def Listen(): try: signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, handler) signal.alarm(100) flag = checkConn() if flag == True: getData() signal.alarm(0) except AssertionError: exit(0)
def Listen(): try: signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, handler) signal.alarm(100) flag = checkConn(); if flag == True: getData() signal.alarm(0) except AssertionError: exit(0)
def linearRegreSin(url,degree): [a,b] = getData(url) trainA = a[0:139] trainB = b[0:139] testA = a[140:] testB = b[140:] poly = PolynomialFeatures(degree) trainA = np.float64(poly.fit_transform(trainA)) testA = np.float64(poly.fit_transform(testA)) theta =,trainA)),trainA.T),trainB) plt.figure(1) plt.xlabel('x') plt.ylabel('y') plt.title('data') plt.plot(trainA[:,1],trainB,"r*"), theta) print(pow(sum((y-trainB)**2),1/2)/140) #print MSE, theta) #plt.plot(testA[:,1], testB, "r.") plt.plot(testA[:,1],y,"k*") print(pow(sum((y-testB)**2),1/2)/60) #print MSE print(theta)
def main(): # Get data training_set, test_set = getData() # predict prediction = modeling(trainx, trainy, testx, testy).predict(testx) # Transform prediction_i = scaler.inverse_transform(prediction.reshape(-1, 1)) test_y_inv = scaler.inverse_transform(testy.reshape(-1, 1)) prediction2_i = np.array(prediction_i[:, 0][1:]) test2_y_inv = np.array(test_y_inv[:, 0]) # Train _, predictions = flow(data, split, modeling, rmse, n_train=600, n_test=60) # Get dif mean, _ = validate(data, split, modeling, rmse, flow) # Show chart getChart(test_Dates, test2_y_inv, predictions - mean)
def bestMatch(data): #finds other jobs for which your personality is a match jobnames = data.titles currAvg = data.avg totalComp = [] betterJobs = [] for i in range(len(data.textJobnames)): comparisons = 0 jobname = jobnames[data.z + i] # print(jobname) txt = findJob(jobname) callPersonalityInsights(txt, jobname) a, b, c = getData(jobname + ".json") things = [a[0], a[1], b] for ele in range(len(things)): #print(candidateData[ele]) match, res = Comparing(data.candidatedata[ele], things[ele]) comparisons += res # print(ele) totalAvg = comparisons / len(things) totalComp += [(jobname, totalAvg)] for element in totalComp: name, avg = element if currAvg < avg: betterJobs += [element] data.bestJobs = betterJobs
def train(f_hr=8, b_hr=3, thr=40, method="HCR"): p = DATA_PATH # Set logger logger = generateLogger(p + "log.log") log( "--------------------------------------------------------------------------", logger) log( "--------------------------------- Train --------------------------------", logger) # Get data end_dt = - timedelta(hours=24) start_dt = end_dt - timedelta(hours=8000) log("Get data from " + str(start_dt) + " to " + str(end_dt), logger) df_esdr_array_raw, df_smell_raw = getData(start_dt=start_dt, end_dt=end_dt, logger=logger) df_esdr, df_smell = preprocessData(df_esdr_array_raw=df_esdr_array_raw, df_smell_raw=df_smell_raw, logger=logger) # Compute features df_X, df_Y, df_C = computeFeatures(df_esdr=df_esdr, df_smell=df_smell, f_hr=f_hr, b_hr=b_hr, thr=thr, is_regr=False, add_inter=False, add_roll=False, add_diff=False, logger=logger, out_p_mean=p + "mean.csv", out_p_std=p + "std.csv") # Select features # NOTE: currently, the best model uses all the features #df_X, df_Y = selectFeatures(df_X, df_Y, logger=logger, out_p=p+"feat_selected.csv") # Train, save, and evaluate model model = trainModel({ "X": df_X, "Y": df_Y, "C": df_C }, method=method, out_p=p + "model.pkl", logger=logger) metric = computeMetric(df_Y, model.predict(df_X, df_C), False) for m in metric: log(metric[m], logger)
def GET(self, name): data = '' i = web.input() user = i.get('user') if user == "explorer": latitude = i.get("latitude") longitude = i.get("longitude") data = getData(latitude, longitude) else: data = "Name Error" if data == None: data = "No Data" return data
def getProportions(location): flatten = lambda l: [item for sublist in l for item in sublist] fullData = getData(location) newData = [] for x in range(len(fullData)): if x not in exclusions: newData.append(fullData[x]) data = flatten(newData) proportions = { -1: data.count('-1'), 0: data.count('0'), 1: data.count('1') } proportions['total'] = proportions[-1] + proportions[0] + proportions[1] return proportions
def GET(self,name): data = '' i = web.input() user = i.get('user') if user == "explorer": latitude = i.get("latitude") longitude = i.get("longitude") data = getData(latitude, longitude) else: data = "Name Error" if data == None: data = "No Data" return data
def get_data(): data = ast.literal_eval(getData()["GPSData:"]) text_data = " " for i in range(len(data)): if i % 2 == 1: text_data += data[i] + " " else: text_data += data[i] with open('current_log.txt', 'a') as fi: fi.write(text_data + "\n") with open('log.txt', 'a') as f: f.write(text_data + "\n") with open('take_screenshot.pickle', 'wb') as f: pickle.dump('True', f) return text_data
async def i(ctx, *args): errorColor=0xed4337 mainColor=0xfde107 if len(args) > 1: embed = embedFunc("Hata","Lütfen tek kelime giriniz.",errorColor) elif len(args) == 0: embed = embedFunc("Hata", "Lütfen kelime giriniz",errorColor) else: title, gif, description = getData(args[0]) if title != "0": embed = embedFunc(title,description,mainColor) embed.set_image(url=gif) embed.set_footer(text="") else: title="Kelime Bulunamadı" embed = embedFunc(title,args[0],errorColor) await ctx.send(embed=embed)
def analyzeStimulus(location): stimulusData = getData(location) def analyzeNeurons(data, neuronNum1, neuronNum2, delay): neuron1 = data[neuronNum1] neuron2 = data[neuronNum2] if delay > 0: neuron1 = neuron1[delay:] neuron2 = neuron2[:-delay] elif delay < 0: neuron1 = neuron1[:delay] neuron2 = neuron2[-delay:] neuron1 = map(float, neuron1) neuron2 = map(float, neuron2) correlationVal = scipy.stats.pearsonr(neuron1, neuron2)[0] tempCorVals = 0 tempNeuron2 = neuron2[:] lessThanCounter = 0.0 return [neuronNum1 + 1, neuronNum2 + 1, delay, correlationVal] analyzedNeurons = [] for combo in neuronCombinations: for delay in range(-3, 4): analyzedNeurons.append( analyzeNeurons(stimulusData, combo[0], combo[1], delay)) for x in range(len(analyzedNeurons)): if math.isnan(analyzedNeurons[x][-1]): analyzedNeurons[x][-1] = 0 analyzedNeuronsSorted = sorted(analyzedNeurons, key=lambda cor: cor[3]) highPositiveCorrelations = analyzedNeuronsSorted[len(analyzedNeuronsSorted ) * 95 / 100:] highNegativeCorrelations = analyzedNeuronsSorted[ 0:len(analyzedNeuronsSorted) * 5 / 100] return highPositiveCorrelations, highNegativeCorrelations
def __init__(self, params): """ Constructor method of the class which initializes variables and calls function to read image names and labels """ self._data_file_path = params['data_file_path'] self._num_of_artists = params['num_of_artists'] self._num_of_images_per_artist = params['num_of_images_per_artist'] self._saveData_to_file = params['saveData_to_file'] self._read_prefetched_Data = params['read_prefetched_Data'] self._batch_size = params['batch_size'] self._data_dir = params['data_dir'] self._height = 256 self._width = 256 self._left_image = {} self._right_image = {} self._labels = {} self._params = {} self._trainFlag = True # Object for the getData class which reads filenames and labels from csv/text file. Defined in the _csv_obj = getData() # Fetches the training data either from csv or text file. if not self._read_prefetched_Data: print('Loading file names and labels from csv.'), self.label = _csv_obj.read_csv( self._data_file_path, self._data_dir, self._num_of_artists, self._num_of_images_per_artist, self._saveData_to_file) else: print('Loading existing file names and labels from text file.'), self.label = _csv_obj.read_from_file( self._data_file_path) # Splits the training data into training and validation sets (80-20) self.train_data =[:int(len( * 0.8)] self.train_labels = self.label[:int(len(self.label) * 0.8)] self.valid_data =[int(len( * 0.8):] self.valid_labels = self.label[int(len(self.label) * 0.8):]
matEps=[lamb,eps.real,eps.imag] return matEps import matplotlib.pyplot as plt #Plotting Ag #hag=getData("database/main/Ag/Hagemann.yml"); range=(0.280,0.790) lambdasAg=np.linspace(range[0],range[1],100) ag=getData("database/main/Ag/Johnson.yml",lambdasAg); #print ag lambdasTiO2=np.linspace(0.280,0.790) #tio2=getData("database/main/TiO2/Devore-o.yml",lambdasTiO2); tio2=getData("database/main/SiO2/Malitson.yml",lambdasTiO2); fig=plt.figure() plt.plot(lambdasTiO2*1e3,[ x.real for x in tio2],'g-',label=r'Real($n_{SiO_{2}}$)') plt.legend() plt.title(r"Współczynnik załamania $SiO_2$ ($n$)"); plt.ylabel('') plt.xlabel('wavelength [nm]')
# @Time : 2020/9/3 11:23 # @Author : Jianyuan Lu # @FileName: # @Software: PyCharm import numpy as np import math import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import as spio import scipy.sparse.linalg as ll import sklearn.preprocessing as skpp from getData import * A = getData('../data/food-consumption.csv') stdA = np.std(A, axis=0) #沿行计算标准差 stdA = skpp.normalize(stdA.reshape( 1, -1)) # 使得所有标准差的平方和等于1 the normalize is different from MATLAB's stdA2 = np.std(A, axis=1) #沿列计算标准差 stdA2 = skpp.normalize(stdA2.reshape(1, -1)) meanA = (np.mean(A, axis=0)) mean2A = (np.mean(A, axis=1)) temp = A - meanA temp2 = (A.T - mean2A) Anew = (A - meanA) @ np.diag( np.ones(stdA.shape[1]) / stdA[0]) #Anew每个元素除以对应的标准差 Anew2 = temp2 @ np.diag(np.ones(stdA2.shape[1]) / stdA2[0]) #Anew每个元素除以对应的标准差 Anew = Anew.T #归一化,转置后的A
def drawResult(canvas, data): #RESULT PAGE 1 canvas.create_rectangle(0, 0, data.width, data.height, fill="slategray4") margin = 50 canvas.create_text(data.width // 2, margin, text="RESULTS", font="Times 20 bold") personality, needs, values = getData( "comparison.json") #data.candidate +".json" first, second = personality[0], personality[1] data.comparisondata = [] comparisonData = {} things = [first, second, needs] for dictionary in things: comphell = {} for key in dictionary: comphell[key] = dictionary[key] comparisonData[key] = dictionary[key] data.comparisondata += [comphell] personalitycomp, needscomp, valuescomp = getData("candidate.json") firstcomp, secondcomp = personalitycomp[0], personalitycomp[1] things1 = [firstcomp, secondcomp, needscomp] data.candidatedata = [] candidateData = {} for dictionary1 in things1: candhell = {} for key1 in dictionary1: candhell[key1] = dictionary1[key1] candidateData[key1] = dictionary1[key1] data.candidatedata += [candhell] match, data.avg = Comparing(candidateData, comparisonData) canvas.create_text(data.width // 2, 3 * margin, text="You are a %s match to the job" % data.avg, font="Times 15") margin = 30 border = 25 width = 4 * margin centeringx1, centeringy = 1.7, 1.5 canvas.create_rectangle(data.width - width, data.height - 2 * margin, data.width - border, data.height - border, fill="pink", outline="white") canvas.create_text(data.width - width / centeringx1, data.height - centeringy * margin, text="DETAILS") data.result1bounds = (data.width - width, data.height - 2 * margin, data.width - border, data.height - border) data.candidateList = [] for dictionary1 in things1: candidatedata = {} for key1 in dictionary1: candidatedata[key1] = dictionary1[key1] data.candidateList += [[candidatedata]] canvas.create_text( data.width // 2, 4 * margin, text= "To conside similar and better suited jobs press 'r', your match to the job is also displayed:" ) i = 0 if data.bestMatch: for ele in data.bestJobs: name, match = ele name = name[:name.index("cover") - 1] if match >= 100: canvas.create_text(data.width // 2, (8 + i) * margin, text=str(name) + " : " + str(match), fill="red", font="Times 15 ") else: canvas.create_text(data.width // 2, (8 + i) * margin, text=str(name) + " : " + str(match), fill="black", font="Times 15 ") i += 1
def predict(f_hr=8, b_hr=3, thr=40): p = DATA_PATH # Set logger logger = generateLogger(p + "log.log") log( "--------------------------------------------------------------------------", logger) log( "-------------------------------- Predict -------------------------------", logger) # Get data for previous b_hr hours end_dt = start_dt = end_dt - timedelta(hours=b_hr + 1) log("Get data from " + str(start_dt) + " to " + str(end_dt), logger) df_esdr_array_raw, df_smell_raw = getData(start_dt=start_dt, end_dt=end_dt, logger=logger) df_esdr, df_smell = preprocessData(df_esdr_array_raw=df_esdr_array_raw, df_smell_raw=df_smell_raw, logger=logger) if len(df_esdr) < b_hr + 1: log("ERROR: Length of esdr is less than " + str(b_hr + 1) + " hours", logger) log("Length of esdr = " + str(len(df_esdr)), logger) return # Compute features df_X, _, df_C = computeFeatures(df_esdr=df_esdr, df_smell=df_smell, f_hr=f_hr, b_hr=b_hr, thr=thr, is_regr=False, add_inter=False, add_roll=False, add_diff=False, logger=logger, in_p_mean=p + "mean.csv", in_p_std=p + "std.csv") if len(df_X) != 1: log("ERROR: Length of X is not 1", logger) log("Length of X = " + str(len(df_X)), logger) return # Select features # NOTE: currently, the best model uses all the features #df_feat_selected = pd.read_csv(p+"feat_selected.csv") #df_X = df_X[df_feat_selected.columns] # Load model log("Load model...", logger) model = joblib.load(p + "model.pkl") # Predict result # For the hybrid crowd classifier # if pred==0, no event # if pred==1, event predicted by the base estimator # if pred==2, event detected by the crowd # if pred==3, event both predicted by the base estimator and detected by the crowd y_pred = model.predict(df_X, df_C)[0] log("Prediction for " + str(end_dt) + " is " + str(y_pred), logger) if y_pred == 1 or y_pred == 3: pushType1(end_dt, logger) if y_pred == 2 or y_pred == 3: pushType2(end_dt, logger)
#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # #Author: Pengfei Shi <*****@*****.**> # from getData import * from usingNeo4j import * from _ast import List #import getData if __name__=="__main__": url1="" s=getData(url1) s.getPages() s.getContext() department=["党务部门","行政部门","直属单位","附属医院","附属学校","学院(系)","研究院"] #'(?<=#8a9046">).*(?=</font>)')'(?<="c51084">).*(?=</a>)')'(?<="c51085">).*(?=</a>)')'(?<="c51273">).*(?=</a>)')'(?<="c51244">).*(?=</a>)')'(?<="c51245">).*(?=</a>)')
from sklearn import datasets # Q1 # [x,y]=getData("") # x = x[0:100,0] # y = y[0:100] # clf = LDA() #,y) # LDA(n_components=None, priors=None, shrinkage=None, solver='svd', # store_covariance=False, tol=0.0001) # for i in range(100): # y_pre = clf.predict([x[i]]) # print(y_pre) # Q2 [x,y]=getData("") x = x[0:100] y = y[0:100] sum = np.zeros((4,1)) for i in range(4): for j in range(50): sum[i] = sum[i] + x[j][i] sum = sum/50 #calculate mean std = np.std(x[0:50],axis=0) x = x[50:100] sum1 = np.zeros((4,1)) for i in range(4): for j in range(50): sum1[i] = sum1[i] + x[j][i] sum1 = sum1/50 #calculate mean
def analyzeStimulus(location): stimulusData = getData(location) def analyzeNeurons(data,neuronNum1,neuronNum2,delay): neuron1=data[neuronNum1] neuron2=data[neuronNum2] if delay>0: neuron1=neuron1[delay:] neuron2=neuron2[:-delay] elif delay<0: neuron1=neuron1[:delay] neuron2=neuron2[-delay:] neuron1 = map(float, neuron1) neuron2 = map(float, neuron2) def findSimilarityCorrelation(neuron1,neuron2): sims=0. total=0. for x in range(len(neuron1)): if neuron1[x]==neuron2[x]: sims+=1. total+=1. return sims/total correlationVal=findSimilarityCorrelation(neuron1,neuron2) tempCorVals=0 tempNeuron2=neuron2[:] lessThanCounter=0.0 if math.isnan(correlationVal): percentile=correlationVal significance=0 else: for x in range(number_of_shuffles): random.shuffle(tempNeuron2) tempCorVal=findSimilarityCorrelation(neuron1,tempNeuron2) if tempCorVal<=correlationVal: lessThanCounter+=1.0 percentile=lessThanCounter/number_of_shuffles if percentile>.95: significance=1 else: significance=0 return [neuronNum1+1, neuronNum2+1, delay, correlationVal, percentile, significance] analyzedNeurons=[] analyzedNeurons.append(['neuron1','neuron2','delay','correlation coefficient','percentile','significance']) for combo in neuronCombinations: for delay in range(-3,4): analyzedNeurons.append(analyzeNeurons(stimulusData,combo[0],combo[1],delay)) return analyzedNeurons
def linearRegreMul(url): [a,b] = getData(url) theta =,a)),a.T),b),theta) print(pow(sum((y-b)**2),1/2)) #print MSE
rho = rho * dens return(rho) radius=10 dist='40.240' path="two_colloid_dist_" + str(dist) filename="two_colloid_dist_" + str(dist) + "/ipbs_solution.vtu" dist=float(dist) xmin=-dist xmax=0 ymin=0 ymax=dist/2. resolution=.125 x,y,sol=getData(filename, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, resolution, resolution) print x.shape, y.shape, sol.shape phi = scipy.interpolate.RectBivariateSpline(x,y,sol, kx=3, ky=3) print phi(2,3) numpy.savetxt("sol.txt", sol.transpose()) #rho=scipy.interpolate.interp2d(x,y,dens(sol), kind='cubic') #rho=scipy.interpolate.RectBivariateSpline(x,y,sol) #x = numpy.linspace(xmin,xmax,100)# x coordinates #y = numpy.linspace(ymin,ymax,100)# y coordinates #z = solutiondata(x,y) #print z print phi(x,y).shape
from scipy import sparse from scipy.sparse import find from sklearn.cluster import KMeans from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from getData import * from filterIsolatedDate import * from getWebName import * from calMisrate import * n=1490 largest_K =101 edgeData = getData('../data/edges.txt') p1 = edgeData[:, 0] - 1 # 矩阵是从0开始的 p2 = edgeData[:, 1] - 1 v = np.ones((edgeData.shape[0], 1)).flatten() # 生成一堆1,准备存放 #A = sparse.csc_matrix((v, (p1, p2)), shape=(n, n)) temp = np.zeros((n, n)).astype(int) temp[p1,p2] = 1 A = temp A = (A + np.transpose(A)) / 2 # 连接的地方都是0.5 webName,orientation = getwebname('../data/nodes.txt') A, zeroIndex,webName,orientation = filterData(A,webName,orientation) n=A.shape[0] temp = np.sum(A, axis=1) D = np.diag(1 / np.sqrt(np.sum(A, axis=1))) # 不用这个.A1,就生成不了矩阵
N = n[:] + 1j * k[:] eps = N[:] * N[:] matEps = [lamb, eps.real, eps.imag] return matEps import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Plotting Ag # hag=getData("database/main/Ag/Hagemann.yml"); range = (0.280, 0.790) lambdasAg = np.linspace(range[0], range[1], 100) ag = getData("database/main/Ag/Johnson.yml", lambdasAg) # print ag lambdasTiO2 = np.linspace(0.280, 0.790) # tio2=getData("database/main/TiO2/Devore-o.yml",lambdasTiO2); tio2 = getData("database/main/SiO2/Malitson.yml", lambdasTiO2) fig = plt.figure() plt.plot(lambdasTiO2 * 1e3, [x.real for x in tio2], "g-", label=r"Real($n_{SiO_{2}}$)") plt.legend() plt.title(r"Współczynnik załamania $SiO_2$ ($n$)") plt.ylabel("") plt.xlabel("wavelength [nm]") plt.xlim([280, 750])
#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import unicode_literals import numpy as np import pylab as plt from getData import * import matplotlib matplotlib.rcParams.update({'font.size': 30}) range=(1,17) lambdas=np.linspace(range[0],range[1],100) ag=getData("database/main/GaAs/Skauli.yml",lambdas); fig=plt.figure() plt.plot(lambdas,[ (x*x).real for x in ag ],'r-',label=r'Re($\varepsilon_{GaAs}$)',lw=4) #plt.plot(lambdas,[ (x*x).imag for x in ag] ,'b-',label=r'Imag($\varepsilon_{Ag}$)') #plt.plot(lambdasTiO2*1e3,[ (x*x).real for x in tio2],'g-',label=r'Real($\varepsilon_{TiO_{2}}$)') c=299792458 lambdas=lambdas*10e-6 freq=c/lambdas freq=freq/10e12 #plt.plot(freq,[ (x*x).real for x in ag ],'r-',label=r'Real($\varepsilon_{Ag}$)') plt.legend() #plt.title(r"Współczynnik przenikalnośći elektrycznej ($\varepsilon$)");
print "\t\t "+sp.join(mailto[3*n+2])+"\n\n\n" found=1; break if found==0: print "Mail to:" print "\t\tUnable to locate address for "+cLoc+"\n\n\n" print "-------------------------------------------------------------------" print " 'exit' or 'quit' to escape" #%%%% #MAIN #%%%%% lu="" mailto = getData("./MOD/prison_add.dict",1) while lu != "exit" and lu != "Exit" and lu != "quit" and lu != "Quit" and lu !="q" and lu != "Q": i_no=raw_input("\n\n\n\n\nPrisoner ID:") run_query(i_no) lu=raw_input() #print "\n\n\n\n\nPrisoner ID:"
#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import unicode_literals import numpy as np import pylab as plt from getData import * import matplotlib matplotlib.rcParams.update({'font.size': 30}) range=(1,280) lambdas=np.linspace(range[0],range[1],100) ag=getData("database/main/Au/Ordal.yml",lambdas); fig=plt.figure() plt.plot(lambdas,[ -(x*x).real for x in ag ],'r-',label=r'-Re($\varepsilon_{Au}$)',lw=4) plt.plot(lambdas,[ (x*x).imag for x in ag] ,'b-',label=r'Im($\varepsilon_{Au}$)',lw=4) #plt.plot(lambdasTiO2*1e3,[ (x*x).real for x in tio2],'g-',label=r'Real($\varepsilon_{TiO_{2}}$)') c=299792458 lambdas=lambdas*10e-6 freq=c/lambdas freq=freq/10e12 #plt.plot(freq,[ (x*x).real for x in ag ],'r-',label=r'Real($\varepsilon_{Ag}$)') plt.legend(loc=4) #plt.title(r"Współczynnik przenikalnośći elektrycznej ($\varepsilon$)"); plt.xlabel('wavelength [um]')
def run(): print('available countries are: ' + displayCountries(getCountries()) ) country = (input('Select a country: ')) status = input('Enter Status number (1 : (confirmed) , 2 : (recovered) , 3 : (deaths): ') possibleProvinceCity = (searchProvince(getData(country)))# searches for possible provinces and/or cities tied to the country possibleProvinces = ', '.join(list(possibleProvinceCity.keys())) if possibleProvinces:# makes additional inputs for province and/or cities if needed print('Available provinces are: ' + possibleProvinces) province = (input('Enter a province: ').title()) possibleCities = ', '.join(list(possibleProvinceCity[province])) if possibleCities: print('Available cities are: ' + possibleCities) city = input('Enter a City') else: city = '' elif possibleProvinceCity['']: possibleCities = ', '.join(list(possibleProvinceCity[''].values())) print('Available cities are: ' + possibleCities) city = input('Enter a City') else: province = '' city = '' if province:# confirms input if city: print('Processing input of : Country: ' + country + ', Province: ' + province + ', City: ' + city) elif not city: print('Processing input of : Country: ' + country + ', Province: ' + province ) else: print('Processing input of: ' +country) #sets the data data = machineLearning(parseData(getData(country,status),province, city)) if data['daysPredicted']and data['type'] == 'confirmed': if data['i'] != LIMIT: print('expected resolution on day '+ str(data['daysPredicted'][-1])) x1 = (data['days']) x2 = data['daysPredicted'] y1 = (data['totalCases']) y2 = (data['casesPerDay']) y11 = (data['perDayPredicted']) y22 = (data['totalPredicted']) # plot the data fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) if data['i'] != LIMIT: ax.plot(x2, y22,'--', color='tab:blue', label = 'predicted total cases') ax.plot(x2, y11,'--', color='tab:orange', label = 'predicted cases per day') plt.scatter(x1, y1,s= 1, color='tab:blue', label = 'total cases') plt.scatter(x1, y2,s = 1, color='tab:orange', label = 'cases per day') ax.set_xlabel('number of days') ax.set_ylabel(('cases of status : ' + data['type'])) ax.legend() ax.set_title('# of cases of status: ' + data['type'] + ', with respect to time, starting from ' + data['day1'] +' in '+ data['province'] + data['city'] + ', ' + data['country']) # display the plot return
b = np.array([np.sum(weights * y), np.sum(weights * y * x)]) A = np.array([[np.sum(weights), np.sum(weights * x)], [np.sum(weights * x), np.sum(weights * x * x)]]) beta = linalg.solve(A, b) yest[i] = beta[0] + beta[1] * x[i] residuals = y - yest s = np.median(np.abs(residuals)) delta = np.clip(residuals / (6.0 * s), -1, 1) delta = (1 - delta ** 2) ** 2 return yest if __name__ == '__main__': import math n = 200 [x, y] = getData("") x = x.T[0] y = y.T[0] #x = np.linspace(0, 2 * math.pi, n) #y = np.sin(x) + 0.3 * np.random.randn(n) f = 0.25 yest = lowess(x, y, f=f, iter=3) import pylab as pl pl.clf() pl.plot(x, y, '.',label='y noisy') pl.plot(x, yest, '.',label='y pred') pl.legend()
comRange = np.empty(shape=(2, 1)) comRange[0] = matRange1[0] if matRange1[0] > matRange2[0] else matRange2[0] comRange[1] = matRange1[1] if matRange1[1] < matRange2[1] else matRange2[1] sys.stderr.write("comRange=" + str(comRange)) #Sampling definition: lambdas = np.linspace(comRange[0], comRange[1], 100) #alternativelly hard specified lambdas = np.linspace(7, 10, 100) #Change refractive index to epsilon matData1 = getData(file1, lambdas) for i in range(0, len(matData1)): matData1[i] = matData1[i] * matData1[i] matData2 = getData(file2, lambdas) for i in range(0, len(matData2)): matData2[i] = matData2[i] * matData2[i] R1 = np.empty(shape=(0, len(lambdas))) I1 = np.empty(shape=(0, len(lambdas))) R2 = np.empty(shape=(0, len(lambdas))) I2 = np.empty(shape=(0, len(lambdas))) for f in np.linspace(0, 1, 100): (efw1, efw2) = effEpsilon(matData1, matData2, f)
def searchRef(yamlFile,bookName,nmin,nmax): #List for result result=[] #Function used only internally to display material parameters values #ATTENTION!!! comment is not only a comment is like command for this function (yes, it's dirty ;)) # def printParams(paramsArray,paramList,comment): # for param in paramList: # sys.stdout.write(str(paramsArray[-1][param])+" "); # sys.stdout.write(comment+"\n"); # if comment.find("start_range")!=-1: # printParams.lastStart=paramsArray[-1]["l"] # elif comment.find("end_range")!=-1: # result.append((printParams.lastStart,paramsArray[-1]["l"])) #printParams.lastStart=0; #Just some boolen, if the firs element is OK it may not be shown #it's defined only for first material for the rest it's undefined at the begining print_in_my_range=False; #This parameter decides additional output about parameters inside range have been met my_range=False; yamlStream=open(yamlFile,'r') allData=yaml.load(yamlStream); materialData=allData["DATA"][0] #dataRange - where we can check the data dataRange=getRange(yamlFile) if dataRange[0]==0: return [] #wavelengths to check for this material: #HERE WE DEFINE THE SAMPLING lambdas=np.linspace(dataRange[0],dataRange[1],100) #refractive indx nList=np.empty((1,0)) # try: nList=getData(yamlFile,lambdas[:]) if len(nList) == 1: return [] eps=np.zeros(len(nList),dtype="complex") for i in range(0,len(nList)): eps[i]=nList[i]*nList[i] # except UnsupportedDataType as e: # sys.stderr.write(e) if len(nList)<100: return result inRange=False rangeStart=0 for i in range(0,len(lambdas)): if eps[i].real>nmin and eps[i].real<nmax: if inRange==False: inRange=True rangeStart=lambdas[i] elif inRange: result.append((rangeStart,lambdas[i])) inRange=False return result
,x.strip().split(',')) ,data) return data def writeFile(location,data): f = open(location+".txt", "w") f.write(str(data)[1:-1]) f.close() fullData=[] temp=[] for stimulus in stimuliNames: temp=getData(outputDirectory + "exportingN/" + stimulus) tempPositive = map(lambda x: map(lambda y: 0 if y==-1 else y,x), temp) tempNegative = map(lambda x: map(lambda y: 0 if y==1 else y,x), temp) newDataPositive=map(lambda x: sum(x) / len(x), (np.transpose(tempPositive)).tolist()) newDataNegative=map(lambda x: -1* sum(x) / len(x), (np.transpose(tempNegative)).tolist()) writeFile(outputDirectory + "histogramData/" + stimulus + "Positive", newDataPositive) writeFile(outputDirectory + "histogramData/" + stimulus + "Negative", newDataNegative)
preDataFrameDict["instrumentalness"].append( playlistSongFeatures[i]["instrumentalness"]) preDataFrameDict["liveness"].append( playlistSongFeatures[i]["liveness"]) preDataFrameDict["loudness"].append( playlistSongFeatures[i]["loudness"]) preDataFrameDict["speechiness"].append( playlistSongFeatures[i]["speechiness"]) preDataFrameDict["tempo"].append(playlistSongFeatures[i]["tempo"]) preDataFrameDict["valence"].append(playlistSongFeatures[i]["valence"]) df = pd.DataFrame(preDataFrameDict) return df.set_index("Song") #getting data to play with playlistIDs, playlistSongs, playlistSongFeatures = getData(userID, accessToken) #example of basic visual #DeathflowFrame = playlistToDataFrame("Deathflow", playlistSongs["Deathflow"], playlistSongFeatures["Deathflow"]) #DeathflowFrame[["acousticness","danceability","energy"]].plot.area() SavedTracksFrame = playlistToDataFrame("savedTracks", playlistSongs["savedTracks"], playlistSongFeatures["savedTracks"]) SavedTracksFrame[["acousticness", "danceability", "energy"]].plot.area() # using KNN to determine which playlist a song belongs in # to do this i will average the song features of each playlist dataframe and construct # a new dataframe where the index is the playlist and the features are the averaged features of the
from getData import * import pybrain as pb from import buildNetwork from pybrain.datasets import SupervisedDataSet from pybrain.supervised.trainers import BackpropTrainer trainData = getData('data_2.csv'); testData = getData('data_1_2.csv'); #training fnn = buildNetwork(24, 30, 8, 1, bias=True); ds = SupervisedDataSet(24, 1); for i in trainData: ds.addSample([i[j] for j in Name[1:]], i[Name[0]]); trainer = BackpropTrainer(fnn, ds); print "Begin...."; trainer.trainEpochs(epochs=100); print "Ing..."; out = SupervisedDataSet(24, 1); for i in testData: out.addSample([i[j] for j in Name[1:]], [0]); res = fnn.activateOnDataset(out); for i, o in out: print i, "->", o; print res
comRange = np.empty(shape=(2, 1)) comRange[0] = matRange1[0] if matRange1[0] > matRange2[0] else matRange2[0] comRange[1] = matRange1[1] if matRange1[1] < matRange2[1] else matRange2[1] sys.stderr.write("comRange=" + str(comRange)) # Sampling definition: lambdas = np.linspace(comRange[0], comRange[1], 100) # alternativelly hard specified lambdas = np.linspace(7, 10, 100) # Change refractive index to epsilon matData1 = getData(file1, lambdas) for i in range(0, len(matData1)): matData1[i] = matData1[i] * matData1[i] matData2 = getData(file2, lambdas) for i in range(0, len(matData2)): matData2[i] = matData2[i] * matData2[i] R1 = np.empty(shape=(0, len(lambdas))) I1 = np.empty(shape=(0, len(lambdas))) R2 = np.empty(shape=(0, len(lambdas))) I2 = np.empty(shape=(0, len(lambdas))) for f in np.linspace(0, 1, 100): (efw1, efw2) = effEpsilon(matData1, matData2, f)
def main(argv): p = "data_main/" mode = None if len(argv) >= 2: mode = argv[1] # Parameters is_regr = False # False for classification, True for regression smell_thr = 40 # threshold to define a smell event start_dt = datetime(2016, 10, 31, 0, tzinfo=pytz.timezone("US/Eastern")) end_dt = datetime(2019, 8, 5, 0, tzinfo=pytz.timezone("US/Eastern")) # Set mode get_data, preprocess_data, analyze_data, compute_features, cross_validation = False, False, False, False, False if mode == "pipeline": get_data = True preprocess_data = True compute_features = True cross_validation = True elif mode == "data": get_data = True elif mode == "preprocess": preprocess_data = True elif mode == "feature": compute_features = True elif mode == "validation": cross_validation = True elif mode == "analyze": analyze_data = True else: get_data = True preprocess_data = True compute_features = True cross_validation = True # Get data # OUTPUT: raw esdr and raw smell data if get_data: getData(out_p=[p + "esdr_raw/", p + "smell_raw.csv"], start_dt=start_dt, end_dt=end_dt) # Preprocess data # INPUT: raw esdr and raw smell data # OUTPUT: preprocessed esdr and smell data if preprocess_data: preprocessData(in_p=[p + "esdr_raw/", p + "smell_raw.csv"], out_p=[p + "esdr.csv", p + "smell.csv"]) # Analyze data if analyze_data: analyzeData(in_p=[p + "esdr.csv", p + "smell.csv"], out_p_root=p, start_dt=start_dt, end_dt=end_dt) # Compute features # INPUT: preprocessed esdr and smell data # OUTPUT: features and labels if compute_features: computeFeatures(in_p=[p + "esdr.csv", p + "smell.csv"], out_p=[p + "X.csv", p + "Y.csv", p + "C.csv"], is_regr=is_regr, f_hr=8, b_hr=3, thr=smell_thr, add_inter=False, add_roll=False, add_diff=False) # Cross validation # INPUT: features # OUTPUT: plots or metrics if cross_validation: #methods = ["ET", "RF", "SVM", "RLR", "LR", "LA", "EN", "MLP", "KN", "DMLP"] # regression #methods = ["ET", "RF", "SVM", "LG", "MLP", "KN", "DMLP", "HCR", "CR", "DT"] # classification methods = ["RF", "ET"] # default for random forest and extra trees #methods = genModelSet(is_regr) p_log = p + "log/" if is_regr: p_log += "regression/" else: p_log += "classification/" checkAndCreateDir(p_log) num_folds = (end_dt - start_dt).days / 7 # one fold represents a week for m in methods: start_time_str ="%Y-%d-%m-%H%M%S") lg = generateLogger(p_log + m + "-" + start_time_str + ".log", format=None) crossValidation(in_p=[p + "X.csv", p + "Y.csv", p + "C.csv"], out_p_root=p, event_thr=smell_thr, method=m, is_regr=is_regr, logger=lg, num_folds=num_folds, skip_folds=48, train_size=8000)
from getData import * from math import * import matplotlib.pyplot as plt def d2p(x): if x < 90: x = x; elif x < 180: x = 180 - x; elif x < 270: x = x - 180; else: x = 360 - x; return x/180*pi data = getData('data_2.csv'); l = len(data); x = range(l); y1 = [i['power'] for i in data]; y2 = [ (i['WS30']*cos(d2p(i['DIRECTION30']))+i['WS31']*cos(d2p(i['DIRECTION31']))+ \ i['WS32']*cos(d2p(i['DIRECTION32']))+i['WS10']*cos(d2p(i['DIR10']))+ \ i['WS10S']*cos(d2p(i['DIR10S'])))**3 for i in data]; print y1; print y2; plt.figure(figsize=(16,8)); plt.plot(y2, y1, 'o'); #plt.plot(x, y1, 'r', linewidth=2); #plt.plot(x, y2, 'b', linewidth=2); plt.legend()
for n in range(len(mailto) / 3): if mailto[3 * n][0] == parts[1]: print "Mail to:" print "\t\t" + pName.upper() + " - " + i_no print "\t\t" + cLoc print "\t\t " + sp.join(mailto[3 * n + 1]) print "\t\t " + sp.join(mailto[3 * n + 2]) + "\n\n\n" found = 1 break if found == 0: print "Mail to:" print "\t\tUnable to locate address for " + cLoc + "\n\n\n" print "-------------------------------------------------------------------" print " 'exit' or 'quit' to escape" #%%%% #MAIN #%%%%% lu = "" mailto = getData("./MOD/prison_add.dict", 1) while lu != "exit" and lu != "Exit" and lu != "quit" and lu != "Quit" and lu != "q" and lu != "Q": i_no = raw_input("\n\n\n\n\nPrisoner ID:") run_query(i_no) lu = raw_input() #print "\n\n\n\n\nPrisoner ID:"
#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import unicode_literals import numpy as np import pylab as plt from getData import * import matplotlib matplotlib.rcParams.update({'font.size': 30,'font.weight':'bold'}) range=(7,10) lambdas=np.linspace(range[0],range[1],100) ag=getData("database/main/NaCl/Li.yml",lambdas); fig=plt.figure() plt.plot(lambdas,[ (x*x).real for x in ag ],'r-',label=r'Re',lw=4) plt.plot(lambdas,[ (x*x).imag for x in ag] ,'b--',label=r'Im',lw=4) #plt.plot(lambdasTiO2*1e3,[ (x*x).real for x in tio2],'g-',label=r'Real($\varepsilon_{TiO_{2}}$)') c=299792458 lambdas=lambdas*10e-6 freq=c/lambdas freq=freq/10e12 #plt.plot(freq,[ (x*x).real for x in ag ],'r-',label=r'Real($\varepsilon_{Ag}$)') plt.legend(loc=1,borderpad=0,frameon=False) #plt.title(r"Współczynnik przenikalnośći elektrycznej ($\varepsilon$)"); plt.xlabel(r'$\lambda$ [$\mu m$]')