Beispiel #1
def logistic_h(v, theta_h):

    # h(t) = h * logistic(at + b)
    # theta_h: [h, a, b]

    if len(v.shape) == 2:
        v = np.reshape(v, (v.shape[0], ))

    h = theta_h[0]
    a = theta_h[1]
    b = theta_h[2]

    lp = logistic(a * v + b)

    lm = logistic(-a * v - b)
    H = h * lp

    # Derivatives

    dH = np.empty((v.shape[0], 3))
    dH[:, 0] = lp
    lp_lm_v = lp * lm * v
    dH[:, 1] = h * lp_lm_v
    dH[:, 2] = h * lp * lm

    return (np.atleast_2d(H).T, dH)
Beispiel #2
def test_network(test_data, test_label, w, b, n):

    misclassified = 0
    predict_label = []

    for k in range(len(test_data)):
        x = test_data[k]
        y = test_label[k]
        # 2 nodes of input layer, n nodes in hidden layer, 1 node in output layer
        a = [0 for i in range(n + 3)]

        for i in range(2):
            a[i] = x[i]

        #calculate nodes in hidden layer
        for j in range(2, n + 2):
            a[j] = logistic(a[0] * w[0][j] + a[1] * w[1][j] + b[j])[1]

        #calcalate output node
        sumout = sum([w[j][n + 2] * a[j] for j in range(2, n + 2)]) + b[n + 2]
        a[n + 2] = logistic(sumout)[1]

        if a[n + 2] != y:
            misclassified += 1
        predict_label.append(a[n + 2])
    print("Neural Network misclassified", misclassified)
    printFile("p2.dat", test_data, predict_label)

    return misclassified / len(test_data)
Beispiel #3
def logistic_h2(v, theta_h):

    # h(t) = h * logistic(at + b)
    # theta_h: [logit(h), a, b]

    if len(v.shape) == 2:
        v = np.reshape(v, (v.shape[0], ))

    h = logistic(theta_h[0])
    a = theta_h[1]
    b = theta_h[2]

    lp = logistic(a * v + b)
    lm = logistic(-a * v - b)
    H = h * lp

    # Derivatives

    dH = np.empty((v.shape[0], 3))
    dH[:, 0] = logistic(theta_h[0]) * logistic(-theta_h[0]) * lp

    lp_lm_v = lp * lm * v

    dH[:, 1] = h * lp_lm_v
    dH[:, 2] = h * lp * lm

    return (H, dH)
Beispiel #4
    def evaluate(self, v):
        # h(t) = h * logistic(at + b)
        # theta_h: [logit(h), a, b]
        # derived on p. 230 - 232 of DPI notebook

        if np.isscalar(v):
            v = np.asarray([v])
        T = v.shape[0]
        if len(v.shape) == 2:
            v = np.reshape(v, (T, ))

        (h, a, b) = (logistic(self.hazard_params[0]), self.hazard_params[1],

        logmh = self.loglogistic(-self.hazard_params[0])
        logh = self.loglogistic(self.hazard_params[0])

        logisticNeg = logistic(-a * v - b)

        logH = self.loglogistic(a * v + b) + logh

        logmH = self.logsumexp(-a * v - b, logmh) + self.loglogistic(a * v + b)

        if len(logH.shape) == 1:
            logH = np.atleast_2d(logH).T

        if len(logmH.shape) == 1:
            logmH = np.atleast_2d(logmH).T

        # Derivatives

        dlogH = np.zeros((T, 3))
        dlogH[:, 0] = logistic(-self.hazard_params[0])
        dlogH[:, 1] = logisticNeg * v
        dlogH[:, 2] = logisticNeg

        dlogmH = np.zeros((T, 3))
        dlogmH[:, 0] = self.dlogsumexp(-a * v - b, 0, logmh, -h)
               1] = self.dlogsumexp(-a * v - b, -v, logmh, 0) + v * logisticNeg
        dlogmH[:, 2] = self.dlogsumexp(-a * v - b, -1, logmh, 0) + logisticNeg

        assert logH.shape == (T, 1)
        assert logmH.shape == (T, 1)
        assert dlogH.shape == (T, 3)
        assert dlogmH.shape == (T, 3)

        return (logH, logmH, dlogH, dlogmH)
def run_logistic_regression():
    #train_inputs, train_targets = load_train()
    train_inputs, train_targets = load_train_small()
    valid_inputs, valid_targets = load_valid()

    N, M = train_inputs.shape

    # TODO: Set hyperparameters
    hyperparameters = {
                    'learning_rate': 0.99,
                    'weight_regularization': 0.1,
                    'num_iterations': 200

    # Logistic regression weights
    # TODO:Initialize to random weights here.
    weights = np.random.normal(0, math.sqrt(0.01),train_inputs.shape[1]+1).reshape(-1, 1)

    # Verify that your logistic function produces the right gradient.
    # diff should be very close to 0.

    valid_set = []
    log_likelihood = []
    # Begin learning with gradient descent
    for t in xrange(hyperparameters['num_iterations']):

        # TODO: you may need to modify this loop to create plots, etc.

        # Find the negative log likelihood and its derivatives w.r.t. the weights.
        f, df, predictions = logistic(weights, train_inputs, train_targets, hyperparameters)
        # Evaluate the prediction.
        cross_entropy_train, frac_correct_train = evaluate(train_targets, predictions)

        if np.isnan(f) or np.isinf(f):
            raise ValueError("nan/inf error")

        # update parameters
        weights = weights - hyperparameters['learning_rate'] * df / N

        # Make a prediction on the valid_inputs.
        predictions_valid = logistic_predict(weights, valid_inputs)

        # Evaluate the prediction.
        cross_entropy_valid, frac_correct_valid = evaluate(valid_targets, predictions_valid)
        # print some stats
        print ("ITERATION:{:4d}  TRAIN NLOGL:{:4.2f}  TRAIN CE:{:.6f} "
               "TRAIN FRAC:{:2.2f}  VALID CE:{:.6f}  VALID FRAC:{:2.2f}").format(
                   t+1, f / N, cross_entropy_train, frac_correct_train*100,
                   cross_entropy_valid, frac_correct_valid*100)
    plt.plot(range(hyperparameters['num_iterations']), log_likelihood)
    plt.plot(range(hyperparameters['num_iterations']), valid_set)
    plt.axis([0, 140, -10, 140])
    #splt.axis([0, 30, -1, 30])  
Beispiel #6
    def evaluate(self,v):
        # h(t) = h * logistic(at + b)
        # theta_h: [logit(h), a, b]
        # derived on p. 230 - 232 of DPI notebook

        if np.isscalar(v):
            v = np.asarray([v])
        T = v.shape[0]
        if len(v.shape) == 2:
            v = np.reshape(v, (T, ))

        (h, a, b) = (logistic(self.hazard_params[0]), self.hazard_params[1], self.hazard_params[2])

        logmh = self.loglogistic(-self.hazard_params[0])
        logh  = self.loglogistic(self.hazard_params[0])

        logisticNeg = logistic(-a*v - b)

        logH = self.loglogistic(a * v + b) + logh

        logmH = self.logsumexp(-a * v - b, logmh) + self.loglogistic(a * v + b)

        if len(logH.shape) == 1:
            logH = np.atleast_2d(logH).T

        if len(logmH.shape) == 1:
            logmH = np.atleast_2d(logmH).T

        # Derivatives

        dlogH      = np.zeros((T, 3))
        dlogH[:,0] = logistic(-self.hazard_params[0])
        dlogH[:,1] = logisticNeg*v
        dlogH[:,2] = logisticNeg

        dlogmH = np.zeros((T, 3))
        dlogmH[:,0] = self.dlogsumexp(-a * v - b, 0, logmh, -h)
        dlogmH[:,1] = self.dlogsumexp(-a * v - b, -v, logmh, 0) + v*logisticNeg
        dlogmH[:,2] = self.dlogsumexp(-a * v - b, -1, logmh, 0) + logisticNeg

        assert logH.shape   == (T, 1)
        assert logmH.shape  == (T, 1)
        assert dlogH.shape  == (T, 3)
        assert dlogmH.shape == (T, 3)

        return (logH, logmH, dlogH, dlogmH)
Beispiel #7
def run_logistic_regression():
    train_inputs, train_targets = load_train()
    #train_inputs, train_targets = load_train_small()
    valid_inputs, valid_targets = load_valid()

    N, M = train_inputs.shape

    # TODO: Set hyperparameters
    hyperparameters = {
        'learning_rate': ...,
        'weight_regularization': ...,
        'num_iterations': ...

    # Logistic regression weights
    # TODO:Initialize to random weights here.
    weights = ...

    # Verify that your logistic function produces the right gradient.
    # diff should be very close to 0.

    # Begin learning with gradient descent
    for t in xrange(hyperparameters['num_iterations']):

        # TODO: you may need to modify this loop to create plots, etc.

        # Find the negative log likelihood and its derivatives w.r.t. the weights.
        f, df, predictions = logistic(
            weights, train_inputs, train_targets, hyperparameters)

        # Evaluate the prediction.
        cross_entropy_train, frac_correct_train = evaluate(
            train_targets, predictions)

        if np.isnan(f) or np.isinf(f):
            raise ValueError("nan/inf error")

        # update parameters
        weights = weights - hyperparameters['learning_rate'] * df / N

        # Make a prediction on the valid_inputs.
        predictions_valid = logistic_predict(weights, valid_inputs)

        # Evaluate the prediction.
        cross_entropy_valid, frac_correct_valid = evaluate(
            valid_targets, predictions_valid)

        # print some stats
        stat_msg = "ITERATION:{:4d}  TRAIN NLOGL:{:4.2f}  TRAIN CE:{:.6f}  "
        stat_msg += "TRAIN FRAC:{:2.2f}  VALID CE:{:.6f}  VALID FRAC:{:2.2f}"
        print stat_msg.format(t+1,
                              float(f / N),
Beispiel #8
def run_logistic_regression(hyperparameters):
    # TODO specify training data
    train_inputs, train_targets = load_train()

    valid_inputs, valid_targets = load_valid()

    # N is number of examples; M is the number of features per example.
    N, M = train_inputs.shape

    # Logistic regression weights
    # TODO:Initialize to random weights here.
    weights = np.random.randn(M + 1, 1) * 0.01
    # weights = np.random.normal(0, 0.5, M + 1).reshape(-1, 1)
    # weights = np.ones((M + 1, 1)) * 0.0

    # Verify that your logistic function produces the right gradient.
    # diff should be very close to 0.

    # Begin learning with gradient descent
    logging = np.zeros((hyperparameters['num_iterations'], 5))
    for t in xrange(hyperparameters['num_iterations']):

        # Find the negative log likelihood and its derivatives w.r.t. the weights.
        f, df, predictions = logistic(weights, train_inputs, train_targets,

        # Evaluate the prediction.
        cross_entropy_train, frac_correct_train = evaluate(
            train_targets, predictions)

        if np.isnan(f) or np.isinf(f):
            raise ValueError("nan/inf error")

        # update parameters
        weights = weights - hyperparameters['learning_rate'] * df / N

        # Make a prediction on the valid_inputs.
        predictions_valid = logistic_predict(weights, valid_inputs)

        # Evaluate the prediction.
        cross_entropy_valid, frac_correct_valid = evaluate(
            valid_targets, predictions_valid)

        # print some stats
            "ITERATION:{:4d}  TRAIN NLOGL:{:4.2f}  TRAIN CE:{:.6f} "
            "TRAIN FRAC:{:2.2f}  VALID CE:{:.6f}  VALID FRAC:{:2.2f}").format(
                t + 1, f / N, cross_entropy_train, frac_correct_train * 100,
                cross_entropy_valid, frac_correct_valid * 100)
        logging[t] = [
            f / N, cross_entropy_train, frac_correct_train * 100,
            cross_entropy_valid, frac_correct_valid * 100

    return logging
def run_logistic_regression():
    train_inputs, train_targets = load_train()
    #train_inputs, train_targets = load_train_small()
    valid_inputs, valid_targets = load_valid()

    N, M = train_inputs.shape

    # TODO: Set hyperparameters
    hyperparameters = {
                    'learning_rate': ...,
                    'weight_regularization': ...,
                    'num_iterations': ...

    # Logistic regression weights
    # TODO:Initialize to random weights here.
    weights = ...

    # Verify that your logistic function produces the right gradient.
    # diff should be very close to 0.

    # Begin learning with gradient descent
    for t in xrange(hyperparameters['num_iterations']):

        # TODO: you may need to modify this loop to create plots, etc.

        # Find the negative log likelihood and its derivatives w.r.t. the weights.
        f, df, predictions = logistic(weights, train_inputs, train_targets, hyperparameters)
        # Evaluate the prediction.
        cross_entropy_train, frac_correct_train = evaluate(train_targets, predictions)

        if np.isnan(f) or np.isinf(f):
            raise ValueError("nan/inf error")

        # update parameters
        weights = weights - hyperparameters['learning_rate'] * df / N

        # Make a prediction on the valid_inputs.
        predictions_valid = logistic_predict(weights, valid_inputs)

        # Evaluate the prediction.
        cross_entropy_valid, frac_correct_valid = evaluate(valid_targets, predictions_valid)
        # print some stats
        stat_msg = "ITERATION:{:4d}  TRAIN NLOGL:{:4.2f}  TRAIN CE:{:.6f}  "
        stat_msg += "TRAIN FRAC:{:2.2f}  VALID CE:{:.6f}  VALID FRAC:{:2.2f}"
        print stat_msg.format(t+1,
                              float(f / N),
Beispiel #10
def run_logistic_regression():
    train_inputs, train_targets = load_train()
    # train_inputs, train_targets = load_train_small()
    valid_inputs, valid_targets = load_valid()
    test_inputs, test_targets = load_test()

    N, M = train_inputs.shape

    hyperparameters = {
        "learning_rate": 0.12,
        "weight_regularization": 0.,
        "num_iterations": 1000

    # Verify that your logistic function produces the right gradient.
    # diff should be very close to 0.
    # run_check_grad(hyperparameters)
    print('HYPERPARAMETER: ', hyperparameters['learning_rate'])
    alpha = hyperparameters['learning_rate']

    weights = np.zeros((M + 1, 1))
    f = df = y = None
    training_results = []
    valid_results = []

    for i in range(hyperparameters['num_iterations']):
        f, df, y = logistic(weights, train_inputs, train_targets, hyperparameters)
        weights = np.subtract(weights, alpha*df)
        valid_res = evaluate(valid_targets,
                             logistic_predict(weights, valid_inputs))

    plot_data([i for i in range(1, hyperparameters['num_iterations'] + 1)],
              training_results, valid_results)

    result = evaluate(train_targets, logistic_predict(weights, train_inputs))
    print("MNIST Train Cross Entropy: ", result[0])
    print("MNIST Train Classification Rate: ", result[1])

    result = evaluate(valid_targets, logistic_predict(weights, valid_inputs))
    print("Validation Data on MNIST Train Cross Entropy: ", result[0])
    print("Validation Data on MNIST Train Classification Rate: ",

    result = evaluate(test_targets, logistic_predict(weights, test_inputs))
    print("Test Data on MNIST Train Cross Entropy: ", result[0])
    print("Test Data on MNIST Train Classification Rate: ",
Beispiel #11
def run_logistic_regression():
    # train_inputs, train_targets = load_train()
    train_inputs, train_targets = load_train_small()
    valid_inputs, valid_targets = load_valid()
    test_inputs, test_targets = load_test()

    N, M = train_inputs.shape

    hyperparameters = {
        "learning_rate": 0.001,
        "weight_regularization": 0.,
        "num_iterations": 4000

    weights = np.zeros((M + 1, 1))

    train_entropy = []
    validate_entropy = []
    for t in range(hyperparameters["num_iterations"]):
        f, df, y = logistic(weights, train_inputs, train_targets, hyperparameters)
        weights = np.subtract(weights, hyperparameters['learning_rate'] * df)
        validate_ce = evaluate(valid_targets, logistic_predict(weights, valid_inputs))[0]
    plt.plot(range(hyperparameters['num_iterations']), train_entropy, label='Training Cross Entropy')
    plt.plot(range(hyperparameters['num_iterations']), validate_entropy, label='Validate Cross Entropy')
    plt.title('mnist small, learning rate = {}, {} iterations, plot of cross entropy'.format(hyperparameters['learning_rate'], hyperparameters['num_iterations']))
    plt.xlabel('Number of Iterations')
    plt.ylabel('Cross Entropy')

    print('Learning: {}, number of iterations: {}'.format(hyperparameters['learning_rate'], hyperparameters['num_iterations']))

    train_results = evaluate(train_targets, logistic_predict(weights, train_inputs))
    print("MNIST small training cross entropy: {}".format(train_results[0]))
    print("MNIST small training classification error: {}".format(1 - train_results[1]))

    validate_result = evaluate(valid_targets, logistic_predict(weights, valid_inputs))
    print("MNIST small validate cross entropy: {}".format(validate_result[0]))
    print("MNIST validate classification error: {}".format(1 - validate_result[1]))

    test_result = evaluate(test_targets, logistic_predict(weights, test_inputs))
    print("MNIST small test cross entropy: {}".format(test_result[0]))
    print("MNIST small test classification error: {}".format(1 - test_result[1]))
def run_check_grad(hyperparameters):
    """ Performs gradient check on logistic function.
    :return: None
    # This creates small random data with 20 examples and
    # 10 dimensions and checks the gradient on that data.
    num_examples = 20
    num_dimensions = 10

    weights = np.random.randn(num_dimensions + 1, 1)
    data = np.random.randn(num_examples, num_dimensions)
    targets = np.random.rand(num_examples, 1)

    y, dy, = logistic(weights, data, targets, hyperparameters)[:2]

    diff = check_grad(logistic, weights, 0.001, data, targets, hyperparameters)

    print("diff =", diff)
def run_logistic_regression():
    train_inputs, train_targets = load_train()
    train_inputs_s, train_targets_s = load_train_small()
    #train_inputs, train_targets = load_train_small()
    valid_inputs, valid_targets = load_valid()
    test_inputs, test_targets = load_test()

    N, M = train_inputs.shape

    # TODO: Set hyperparameters
    hyperparameters = {
                    'learning_rate': 0.1,
                    'iterations': 1000,
                    'iterations_s': 1000

    # Logistic regression weights
    # TODO:Initialize to random weights here.
    weights = 0.1*np.random.randn(M+1,1)
    weights_s = 0.1* np.random.randn(M+1,1)
    # weights = 0.1*np.random.random_sample((M+1,1))
    # weights_s = 0.1*np.random.random_sample((M+1,1))

    # plotweight(weights)
    # plotweight(weights_s)

    ce_train = np.zeros(hyperparameters['iterations'])
    ce_valid = np.zeros(hyperparameters['iterations'])
    ce_train_s = np.zeros(hyperparameters['iterations_s'])
    ce_valid_s = np.zeros(hyperparameters['iterations_s'])
    fr_train_s = np.zeros(hyperparameters['iterations_s'])
    fr_valid_s = np.zeros(hyperparameters['iterations_s'])
    fr_train = np.zeros(hyperparameters['iterations_s'])
    fr_valid = np.zeros(hyperparameters['iterations_s'])
    it = np.zeros(hyperparameters['iterations'])
    it_s = np.zeros(hyperparameters['iterations_s'])

    # Verify that your logistic function produces the right gradient.
    # diff should be very close to 0.

    # Begin learning with gradient descent
    # first let's do small set
    for t in xrange(hyperparameters['iterations_s']):

        # TODO: you may need to modify this loop to create plots, etc.

        # Find the negative log likelihood and its derivatives w.r.t. the weights.
        f_s, df_s, predictions_s = logistic(weights_s, train_inputs_s, train_targets_s, hyperparameters)

        # Evaluate the prediction.
        cross_entropy_train_s, frac_correct_train_s = evaluate(train_targets_s, predictions_s)

        if np.isnan(f_s) or np.isinf(f_s):
            raise ValueError("nan/inf error")

        # update parameters
        weights_s = weights_s - hyperparameters['learning_rate'] * df_s / N

        # Make a prediction on the valid_inputs.
        predictions_valid_s = logistic_predict(weights_s, valid_inputs)

        # Evaluate the prediction.
        cross_entropy_valid_s, frac_correct_valid_s = evaluate(valid_targets, predictions_valid_s)

        ce_train_s[t] = cross_entropy_train_s
        ce_valid_s[t] = cross_entropy_valid_s
        fr_train_s[t] = frac_correct_train_s
        fr_valid_s[t] = frac_correct_valid_s
        it_s[t] = t

        # print some stats only for the last round
        if t == hyperparameters['iterations']-1:
            stat_msg = "ITERATION:{:4d}  TRAIN NLOGL:{:4.2f}  TRAIN CE:{:.6f}  "
            stat_msg += "TRAIN FRAC:{:2.2f}  VALID CE:{:.6f}  VALID FRAC:{:2.2f}"
            print stat_msg.format(t+1,
                                  float(f_s / N),

    print '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------now start with the bigger dataset------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'
    # Begin learning with gradient descent
    # Now let's Rock n Roll a bigger dataset
    for t in xrange(hyperparameters['iterations']):

        # TODO: you may need to modify this loop to create plots, etc.

        # Find the negative log likelihood and its derivatives w.r.t. the weights.
        f, df, predictions = logistic(weights, train_inputs, train_targets, hyperparameters)
        # Evaluate the prediction.
        cross_entropy_train, frac_correct_train = evaluate(train_targets, predictions)

        if np.isnan(f) or np.isinf(f):
            raise ValueError("nan/inf error")

        # update parameters
        weights = weights - hyperparameters['learning_rate'] * df / N

        # Make a prediction on the valid_inputs.
        predictions_valid = logistic_predict(weights, valid_inputs)

        # Evaluate the prediction.
        cross_entropy_valid, frac_correct_valid = evaluate(valid_targets, predictions_valid)
        ce_train[t] = cross_entropy_train
        ce_valid[t] = cross_entropy_valid
        fr_train[t] = frac_correct_train
        fr_valid[t] = frac_correct_valid

        it[t] = t
        # print some stats only for the last round
        if t == hyperparameters['iterations']-1:
            stat_msg = "ITERATION:{:4d}  TRAIN NLOGL:{:4.2f}  TRAIN CE:{:.6f}  "
            stat_msg += "TRAIN FRAC:{:2.2f}  VALID CE:{:.6f}  VALID FRAC:{:2.2f}"
            print stat_msg.format(t+1,
                                  float(f / N),
    # plotweight(weights)

    #let's start trying test dataset
    pre_test = logistic_predict(weights, test_inputs)
    pre_test_s = logistic_predict(weights_s, test_inputs)
    ce_test, fc_test = evaluate(test_targets, pre_test)
    ce_test_s, fc_test_s = evaluate(test_targets, pre_test_s)    
    # print some test stats
    stat_msg = " test CE:{:.6f}  "
    stat_msg += "test FRAC:{:2.2f} test Error:{:2.2f} test_s CE:{:.6f}  test_s FRAC:{:2.2f} test_s Error:{:2.2f}"
    print stat_msg.format(
    #after training see the distribution of weights
    # plotweight(weights) 

    #Below is we can see what's going on for this hyperparameter
    ax1 = plt.subplot(221)
    ax2 = plt.subplot(222)
    ax3 = plt.subplot(223)
    ax4 = plt.subplot(224)

    ax1.plot(it, ce_train, marker='o', label='Training Set')
    ax1.plot(it, ce_valid, marker='x', label='Validation Set')
    legend = plt.legend()
    ax1.set_ylabel('Cross Entropy')
    ax1.legend(loc='upper right')

    ax2.plot(it_s, ce_train_s, marker='o', label='Training Set')
    ax2.plot(it_s, ce_valid_s, marker='x', label='Validation Set')
    legend = plt.legend()
    ax2.legend(loc='upper right')
    ax2.set_ylabel('Cross Entropy')

    ax3.plot(it, fr_train, marker='o', label='Training Set')
    ax3.plot(it, fr_valid, marker='x', label='Validation Set')
    ax3.set_ylabel('correction rate')

    ax4.plot(it, fr_train_s, marker='o', label='Training Set')
    ax4.plot(it, fr_valid_s, marker='x', label='Validation Set')
    ax4.set_ylabel('correction rate')

    #Below two images to answer question 2.2. Plot cross entropy
    plt.plot(it, ce_train, 'r-', label='Training Set')
    plt.plot(it, ce_valid, 'x', label='Validation Set')
    legend = plt.legend()
    plt.ylabel('Cross Entropy')

    plt.plot(it, ce_train_s, 'r-', label='Training Set')
    plt.plot(it, ce_valid_s, 'x', label='Validation Set')
    legend = plt.legend()
    plt.ylabel('Cross Entropy')
def run_logistic_regression():
    #train_inputs, train_targets = load_train()
    train_inputs, train_targets = load_train_small()
    valid_inputs, valid_targets = load_valid()
    test_inputs, test_targets = load_test()

    N, M = train_inputs.shape

    # TODO:                                                             #
    # Set the hyperparameters for the learning rate, the number         #
    # of iterations, and the way in which you initialize the weights.   #

    hyperparameters = {
        "learning_rate": 0.005,
        "weight_regularization": 0.,
        "num_iterations": 400
    weights = [[0.]] * (M + 1)

    #                       END OF YOUR CODE                            #

    # Verify that your logistic function produces the right gradient.
    # diff should be very close to 0.

    # Begin learning with gradient descent
    # TODO:                                                             #
    # Modify this section to perform gradient descent, create plots,    #
    # and compute test error.                                           #
    print("The step size is {}.".format(hyperparameters["learning_rate"]))
    print("The number of iterations is: {}.\n".format(

    ce_list_train = []
    ce_list_valid = []

    for t in range(hyperparameters["num_iterations"]):
        f_train, df_train, y_train = logistic(weights, train_inputs,
                                              train_targets, hyperparameters)
        ce_train, frac_correct_train = evaluate(train_targets, y_train)

        f_valid, df_valid, y_valid = logistic(weights, valid_inputs,
                                              valid_targets, hyperparameters)
        ce_valid, frac_correct_valid = evaluate(valid_targets, y_valid)

        weights = weights - hyperparameters["learning_rate"] * df_train

    ce_train, frac_correct_train = evaluate(train_targets, y_train)
        "For the training dataset, the averaged cross entropy is {} and the classification error is {}."
        .format(ce_train, 1 - frac_correct_train))

    f_valid, df_valid, y_valid = logistic(weights, valid_inputs, valid_targets,
    ce_valid, frac_correct_valid = evaluate(valid_targets, y_valid)
        "For the validation dataset, the averaged cross entropy is {} and the classification error is {}."
        .format(ce_valid, 1 - frac_correct_valid))

    f_test, df_test, y_test = logistic(weights, test_inputs, test_targets,
    ce_test, frac_correct_test = evaluate(test_targets, y_test)
        "For the test dataset, the averaged cross entropy is {} and the classification error is {}.\n"
        .format(ce_test, 1 - frac_correct_test))

    plt.plot(range(hyperparameters["num_iterations"] + 1),
             label="Training Dataset")
    plt.plot(range(hyperparameters["num_iterations"] + 1),
             label="Validation Dataset")
    plt.legend(loc="upper right")
    plt.ylabel("Cross Entropy")
Beispiel #15
def run_logistic_regression():
    train_inputs, train_targets = load_train()
    valid_inputs, valid_targets = load_valid()

    N, M = train_inputs.shape

    # TODO: Set hyperparameters
    hyperparameters = {
                'learning_rate': 0.001,
                # 'weight_regularization': 0.6,
                'num_iterations': 4700

    # Logistic regression weights
    # TODO:Initialize to random weights here.
    weights = np.random.randn(M+1, 1)
    weights *= 0.01

    # Verify that your logistic function produces the right gradient.
    # diff should be very close to 0.
    y_cross_entropy_train = []
    y_cross_entropy_valid = []
    # Begin learning with gradient descent
    for t in xrange(hyperparameters['num_iterations']):

        # TODO: you may need to modify this loop to create plots, etc.

        # Find the negative log likelihood and its derivatives w.r.t. the weights.
        f, df, predictions = logistic(weights, train_inputs, train_targets, hyperparameters)
        # Evaluate the prediction.
        cross_entropy_train, frac_correct_train = evaluate(train_targets, predictions)

        if np.isnan(f) or np.isinf(f):
            raise ValueError("nan/inf error")

        # update parameters
        weights = weights - hyperparameters['learning_rate'] * df / N

        # Make a prediction on the valid_inputs.
        predictions_valid = logistic_predict(weights, valid_inputs)

        # Evaluate the prediction.
        cross_entropy_valid, frac_correct_valid = evaluate(valid_targets, predictions_valid)
        # print some stats
        stat_msg = "ITERATION:{:4d}  TRAIN NLOGL:{:4.2f}  TRAIN CE:{:.6f}  "
        stat_msg += "TRAIN FRAC:{:2.2f}  VALID CE:{:.6f}  VALID FRAC:{:2.2f}"
        print stat_msg.format(t+1,
                              float(f / N),
        # plot for 2.2 CE for train and valid
    x_iteration = range(1, hyperparameters['num_iterations'] + 1)
    plt.plot(x_iteration, y_cross_entropy_train)
    plt.plot(x_iteration, y_cross_entropy_valid)
    plt.legend(['train', 'valid'], loc='upper right')
    plt.ylabel('cross entropy')
def run_logistic_regression():
    train_inputs, train_targets = load_train()
    train_inputs_s, train_targets_s = load_train_small()
    valid_inputs, valid_targets = load_valid()
    test_inputs, test_targets = load_test()

    N, M = train_inputs.shape

    # TODO: Set hyperparameters
    hyperparameters = {
                    'learning_rate': 0.12,
                    'weight_regularization': 1,
                    'num_iterations': 800,
                    'num_iterations_s': 800

    # Logistic regression weights
    # TODO:Initialize to random weights here.
    weights = -0.1+0.2*np.random.random_sample((M+1,1))
    weights_s = -0.1+0.2*np.random.random_sample((M+1,1))
    ce_train = np.zeros(hyperparameters['num_iterations'])
    ce_valid = np.zeros(hyperparameters['num_iterations'])
    ce_train_s = np.zeros(hyperparameters['num_iterations_s'])
    ce_valid_s = np.zeros(hyperparameters['num_iterations_s'])
    it = np.zeros(hyperparameters['num_iterations'])
    it_s = np.zeros(hyperparameters['num_iterations_s'])

    # Verify that your logistic function produces the right gradient.
    # diff should be very close to 0.

    # Begin learning with gradient descent
    for t in xrange(hyperparameters['num_iterations_s']):

        # TODO: you may need to modify this loop to create plots, etc.

        # Find the negative log likelihood and its derivatives w.r.t. the weights.
        f_s, df_s, predictions_s = logistic(weights_s, train_inputs_s, train_targets_s, hyperparameters)

        # Evaluate the prediction.
        cross_entropy_train_s, frac_correct_train_s = evaluate(train_targets_s, predictions_s)

        if np.isnan(f_s) or np.isinf(f_s):
            raise ValueError("nan/inf error")

        # update parameters
        weights_s = weights_s - hyperparameters['learning_rate'] * df_s / N

        # Make a prediction on the valid_inputs.
        predictions_valid_s = logistic_predict(weights_s, valid_inputs)

        # Evaluate the prediction.
        cross_entropy_valid_s, frac_correct_valid_s = evaluate(valid_targets, predictions_valid_s)

        ce_train_s[t] = cross_entropy_train_s
        ce_valid_s[t] = cross_entropy_valid_s
        it_s[t] = t

        # print some stats
        if t % 100 == 99:
            print ("ITERATION:{:4d}  TRAIN NLOGL:{:4.2f}  TRAIN CE:{:.6f} "
                "TRAIN FRAC:{:2.2f}  VALID CE:{:.6f}  VALID FRAC:{:2.2f} "
                   t+1, f_s / N, cross_entropy_train_s, frac_correct_train_s*100,
                   cross_entropy_valid_s, frac_correct_valid_s*100)

    # Begin learning with gradient descent
    for t in xrange(hyperparameters['num_iterations']):

        # TODO: you may need to modify this loop to create plots, etc.

        # Find the negative log likelihood and its derivatives w.r.t. the weights.
        f, df, predictions = logistic(weights, train_inputs, train_targets, hyperparameters)

        # Evaluate the prediction.
        cross_entropy_train, frac_correct_train = evaluate(train_targets, predictions)

        if np.isnan(f) or np.isinf(f):
            raise ValueError("nan/inf error")

        # update parameters
        weights = weights - hyperparameters['learning_rate'] * df / N

        # Make a prediction on the valid_inputs.
        predictions_valid = logistic_predict(weights, valid_inputs)

        # Evaluate the prediction.
        cross_entropy_valid, frac_correct_valid = evaluate(valid_targets, predictions_valid)

        ce_train[t] = cross_entropy_train
        ce_valid[t] = cross_entropy_valid
        it[t] = t

        # print some stats
        if t % 100 == 99:
            print ("ITERATION:{:4d}  TRAIN NLOGL:{:4.2f}  TRAIN CE:{:.6f} "
                "TRAIN FRAC:{:2.2f}  VALID CE:{:.6f}  VALID FRAC:{:2.2f} "
                   t+1, f / N, cross_entropy_train, frac_correct_train*100,
                   cross_entropy_valid, frac_correct_valid*100)

    predictions_test = logistic_predict(weights, test_inputs)
    predictions_test_s = logistic_predict(weights_s, test_inputs)
    cross_entropy_test, frac_correct_test = evaluate(test_targets, predictions_test)
    cross_entropy_test_s, frac_correct_test_s = evaluate(test_targets, predictions_test_s)
    print ("TEST CE:{:.6f}  TEST FRAC:{:2.2f} TEST"
           "S CE:{:.6f}  TEST S FRAC:{:2.2f}").format(
                   cross_entropy_test, frac_correct_test*100,
                   cross_entropy_test_s, frac_correct_test_s*100)

    plt.title('Logistic Regression on mnist_train')
    plt.plot(it, ce_train, marker='o', label='Training Set')
    plt.plot(it, ce_valid, marker='x', label='Validation Set')
    legend = plt.legend()
    plt.ylabel('Cross Entropy')

    plt.title('Logistic Regression on mnist_train_small')
    plt.plot(it_s, ce_train_s, marker='o', label='Training Set')
    plt.plot(it_s, ce_valid_s, marker='x', label='Validation Set')
    legend = plt.legend()
    plt.ylabel('Cross Entropy')
def run_logistic_regression_small(hyperparameters):
    # TODO specify training data
    train_inputs_1, train_targets_1 = load_train_small()

    valid_inputs, valid_targets = load_valid()

    test_inputs, test_targets = load_test()

    # N is number of examples; M is the number of features per example.
    N, M = train_inputs_1.shape

    # Logistic regression weights
    # TODO:Initialize to random weights here.

    #Seed same value

    weights = np.random.randn(M + 1, 1)
    # Verify that your logistic function produces the right gradient.
    # diff should be very close to 0.

    # Begin learning with gradient descent
    logging = np.zeros((hyperparameters['num_iterations'], 5))
    iterations = np.zeros((hyperparameters['num_iterations']))
    ce_training_1 = np.zeros((hyperparameters['num_iterations']))
    ce_validation = np.zeros((hyperparameters['num_iterations']))
    for t in xrange(hyperparameters['num_iterations']):

        # Find the negative log likelihood and its derivatives w.r.t. the weights.
        f, df, predictions = logistic(weights, train_inputs_1, train_targets_1,
        # Evaluate the prediction.
        cross_entropy_train, frac_correct_train = evaluate(
            train_targets_1, predictions)

        if np.isnan(f) or np.isinf(f):
            raise ValueError("nan/inf error")

        # update parameters
        weights = weights - hyperparameters['learning_rate'] * df / N

        #For TEST DATASET, pass test_inputs instead of valid_inputs and test_targets instead of valid_targets.

        # Make a prediction on the valid_inputs.
        predictions_valid = logistic_predict(weights, valid_inputs)
        # Evaluate the prediction.
        cross_entropy_valid, frac_correct_valid = evaluate(
            valid_targets, predictions_valid)
            "ITERATION:{:4d}  TRAIN NLOGL:{:4.2f}  TRAIN CE:{:.6f} "
            "TRAIN FRAC:{:2.2f}  VALID CE:{:.6f}  VALID FRAC:{:2.2f}").format(
                t + 1, f / N, cross_entropy_train, frac_correct_train * 100,
                cross_entropy_valid, frac_correct_valid * 100)
        logging[t] = [
            f / N, cross_entropy_train, frac_correct_train * 100,
            cross_entropy_valid, frac_correct_valid * 100
        iterations[t] = t
        ce_training_1[t] = cross_entropy_train
        ce_validation[t] = cross_entropy_valid
    plt.plot(iterations, ce_training_1, marker='+', label="Training Set")
    plt.plot(iterations, ce_validation, marker='o', label="Validation Set")
    if (hyperparameters['weight_regularization'] == False):
        plt.title('Logistic Regression - mnist_train_small')
        plt.title('Regularized Logistic Regression - mnist_train_small')
    plt.ylabel('Cross Entropy')
    return logging
Beispiel #18
def run_logistic_regression(hyperparameters):
    # specify training data
    xIn = False
    while xIn == False:
        x = raw_input('Training Set LARGE or SMALL? ')
        if x == 'LARGE':
            train_inputs, train_targets = load_train()
            xIn = True
        elif x == 'SMALL':
            train_inputs, train_targets = load_train_small()
            xIn = True
            print("Please input LARGE or SMALL")

    valid_inputs, valid_targets = load_valid()
    test_inputs, test_targets = load_test()

    # N is number of examples; M is the number of features per example.
    N, M = train_inputs.shape
    print("N:", N, "  M:", M)

    # Logistic regression weights
    # Initialize to random weights here.
    weights = np.random.normal(0, 0.001, (M+1, 1))

    # Verify that your logistic function produces the right gradient.
    # diff should be very close to 0.

    # Begin learning with gradient descent
    logging = np.zeros((hyperparameters['num_iterations'], 5))
    for t in xrange(hyperparameters['num_iterations']):

        # Find the negative log likelihood and its derivatives w.r.t. the weights.
        f, df, predictions = logistic(weights, train_inputs, train_targets, hyperparameters)

        # Evaluate the prediction.
        cross_entropy_train, frac_correct_train = evaluate(train_targets, predictions)

        if np.isnan(f) or np.isinf(f):
            raise ValueError("nan/inf error")

        # update parameters
        weights = weights - hyperparameters['learning_rate'] * df / N

        # Make a prediction on the valid_inputs.
        predictions_valid = logistic_predict(weights, valid_inputs)

        # Evaluate the prediction.
        cross_entropy_valid, frac_correct_valid = evaluate(valid_targets, predictions_valid)

        # print some stats
        print ("ITERATION:{:4d}  TRAIN NLOGL:{:4.2f}  TRAIN CE:{:.6f} "
               "TRAIN FRAC:{:2.2f}  VALID CE:{:.6f}  VALID FRAC:{:2.2f}").format(
                   t+1, f / N, cross_entropy_train, frac_correct_train*100,
                   cross_entropy_valid, frac_correct_valid*100)
        logging[t] = [f / N, cross_entropy_train, frac_correct_train*100, cross_entropy_valid, frac_correct_valid*100]
    return logging
Beispiel #19
def run_logistic_regression(hyperparameters, mode):
    train_inputs = []
    train_targets = []
    valid_inputs, valid_targets = load_valid()
    if mode == "normal":
        train_inputs, train_targets = load_train()
    elif mode == "small":
        train_inputs, train_targets = load_train_small()

    N, M = train_inputs.shape

    # Logistic regression weights
    # TODO:Initialize to random weights here.
    weights = np.zeros((M + 1, 1))

    # Verify that your logistic function produces the right gradient.
    # diff should be very close to 0.

    iteration_list = []
    cross_entropy_train_list = []
    cross_entropy_valid_list = []
    frac_correct_train_list = []
    frac_correct_valid_list = []
    # Begin learning with gradient descent
    for t in range(hyperparameters['num_iterations']):

        # TODO: you may need to modify this loop to create plots, etc.

        # Find the negative log likelihood and its derivatives w.r.t. the weights.
        f, df, predictions = logistic(weights, train_inputs, train_targets,

        # Evaluate the prediction.
        cross_entropy_train, frac_correct_train = evaluate(
            train_targets, predictions)

        if np.isnan(f) or np.isinf(f):
            raise ValueError("nan/inf error")

        # update parameters
        weights = weights - hyperparameters['learning_rate'] * df / N

        # Make a prediction on the valid_inputs.
        predictions_valid = logistic_predict(weights, valid_inputs)

        # Evaluate the prediction.
        cross_entropy_valid, frac_correct_valid = evaluate(
            valid_targets, predictions_valid)

        # print some stats
            ("ITERATION:{:4d}  TRAIN NLOGL:{:4.2f}  TRAIN CE:{:.6f} "
             "TRAIN FRAC:{:2.2f}  VALID CE:{:.6f}  VALID FRAC:{:2.2f}").format(
                 t + 1, f / N, cross_entropy_train, frac_correct_train * 100,
                 cross_entropy_valid, frac_correct_valid * 100))


    plt.title("Logistic Regression with mnist_train: Cross Entropy")
             label="cross entropy train")
             label='cross entropy validation')
    plt.legend(loc="upper right")

        "Logistic Regression with mnist_train: Correct Classification Rate")
             label="frac correct train")
             label='frac correct validation')
    plt.legend(loc="upper right")

    cell_text = [[cross_entropy_train_list[-1], cross_entropy_valid_list[-1]],
                 [frac_correct_train_list[-1], frac_correct_valid_list[-1]]]

    rows = ['ce', 'fac rate']
    cols = ['train set', 'validation set']

    colors =, 0.5, len(rows)))
    colors = colors[::-1]

    fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, 1)
    plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.3, top=0.8)
def run_logistic_regression():
    train_inputs, train_targets = load_train()
    #train_inputs, train_targets = load_train_small()
    test_inputs, test_targets = load_test()
    valid_inputs, valid_targets = load_valid()

    N, M = train_inputs.shape

    # TODO: Set hyperparameters
    hyperparameters = {
                    'learning_rate': .05,
                    'weight_regularization': .5,
                    'num_iterations': 100

    # Logistic regression weights
    #weights = np.random.rand(len(train_inputs[0]) + 1, 1)
    #weights = (np.random.rand(len(train_inputs[0]) + 1, 1) - 0.5) * 2
    #weights = np.zeros((len(train_inputs[0])+1, 1))
    weights = np.ones((len(train_inputs[0])+1, 1)) - .9
    #weights = np.reshape(np.append(np.mean(train_inputs, axis=0), np.mean(np.mean(train_inputs, axis=0))), (len(train_inputs[0])+1, 1))
    #weights = np.ones((len(train_inputs[0])+1, 1)) - np.zeros((len(train_inputs[0])+1, 1))

    # Verify that your logistic function produces the right gradient.
    # diff should be very close to 0.

    training_ce = []
    valid_ce = []

    # Begin learning with gradient descent
    for t in xrange(hyperparameters['num_iterations']):

        # TODO: you may need to modify this loop to create plots, etc.

        # Find the negative log likelihood and its derivatives w.r.t. the weights.
        f, df, predictions = logistic(weights, train_inputs, train_targets, hyperparameters)
        # Evaluate the prediction.
        cross_entropy_train, frac_correct_train = evaluate(train_targets, predictions)

        if np.isnan(f) or np.isinf(f):
            raise ValueError("nan/inf error")

        # update parameters
        weights = weights - hyperparameters['learning_rate'] * df / N

        # Make a prediction on the valid_inputs.
        predictions_valid = logistic_predict(weights, valid_inputs)

        # Evaluate the prediction.
        cross_entropy_valid, frac_correct_valid = evaluate(valid_targets, predictions_valid)
        # print some stats
        stat_msg = "ITERATION:{:4d}  TRAIN NLOGL:{:4.2f}  TRAIN CE:{:.6f}  "
        stat_msg += "TRAIN FRAC:{:2.2f}  VALID CE:{:.6f}  VALID FRAC:{:2.2f}"
        print stat_msg.format(t+1,
                              float(f / N),
    predictions_test = logistic_predict(weights, test_inputs)
    cross_entropy_test, frac_correct_test = evaluate(test_targets, predictions_test) 
    print(str(cross_entropy_test) + ', ' + str((frac_correct_test * 100)))
    plt.plot(range(1, hyperparameters["num_iterations"]+1), training_ce, label="cross entropy train")
    plt.plot(range(1, hyperparameters["num_iterations"]+1), valid_ce, label="cross entropy valid")
def run_logistic_regression():
    train_inputs, train_targets = load_train()
    #train_inputs, train_targets = load_train_small()
    valid_inputs, valid_targets = load_test()

    N, M = train_inputs.shape

    # TODO: Set hyperparameters
    hyperparameters = {
        'learning_rate': 0.01,
        'weight_regularization': 10,
        'num_iterations': 400

    # Logistic regression weights
    # TODO:Initialize to random weights here.
    weights = []
    for _ in range(train_inputs.shape[1] + 1):
        weights.append(random.uniform(0.01, 0.2))
    weights = np.array(weights)
    x = weights.shape[0]
    weights = weights.reshape((x, 1))

    # Verify that your logistic function produces the right gradient.
    # diff should be very close to 0.

    ceChartTrain = []
    ceChartValid = []
    errChartTrain = []
    errChartValid = []
    iteration = []
    # Begin learning with gradient descent
    for t in range(hyperparameters['num_iterations']):

        # TODO: you may need to modify this loop to create plots, etc.
        # Find the negative log likelihood and its derivatives w.r.t. the weights.
        f, df, predictions = logistic(weights, train_inputs, train_targets,

        # Evaluate the prediction.
        cross_entropy_train, frac_correct_train = evaluate(
            train_targets, predictions)
        errChartTrain.append(1 - frac_correct_train)

        if np.isnan(f) or np.isinf(f):
            raise ValueError("nan/inf error")

        # update parameters
        weights = weights - hyperparameters['learning_rate'] * df / N

        # Make a prediction on the valid_inputs.
        predictions_valid = logistic_predict(weights, valid_inputs)

        # Evaluate the prediction.
        cross_entropy_valid, frac_correct_valid = evaluate(
            valid_targets, predictions_valid)
        errChartValid.append(1 - frac_correct_valid)

        # print some stats
            "ITERATION:{:4d}  TRAIN NLOGL:{:4.2f}  TRAIN CE:{:.6f} \n TRAIN FRAC:{:2.2f}  VALID CE:{:.6f}  VALID FRAC:{:2.2f}"
            .format(t + 1, f / N, cross_entropy_train,
                    frac_correct_train * 100, cross_entropy_valid,
                    frac_correct_valid * 100))

    plt.plot(iteration, errChartTrain, label="Train Acc")
    plt.plot(iteration, errChartValid, label="Valid Acc")
def pen_logistic_regression():
    train_inputs, train_targets = load_train()
    #train_inputs, train_targets = load_train_small()
    valid_inputs, valid_targets = load_valid()
    weight_reg_vec = [ pow(10, i) for i in range(-5, 0, 1)]
    N, M = train_inputs.shape
    class_error_train = []
    class_error_val = []
    cross_en_train = []
    cross_en_val = []
    for lam in weight_reg_vec:
        # TODO: Set hyperparameters
        hyperparameters = {
                        'learning_rate': 0.85,
                        'weight_regularization': lam,
                        'num_iterations': 30

        # Verify that your logistic :function produces the right gradient.
        # diff should be very close to 0.
        # Begin learning with gradient descent
        ce_train_vec = []
        ce_val_vec = []
        corr_train_vec = []
        corr_val_vec = []
        for i in range(0, 5):
            # Logistic regression weights
            weights = np.random.rand(M+1, 1)
            #weights = np.zeros(M+1)
            for t in xrange(hyperparameters['num_iterations']):

                # TODO: you may need to modify this loop to create plots, etc.

                # Find the negative log likelihood and its derivatives w.r.t. the weights.
                f, df, predictions = logistic_pen(weights, train_inputs, train_targets, hyperparameters)
                # Evaluate the prediction.
                cross_entropy_train, frac_correct_train = evaluate(train_targets, predictions)
                if np.isnan(f) or np.isinf(f):
                    raise ValueError("nan/inf error")
                # update parameters
                weights = weights - hyperparameters['learning_rate'] * (df + lam * weights)/ N

                # Make a prediction on the valid_inputs.
                predictions_valid = logistic_predict(weights, valid_inputs)

                # Evaluate the prediction.
                cross_entropy_valid, frac_correct_valid = evaluate(valid_targets, predictions_valid)
                # add data for plots
            # add final CEs and errors
        # average across multiple runs (due to random initials)
    x = np.array(weight_reg_vec)
    plt.semilogx(x, cross_en_train, 'r', label='Training')
    plt.semilogx(x, cross_en_val, 'b', label='Validation')
    plt.xlabel('Regularization factor')
    plt.ylabel('Cross Entropy')
    plt.legend(['Training', 'Validation'], bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5))
    plt.semilogx(x, class_error_train, 'r', label='Training')
    plt.semilogx(x, class_error_val, 'b:', label='Validation')
    plt.xlabel('Regularization factor')
    plt.ylabel('Classification Error')
    plt.legend(['Training', 'Validation'], bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5))
    test_inputs, test_targets = load_test()
    hyperparameters['weight_regularization'] = 0.01
    hyperparameters['num_iterations'] = 30
    f, df, predictions = logistic(weights, test_inputs, test_targets, hyperparameters)
    cross_entropy_train, frac_correct_train = evaluate(test_targets, predictions)
    stat_msg = "ITERATION:{:4d}  TEST NLOGL:{:4.2f}  TEST CE:{:.6f}  TEST FRAC:{:2.2f}"
    print stat_msg.format(t+1,
                              float(f / N),
Beispiel #23
def run_logistic_regression():
    #train_inputs, train_targets = load_train()
    train_inputs, train_targets = load_train_small()
    valid_inputs, valid_targets = load_valid()

    N, M = train_inputs.shape

    # TODO: Set hyperparameters
    hyperparameters = {
        'learning_rate': 0.99,
        'weight_regularization': 0.1,
        'num_iterations': 200

    # Logistic regression weights
    # TODO:Initialize to random weights here.
    weights = np.random.normal(0, math.sqrt(0.01),
                               train_inputs.shape[1] + 1).reshape(-1, 1)

    # Verify that your logistic function produces the right gradient.
    # diff should be very close to 0.

    valid_set = []
    log_likelihood = []
    # Begin learning with gradient descent
    for t in xrange(hyperparameters['num_iterations']):

        # TODO: you may need to modify this loop to create plots, etc.

        # Find the negative log likelihood and its derivatives w.r.t. the weights.
        f, df, predictions = logistic(weights, train_inputs, train_targets,

        # Evaluate the prediction.
        cross_entropy_train, frac_correct_train = evaluate(
            train_targets, predictions)

        if np.isnan(f) or np.isinf(f):
            raise ValueError("nan/inf error")

        # update parameters
        weights = weights - hyperparameters['learning_rate'] * df / N

        # Make a prediction on the valid_inputs.
        predictions_valid = logistic_predict(weights, valid_inputs)

        # Evaluate the prediction.
        cross_entropy_valid, frac_correct_valid = evaluate(
            valid_targets, predictions_valid)

        # print some stats
            "ITERATION:{:4d}  TRAIN NLOGL:{:4.2f}  TRAIN CE:{:.6f} "
            "TRAIN FRAC:{:2.2f}  VALID CE:{:.6f}  VALID FRAC:{:2.2f}").format(
                t + 1, f / N, cross_entropy_train, frac_correct_train * 100,
                cross_entropy_valid, frac_correct_valid * 100)
    plt.plot(range(hyperparameters['num_iterations']), log_likelihood)
    plt.plot(range(hyperparameters['num_iterations']), valid_set)
    plt.axis([0, 140, -10, 140])
    #splt.axis([0, 30, -1, 30])
Beispiel #24
def run_logistic_regression(train_inputs, train_targets, training_type, lr,
                            iteration, lambd, isPenalized):
    valid_inputs, valid_targets = load_valid()
    test_inputs, test_targets = load_test()
    N, M = train_inputs.shape

    # TODO: Set hyperparameters
    hyperparameters = {
        'learning_rate': lr,
        'weight_regularization': lambd,
        'num_iterations': iteration,

    # Logistic regression weights
    weights = np.random.uniform(-0.05, 0.05, M + 1)
    # weights = np.random.rand(M+1)
    # w = [0.001]*(M+1)
    # weights = np.asarray(w)
    weights = weights.reshape((M + 1, 1))
    # weights = np.zeros((M+1, 1))

    # Verify that your logistic function produces the right gradient.
    # diff should be very close to 0.
    # run_check_grad(hyperparameters)

    train_ce = []
    train_frac = []
    valid_ce = []
    valid_frac = []
    test_ce = []
    test_frac = []
    # Begin learning with gradient descent
    for t in range(hyperparameters['num_iterations']):

        # Find the negative log likelihood and its derivatives w.r.t. the weights.
        if (isPenalized == False):
            f, df, predictions = logistic(weights, train_inputs, train_targets,
            f, df, predictions = logistic_pen(weights, train_inputs,
                                              train_targets, hyperparameters)

        # Evaluate the prediction.
        cross_entropy_train, frac_correct_train = evaluate(
            train_targets, predictions)

        if np.isnan(f) or np.isinf(f):
            raise ValueError("nan/inf error")

        # update parameters
        weights = weights - hyperparameters['learning_rate'] * df / N

        # Make a prediction on the valid_inputs.
        predictions_valid = logistic_predict(weights, valid_inputs)

        predictions_test = logistic_predict(weights, test_inputs)

        # Evaluate the prediction.
        cross_entropy_valid, frac_correct_valid = evaluate(
            valid_targets, predictions_valid)

        cross_entropy_test, frac_correct_test = evaluate(
            test_targets, predictions_test)

        # print ("ITERATION:{:4d}  TRAIN NLOGL:{:4.2f}  TRAIN CE:{:.6f} "
        #        "TRAIN FRAC:{:2.2f}  VALID CE:{:.6f}  VALID FRAC:{:2.2f}".format(
        #            t+1, f / N, cross_entropy_train, frac_correct_train*100,
        #            cross_entropy_valid, frac_correct_valid*100))
        # print("ITERATION:{:4d}   TRAIN NLOGL:{:4.2f}   TEST CE{:.6f} TEST FRAC:{:2.2f}".format(
        #     t+1, f/N, cross_entropy_test, frac_correct_test*100)
        # )

        train_frac.append(frac_correct_train * 100)
        valid_frac.append(frac_correct_valid * 100)
        test_frac.append(frac_correct_test * 100)
    # print(">>>>>>>>>")
    # print("smallest TRAIN CE: {:.6f} at iteration {:d} smallest VALID CE: {:.6f} at iteration {:d}".format(min(train_ce), train_ce.index(min(train_ce))+1, min(valid_ce), valid_ce.index(min(valid_ce))+1))
    # x = np.arange(1,hyperparameters['num_iterations']+1, 1)
    # fig, ax = plt.subplots()
    # ax.grid(False)

    # ax.plot(x, train_ce, label = "training_ce")
    # ax.plot(x, valid_ce, label = "valid_ce")
    # ax.scatter(train_ce.index(min(train_ce))+1, min(train_ce), label="smallest train_ce")
    # ax.scatter(valid_ce.index(min(valid_ce))+1, min(valid_ce), label="smallest valid_ce")
    # ax.legend(loc='upper right')
    # ax.set(xlabel = "Iteration", ylabel = "Cross Entropy")
    # fig.suptitle("Cross Entropy Error Processing on Dataset "+ training_type +" LR "+str(hyperparameters["learning_rate"])+ " Penalty "+str(hyperparameters["weight_regularization"]), fontsize=9)
    # #
    # fig.savefig(training_type+"Learning Rate "+str(hyperparameters["learning_rate"])+ " Penalty "+str(hyperparameters["weight_regularization"])+" Iteration "+str(hyperparameters["num_iterations"])+".png")
    return train_ce, valid_ce, test_ce, train_frac, valid_frac, test_frac
Beispiel #25
def run_logistic_regression(r):

    # Indicate which training set you used:

    # Uncomment out for training set.
    train_inputs, train_targets = load_train()
    training_set = ''

    # Uncomment out for the small training set.
    #train_inputs, train_targets = load_train_small() # 'Small'
    #training_set = 'Small'

    valid_inputs, valid_targets = load_valid()
    test_inputs, test_targets = load_test()
    N, M = train_inputs.shape

    # TODO: Set hyperparameters
    hyperparameters = {
        'learning_rate': r,
        'weight_regularization': 1,
        'num_iterations': 200

    # Logistic regression weights
    # TODO:Initialize weights here.

    # fixed weights
    # weights = np.array([0.01]*(M+1)).reshape(M+1,1)

    # random weights:
    weights = np.transpose([np.random.normal(0, 0.1, M + 1)])

    #Initialize to random weights here.
    #weights = np.transpose([np.random.normal(0, hyperparameters['weight_regularization'], M+1)])

    # Verify that your logistic function produces the right gradient.
    # diff should be very close to 0.

    ce_train = []
    ce_valid = []

    fc_train = []
    fc_valid = []

    # Begin learning with gradient descent
    for t in xrange(hyperparameters['num_iterations']):

        # TODO: you may need to modify this loop to create plots, etc.

        # Find the negative log likelihood and its derivatives w.r.t. the weights.
        f, df, predictions = logistic(weights, train_inputs, train_targets,

        # Evaluate the prediction.
        cross_entropy_train, frac_correct_train = evaluate(
            train_targets, predictions)

        if np.isnan(f) or np.isinf(f):
            raise ValueError("nan/inf error")

        # update parameters
        weights = weights - hyperparameters['learning_rate'] * df / N

        # Make a prediction on the valid_inputs.
        predictions_valid = logistic_predict(weights, valid_inputs)

        # Evaluate the prediction.
        cross_entropy_valid, frac_correct_valid = evaluate(
            valid_targets, predictions_valid)

        # Uncomment to evaluate the prediction for test set
        prediction_test = logistic_predict(weights, test_inputs)
        cross_entropy_test, frac_correct_test = evaluate(
            test_targets, prediction_test)
        print "\n test ce: ", str(
            cross_entropy_test), "test frac_corr ", frac_correct_test

        # print some stats
        stat_msg = "ITERATION:{:4d}  TRAIN NLOGL:{:4.2f}  TRAIN CE:{:.6f}  "
        stat_msg += "TRAIN FRAC:{:2.2f}  VALID CE:{:.6f}  VALID FRAC:{:2.2f}"
        print stat_msg.format(t + 1, float(f / N), float(cross_entropy_train),
                              float(frac_correct_train * 100),
                              float(frac_correct_valid * 100))
        ce_train = np.append(ce_train, cross_entropy_train)
        ce_valid = np.append(ce_valid, cross_entropy_valid)
        fc_train = np.append(fc_train, frac_correct_train)
        fc_valid = np.append(fc_valid, frac_correct_valid)

    mp.plot(ce_train, label="training", linestyle="--")
    mp.plot(ce_valid, label="test", linewidth=4)
    mp.ylabel("cross entropy")

    mp.title("Cross Entropy of Training Set " + training_set +
             "\n with learning rate" + str(hyperparameters['learning_rate']))
    mp.savefig("2.2_ce_" + str(hyperparameters['learning_rate']) +
               training_set + ".png")
def run_logistic_regression():
    train_inputs, train_targets = load_train()
    train_inputs, train_targets = load_train_small()
    valid_inputs, valid_targets = load_valid()
    test_inputs, test_targets = load_test()

    N, M = train_inputs.shape

    hyperparameters = {
        'learning_rate': 0.1,
        'weight_regularization': 0,
        'num_iterations': 200

    # Logistic regression weights

    weights = np.random.rand(M + 1, 1) / 10

    # Verify that your logistic function produces the right gradient.
    # diff should be very close to 0.
    TRAIN_CE = []
    VALID_CE = []

    # Begin learning with gradient descent
    for t in range(hyperparameters['num_iterations']):

        # Find the negative log likelihood and its derivatives w.r.t. the weights.
        f, df, predictions = logistic(weights, train_inputs, train_targets,
        f_test, df_test, predictions_test = logistic(weights, test_inputs,
        # Evaluate the prediction.
        cross_entropy_train, frac_correct_train = evaluate(
            train_targets, predictions)
        cross_entropy_test, frac_correct_test = evaluate(
            test_targets, predictions_test)

        if np.isnan(f) or np.isinf(f):
            raise ValueError("nan/inf error")

        # update parameters
        weights = weights - hyperparameters['learning_rate'] * df / N

        # Make a prediction on the valid_inputs.
        predictions_valid = logistic_predict(weights, valid_inputs)

        # Evaluate the prediction.
        cross_entropy_valid, frac_correct_valid = evaluate(
            valid_targets, predictions_valid)

        # print some stats
        print("ITERATION:{}  TRAIN NLOGL:{}  TRAIN CE:{} "
              "TRAIN FRAC:{}  VALID CE:{}  VALID FRAC:{}".format(
                  t + 1, f / N, cross_entropy_train[0][0],
                  frac_correct_train * 100, cross_entropy_valid[0][0],
                  frac_correct_valid * 100))
        print("ITERATION:{}  TEST NLOGL:{}  TEST CE:{} "
              "TEST FRAC:{}".format(t + 1, f_test / test_targets.shape[0],
                                    frac_correct_test * 100))

    plt.scatter(np.arange(1, hyperparameters['num_iterations'] + 1), TRAIN_CE)
    plt.scatter(np.arange(1, hyperparameters['num_iterations'] + 1), VALID_CE)
        ['Cross entropy for train data', 'Cross entropy for validation data'])
Beispiel #27
def run_logistic_regression(hyperparameters, small=False, test=False):
    # TODO specify training data
    if small == False:
        train_inputs, train_targets = load_train()
        train_inputs, train_targets = load_train_small()

    valid_inputs, valid_targets = load_valid()

    # N is number of examples; M is the number of features per example.
    N, M = train_inputs.shape

    # Logistic regression weights
    # TODO:Initialize to random weights here.

    # weights = np.random.seed(0)
    weights = np.random.normal(0, 0.05, (M + 1, 1))
    # weights = np.zeros((M+1, 1))

    # Verify that your logistic function produces the right gradient.
    # diff should be very close to 0.

    # Begin learning with gradient descent
    logging = np.zeros((hyperparameters['num_iterations'], 5))
    for t in xrange(hyperparameters['num_iterations']):

        # Find the negative log likelihood and its derivatives w.r.t. the weights.
        f, df, predictions = logistic(weights, train_inputs, train_targets,

        # Evaluate the prediction.
        cross_entropy_train, frac_correct_train = evaluate(
            train_targets, predictions)

        if np.isnan(f) or np.isinf(f):
            raise ValueError("nan/inf error")

        # update parameters
        weights = weights - hyperparameters['learning_rate'] * df / N

        # Make a prediction on the valid_inputs.
        predictions_valid = logistic_predict(weights, valid_inputs)

        # Evaluate the prediction.
        cross_entropy_valid, frac_correct_valid = evaluate(
            valid_targets, predictions_valid)

        # print some stats
        if t % 10 == 0:
                "ITERATION:{:4d}  TRAIN NLOGL:{:4.2f}  TRAIN CE:{:.6f} "
                "TRAIN FRAC:{:2.2f}  VALID CE:{:.6f}  VALID FRAC:{:2.2f}"
            ).format(t + 1, f / N, cross_entropy_train,
                     frac_correct_train * 100, cross_entropy_valid,
                     frac_correct_valid * 100)
        logging[t] = [
            f / N, cross_entropy_train, frac_correct_train * 100,
            cross_entropy_valid, frac_correct_valid * 100

        # Calculate cross entropy and classfication rate of the test set
        if test == True and t == hyperparameters['num_iterations'] - 1:
            test_inputs, test_targets = load_test()
            predictions_test = logistic_predict(weights, test_inputs)
            cross_entropy_test, frac_correct_test = evaluate(
                test_targets, predictions_test)
            print("TEST CE:{:.6f} TEST FRAC:{:2.2f}").format(
                cross_entropy_test, frac_correct_test * 100)

    return logging, N
Beispiel #28
def run_logistic_regression():
    train_inputs, train_targets = load_train()
    #train_inputs, train_targets = load_train_small()
    test_inputs, test_targets = load_test()
    valid_inputs, valid_targets = load_valid()

    N, M = train_inputs.shape

    # TODO: Set hyperparameters
    hyperparameters = {
        'learning_rate': .05,
        'weight_regularization': .5,
        'num_iterations': 100

    # Logistic regression weights
    #weights = np.random.rand(len(train_inputs[0]) + 1, 1)
    #weights = (np.random.rand(len(train_inputs[0]) + 1, 1) - 0.5) * 2
    #weights = np.zeros((len(train_inputs[0])+1, 1))
    weights = np.ones((len(train_inputs[0]) + 1, 1)) - .9
    #weights = np.reshape(np.append(np.mean(train_inputs, axis=0), np.mean(np.mean(train_inputs, axis=0))), (len(train_inputs[0])+1, 1))
    #weights = np.ones((len(train_inputs[0])+1, 1)) - np.zeros((len(train_inputs[0])+1, 1))

    # Verify that your logistic function produces the right gradient.
    # diff should be very close to 0.

    training_ce = []
    valid_ce = []

    # Begin learning with gradient descent
    for t in xrange(hyperparameters['num_iterations']):

        # TODO: you may need to modify this loop to create plots, etc.

        # Find the negative log likelihood and its derivatives w.r.t. the weights.
        f, df, predictions = logistic(weights, train_inputs, train_targets,

        # Evaluate the prediction.
        cross_entropy_train, frac_correct_train = evaluate(
            train_targets, predictions)

        if np.isnan(f) or np.isinf(f):
            raise ValueError("nan/inf error")

        # update parameters
        weights = weights - hyperparameters['learning_rate'] * df / N

        # Make a prediction on the valid_inputs.
        predictions_valid = logistic_predict(weights, valid_inputs)

        # Evaluate the prediction.
        cross_entropy_valid, frac_correct_valid = evaluate(
            valid_targets, predictions_valid)

        # print some stats
        stat_msg = "ITERATION:{:4d}  TRAIN NLOGL:{:4.2f}  TRAIN CE:{:.6f}  "
        stat_msg += "TRAIN FRAC:{:2.2f}  VALID CE:{:.6f}  VALID FRAC:{:2.2f}"
        print stat_msg.format(t + 1, float(f / N), float(cross_entropy_train),
                              float(frac_correct_train * 100),
                              float(frac_correct_valid * 100))


    predictions_test = logistic_predict(weights, test_inputs)
    cross_entropy_test, frac_correct_test = evaluate(test_targets,
    print(str(cross_entropy_test) + ', ' + str((frac_correct_test * 100)))

    plt.plot(range(1, hyperparameters["num_iterations"] + 1),
             label="cross entropy train")
    plt.plot(range(1, hyperparameters["num_iterations"] + 1),
             label="cross entropy valid")
Beispiel #29
def run_logistic_regression(hyperparameters):
    # TODO specify training data
    train_inputs, train_targets = load_train()
    train_inputs_small, train_targets_small=load_train_small()
    valid_inputs, valid_targets = load_valid()

    # N is number of examples; M is the number of features per example.
    N, M = train_inputs.shape
    Ns,Ms= train_inputs_small.shape
    # Logistic regression weights
    # TODO:Initialize to random weights here.
    #weights = 0.05*np.ones((M+1,1))
    weights = 0.1*np.random.randn(M+1,1)

    # Verify that your logistic function produces the right gradient.
    # diff should be very close to 0.

    # Begin learning with gradient descent
    logging = np.zeros((hyperparameters['num_iterations'], 9))
    loggingsmall= np.zeros((hyperparameters['num_iterations'], 9))
    loggingpen= np.zeros((hyperparameters['num_iterations'], 9))
    loggingpensmall= np.zeros((hyperparameters['num_iterations'], 9))
    for t in xrange(hyperparameters['num_iterations']):

        # Find the negative log likelihood and its derivatives w.r.t. the weights.
        f, df, predictions = logistic(weights, train_inputs, train_targets, hyperparameters)
        validf, validdf, validpredictions = logistic(weights, valid_inputs, valid_targets, hyperparameters)
        # Evaluate the prediction.
        cross_entropy_train, frac_correct_train = evaluate(train_targets, predictions)

        if np.isnan(f) or np.isinf(f):
            raise ValueError("nan/inf error")

        # update parameters
        weights = weights - hyperparameters['learning_rate'] * df / N

        # Make a prediction on the valid_inputs.
        predictions_valid = logistic_predict(weights, valid_inputs)

        # Evaluate the prediction.
        cross_entropy_valid, frac_correct_valid = evaluate(valid_targets, predictions_valid)
        predictions_test=logistic_predict(weights, test_inputs)
        cross_entropy_test, frac_correct_test = evaluate(test_targets, predictions_test)

        # print some stats
       # print ("ITERATION:{:4d}  TRAIN NLOGL:{:4.2f}  TRAIN CE:{:.6f} "
              # "TRAIN FRAC:{:2.2f}  VALID CE:{:.6f}  VALID FRAC:{:2.2f}").format(
                #   t+1, float(f / N), float(cross_entropy_train), float(frac_correct_train*100),
                #   float(cross_entropy_valid), float(frac_correct_valid*100))
        logging[t] = [f / N, cross_entropy_train, frac_correct_train*100, cross_entropy_valid, frac_correct_valid*100,cross_entropy_test,frac_correct_test*100,f,validf]
    for t in xrange(hyperparameters['num_iterations']):

        # Find the negative log likelihood and its derivatives w.r.t. the weights.
        f, df, predictions = logistic(weightssmall, train_inputs_small, train_targets_small, hyperparameters)
        validf, validdf, validpredictions = logistic(weightssmall, valid_inputs, valid_targets, hyperparameters)
        # Evaluate the prediction.
        cross_entropy_train, frac_correct_train = evaluate(train_targets_small, predictions)

        if np.isnan(f) or np.isinf(f):
            raise ValueError("nan/inf error")

        # update parameters
        weightssmall = weightssmall - hyperparameters['learning_rate'] * df / Ns

        # Make a prediction on the valid_inputs.
        predictions_valid = logistic_predict(weightssmall, valid_inputs)

        # Evaluate the prediction.
        cross_entropy_valid, frac_correct_valid = evaluate(valid_targets, predictions_valid)
        predictions_test=logistic_predict(weightssmall, test_inputs)
        cross_entropy_test, frac_correct_test = evaluate(test_targets, predictions_test)

        # print some stats
        #print "this is for smalltrainset"
        #print ("ITERATION:{:4d}  SMALLTRAIN NLOGL:{:4.2f}  SMALLTRAIN CE:{:.6f} "
               #"SMALLTRAIN FRAC:{:2.2f}  VALID CE:{:.6f}  VALID FRAC:{:2.2f}").format(
                  # t+1, float(f / N), float(cross_entropy_train), float(frac_correct_train*100),
                  # float(cross_entropy_valid), float(frac_correct_valid*100))
        loggingsmall[t] = [f / Ns, cross_entropy_train, frac_correct_train*100, cross_entropy_valid, frac_correct_valid*100,cross_entropy_test,frac_correct_test*100,f,validf]
    for t in xrange(hyperparameters['num_iterations']):

        # Find the negative log likelihood and its derivatives w.r.t. the weights.
        f, df, predictions = logistic(weightspen, train_inputs, train_targets, hyperparameters)
        validf, validdf, validpredictions = logistic(weightspen, valid_inputs, valid_targets, hyperparameters)
        # Evaluate the prediction.
        cross_entropy_train, frac_correct_train = evaluate(train_targets, predictions)

        if np.isnan(f) or np.isinf(f):
            raise ValueError("nan/inf error")

        # update parameters
        weightspen = weightspen - hyperparameters['learning_rate'] * df / N

        # Make a prediction on the valid_inputs.
        predictions_valid = logistic_predict(weightspen, valid_inputs)

        # Evaluate the prediction.
        cross_entropy_valid, frac_correct_valid = evaluate(valid_targets, predictions_valid)
        predictions_test=logistic_predict(weightspen, test_inputs)
        cross_entropy_test, frac_correct_test = evaluate(test_targets, predictions_test)

        # print some stats
       # print ("ITERATION:{:4d}  TRAIN NLOGL:{:4.2f}  TRAIN CE:{:.6f} "
              # "TRAIN FRAC:{:2.2f}  VALID CE:{:.6f}  VALID FRAC:{:2.2f}").format(
                #   t+1, float(f / N), float(cross_entropy_train), float(frac_correct_train*100),
                #   float(cross_entropy_valid), float(frac_correct_valid*100))
        loggingpen[t] = [f / N, cross_entropy_train, frac_correct_train*100, cross_entropy_valid, frac_correct_valid*100,cross_entropy_test,frac_correct_test*100,f,validf]
    for t in xrange(hyperparameters['num_iterations']):

        # Find the negative log likelihood and its derivatives w.r.t. the weights.
        f, df, predictions = logistic(weightspensmall, train_inputs_small, train_targets_small, hyperparameters)
        validf, validdf, validpredictions = logistic(weightspensmall, valid_inputs, valid_targets, hyperparameters)
        # Evaluate the prediction.
        cross_entropy_train, frac_correct_train = evaluate(train_targets_small, predictions)

        if np.isnan(f) or np.isinf(f):
            raise ValueError("nan/inf error")

        # update parameters
        weightspensmall = weightspensmall - hyperparameters['learning_rate'] * df / Ns

        # Make a prediction on the valid_inputs.
        predictions_valid = logistic_predict(weightspensmall, valid_inputs)

        # Evaluate the prediction.
        cross_entropy_valid, frac_correct_valid = evaluate(valid_targets, predictions_valid)
        predictions_test=logistic_predict(weightspensmall, test_inputs)
        cross_entropy_test, frac_correct_test = evaluate(test_targets, predictions_test)

        # print some stats
        #print "this is for smalltrainset"
        #print ("ITERATION:{:4d}  SMALLTRAIN NLOGL:{:4.2f}  SMALLTRAIN CE:{:.6f} "
               #"SMALLTRAIN FRAC:{:2.2f}  VALID CE:{:.6f}  VALID FRAC:{:2.2f}").format(
                  # t+1, float(f / N), float(cross_entropy_train), float(frac_correct_train*100),
                  # float(cross_entropy_valid), float(frac_correct_valid*100))
        loggingpensmall[t] = [f / N, cross_entropy_train, frac_correct_train*100, cross_entropy_valid, frac_correct_valid*100,cross_entropy_test,frac_correct_test*100,f,validf]
    return logging,loggingsmall,loggingpen,loggingpensmall
def run_logistic_regression():
    # train_inputs, train_targets = load_train()
    train_inputs, train_targets = load_train_small()
    valid_inputs, valid_targets = load_valid()

    N, M = np.shape(train_inputs)

    # TODO: Set hyperparameters
    hyperparameters = {
        'learning_rate': 0.01,
        'num_iterations': 1000

    # Logistic regression weights
    # TODO:Initialize to random weights here.
    # np.random.seed(0)
    weights = np.random.rand(M + 1, 1) * 0.1

    # Verify that your logistic function produces the right gradient.
    # diff should be very close to 0.

    # TODO: you may need to modify this loop to create plots, etc.
    train_frac = []
    valid_frac = []
    ce_train = []
    ce_valid = []

    # Begin learning with gradient descent
    for t in range(hyperparameters['num_iterations']):

        # Find the negative log likelihood and its derivatives w.r.t. the weights.
        f, df, predictions = logistic(weights, train_inputs, train_targets,

        # Evaluate the prediction.
        cross_entropy_train, frac_correct_train = evaluate(
            train_targets, predictions)

        if np.isnan(f) or np.isinf(f):
            raise ValueError("nan/inf error")

        # update parameters
        weights = weights - hyperparameters['learning_rate'] * df / N

        # Make a prediction on the valid_inputs.
        predictions_valid = logistic_predict(weights, valid_inputs)

        # Evaluate the prediction.
        cross_entropy_valid, frac_correct_valid = evaluate(
            valid_targets, predictions_valid)

        # print some stats
        stat_msg = "ITERATION:{:4d}  TRAIN NLOGL:{:4.2f}  TRAIN CE:{:.6f}  "
        stat_msg += "TRAIN FRAC:{:2.2f}  VALID CE:{:.6f}  VALID FRAC:{:2.2f}"

            stat_msg.format(t + 1, float(f / N), float(cross_entropy_train),
                            float(frac_correct_train * 100),
                            float(frac_correct_valid * 100)))

        train_frac.append(frac_correct_train * 100)
        valid_frac.append(frac_correct_valid * 100)

    plt.title('logistic regression(learning rate = {})'.format(
    plt.xlabel('the number of iteration')
    plt.ylabel('cross entropy')
    plt.legend(['train(%1.2f)' % ce_train[-1], 'valid(%1.2f)' % ce_valid[-1]])
def run_logistic_regression():
    #train_inputs, train_targets = load_train()
    train_inputs, train_targets = load_train_small()
    valid_inputs, valid_targets = load_valid()

    N, M = train_inputs.shape
    # TODO: Set hyperparameters
    hyperparameters = {
                    'learning_rate': 0.85,
                    'weight_regularization': 0.01,
                    'num_iterations': 30

    # Logistic regression weights
    # TODO:Initialize to random weights here.
    weights = np.random.rand(M+1, 1)
    #weights = np.zeros(M+1)
    # Verify that your logistic :function produces the right gradient.
    # diff should be very close to 0.
    # Begin learning with gradient descent
    ce_train_vec = []
    ce_val_vec = []
    for t in xrange(hyperparameters['num_iterations']):

        # TODO: you may need to modify this loop to create plots, etc.

        # Find the negative log likelihood and its derivatives w.r.t. the weights.
        #f, df, predictions = logistic(weights, train_inputs, train_targets, hyperparameters)
        f, df, predictions = logistic_pen(weights, train_inputs, train_targets, hyperparameters)
        #print 'f, df, pred', f, df, predictions
        # Evaluate the prediction.
        cross_entropy_train, frac_correct_train = evaluate(train_targets, predictions)
        if np.isnan(f) or np.isinf(f):
            raise ValueError("nan/inf error")
        # update parameters
        #weights = weights - hyperparameters['learning_rate'] * df / N
        weights = weights - hyperparameters['learning_rate'] * (df + hyperparameters['weight_regularization'] * weights)/ N
        # Make a prediction on the valid_inputs.
        predictions_valid = logistic_predict(weights, valid_inputs)

        # Evaluate the prediction.
        cross_entropy_valid, frac_correct_valid = evaluate(valid_targets, predictions_valid)
        # print some stats
        stat_msg = "ITERATION:{:4d}  TRAIN NLOGL:{:4.2f}  TRAIN CE:{:.6f}  "
        stat_msg += "TRAIN FRAC:{:2.2f}  VALID CE:{:.6f}  VALID FRAC:{:2.2f}"
        print stat_msg.format(t+1,
                              float(f / N),
        # add data for plots
    x = range(1, len(ce_train_vec)+1)
    plt.plot(x, ce_train_vec, 'r', x, ce_val_vec, 'b')
    plt.ylabel('Cross Entropy')
    plt.legend(['Training', 'Validation'], bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5))
    test_inputs, test_targets = load_test()
    f, df, predictions = logistic(weights, test_inputs, test_targets, hyperparameters)
    cross_entropy_train, frac_correct_train = evaluate(test_targets, predictions)
    stat_msg = "ITERATION:{:4d}  TEST NLOGL:{:4.2f}  TEST CE:{:.6f}  TEST FRAC:{:2.2f}"
    print stat_msg.format(t+1,
                              float(f / N),
Beispiel #32
Created on Sun Jun  1 15:22:25 2014

@author: sbroad

from logistic import *
from newton import *

# investigate the basin of attraction for each of several logistic parameters
init = np.random.random(200)

for a in [(0.5,'b.'), (1.5,'g.'), (2.5,'r.'), (3.2,'k.')]:
    attr = [ logistic(x, a[0], n=100) for x in init]
    plt.plot(init, attr,a[1],label=r'$\lambda=%.2f$' % (a[0]))


# investigate the basin of attraction for roots of sin(x)
init = np.random.random(200)*10

quad = (lambda x: x**2-6*x+8, 'b.', r'$x^2-5x+4$')
trig = (lambda x: sin(x/2.), 'g.', r'$\sin(\pi x)$')
tran = (lambda x: log(x),'r.', r'$\log x$')
for b in [quad, trig, tran]:
    attr = [newton(b[0], x, n=100) for x in init]
def run_logistic_regression(hyps, small=False, pen=False, to_print=False):
    if small:
        train_inputs, train_targets = load_train_small()
        train_inputs, train_targets = load_train()

    valid_inputs, valid_targets = load_valid()

    N, M = train_inputs.shape

    # TODO: Set hyperparameters
    hyperparameters = {
                    'learning_rate': hyps[_LR],
                    'weight_regularization': hyps[_WR],
                    'num_iterations': hyps[_NOI]

    # Logistic regression weights
    # TODO:Initialize to random weights here.
    weights = np.random.random(M+1) - 0.5

    # Verify that your logistic function produces the right gradient.
    # diff should be very close to 0.
    # run_check_grad(hyperparameters)

    # Begin learning with gradient descent
    max_correct_train = (0, 0)
    max_correct_valid = (0, 0)
    min_cE_valid = (1000000, 0)
    CE_vec_valid = np.zeros(shape=(hyperparameters['num_iterations'], ))
    CE_vec_train = np.zeros(shape=(hyperparameters['num_iterations'], ))
    for t in xrange(hyperparameters['num_iterations']):

        # TODO: you may need to modify this loop to create plots, etc.

        # Find the negative log likelihood and its derivatives w.r.t. the weights.
        if pen:
            f, df, predictions = logistic_pen(weights, train_inputs, train_targets, hyperparameters)
            f, df, predictions = logistic(weights, train_inputs, train_targets, [])

        # Evaluate the prediction.
        cross_entropy_train, frac_correct_train = evaluate(train_targets, predictions)

        if np.isnan(f) or np.isinf(f):
            raise ValueError("nan/inf error")

        # update parameters
        df.shape = (M+1, )
        weights = weights - hyperparameters['learning_rate'] * df / N

        # Make a prediction on the valid_inputs.
        predictions_valid = logistic_predict(weights, valid_inputs)

        # Evaluate the prediction.
        cross_entropy_valid, frac_correct_valid = evaluate(valid_targets, predictions_valid)

        CE_vec_valid[t] = cross_entropy_valid
        CE_vec_train[t] = cross_entropy_train

        if frac_correct_train > max_correct_train[0]:
            max_correct_train = frac_correct_train, t
        if frac_correct_valid > max_correct_valid[0]:
            max_correct_valid = frac_correct_valid, t
        if cross_entropy_valid < min_cE_valid[0]:
            min_cE_valid = cross_entropy_valid, t

        # print some stats
        if to_print:
            stat_msg1 = "ITERATION:{:4d}  TRAIN NLOGL:{:4.2f}  TRAIN CE:{:.6f}  "
            stat_msg1 += "TRAIN FRAC:{:2.2f}  VALID CE:{:.6f}  VALID FRAC:{:2.2f}"
            print stat_msg1.format(t+1,
                                  float(f / N),
        if t == hyperparameters['num_iterations'] - 1:
            return (float(f / N),
                    CE_vec_train, CE_vec_valid,
def run_logistic_regression(hyperparameters):
    global iterations, valid_or_test

    #Comment out one of these based on small or large training set
    train_inputs, train_targets = load_train()
    # train_inputs, train_targets = load_train_small()

    #Comment out one set of these based on validation or test set
    valid_inputs, valid_targets = load_valid()
    valid_or_test = 0

    # valid_inputs, valid_targets = load_test()
    # valid_or_test = 1

    # N is number of examples; M is the number of features per example.
    N, M = train_inputs.shape

    # Logistic regression weights
    # TODO:Initialize to random weights here.
    weights = np.zeros((M + 1, 1))
    #weights = np.random.randn(M+1, 1)
    #weights = np.random.randint(0,10, (M+1,1))

    # Verify that your logistic function produces the right gradient.
    # diff should be very close to 0.

    # Begin learning with gradient descent
    logging = np.zeros((hyperparameters['num_iterations'], 5))
    for t in xrange(hyperparameters['num_iterations']):

        # Find the negative log likelihood and its derivatives w.r.t. the weights.
        f, df, predictions = logistic(weights, train_inputs, train_targets,

        # Evaluate the prediction.
        cross_entropy_train, frac_correct_train = evaluate(
            train_targets, predictions)

        if np.isnan(f) or np.isinf(f):
            raise ValueError("nan/inf error")

        # update parameters
        # weights_old = weights
        weights = weights - hyperparameters['learning_rate'] * df / N

        # if sum(abs(weights_old - weights)) > 0.05:
        #     pass
        # else:
        #     iterations = t
        #     break

        # Make a prediction on the valid_inputs.
        predictions_valid = logistic_predict(weights, valid_inputs)

        # Evaluate the prediction.
        cross_entropy_valid, frac_correct_valid = evaluate(
            valid_targets, predictions_valid)

        #print some stats
        #print t+1, f / N, cross_entropy_train, frac_correct_train, cross_entropy_valid, frac_correct_valid
            "ITERATION:{:4d}  TRAIN NLOGL:{:4.2f}  TRAIN CE:{:.6f} "
            "TRAIN FRAC:{:2.2f}  VALID CE:{:.6f}  VALID FRAC:{:2.2f}").format(
                t + 1, float(f / N), float(cross_entropy_train),
                float(frac_correct_train) * 100, float(cross_entropy_valid),
                float(frac_correct_valid) * 100)

        logging[t] = [
            f / N, cross_entropy_train, frac_correct_train * 100,
            cross_entropy_valid, frac_correct_valid * 100

    return logging
Beispiel #35
def back_prop_learning(ex_data, ex_label):
    n = random.randint(5, 10)
    w = [[0 for j in range(n + 3)] for i in range(n + 2)]
    b = [0 for j in range(n + 3)]
    layer = [[0, 1], [i for i in range(2, n + 2)], [n + 2]]
    alpha = 0.1
    #2 nodes in input layer, those are coordinates of points
    #n nodes in hidden layer
    for i in range(n):
        for j in range(n + 3):
            w[i][j] = random.uniform(-1, 1)
    for j in range(n + 3):
        b[j] = random.uniform(-1, 1)

    for k in range(len(ex_data)):
        x = ex_data[k]
        y = ex_label[k]

        a = [0 for i in range(2 + n + 1)]
        delta = [0 for i in range(2 + n + 1)]
        vector_in = [0 for i in range(2 + n + 1)]
        # print("x = ", x )
        for i in range(2):
            a[i] = x[i]

        # for each node j in hidden layer
        # n nodes in the hidden layer are numbered from 0 -> n + 1#for each node j in hidden layer
        #         # n nodes in the hidden layer are numbered from 0 -> n + 1
        for j in range(2, n + 2):
            vector_in[j] = 0
            for i in range(2):
                vector_in[j] = vector_in[j] + w[i][j] * a[i]
            a[j] = logistic(vector_in[j] + b[j])[1]

        #calculate output node
        j = n + 2
        vector_in[j] = 0.0
        for i in range(2, n + 2):
            vector_in[j] = vector_in[j] + w[i][j] * a[i]
        a[n + 2] = logistic(vector_in[j] + b[n + 2])[1]

        delta[j] = y - a[n + 2]

        for l in range(1, -1, -1):
            for i in layer[l]:
                g = logistic(vector_in[i] + b[i])[1]
                if l == 1:
                    delta[i] = g * (
                        1 - g) * w[i][j] * delta[n + 2]  #one output node j
                if l == 0:
                    delta[i] = g * (1 - g) * sum(
                        [w[i][j] * delta[j]
                         for j in range(2, n + 2)])  #one output node j

        for j in range(2, n + 2):  #foreach j in 2-> n+1
            #from first input layer to hidden layer
            w[0][j] = w[0][j] + alpha * a[0] * delta[j]
            w[1][j] = w[1][j] + alpha * a[1] * delta[j]

            #from hidden layer to output layer
            w[j][n + 2] = w[j][n + 2] + alpha * a[j] * delta[n + 2]

        for j in range(2, n + 3):
            b[j] = b[j] + alpha * delta[j]

    return w, b, n
def run_logistic_regression():
    train_inputs, train_targets = load_train()
    #train_inputs, train_targets = load_train_small()
    valid_inputs, valid_targets = load_valid()
    #valid_inputs, valid_targets = load_test()

    N, M = train_inputs.shape

    hyperparameters = {
        'learning_rate': 0.01,
        'weight_regularization': 0.1,
        'num_iterations': 1000

    # Logistic regression weights
    # TODO:Initialize to random weights here.
    weights = np.random.randn(M + 1, 1) / 10

    # Verify that your logistic function produces the right gradient.
    # diff should be very close to 0.
    ce_train = []
    ce_valid = []

    # Begin learning with gradient descent
    for t in xrange(hyperparameters['num_iterations']):

        # TODO: you may need to modify this loop to create plots, etc.

        # Find the negative log likelihood and its derivatives w.r.t. the weights.
        f, df, predictions = logistic(weights, train_inputs, train_targets,

        # Evaluate the prediction.
        cross_entropy_train, frac_correct_train = evaluate(
            train_targets, predictions)

        if np.isnan(f) or np.isinf(f):
            raise ValueError("nan/inf error")

        # update parameters
        weights = weights - hyperparameters['learning_rate'] * df / N

        # Make a prediction on the valid_inputs.
        predictions_valid = logistic_predict(weights, valid_inputs)

        # Evaluate the prediction.
        cross_entropy_valid, frac_correct_valid = evaluate(
            valid_targets, predictions_valid)

        # print some stats
            "ITERATION:{:4d}  TRAIN NLOGL:{:4.2f}  TRAIN CE:{:.6f} "
            "TRAIN FRAC:{:2.2f}  VALID CE:{:.6f}  VALID FRAC:{:2.2f}").format(
                t + 1, f / N, cross_entropy_train, frac_correct_train * 100,
                cross_entropy_valid, frac_correct_valid * 100)

    pyplot.title("Logistic Regression with mnist_train")
    pyplot.xlabel("Training Iteration")
    pyplot.ylabel("Cross Entropy")
    pyplot.plot(xrange(1, hyperparameters['num_iterations'] + 1),
                label="training cross entropy")
    pyplot.plot(xrange(1, hyperparameters['num_iterations'] + 1),
                label="validation cross entropy")