Beispiel #1
    def __init__(self, logger=None):

        if logger:
            self.logger = logger
            self.logger = chordLogger()

        #basic stuff
        self.name_space_size = 2**NUM_BITS
        self.t = 0
        self.nodes = {}
        self.growing = False

        #parameters for randomization/event distribution

        #exponential distributin. mostly one node will join per tick.  less often 2 nodes, less often 3 nodes...etc.
        self.concurent_join_alpha = 4

        #the rate at which nodes leave/join teh network
        self.churn_rate = 0.05
        self.ids = None
Beispiel #2
    def __init__(self, logger=None):

        if logger:
            self.logger = logger
            self.logger = chordLogger()

        # basic stuff
        self.name_space_size = 2 ** NUM_BITS
        self.t = 0
        self.nodes = {}
        self.growing = False

        # parameters for randomization/event distribution

        # exponential distributin. mostly one node will join per tick.  less often 2 nodes, less often 3 nodes...etc.
        self.concurent_join_alpha = 4

        # the rate at which nodes leave/join teh network
        self.churn_rate = 0.05
        self.ids = None
Beispiel #3
   """ simple test. full network, all 16 nodes are there, all routing tables are set """   

   def tick(self):
      print "",
      # TODO: check if any node's TTL has run out, if has, remove from list
      # assumes that the network will also retire all nodes whose TTL has run out...
   def __init__(self):
      self.nodes = []
      self.t = 0
if __name__ == "__main__":
   print "## CHORD TESTER ##"
   """ Make class instances """ 
   tester = ChordTest()
   logger = chordLogger()
   #viz = ChordWindow()

   nw = chord.Network(logger)
   """ Bootstrap/Initialize network """ 
   # add a fixed number (currently 1) of nodes per tick
   # keep track of nodes that have been added
   # nodes should have random ID (assume no collisions? or check)

   print "\nBootstrapping Network"
   print "---------------------"
   raw_input("Press ENTER to continue... ") # Pause
