return nextSpot
Beispiel #7
        cityB = ""
        print("Veuillez choisir une ville d'arrivée: ")
        cityB = input()

    #getting heuristic
    tempHeuristic = ""
    while tempHeuristic not in dicHeur.keys():
        print("Choisissez une heuristique parmis : ")
        for k in dicHeur.keys():
            print(k + "=>" + dicHeur[k])
        tempHeuristic = input()

    path, steps = aStar(dicCity, dicCity[cityA], dicCity[cityB],

    #posttreatment operations
    parent = path.parent
    listCity = []
    while parent:
        parent = parent.parent

    print("Trajet recherché : " + cityA + "->" + cityB)
    print("trajet trouvé en : " + str(steps) + " visites.")
    print("Bilan du Trajet : ")
Beispiel #8
    rospy.sleep(rospy.Duration(1, 0))

    print "Starting pathfinder"

    #print out our debug map, startting by makeing a list of all of the wall locations
	#pubMap(pub_path, mapInfo, mapData)
    lastGoal = (-1,-1)
    lastStart = (-1,-1)

    newMap = obstacleExpansion(1, mapInfo, mapData,pub_waypoints)
    pubMap(pub_waypoints, mapInfo, newMap)

    r = rospy.Rate(10)
    while not rospy.is_shutdown():
    	if (goal is not lastGoal) or (start is not lastStart):
    		lastStart = start
    		lastGoal = goal
    		paths = aStar(start, goal, mapInfo, mapData, pub_frontier, pub_expanded)
    		publishGridList(paths[0], mapInfo, pub_path)
    		#publishGridList(paths[1], mapInfo, pub_waypoints)


    print "exiting pathfinder"

    #go back up the stack and print all of the points where there is a 100 onto the map. See if the shape is rotated.
    #we will need to make all of those functions anyway.
Beispiel #9
def getNextmove(movingNode, nodeGrid):
    goalNode = getGoal(movingNode, grid, goalGrid)
    nextSpot = aStar(movingNode, goalNode, newgrid)

    return nextSpot
Beispiel #10
    def __init__(self):
        global action
        # Initialize the ShowBase class from which we inherit, which will
        # create a window and set up everything we need for rendering into it.
        action = "start"
        winProps = WindowProperties()
        winProps.setTitle("LASO Simulation - (RLP 2019-2020)")

        if not
                "Error: Video driver reports that depth textures are not supported."
        if not
                "Error: Video driver reports that depth textures are not supported."

        self.accept("escape", finalitzar)  # Escape quits

        # Disable default mouse-based camera control.  This is a method on the
        # ShowBase class from which we inherit.

        # Place the camera
        camera.setPosHpr(0, 0, 80, 0, -90, 0)

        base.trackball.node().set_pos(0, 200, 0)
        base.trackball.node().set_hpr(0, 60, 0)

        #camera.setPosHpr(0, 0, 25, 0, -90, 0)
        #base.camLens.setNearFar(200, 600)


        # Load the maze and place it in the scene
        #self.maze = loader.loadModel("models/maze")

        self.skybox = loader.loadModel("models/skybox")
        self.skybox.setPosHpr(0, 0, 45 + MAZE_OFFSETS[CURR_MAZE], 0, -180, 0)

        self.taula = loader.loadModel("models/taula")
        self.taula.setPosHpr(0, 0, -53.6 + MAZE_OFFSETS[CURR_MAZE], 0, 0, 0)

        self.laso_box = loader.loadModel("models/laso_box")
        self.laso_box.setPosHpr(0, 0, MAZE_OFFSETS[CURR_MAZE], 0, 0, 0)

        self.laso_ax = loader.loadModel("models/laso_ax")
        self.laso_ax.setPosHpr(0, 0, MAZE_HEIGHT, 0, 0, 0)

        self.maze_i = CURR_MAZE

        self.maze = loader.loadModel("models/" + MAZES_NAME[self.maze_i])
        self.maze.setPosHpr(0, 0, MAZE_HEIGHT, 0, 0, 0)

        # Load custom maze

        #self.maze2 = loader.loadModel("models/lab4")

        # Most times, you want collisions to be tested against invisible geometry
        # rather than every polygon. This is because testing against every polygon
        # in the scene is usually too slow. You can have simplified or approximate
        # geometry for the solids and still get good results.
        # Sometimes you'll want to create and position your own collision solids in
        # code, but it's often easier to have them built automatically. This can be
        # done by adding special tags into an egg file. Check maze.egg and ball.egg
        # and look for lines starting with <Collide>. The part is brackets tells
        # Panda exactly what to do. Polyset means to use the polygons in that group
        # as solids, while Sphere tells panda to make a collision sphere around them
        # Keep means to keep the polygons in the group as visable geometry (good
        # for the ball, not for the triggers), and descend means to make sure that
        # the settings are applied to any subgroups.
        # Once we have the collision tags in the models, we can get to them using
        # NodePath's find command

        # Find the collision node named wall_collide
        #self.walls = self.maze.find("**/wall_collide")
        self.walls = self.maze.find("**/wall_col")

        # Collision objects are sorted using BitMasks. BitMasks are ordinary numbers
        # with extra methods for working with them as binary bits. Every collision
        # solid has both a from mask and an into mask. Before Panda tests two
        # objects, it checks to make sure that the from and into collision masks
        # have at least one bit in common. That way things that shouldn't interact
        # won't. Normal model nodes have collision masks as well. By default they
        # are set to bit 20. If you want to collide against actual visable polygons,
        # set a from collide mask to include bit 20
        # For this example, we will make everything we want the ball to collide with
        # include bit 0
        # CollisionNodes are usually invisible but can be shown. Uncomment the next
        # line to see the collision walls # Show wall colliders

        # We will now find the triggers for the holes and set their masks to 0 as
        # well. We also set their names to make them easier to identify during
        # collisions

        self.loseTriggers = []
        #for i in range(6):
        for i in range(3):
            #trigger = self.maze.find("**/hole_collide" + str(i))
            trigger = self.maze.find("**/hole" + str(i + 1) + "_col")
            # Uncomment this line to see the triggers
   # Show lose triggers colliders

        # Ground_collide is a single polygon on the same plane as the ground in the
        # maze. We will use a ray to collide with it so that we will know exactly
        # what height to put the ball at every frame. Since this is not something
        # that we want the ball itself to collide with, it has a different
        # bitmask.
        #self.mazeGround = self.maze.find("**/ground_collide")
        self.mazeGround = self.maze.find("**/ground_col")

        # Load the ball and attach it to the scene
        # It is on a root dummy node so that we can rotate the ball itself without
        # rotating the ray that will be attached to it
        self.ballRoot = render.attachNewNode("ballRoot")
        self.ball = loader.loadModel("models/bball")

        # Find the collison sphere for the ball which was created in the egg file
        # Notice that it has a from collision mask of bit 0, and an into collison
        # mask of no bits. This means that the ball can only cause collisions, not
        # be collided into
        self.ballSphere = self.ball.find("**/ball")

        # No we create a ray to start above the ball and cast down. This is to
        # Determine the height the ball should be at and the angle the floor is
        # tilting. We could have used the sphere around the ball itself, but it
        # would not be as reliable
        self.ballGroundRay = CollisionRay()  # Create the ray
        self.ballGroundRay.setOrigin(0, 0, 10)  # Set its origin
        self.ballGroundRay.setDirection(0, 0, -1)  # And its direction
        # Collision solids go in CollisionNode
        # Create and name the node
        self.ballGroundCol = CollisionNode('groundRay')
        self.ballGroundCol.addSolid(self.ballGroundRay)  # Add the ray
            BitMask32.bit(1))  # Set its bitmasks
        # Attach the node to the ballRoot so that the ray is relative to the ball
        # (it will always be 10 feet over the ball and point down)
        self.ballGroundColNp = self.ballRoot.attachNewNode(self.ballGroundCol)
        # Uncomment this line to see the ray  # Show ball collision ray

        # Finally, we create a CollisionTraverser. CollisionTraversers are what
        # do the job of walking the scene graph and calculating collisions.
        # For a traverser to actually do collisions, you need to call
        # traverser.traverse() on a part of the scene. Fortunately, ShowBase
        # has a task that does this for the entire scene once a frame.  By
        # assigning it to self.cTrav, we designate that this is the one that
        # it should call traverse() on each frame.
        self.cTrav = CollisionTraverser()

        # Collision traversers tell collision handlers about collisions, and then
        # the handler decides what to do with the information. We are using a
        # CollisionHandlerQueue, which simply creates a list of all of the
        # collisions in a given pass. There are more sophisticated handlers like
        # one that sends events and another that tries to keep collided objects
        # apart, but the results are often better with a simple queue
        self.cHandler = CollisionHandlerQueue()
        # Now we add the collision nodes that can create a collision to the
        # traverser. The traverser will compare these to all others nodes in the
        # scene. There is a limit of 32 CollisionNodes per traverser
        # We add the collider, and the handler to use as a pair
        self.cTrav.addCollider(self.ballSphere, self.cHandler)
        self.cTrav.addCollider(self.ballGroundColNp, self.cHandler)

        # Collision traversers have a built in tool to help visualize collisions.
        # Uncomment the next line to see it.
        #self.cTrav.showCollisions(render)  # Show traveser collisions

        # This section deals with lighting for the ball. Only the ball was lit
        # because the maze has static lighting pregenerated by the modeler
        self.alightColor = 0.1
        ambientLight = AmbientLight("ambientLight")
            (self.alightColor, self.alightColor, self.alightColor, 1))
        #ambientLight.setColor((1, 0, 0, 1))
        self.ambientL = render.attachNewNode(ambientLight)
        directionalLight = DirectionalLight("directionalLight")
        directionalLight.setDirection(LVector3(0, 1, 0))
        #directionalLight.setColor((0.375, 0.375, 0.375, 1))
        directionalLight.setColor((1, 1, 1, 1))
        directionalLight.setSpecularColor((1, 1, 1, 1))
        #self.directL = render.attachNewNode(directionalLight)
        self.teapot = loader.loadModel('teapot')
        self.teapot.setPos(0, 0, 0)
        self.teapotMovement = self.teapot.hprInterval(50, LPoint3(0, 360, 360))

        self.lightColor = 1000
        self.light = render.attachNewNode(Spotlight("Spot"))
        self.light.node().setShadowCaster(True, 1024, 1024)
        self.light.node().setAttenuation((1, 0, 1))
        self.light.node().getLens().setNearFar(5, 500)
        #self.light.node().setColor((100000, 100000, 100000, 1))
            (self.lightColor, self.lightColor, self.lightColor, 1))
        self.light.setPos(0, 0, 100)
        self.light.setHpr(LVector3(0, -90, 0))

        plight = PointLight('plight')
        plight.setColor((0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1))
        plnp = render.attachNewNode(plight)
        plnp.setPos(0, 0, 80)


        #self.maze2.setPos(0, 0, 10)


        # Maze 2 light

        # This section deals with adding a specular highlight to the ball to make
        # it look shiny.  Normally, this is specified in the .egg file.
        m = Material()
        m.setSpecular((1, 1, 1, 1))
        self.ball.setMaterial(m, 1)


        # Set maze rotation speed
        self.mazeSpeed = 10
        self.mazeVoiceSpeed = 8

        # Set maze max rotation
        self.mazeMaxRotation = 10
        self.mazeVoiceMaxRotation = 10

        # Distància minima per passar al següent punt
        self.minDist = 25
        # Pas per saltar punts del path
        self.pas = 25

        base.setBackgroundColor(0.2, 0.2, 0.2)

        self.camera2_buffer ="c2buffer",
        # print(mytexture)
        # cv2.imshow("Texure1", mytexture)
        self.camera2 = base.makeCamera(self.camera2_buffer)

        self.camera2.setPosHpr(0, 0, PI_CAMERA_H, 0, -90, 0)
        self.camera2.node().getLens().setFilmSize(1, 1)

        self.digitizer = Digitizer()
        self.aStar = aStar()
        self.path = None

        self.ready_to_solve = False

        # Finally, we call start for more initialization