### Get client name and attache to the closest cache agent
client_name = getMyName()

## Denote the server info
# cdn_host = 'cmu-agens.azureedge.net'
# cdn_host = 'aws.cmu-agens.com'
cdn_host = 'rs-cdn.cmu-agens.com'
video_name = 'BBB'

### Get the server to start streaming
for i in range(10):

	## Testing rtt based server selection
	selected_srv_addr = cdn_host + '/videos/'
	client_ID, CDN_SQS, uniq_srvs = dash_client(selected_srv_addr, video_name)

	all_srv_trace_data = {}
	for srv in uniq_srvs:
		## ping all servers
		mnRTT = getMnRTT(srv)
		print mnRTT

		## Traceroute all srvs
		cdnHops = get_hop_by_host(srv)
		print cdnHops

		traceData = {'RTT' : mnRTT, 'Hops' : cdnHops, 'TS' : time.time()}
		all_srv_trace_data[srv] = traceData.copy()

	writeJson("TR_" + client_ID, all_srv_trace_data)
if selected_method == "Adapt1":
	print "[Adapt1]: Use Adaptive CDN selection methods to select among Azure CDN and CloudFront!"
	adapt_cdn = {}
	adapt_cdn['Azure'] = cdns['Azure'].copy()
	adapt_cdn['CloudFront'] = cdns['CloudFront'].copy()
	updated_adapt_cdn = adaptive_client(adapt_cdn, video_name, selected_method)
	cdns['Azure'] = updated_adapt_cdn['Azure'].copy()
	cdns['CloudFront'] = updated_adapt_cdn['CloudFront'].copy()
elif selected_method == "Adapt2":
	print "[Adapt2]: Use Adaptive CDN selection methods to select among Azure CDN and Rackspace!"
	adapt_cdn = {}
	adapt_cdn['Azure'] = cdns['Azure'].copy()
	adapt_cdn['Rackspace'] = cdns['Rackspace'].copy()
	updated_adapt_cdn = adaptive_client(adapt_cdn, video_name, selected_method)
	cdns['Azure'] = updated_adapt_cdn['Azure'].copy()
	cdns['Rackspace'] = updated_adapt_cdn['Rackspace'].copy()
elif selected_method in cdns.keys():
	print "Use " + selected_method + " CDN to stream video!"
	selected_url = cdns[selected_method]['url']
	sqs = dash_client(selected_url, video_name, selected_method)
	cdns[selected_method]['QoE'] = sqs
	print "[Error] Selected method is not available: ", selected_method

print "Updated CDN SQS: ", cdns

	with open(latest_config_file, 'w') as outfile:
		json.dump(cdns, outfile, sort_keys = True, indent = 4, ensure_ascii=False)
Beispiel #3
import os
import logging
import shutil
import time
from datetime import datetime
from dash_client import *
from test_utils import *
from client_utils import *

### Get client name and attache to the closest cache agent
client_name = getMyName()

## Denote the server info
# srv_addr = 'www.cmu-agens.tk.global.prod.fastly.net/videos/'
# srv_addr = ''
srv_addr = 'cache-01.cloudapp.net/videos/'
# srv_addr = 'az833905.vo.msecnd.net/videos/'
video_name = 'BBB'

### Get the server to start streaming
for i in range(1):
    cur_ts = time.time()

    ## Testing rtt based server selection
    # waitRandom(1, 100)
    dash_client(srv_addr, video_name)

#time_elapsed = time.time() - cur_ts
#if time_elapsed < 600:
#	time.sleep(600 - time_elapsed)
Beispiel #4
if selected_method == "Adapt1":
    print "[Adapt1]: Use Adaptive CDN selection methods to select among Azure CDN and CloudFront!"
    adapt_cdn = {}
    adapt_cdn['Azure'] = cdns['Azure'].copy()
    adapt_cdn['CloudFront'] = cdns['CloudFront'].copy()
    updated_adapt_cdn = adaptive_client(adapt_cdn, video_name, selected_method)
    cdns['Azure'] = updated_adapt_cdn['Azure'].copy()
    cdns['CloudFront'] = updated_adapt_cdn['CloudFront'].copy()
elif selected_method == "Adapt2":
    print "[Adapt2]: Use Adaptive CDN selection methods to select among Azure CDN and Rackspace!"
    adapt_cdn = {}
    adapt_cdn['Azure'] = cdns['Azure'].copy()
    adapt_cdn['Rackspace'] = cdns['Rackspace'].copy()
    updated_adapt_cdn = adaptive_client(adapt_cdn, video_name, selected_method)
    cdns['Azure'] = updated_adapt_cdn['Azure'].copy()
    cdns['Rackspace'] = updated_adapt_cdn['Rackspace'].copy()
elif selected_method in cdns.keys():
    print "Use " + selected_method + " CDN to stream video!"
    selected_url = cdns[selected_method]['url']
    sqs = dash_client(selected_url, video_name, selected_method)
    cdns[selected_method]['QoE'] = sqs
    print "[Error] Selected method is not available: ", selected_method

print "Updated CDN SQS: ", cdns

    with open(latest_config_file, 'w') as outfile:
        json.dump(cdns, outfile, sort_keys=True, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False)
# test_cdn_client.py
# Chen Wang, Oct. 23, 2015
# [email protected]
from utils.client_utils import *

from dash_client import *
from utils.test_utils import *

### Get client name and attache to the closest cache agent
client_name = getMyName()

if len(sys.argv) > 1:
	cdn_host = sys.argv[1]
	cdn_host = 'az.cmu-agens.com'

if len(sys.argv) > 2:
	video_name = sys.argv[2]
	video_name = 'BBB'

## Denote the server info
srv_addr = cdn_host + '/videos'

### Get the server to start streaming
dash_client(srv_addr, video_name)

if os.path.exists(os.getcwd() + "/tmp/"):
	shutil.rmtree(os.getcwd() + "/tmp/")