def freqRemesh(options):

    mesh = Meshd(UnitSquareMesh(options.n, options.n))

    tEndSolve = 0
    nbrAdap = 0
    tIni = 0

    while True:

        print "\n\n\n##########  i: %d\n" % nbrAdap

        if nbrAdap == 0:
            sol = solIniAdvec(mesh)
            hessian = hessIniAdvec(mesh, sol)
            tEndSolve = 0
            sol, hessian, tEndSolve = solveAdvec(mesh, sol, tIni, options.Tend, options)

        if tEndSolve >= options.Tend:

        metric = computeSteadyMetric(mesh, hessian, sol, options)

        print "##### Adap procedure started "
        newmesh = adaptInternal(mesh, metric)
        print "##### Adap procedure finished"
        writeGmf(newmesh.mesh, 1, "boundary_ids", "newmesh", None, None, None, newmesh.section)

        newsol = Function(newmesh.V)
        interpol(sol, mesh, newsol, newmesh)
        sol = newsol
        mesh = newmesh
        tIni = tEndSolve

        if nbrAdap == 0:
            writeGmf(mesh.mesh, 1, "boundary_ids", "bubble.0", sol, 1, "bubble.0", mesh.section)
            options.nbrGlobSav += 1

        nbrAdap += 1
def freqRemesh(options) :
    mesh = Meshd(UnitSquareMesh(options.n, options.n))
    tEndSolve = 0
    nbrAdap = 0
    tIni = 0;
    while (True) :
        print "\n\n\n##########  i: %d\n" % nbrAdap ; sys.stdout.flush()        
        if nbrAdap == 0 :
            sol = solIniAdvec(mesh)
            hessian = hessIniAdvec(mesh, sol)
            tEndSolve = 0
        else :
            sol, hessian, tEndSolve = solveAdvec(mesh, sol, tIni, options.Tend, options)
        if tEndSolve >= options.Tend :
        metric = computeSteadyMetric(mesh, hessian, sol, options)

        print "##### Adap procedure started "; sys.stdout.flush()
        newmesh = adaptInternal(mesh, metric)
        print "##### Adap procedure finished"; sys.stdout.flush()
        writeGmf(newmesh.mesh, 1, "boundary_ids", "newmesh", None, None, None, newmesh.section)

        newsol = Function(newmesh.V)
        interpol(sol, mesh, newsol, newmesh)
        sol = newsol
        mesh = newmesh
        tIni = tEndSolve
        if nbrAdap == 0 :
            writeGmf(mesh.mesh, 1, "boundary_ids", "bubble.0", sol, 1, "bubble.0", mesh.section)
            options.nbrGlobSav += 1
        nbrAdap += 1
Beispiel #3
def ptfx (options) :
    print "DEBUG  generating initial unit mesh"
    chrono1 = time.clock()
    if options.dim == 2 :
        mesh = Meshd(UnitSquareMesh(options.n, options.n))
    else :
        mesh = Meshd(UnitCubeMesh(options.n, options.n, options.n))
    chrono2 = time.clock()
    print "DEBUG  done generating initial mesh. Elapsed time: %1.2e" %(chrono2-chrono1); sys.stdout.flush()
    dtAdap = float(options.Tend)/options.nbrAdap

    for i in range(options.nbrPtfxIte) :

        print "\n\n\n##########  i: %d\n" % i ; sys.stdout.flush()

        j = 0
        globNormCoef = 0.

        for j in range(1, options.nbrAdap+1) :

            print "\n#####  j: %d\n" % j ; sys.stdout.flush()

            # interpolate previous solution on new mesh if necessary (ie i > 0 and j > 0)
            if i == 0:
                if j == 1 :
                    ####  Initial solution    
                    solIni = solIniAdvec(mesh)
                    writeGmf(mesh.mesh, 1, "boundary_ids", "bubble.0", solIni, 1, "bubble.0", mesh.section)
                else :
                    solIni = sol
            else :
                mesh = Meshd(readGmfMesh("newmesh.%d" %j, options.dim, "boundary_ids"))
                if j == 1 :
                    ####  Initial solution    
                    solIni = solIniAdvec(mesh)
                    writeGmf(mesh.mesh, 1, "boundary_ids", "bubble.0", solIni, 1, "bubble.0", mesh.section)
                else :
                    solIni = Function(FunctionSpace(mesh.mesh, 'CG', 1))
                    print "DEBUG  interpolation"; sys.stdout.flush()
                    chrono1 = time.clock()
                    interpol(sol, meshOld, solIni, mesh)
                    chrono2 = clock()
                    print "DEBUG  end interpolation. Elapsed time: %1.2e" %(chrono2-chrono1);  sys.stdout.flush()

            # solve 
            tIni, tEnd  = (j-1)*dtAdap, j*dtAdap
            sol, hesMet, t = solveAdvec(mesh, solIni, tIni, tEnd, options)
            globNormCoef = computeGlobalNormalizationCoef(options, mesh, hesMet, globNormCoef)
            print "DEBUG  globNormCoef: %1.18e" % globNormCoef

            writeGmf(mesh.mesh, 1, "boundary_ids", "bubble.%d" % j, sol, 1, "bubble.%d" % j, mesh.section)
            writeGmf(mesh.mesh, 0, "boundary_ids", "", hesMet, 5, "hesmet.%d" %j, mesh.section)
            if options.nbrSav > 0 :
                kIni = (j-1)*options.nbrSav
                for k in range(options.nbrSav+1) :
                    kGlob = kIni + k
                    print "DEBUG   film.%d -> film.%d" %(k, kGlob)
                    if k == 0 :
                        os.rename("film_tmp.%d.meshb" % k, "film.%d.meshb" % kGlob)
                    else :
                        if os.path.exists("film.%d.meshb" % kGlob) : os.remove("film.%d.meshb" % kGlob)
                        os.symlink("film.%d.meshb" % kIni, "film.%d.meshb" % kGlob)
                    os.rename("film_tmp.%d.solb" % k, "film.%d.solb" % kGlob)

            meshOld = mesh

        ######## End of the loop over sub-intervals
        if i < (options.nbrPtfxIte-1) :
            # normalizeMetric
            print "########## Metrics computation" ; sys.stdout.flush()
            chrono1 = time.clock()
            metrics = normalizeUnsteadyMetrics(options, globNormCoef)
            print "########## End metrics computation. Elapsed time: %1.2e" %(chrono2-chrono1) ; sys.stdout.flush()
            # generate meshes
            print "########## Meshes generation" ; sys.stdout.flush()
            pool = Pool(15)
  , zip(range(1,options.nbrAdap+1), [options.dim]*options.nbrAdap))
Beispiel #4
def ptfx(options):

    print "DEBUG  generating initial unit mesh"
    chrono1 = time.clock()
    if options.dim == 2:
        mesh = Meshd(UnitSquareMesh(options.n, options.n))
        mesh = Meshd(UnitCubeMesh(options.n, options.n, options.n))
    chrono2 = time.clock()
    print "DEBUG  done generating initial mesh. Elapsed time: %1.2e" % (
        chrono2 - chrono1)

    dtAdap = float(options.Tend) / options.nbrAdap

    for i in range(options.nbrPtfxIte):

        print "\n\n\n##########  i: %d\n" % i

        j = 0
        globNormCoef = 0.

        for j in range(1, options.nbrAdap + 1):

            print "\n#####  j: %d\n" % j

            # interpolate previous solution on new mesh if necessary (ie i > 0 and j > 0)
            if i == 0:
                if j == 1:
                    ####  Initial solution
                    solIni = solIniAdvec(mesh)
                    writeGmf(mesh.mesh, 1, "boundary_ids", "bubble.0", solIni,
                             1, "bubble.0", mesh.section)
                    solIni = sol
                mesh = Meshd(
                    readGmfMesh("newmesh.%d" % j, options.dim, "boundary_ids"))
                if j == 1:
                    ####  Initial solution
                    solIni = solIniAdvec(mesh)
                    writeGmf(mesh.mesh, 1, "boundary_ids", "bubble.0", solIni,
                             1, "bubble.0", mesh.section)
                    solIni = Function(FunctionSpace(mesh.mesh, 'CG', 1))
                    print "DEBUG  interpolation"
                    chrono1 = time.clock()
                    interpol(sol, meshOld, solIni, mesh)
                    chrono2 = clock()
                    print "DEBUG  end interpolation. Elapsed time: %1.2e" % (
                        chrono2 - chrono1)

            # solve
            tIni, tEnd = (j - 1) * dtAdap, j * dtAdap
            sol, hesMet, t = solveAdvec(mesh, solIni, tIni, tEnd, options)
            globNormCoef = computeGlobalNormalizationCoef(
                options, mesh, hesMet, globNormCoef)
            print "DEBUG  globNormCoef: %1.18e" % globNormCoef

            writeGmf(mesh.mesh, 1, "boundary_ids", "bubble.%d" % j, sol, 1,
                     "bubble.%d" % j, mesh.section)
            writeGmf(mesh.mesh, 0, "boundary_ids", "", hesMet, 5,
                     "hesmet.%d" % j, mesh.section)
            if options.nbrSav > 0:
                kIni = (j - 1) * options.nbrSav
                for k in range(options.nbrSav + 1):
                    kGlob = kIni + k
                    print "DEBUG   film.%d -> film.%d" % (k, kGlob)
                    if k == 0:
                        os.rename("film_tmp.%d.meshb" % k,
                                  "film.%d.meshb" % kGlob)
                        if os.path.exists("film.%d.meshb" % kGlob):
                            os.remove("film.%d.meshb" % kGlob)
                        os.symlink("film.%d.meshb" % kIni,
                                   "film.%d.meshb" % kGlob)
                    os.rename("film_tmp.%d.solb" % k, "film.%d.solb" % kGlob)

            meshOld = mesh

        ######## End of the loop over sub-intervals

        if i < (options.nbrPtfxIte - 1):

            # normalizeMetric
            print "########## Metrics computation"
            chrono1 = time.clock()
            metrics = normalizeUnsteadyMetrics(options, globNormCoef)
            print "########## End metrics computation. Elapsed time: %1.2e" % (
                chrono2 - chrono1)

            # generate meshes
            print "########## Meshes generation"

            pool = Pool(15)
                zip(range(1, options.nbrAdap + 1),
                    [options.dim] * options.nbrAdap))