def oneOPTSimulation(rate):
	generateSetting(times = rate)

	## execute firstfit, bestfit
	sharpPath = "..\\GreenDC-Schedule\\Simulation\\bin\\Release\\Simulation.exe"
	dataPath = "..\\data\\"

	## Read profit to optimal file
	f = open("..\\lingo-opt\\profit.txt")
	a = f.readline()
	rnt = a.join(a.split()) 
	optOutPutPath =  "..\\result\\opt\\opt_arrivalrate_" + str(rate) + ".txt"
	outf = open(optOutPutPath, "a")
	outf.write(rnt + "\n")

	for schedulerName in ['firstfit', 'bestfit']:
		outputFilePath = "..\\result\\opt\\" + schedulerName + "_arrivalrate_" + str(rate) + ".txt"
		cmd = sharpPath
		#replace files if not in the same sets of repeatition
		cmd += ' >> '
		cmd += outputFilePath
		cmd += " " + dataPath 
		cmd += " " + schedulerName

		# call c-sharp program to run the scheduler

	## copy file to lingo folder
	cmd = "copyFileSettingToLingo.bat"
Beispiel #2
def runSim(rep, arrivalrate):
	sharpPath = "..\\GreenDC-Schedule\\Simulation\\bin\\Release\\Simulation.exe"
	dataPath = "..\\data\\"

	for i in range(1,rep+1):		
		generateSetting(arrivalrate = arrivalrate)
		for schedulerName in ['firstfit', 'bestfit']:
			outputFilePath = "..\\result\\" + schedulerName + "_arrivalrate_" + str(arrivalrate) + ".txt"
			cmd = sharpPath
			#replace files if not in the same sets of repeatition
			cmd += (' >' if i==1 else ' >> ')
			cmd += outputFilePath
			cmd += " " + dataPath 
			cmd += " " + schedulerName

			# call c-sharp program to run the scheduler
def runSim(rep, arrivalrate):
    sharpPath = "..\\GreenDC-Schedule\\Simulation\\bin\\Release\\Simulation.exe"
    dataPath = "..\\data\\"

    for i in range(1, rep + 1):

        for schedulerName in ['firstfit', 'bestfit']:
            outputFilePath = "..\\result\\" + schedulerName + "_arrivalrate_" + str(
                arrivalrate) + ".txt"
            cmd = sharpPath
            #replace files if not in the same sets of repeatition
            cmd += (' >' if i == 1 else ' >> ')
            cmd += outputFilePath
            cmd += " " + dataPath
            cmd += " " + schedulerName

            # call c-sharp program to run the scheduler