def _update_state(self): if collision_screen_left(self.ball): self.paddle1.lives -= 1 self.ball.reset() self.background.flash() if collision_screen_right(self.ball): self.paddle2.lives -= 1 self.ball.reset() self.background.flash() if collision_screen_top(self.ball) or collision_screen_bottom( self.ball): self.ball.acceleration = np.multiply(self.ball.acceleration, np.array([1, -1])) self.ball.position += self.ball.acceleration self.ball.acceleration_multiply( np.array([1 + self.timer / 100000000, 1])) if collision(self.paddle1, self.ball): self.ball.accelerate(acc_factor(self.paddle1, self.ball)) self.background.flash((0, 255, 0), 100) if collision(self.paddle2, self.ball): self.ball.accelerate(acc_factor(self.paddle2, self.ball)) self.background.flash((0, 255, 0), 100) self.background.update()
def update(self, keystate): collision(self, self.owner.game_items, self.rect) if self.rotation >= 360: self.rotation = 0 self.rotation = self.rotation + self.move_speed x = * sin(self.rotation * pi / 180) y = * cos(self.rotation * pi / 180) = ([0] + x,[1] + y)
def update(self, keystate): if self.imageindex >= 3: self.rect.move_ip(self.movevector.x, self.movevector.y) collision(self, self.owner.game_items, rect=self.rect) if self.nowkeeptime == 0: self.nowkeeptime = self.keeptime if self.imageindex < len(self.images) - 1: self.imageindex = self.imageindex + 1 self.image = self.images[self.imageindex] else: self.killself() else: self.nowkeeptime = self.nowkeeptime - 1
def update(self, keystate): if self.nowkeeptime == 0: self.nowkeeptime = self.keeptime if self.imageindex < len(self.images) - 1: if self.imageindex >= 2 and self.imageindex <= 6: self.rect.move_ip((0, self.speed)) collision(self, self.owner.game_items, rect=self.rect) self.imageindex = self.imageindex + 1 self.image = self.images[self.imageindex] else: self.killself() else: self.nowkeeptime = self.nowkeeptime - 1
def colli2(foes, bossFoe, ownBullets): for foe in foes: for bullet in ownBullets: if collision(foe.foe, bullet): replace = foe.coll(bullet.atr, drops, foes) if replace: foe = foe.replaceMove() bullet.die(ownBullets) for foe in bossFoe: for bullet in ownBullets: if collision(foe.foe, bullet): replace = foe.coll(bullet.atr, drops, bossFoe) if replace: foe = foe.replaceMove() bullet.die(ownBullets)
def move(self, keystate): direction = None if keystate[K_w]: direction = (0, -1) elif keystate[K_d]: direction = (1, 0) elif keystate[K_s]: direction = (0, 1) elif keystate[K_a]: direction = (-1, 0) if direction: if == direction: self.new_rect = self.rect.move(direction[0] * self.speed[0], direction[1] * self.speed[1]) # print "#", self.new_rect.right if collision(self) and self.bgmap.map_passive(self.new_rect): self.rect = self.new_rect self.rect = self.rect.clamp(SCREENRECT) if self.contrlmap and direction == ( 0, -1) and <= SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2: self.bgmap.move_by_player(self.speed[1]) else: = direction self.image = self.images[]
def check_conditions(self): if not collision(self.mold, rect=self.mold.rect ) or not self.mold.bgmap.map_passive(self.mold.rect): self.mold.both = False print + "both no pass" else: self.mold.both = True return 'move'
def update(self, keystate): if self.nowkeeptime == 0: if self.imageindex <= len(self.images) - 1: if self.grow: self.imageindex = self.imageindex + 1 if self.imageindex == len(self.images) - 1: self.grow = False collision(self, self.owner.game_items, rect=self.rect) else: if self.imageindex == 0: self.killself() return self.imageindex = self.imageindex - 1 self.image = self.images[self.imageindex] self.nowkeeptime = self.keeptime[self.imageindex] else: self.nowkeeptime = self.nowkeeptime - 1
def update(): global game_state global game_state_old key_pressed = pygame.key.get_pressed() if game_state is PAUSED: if key_pressed[K_y]: game_state = MENU if key_pressed[K_n]: game_state = game_state_old return if game_state is MENU: if menu.update() is True: game_state_old = game_state game_state = PLAYING return if CAMERA.x >= LEVEL_END: game_state_old = game_state game_state = COMPLETED if key_pressed[K_ESCAPE]: game_state_old = game_state game_state = PAUSED if key_pressed[K_r]: game_state = PLAYING initialize() if key_pressed[K_e]: player.lives += 1 if player.lives < 1: return if game_state is COMPLETED: return update_movement() collision() update_states()
def colli1(own, foes, bossFoe, bullets, drops): global ownDie global dieTime for foe in foes: if collision(own, foe.foe, -10): foe.coll(own.atr, drops, foes) own.die() for foe in bossFoe: if collision(own, foe.foe, -10): foe.coll(0, drops, bossFoe) own.die() for bullet in bullets: if collision(own, bullet, -10): bullets.remove(bullet) own.die() for drop in drops: if collision(own, drop, 30): #drops.remove(drop) #own.barrage.barUp() drop.coll(drops, own)
def check_conditions(self): if not SCREENRECT.contains(self.mold.new_rect)\ or not self.mold.bgmap.map_passive(self.mold.new_rect): return "thinkdirect" elif self.mold.conf.get( "turn_rate") and random.random() < self.mold.conf["turn_rate"]: return "thinkdirect" passive = collision(self.mold) if passive: self.mold.rect = self.mold.new_rect if self.mold.conf.get("target"): return "thinkdirect" return
def __init__ (self, arg): sf.Sprite.__init__(self, arg) self._w, self._h = 0, 0 #States self.clip_enabled = False #General sub-classes. self.resize = resize(self) self.clip = clip(self) = box(self) self.children = []; self.children_class = children_class(self) self.animation = animation(self) #Collision sub-classes. self.overlap = overlap(self) self.collision = collision(self) self.slope_collision = slope_collision(self)
def main(): open_canvas() global mainback mainback = Mainback() global start start = False while(start == False): handle_events() clear_canvas() mainback.draw() update_canvas() delay(0.08) #클래스 선언 global hero hero = Hero() rabbit = Rabbit() rabbit_group = [Rabbit() for i in range(600)] land = Land() wood = Wood() global torch torch = Torch() global fire fire = Fire() eskimo = Eskimo() attack_fire = Attack_fire() attack_fire_group = [Attack_fire() for i in range(100)] background = BackGround() global ui ui = Ui() firewood = Firewood() firewood_group = [Firewood() for i in range(600)] #변수 선언 rabbit_group_counter = 0 rabbit_group_collision_counter = 0 attack_group_counter = 0 attack_group_update_counter = 0 attack_group_collision_counter = 0 rabbit_alive_counter = 0 attack_group_alive_check = False attack_group_alive_counter = 0 attack_group_limit = 20 rabbit_group_draw_counter = 0 firewood_num_counter = 0 firewood_num_update_counter = 0 firewood_collide_counter = 0 rabbit_group_counter2 = 0 rabbit_jump = False rabbit_num = 10 firewood_num = 10 rack_block = 0 eskimo_counter = 0 global running running = True while running: #핸들 이벤트 handle_events() #업데이트 hero.update() background.update() land.update() wood.update() fire.update() torch.update() eskimo.update() ui.update(hero.x, hero.y, hero.ability) for rabbit in rabbit_group: # 토끼 업데이트 if(rabbit_group_counter == rabbit_num): rabbit_group_counter = 0 break if(rabbit.alive): rabbit.update() rabbit_group_counter += 1 # for rabbit in rabbit_group: # 토끼 업데이트 # if(rabbit_group_counter2 == 1): # print("%d" % rabbit.x) # break # rabbit_group_counter2 += 1 for attack_fire in attack_fire_group: # 공격불 업데이트 if(attack_group_update_counter == hero.attack_num): attack_fire.init_direction() attack_fire.alive = True # 공격불이 활성화 됨 attack_fire.init_fire() attack_group_update_counter = 0 break if(attack_fire.alive): attack_fire.update() attack_group_update_counter += 1 for firewood in firewood_group: # 장작 업데이트 if(firewood_num_update_counter == firewood_num): firewood_num_update_counter = 0 break firewood.update() firewood_num_update_counter += 1 #함수 for rabbit in rabbit_group: #토끼와 히어로의 충돌체크 if(rabbit_group_collision_counter == rabbit_num): rabbit_group_collision_counter = 0 break if(collision(rabbit, hero)): rabbit.y += 50 mainback.hero_die = True mainback.die_sound() running = False rabbit_group_collision_counter += 1 for rabbit in rabbit_group: # 토끼와 공격불의 충돌체크 if(rack_block == rabbit_num): rack_block = 0 break for attack_fire in attack_fire_group: if(attack_group_collision_counter == hero.attack_num): attack_group_collision_counter = 0 break if(collision(rabbit, attack_fire) and rabbit.alive and attack_fire.alive): attack_fire.alive = False rabbit.alive = False rabbit.die = True hero.kill += 1 attack_fire.die = False attack_group_collision_counter += 1 rack_block += 1 for attack_fire in attack_fire_group: if(eskimo_counter == hero.attack_num): eskimo_counter = 0 break if(collision(eskimo, attack_fire)): attack_fire.alive = False eskimo.x -= 10 eskimo.hp -= 1 if(eskimo.hp == 0): mainback.eskimo_die = True running = False mainback.win_sound() attack_fire.die = False eskimo_counter += 1 if(collision(wood, hero)): # 나무와 주인공 충돌체크 fire.collide = True if(ui.firewood_num != 0): += ui.firewood_num*250 ui.firewood_num = 0 else: fire.collide = False if(collision(eskimo, hero)): # 주인공과 에스키모 충돌체크 mainback.hero_die = True running = False mainback.die_sound() for firewood in firewood_group: # 장작과 주인공 충돌체크 if(firewood_collide_counter == firewood_num): firewood_collide_counter = 0 break if(collision(firewood, hero) and firewood.die == False): ui.firewood_num += 1 firewood.die = True firewood_collide_counter += 1 for rabbit in rabbit_group: # 토끼 출현! if(rabbit_alive_counter == rabbit_num): break if(rabbit.die == False): rabbit.alive = True rabbit_alive_counter += 1 if(fire.die): # 불이 꺼지면 토끼들이 마구마구 몰려온다. rabbit_num = 500 for attack_fire in attack_fire_group: # 불 스킬 존재 유무 if(attack_fire.alive): attack_group_alive_counter = 0 break attack_group_alive_counter += 1 if(attack_group_alive_counter == hero.attack_num): hero.attack_num = 0 for attack_fire in attack_fire_group: # 화면 밖을 벗어나면 불 스킬 사망 판정 if(attack_fire.x >= 900 or attack_fire.x <= -100): attack_fire.alive = False print("stage = %d" % background.stage) #스테이지 if(hero.kill == 10 and background.stage == 1): print("+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++") rabbit_num += 20 hero.ability += 10 firewood_num += 5 background.stage = 2 if(hero.kill == 30 and background.stage == 2): rabbit_num += 30 firewood_num += 10 hero.ability += 10 background.stage = 3 background.stage3_music() if(hero.kill == 60 and background.stage == 3): rabbit_num += 40 firewood_num += 15 hero.ability += 10 background.stage = 4 if(hero.kill == 80 and background.stage == 4): rabbit_num += 50 firewood_num += 20 hero.ability += 10 background.stage = 5 eskimo.alive = True background.stage5_music() if(background.stage == 5): rabbit_jump = True if(rabbit_jump): for rabbit in rabbit_group: rabbit.y += 5 # print("%d" % hero.attack_num) print("킬 수 : %d num : %d" % (hero.kill, rabbit_num)) clear_canvas() #그리기 background.draw() fire.draw() wood.draw() torch.draw() hero.draw() eskimo.draw() # eskimo.draw_bb() # hero.draw_bb() for rabbit in rabbit_group: # 적토끼 출력 if(rabbit_group_draw_counter == rabbit_num): rabbit_group_draw_counter = 0 break if(rabbit.alive): rabbit.draw() rabbit_group_draw_counter += 1 # rabbit.draw_bb() for attack_fire in attack_fire_group: # 공격 불 출력 if(attack_group_counter == hero.attack_num): attack_group_counter = 0 break if(attack_fire.alive): attack_fire.draw() # attack_fire.draw_bb() attack_group_counter += 1 for firewood in firewood_group: # 장작 출력 if(firewood_num_counter == firewood_num): firewood_num_counter = 0 break firewood.draw() firewood_num_counter += 1 land.draw() ui.draw() update_canvas() delay(0.06) while(mainback.hero_die or mainback.eskimo_die): handle_events() clear_canvas() mainback.draw() update_canvas() delay(0.08) close_canvas()
def update(self, keystate): collision(self, self.owner.game_items, rect=self.rect) self.rect.move_ip( (self.speed *, self.speed * if not SCREENRECT.colliderect(self.rect): self.killself()
missile2(Ship.x + 8, Ship.y - 40, 'data2/missile2.jpg')) for m in Missile: if m.y >= 0: m.render() m.y -= for m in Missile2: if m.y >= 0: m.render() m.y -= Score(score) for m in Missile: if m.y > 0: if d == 0 and collision(m.x, m.y, enemy.x, enemy.y) == 1: del enemy del m d = 1 score += 1 if d2 == 1 and collision(m.x, m.y, enemy2.x, enemy2.y) == 1: del enemy2 del m d2 = 0 score += 1 for m in Missile2: if m.y > 0 and d == 0: if collision(m.x, m.y, enemy.x, enemy.y) == 1: del enemy enemy2 = alien2(50 * row, 50 * col, 'data2/alien2.png')
if event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: firebullet = True mbdx,mbdy = pygame.mouse.get_pos() posy = mbdy posx = mbdx bullet_x = x screen.blit(background, (0,0)) if existball == True: x,y = pygame.mouse.get_pos() x = x - mouse_c.get_width()/2 y = y - mouse_c.get_height()/2 screen.blit(mouse_c,(x,y)) pygame.mouse.set_visible(False) existball = collision(listbball,x,y) if existball == False: screen.blit(balldefeated,(x,y)) if existbball == True: if existball == True: bball_x,bball_y = badball_1.move(bball_x, bball_y, x, y) listbball[0] = [bball_x,bball_y] screen.blit(bball,(bball_x, bball_y)) if firebullet == True: if abs(bullet_x - bball_x)<30 and abs(bullet_y-bball_y)<30: existbball = False firebullet = False if existbball == False: