def test_interval(self, M0, M1, verbose=False, opt=None, Ngibbs_iterations=10):
        """test with interval sampling test
        M0: first expresison condition
        M1: second condition
        verbose: produce plots (False)
        opt: optimise hyperparameters(True)
        Ngibbs_iterations (10)

        def rescaleInputs(X, gpr):
            """copy implementation of input rescaling
            - this version rescales in a dum way assuming everything is float
            X_ = (X - gpr.minX) * gpr.scaleX - 5
            return X_

        def sampleIndicator(I, take_out=True):
            """sample all indicators that are true in the index vector I
            take_out: take indices out of the dataset first (yes)
            PZ = S.zeros([2, I.sum()])

            if take_out:
                IS_ = IS & (~I)
                IJ_ = IJ & (~I)
                IS_ = IS
                IJ_ = IJ
            # set datasets
                S.concatenate((M0R[0][:, IS_]), axis=0).reshape([-1, 1]),
                S.concatenate((M0R[1][:, IS_]), axis=1),
                S.concatenate((M1R[0][:, IS_]), axis=0).reshape([-1, 1]),
                S.concatenate((M1R[1][:, IS_]), axis=1),
                S.concatenate((MJR[0][:, IJ_]), axis=0).reshape([-1, 1]),
                S.concatenate((MJR[1][:, IJ_]), axis=1),

            Yp0 = self.gpr_0.predict(self.gpr_0.logtheta, XT[I], mean=False)
            Yp1 = self.gpr_1.predict(self.gpr_0.logtheta, XT[I], mean=False)
            Ypj = self.gpr_join.predict(self.gpr_0.logtheta, XT[I], mean=False)
            # compare to hypothesis
            # calculate log likelihoods for every time step under different models

            # D0  = -0.5*(M0R[1][:,I]-Yp0[0])**2/Yp0[1] -0.5*S.log(Yp0[1])
            # D1  = -0.5*(M1R[1][:,I]-Yp1[0])**2/Yp1[1] -0.5*S.log(Yp1[1])
            # DJ  = -0.5*(MJR[1][:,I]-Ypj[0])**2/Ypj[1] -0.5*S.log(Ypj[1])

            # robust likelihood
            c = 0.9
            D0 = c * S.exp(-0.5 * (M0R[1][:, I] - Yp0[0]) ** 2 / Yp0[1]) * 1 / sqrt(2 * S.pi * Yp0[1])
            D0 += (1 - c) * S.exp(-0.5 * (M0R[1][:, I] - Yp0[0]) ** 2 / 1e8) * 1 / sqrt(2 * pi * S.sqrt(1e8))
            D0 = S.log(D0)
            D1 = c * S.exp(-0.5 * (M1R[1][:, I] - Yp1[0]) ** 2 / Yp1[1]) * 1 / sqrt(2 * S.pi * Yp1[1])
            D1 += (1 - c) * S.exp(-0.5 * (M1R[1][:, I] - Yp1[0]) ** 2 / 1e8) * 1 / sqrt(2 * pi * S.sqrt(1e8))
            D1 = S.log(D1)
            DJ = c * S.exp(-0.5 * (MJR[1][:, I] - Ypj[0]) ** 2 / Ypj[1]) * 1 / sqrt(2 * S.pi * Ypj[1])
            DJ += (1 - c) * S.exp(-0.5 * (MJR[1][:, I] - Ypj[0]) ** 2 / 1e8) * 1 / sqrt(2 * pi * S.sqrt(1e8))
            DJ = S.log(DJ)

            DS = D0.sum(axis=0) + D1.sum(axis=0)
            DJ = DJ.sum(axis=0)
            ES = S.exp(DS)
            EJ = S.exp(DJ)
            PZ[0, :] = self.prior_Z[0] * EJ
            PZ[1, :] = self.prior_Z[1] * ES

            PZ /= PZ.sum(axis=0)
            # sample indicators
            Z = S.rand(I.sum()) <= PZ[1, :]
            if IS_.sum() == 1:
                Z = True
            if IJ_.sum() == 1:
                Z = False
            return [Z, PZ]


        # 1. use the standard method to initialise the GP objects
        ratio = self.test(M0, M1, verbose=verbose, opt=opt)
        GP0 = CP.deepcopy(self.gpr_0)
        GP1 = CP.deepcopy(self.gpr_1)
        GPJ = CP.deepcopy(self.gpr_join)

        # 2. initialise gibbs samplign for time-local approximation
        # get set of unique time coordinates
        XT = M0[0][0].reshape([-1, 1])
        # rescale all datasets inputs
        MJ = [S.concatenate((M0[0], M1[0]), axis=0), S.concatenate((M0[1], M1[1]), axis=0)]
        MJR = CP.deepcopy(MJ)
        M0R = CP.deepcopy(M0)
        M1R = CP.deepcopy(M1)
        # rescale and 0 mean
        MJR[0] = rescaleInputs(MJ[0], self.gpr_join)
        M0R[0] = rescaleInputs(M0[0], self.gpr_0)
        M1R[0] = rescaleInputs(M1[0], self.gpr_1)
        MJR[1] -= self.gpr_join.mean
        M0R[1] -= self.gpr_0.mean
        M1R[1] -= self.gpr_1.mean

        # index vector assigning each time point to either expert
        IS = S.ones([XT.shape[0]], dtype="bool")
        IJ = S.ones([XT.shape[0]], dtype="bool")

        # 1. sample all indicators conditioned on current GP approximation
        Z_ = sampleIndicator(S.ones(XT.shape[0], dtype="bool"), take_out=False)
        Z_ = S.random.rand(IS.shape[0]) > 0.5
        PZ = S.zeros([2, IS.shape[0]])
        Z = S.zeros([Ngibbs_iterations, IS.shape[0]], dtype="bool")
        # update the datasets in the GP, attention: rescaling might cause trouble here..
        IS[~Z_] = False
        IJ[Z_] = False
        # sample indicators one by one
        for n in range(Ngibbs_iterations):
            #            for i in random.permutation(IS.shape[0]):
            for i in S.arange(IS.shape[0]):
                # resample a single indicator
                I = S.zeros([IS.shape[0]], dtype="bool")
                I[i] = True
                [Z_, PZ_] = sampleIndicator(I)
                # save prob. and indicator value
                PZ[:, i] = S.squeeze(PZ_)
                Z[n, i] = S.squeeze(Z_)
                # update indicators
                IS[i] = Z_
                IJ[i] = ~Z_
            LG.debug("Gibbs iteration:%d" % (n))
        n_ = round(Ngibbs_iterations) / 2
        Z = Z[n_::]
        PZ[1, :] = Z.mean(axis=0)
        PZ[0, :] = 1 - PZ[1, :]
        GP0 = self.gpr_0
        GP1 = self.gpr_1
        GPJ = self.gpr_join
        if verbose:
            # 1. plot the gp predictions
            ax1 = PL.axes([0.1, 0.1, 0.8, 0.7])
            Xt_ = S.linspace(0, XT[:, 0].max() + 2, 100)
            Xt = Xt_.reshape([-1, 1])
            self.plotGPpredict(GP0, M0, Xt, {"alpha": 0.1, "facecolor": "r"}, {"linewidth": 2, "color": "r"})
            self.plotGPpredict(GP1, M0, Xt, {"alpha": 0.1, "facecolor": "g"}, {"linewidth": 2, "color": "g"})
            self.plotGPpredict(GPJ, M0, Xt, {"alpha": 0.1, "facecolor": "k"}, {"linewidth": 2, "color": "k"})
            PL.plot(M0[0].T, M0[1].T, "r.--")
            PL.plot(M1[0].T, M1[1].T, "g.--")

            PL.xlim([Xt.min(), Xt.max()])
            # remove last ytick to avoid overlap
            yticks = ax1.get_yticks()[0:-2]
            ylabel("Log expression level")
            Ymax = MJ[1].max()
            Ymin = MJ[1].min()
            DY = Ymax - Ymin
            PL.ylim([Ymin - 0.1 * DY, Ymax + 0.1 * DY])

            # now plot hinton diagram with responsibilities on top
            ax2 = PL.axes([0.1, 0.715, 0.8, 0.2], sharex=ax1)
            #           ax2=PL.axes([0.1,0.7,0.8,0.2])
            # PL.plot(XT[:,0],Z[1,:])
            # swap the order of Z for optical purposes
            Z_ = S.ones_like(PZ)
            Z_[1, :] = PZ[0, :]
            Z_[0, :] = PZ[1, :]
            hinton(Z_, X=M0[0][0])
            # hide axis labels
            setp(ax2.get_xticklabels(), visible=False)
            # font size
            # setp( ax1.get_xticklabels(), fontsize=tickSize)
            # setp( ax1.get_yticklabels(), fontsize=tickSize)
            # setp( ax2.get_xticklabels(), fontsize=tickSize)
            # PL.ylim(Ymin-0.1*DY,Ymax+0.1*DY)
        return [ratio, PZ]
Beispiel #2
    def test_interval(self,M0,M1,verbose=True,opt=None,Ngibbs_iterations=None):
        """test for differential expression with clustering model
        - returns a data structure which reflects the time of sepataoin (posterior over Z)

        def updateGP():
            """update the GP datasets and re-evaluate the Ep approximate likelihood"""
            #0. update the noise level in accordance with the responsibilities
            for t in range(T):
                XS[:,t:R*T:T,-1] = 1/(Z[1,t]+1E-6)
                XJ[:,t:R*T:T,-1] = 1/(Z[0,t]+1E-6)

            #here we joint the two conditions
            #1. set the data to both processes

        MJ = [S.concatenate((M0[0],M1[0]),axis=0),S.concatenate((M0[1],M1[1]),axis=0)]

        C  = 2              #conditions
        R  = M0[0].shape[0] #repl.
        T  = M0[0].shape[1] #time
        D  = 2              #dim.

        #Responsibilities: components(2) x time                        
        Z  = 0.5*S.ones((2,T))

        #Data(X/Y): conditions x replicates x time x 2D
        X  = S.zeros((C,R*T,D))
        Y  = S.zeros((C,R*T))
        #unique times
        XT = S.ones((T,2))
        XT[:,0] = M0[0][0,:]

        [x0,y0] = self.M2GPxy(M0)
        [x1,y1] = self.M2GPxy(M1)
        X[0,:,0:2] = x0
        X[1,:,0:2] = x1
        Y[0,:]     = y0
        Y[1,:]     = y1
        #create indicator vector to identify unique time points

        #create one copy of the input per process as this is used for input dependen noise
        XS       = X.copy()
        XJ       = X.copy()

        #get hyperparameters form standard test:
        ratio = self.test(M0,M1,verbose=False,opt=opt)
        logtheta_s = self.gpr_0.logtheta
        logtheta_j = self.gpr_join.logtheta
        #initialize the two GPs
        if self.logtheta0 is None:
            logtheta = self.covar.getDefaultParams()

        #the two indv. GPs
        GP0 = GPR.GP(self.covar,Smean=self.Smean,logtheta=logtheta_s)
        GP1 = GPR.GP(self.covar,Smean=self.Smean,logtheta=logtheta_s)
        #the group GP summarising the two indiv. processes
        GPS = GPR.GroupGP([GP0,GP1])
        #the joint process
        GPJ = GPR.GP(self.covar,Smean=self.Smean,logtheta=logtheta_j)
        #update the GP

        debug_plot = True

        for i in range(1):
            #1. get predictive distribution for both GPs
            #introduce the additional dimension to accom. the per obs. noise model
            #get prediction for all time points
            Yp0 = GP0.predict(GP0.logtheta,XT)
            Yp1 = GP1.predict(GP1.logtheta,XT)
            Ypj = GPJ.predict(GPJ.logtheta,XT)
            #considere residuals
            D0  = ((M0[1]-Yp0[0])**2 * (1/Yp0[1])).sum(axis=0)
            D1  = ((M1[1]-Yp1[0])**2 * (1/Yp1[1])).sum(axis=0)
            DJ  = ((MJ[1]-Ypj[0])**2 * (1/Ypj[1])).sum(axis=0)
            #the indiv. GP is the sum
            DS  = D0+D1
            #now use this to restimate Q(Z)
            ES  = S.exp(-DS)
            EJ  = S.exp(-DJ)

            Z[0,:] =self.prior_Z[0]*EJ
            Z[1,:] =self.prior_Z[1]*ES
            Z     /=Z.sum(axis=0)
#             pydb.set_trace()

        if verbose:
            labelSize = 15
            tickSize  = 12
            #1. plot the gp predictions
            Xt_ = S.linspace(0,XT[:,0].max()+2,100)
            Xt  = S.ones((Xt_.shape[0],2))
            Xt[:,0] = Xt_

            #remove last ytick to avoid overlap
            yticks = ax1.get_yticks()[0:-2]
            ylabel('Log expression level',size=labelSize)

            #now plot hinton diagram with responsibilities on top
#            ax2=PL.axes([0.1,0.7,0.8,0.2])
            #swap the order of Z for optical purposes
            Z_= S.ones_like(Z)
            Z_[1,:] = Z[0,:]
            Z_[0,:] = Z[1,:]
            #hide axis labels
            setp( ax2.get_xticklabels(), visible=False)
            #font size
            setp( ax1.get_xticklabels(), fontsize=tickSize)
            setp( ax1.get_yticklabels(), fontsize=tickSize)
            setp( ax2.get_xticklabels(), fontsize=tickSize)
            #axes label
        return Z
    def test_interval(self,
        """test with interval sampling test
        M0: first expresison condition
        M1: second condition
        verbose: produce plots (False)
        opt: optimise hyperparameters(True)
        Ngibbs_iterations (10)
        def rescaleInputs(X, gpr):
            """copy implementation of input rescaling
            - this version rescales in a dum way assuming everything is float
            X_ = (X - gpr.minX) * gpr.scaleX - 5
            return X_

        def sampleIndicator(I, take_out=True):
            """sample all indicators that are true in the index vector I
            take_out: take indices out of the dataset first (yes)
            PZ = S.zeros([2, I.sum()])

            if take_out:
                IS_ = IS & (~I)
                IJ_ = IJ & (~I)
                IS_ = IS
                IJ_ = IJ
            #set datasets
            self.gpr_0.setData(S.concatenate((M0R[0][:, IS_]),
                                             axis=0).reshape([-1, 1]),
                               S.concatenate((M0R[1][:, IS_]), axis=1),
            self.gpr_1.setData(S.concatenate((M1R[0][:, IS_]),
                                             axis=0).reshape([-1, 1]),
                               S.concatenate((M1R[1][:, IS_]), axis=1),
            self.gpr_join.setData(S.concatenate((MJR[0][:, IJ_]),
                                                axis=0).reshape([-1, 1]),
                                  S.concatenate((MJR[1][:, IJ_]), axis=1),

            Yp0 = self.gpr_0.predict(self.gpr_0.logtheta, XT[I], mean=False)
            Yp1 = self.gpr_1.predict(self.gpr_0.logtheta, XT[I], mean=False)
            Ypj = self.gpr_join.predict(self.gpr_0.logtheta, XT[I], mean=False)
            #compare to hypothesis
            #calculate log likelihoods for every time step under different models

            #D0  = -0.5*(M0R[1][:,I]-Yp0[0])**2/Yp0[1] -0.5*S.log(Yp0[1])
            #D1  = -0.5*(M1R[1][:,I]-Yp1[0])**2/Yp1[1] -0.5*S.log(Yp1[1])
            #DJ  = -0.5*(MJR[1][:,I]-Ypj[0])**2/Ypj[1] -0.5*S.log(Ypj[1])

            #robust likelihood
            c = 0.9
            D0 = c * S.exp(-0.5 * (M0R[1][:, I] - Yp0[0])**2 /
                           Yp0[1]) * 1 / sqrt(2 * S.pi * Yp0[1])
            D0 += (1 - c) * S.exp(-0.5 * (M0R[1][:, I] - Yp0[0])**2 /
                                  1E8) * 1 / sqrt(2 * pi * S.sqrt(1E8))
            D0 = S.log(D0)
            D1 = c * S.exp(-0.5 * (M1R[1][:, I] - Yp1[0])**2 /
                           Yp1[1]) * 1 / sqrt(2 * S.pi * Yp1[1])
            D1 += (1 - c) * S.exp(-0.5 * (M1R[1][:, I] - Yp1[0])**2 /
                                  1E8) * 1 / sqrt(2 * pi * S.sqrt(1E8))
            D1 = S.log(D1)
            DJ = c * S.exp(-0.5 * (MJR[1][:, I] - Ypj[0])**2 /
                           Ypj[1]) * 1 / sqrt(2 * S.pi * Ypj[1])
            DJ += (1 - c) * S.exp(-0.5 * (MJR[1][:, I] - Ypj[0])**2 /
                                  1E8) * 1 / sqrt(2 * pi * S.sqrt(1E8))
            DJ = S.log(DJ)

            DS = D0.sum(axis=0) + D1.sum(axis=0)
            DJ = DJ.sum(axis=0)
            ES = S.exp(DS)
            EJ = S.exp(DJ)
            PZ[0, :] = self.prior_Z[0] * EJ
            PZ[1, :] = self.prior_Z[1] * ES

            PZ /= PZ.sum(axis=0)
            #sample indicators
            Z = S.rand(I.sum()) <= PZ[1, :]
            if (IS_.sum() == 1):
                Z = True
            if (IJ_.sum() == 1):
                Z = False
            return [Z, PZ]


        #1. use the standard method to initialise the GP objects
        ratio = self.test(M0, M1, verbose=verbose, opt=opt)
        GP0 = CP.deepcopy(self.gpr_0)
        GP1 = CP.deepcopy(self.gpr_1)
        GPJ = CP.deepcopy(self.gpr_join)

        #2. initialise gibbs samplign for time-local approximation
        #get set of unique time coordinates
        XT = M0[0][0].reshape([-1, 1])
        #rescale all datasets inputs
        MJ = [
            S.concatenate((M0[0], M1[0]), axis=0),
            S.concatenate((M0[1], M1[1]), axis=0)
        MJR = CP.deepcopy(MJ)
        M0R = CP.deepcopy(M0)
        M1R = CP.deepcopy(M1)
        #rescale and 0 mean
        MJR[0] = rescaleInputs(MJ[0], self.gpr_join)
        M0R[0] = rescaleInputs(M0[0], self.gpr_0)
        M1R[0] = rescaleInputs(M1[0], self.gpr_1)
        MJR[1] -= self.gpr_join.mean
        M0R[1] -= self.gpr_0.mean
        M1R[1] -= self.gpr_1.mean

        #index vector assigning each time point to either expert
        IS = S.ones([XT.shape[0]], dtype='bool')
        IJ = S.ones([XT.shape[0]], dtype='bool')

        #1. sample all indicators conditioned on current GP approximation
        Z_ = sampleIndicator(S.ones(XT.shape[0], dtype='bool'), take_out=False)
        Z_ = S.random.rand(IS.shape[0]) > 0.5
        PZ = S.zeros([2, IS.shape[0]])
        Z = S.zeros([Ngibbs_iterations, IS.shape[0]], dtype='bool')
        #update the datasets in the GP, attention: rescaling might cause trouble here..
        IS[~Z_] = False
        IJ[Z_] = False
        #sample indicators one by one
        for n in range(Ngibbs_iterations):
            #            for i in random.permutation(IS.shape[0]):
            for i in S.arange(IS.shape[0]):
                #resample a single indicator
                I = S.zeros([IS.shape[0]], dtype='bool')
                I[i] = True
                [Z_, PZ_] = sampleIndicator(I)
                #save prob. and indicator value
                PZ[:, i] = S.squeeze(PZ_)
                Z[n, i] = S.squeeze(Z_)
                #update indicators
                IS[i] = Z_
                IJ[i] = ~Z_
            LG.debug("Gibbs iteration:%d" % (n))
        n_ = round(Ngibbs_iterations) / 2
        Z = Z[n_::]
        PZ[1, :] = Z.mean(axis=0)
        PZ[0, :] = 1 - PZ[1, :]
        GP0 = self.gpr_0
        GP1 = self.gpr_1
        GPJ = self.gpr_join
        if verbose:
            #1. plot the gp predictions
            ax1 = PL.axes([0.1, 0.1, 0.8, 0.7])
            Xt_ = S.linspace(0, XT[:, 0].max() + 2, 100)
            Xt = Xt_.reshape([-1, 1])
            self.plotGPpredict(GP0, M0, Xt, {
                'alpha': 0.1,
                'facecolor': 'r'
            }, {
                'linewidth': 2,
                'color': 'r'
            self.plotGPpredict(GP1, M0, Xt, {
                'alpha': 0.1,
                'facecolor': 'g'
            }, {
                'linewidth': 2,
                'color': 'g'
            self.plotGPpredict(GPJ, M0, Xt, {
                'alpha': 0.1,
                'facecolor': 'k'
            }, {
                'linewidth': 2,
                'color': 'k'
            PL.plot(M0[0].T, M0[1].T, 'r.--')
            PL.plot(M1[0].T, M1[1].T, 'g.--')

            PL.xlim([Xt.min(), Xt.max()])
            #remove last ytick to avoid overlap
            yticks = ax1.get_yticks()[0:-2]
            ylabel('Log expression level')
            Ymax = MJ[1].max()
            Ymin = MJ[1].min()
            DY = Ymax - Ymin
            PL.ylim([Ymin - 0.1 * DY, Ymax + 0.1 * DY])

            #now plot hinton diagram with responsibilities on top
            ax2 = PL.axes([0.1, 0.715, 0.8, 0.2], sharex=ax1)
            #           ax2=PL.axes([0.1,0.7,0.8,0.2])
            #swap the order of Z for optical purposes
            Z_ = S.ones_like(PZ)
            Z_[1, :] = PZ[0, :]
            Z_[0, :] = PZ[1, :]
            hinton(Z_, X=M0[0][0])
            #hide axis labels
            setp(ax2.get_xticklabels(), visible=False)
            #font size
            #setp( ax1.get_xticklabels(), fontsize=tickSize)
            #setp( ax1.get_yticklabels(), fontsize=tickSize)
            #setp( ax2.get_xticklabels(), fontsize=tickSize)
        return [ratio, PZ]