Beispiel #1
    def compute_time_dependent_G0(H, myrank, Nkx, Nky, ARPES, kpp, k2p, k2i, tmax, nt, beta, ntau, norb, pump):
        # check how much slower this is than computing G0 using U(t,t')

        norb = np.shape(H(0,0,0))[0]
        def H0(kx, ky, t): return np.zeros([norb,norb])
        constants = (myrank, Nkx, Nky, ARPES, kpp, k2p, k2i, tmax, nt, beta, ntau, norb, pump)
        UksR, UksI, eks, fks, Rs, Ht = init_Uks(H0, dt_fine, *constants, version='higher order')
        G0M_ref = compute_G0M(0, 0, UksI, eks, fks, Rs, *constants)
        G0_ref  = compute_G0R(0, 0, UksR, UksI, eks, fks, Rs, *constants)

        dt = 1.0*tmax/(nt-1)

        G0M = compute_G00M(0, 0, *constants)
        G0  = compute_G00R(0, 0, *constants)        

        print('test G00')
        differences(G0_ref, G0)
        G00M = compute_G00M(0, 0, *constants)
        G00  = compute_G00R(0, 0, G0M, *constants)

        print('shpae G0M', np.shape(G0M.M))
        print('shape G00M', np.shape(G00M.M))
        #for (i,j) in product(range(norb), repeat=2):
        #    plt(np.linspace(0,beta,ntau), [G0M.M[:,i,j].imag, G00M.M[:,i,j].imag], 'G00M %d %d'%(i,j))
        #    plt(np.linspace(0,beta,ntau), [G0M.M[:,i,j].real, G00M.M[:,i,j].real], 'G00M %d %d'%(i,j))

        print(dist(G0M.M, G00M.M))
        print(dist(G0.R, G00.R))
        print(dist(G0.L, G00.L))
        print(dist(G0.IR, G00.IR))
        GM = matsubara(beta, ntau, norb, -1)
        SigmaM  = matsubara(beta, ntau, norb, -1)
        SigmaM.deltaM = H(0, 0, 0)
        integrator.dyson_matsubara(G0M, SigmaM, GM)

        # check if SigmaM is the same as before
        G = langreth(norb, nt, tmax, ntau, beta, -1)
        Sigma = langreth(norb, nt, tmax, ntau, beta, -1)
        for it in range(nt):
            Sigma.deltaR[it] = H(0, 0, it*dt)
        integrator.dyson_langreth(G0M, SigmaM, G0, Sigma, G)

        return GM, G
Beispiel #2
    def dyson_langreth(self, G0M, SigmaM, G0, Sigma, G):

        # IS G0*Sigma still fermionic? A.sig=-1?
        # yes I think so because it worked for Matsubara...

        GM = matsubara(G0M.beta, G0M.ntau, G0M.norb, G0M.sig)
        self.dyson_matsubara(G0M, SigmaM, GM)

        A = langreth(G.norb, G.nt, G.tmax, G.ntau, G.beta, G.sig)

        A.RI = self.RxRI(G0, Sigma) + self.RIxM(G0, SigmaM)

        A.R = self.RxR(G0, Sigma)

        A.L = self.LxA(G0, Sigma) + self.RxL(G0, Sigma) + self.RIxIR(G0, Sigma)

        #A.M = self.MxM(G0, Sigma)

        nt = G0.nt
        norb = G0.norb
        ntau = G0.ntau

        # solve RxR = R
        G0R = np.reshape(G0.R, [nt * norb, nt * norb])
        G.R = np.zeros([nt * norb, nt * norb], dtype=np.complex128)
        for j in range(nt):
            X = np.diag(np.ones(nt * norb)) - self.prep_RxR([A], j)[0]
            for b in range(norb):
                n = j * norb + b
                lhs, rhs = X[n:, n:], G0R[n:, n] - X[n:, :n] @ G.R[:n, n]
                G.R[n:, n] = np.linalg.solve(lhs, rhs)
                G.R[n, n:] = -np.conj(G.R[n:, n])

        G.R = np.reshape(G.R, [nt, norb, nt, norb])

        # solve A_M x B_IR = C_IR - A_IR x B_A
        # note minus sign on A because of I-A
        #rhs = np.reshape(G0.IR + self.IRxA(A, G), [ntau*norb, nt*norb])
        #sol = np.linalg.solve(np.diag(np.ones(ntau*norb)) - self.prep_MxIR(A), rhs)
        #G.IR = np.reshape(sol, [ntau,norb,nt,norb])

        # solve A_R x B_RI = C_RI - A_RI x B_M
        # note minus sign on A because of I-A
        rhs = np.reshape(G0.RI + self.RIxM(A, GM), [nt * norb, ntau * norb])
        sol = np.linalg.solve(
            np.diag(np.ones(nt * norb)) - self.prep_Rxr(A), rhs)
        G.RI = np.reshape(sol, [nt, norb, ntau, norb])

        # solve A_R x B_L = C_L - A_L x B_A - A_RI x B_IR
        #       A_R x G_L = G0_L - A_L x G_A - A_RI x G_IR
        # note minus sign on A because of I-A
        rhs = np.reshape(G0.L + self.LxA(A, G) + self.RIxIR(A, G),
                         [nt * norb, nt * norb])
        sol = np.linalg.solve(
            np.diag(np.ones(nt * norb)) - self.prep_Rxr(A), rhs)
        G.L = np.reshape(sol, [nt, norb, nt, norb])
Beispiel #3
    def compute_time_dependent_G0(H, myrank, Nkx, Nky, ARPES, kpp, k2p, k2i,
                                  tmax, nt, beta, ntau, norb, pump):
        # check how much slower this is than computing G0 using U(t,t')

        dt = 1.0 * tmax / (nt - 1)

        G0M = compute_G00M(0, 0, *constants)

        GM = matsubara(beta, ntau, norb, -1)
        SigmaM = matsubara(beta, ntau, norb, -1)
        SigmaM.deltaM = H(0, 0, 0)
        integrator.dyson_matsubara(G0M, SigmaM, GM)

        # check if SigmaM is the same as before

        G = langreth(nt, tmax, GM)
        Sigma = langreth(nt, tmax, SigmaM)
        for it in range(nt):
            Sigma.deltaR[it] = H(0, 0, it * dt)
        integrator.dyson_langreth(G0, Sigma, G)

        return GM, G
Beispiel #4
def main():

    if myrank == 0:
        time0 = time.time()

    if myrank == 0:
        print(' ')
        print('nprocs = ', nprocs)

    assert not os.path.exists(savedir + 'Sigma') and not os.path.exists(
        savedir + 'Gloc'), 'Cannot overwrite existing data'

    volume = Nkx * Nky

    k2p, k2i, i2k = init_k2p_k2i_i2k(Nkx, Nky, nprocs, myrank)
    kpp = np.count_nonzero(k2p == myrank)

    integrator = integration.integrator(6, nt, beta, ntau)

    def H(kx, ky, t):
        return -2.0 * np.cos(kx) * np.ones([norb, norb])

    constants = (myrank, Nkx, Nky, ARPES, kpp, k2p, k2i, tmax, nt, beta, ntau,
                 norb, pump)
    UksR, UksI, eks, fks, Rs, Ht = init_Uks(H,
                                            version='higher order')

    print('Done initializing Us')

    SigmaM = matsubara(0, 0, 0, 0)
    SigmaM.load(savedir, 'SigmaM')

    # Solve real axis part xo

    D = compute_D0R(norb, omega, nt, tmax, ntau, beta, +1)

    print('Done initializing D')

    Sigma0 = langreth(norb, nt, tmax, ntau, beta, -1)
    Sigma = langreth(norb, nt, tmax, ntau, beta, -1)
    iter_selfconsistency = 4
    change = 0.0
    for i in range(iter_selfconsistency):
        print('iteration : %d' % i)


        Gloc = langreth(norb, nt, tmax, ntau, beta, -1)
        for ik in range(kpp):
            ik1, ik2 = i2k[ik]

            G0M = compute_G0M(ik1, ik2, UksI, eks, fks, Rs, *constants)
            G0 = compute_G0R(ik1, ik2, UksR, UksI, eks, fks, Rs, *constants)

            if i == 0:
                G = G0
                G = langreth(norb, nt, tmax, ntau, beta, -1)
                integrator.dyson_langreth(G0M, SigmaM, G0, Sigma, G)


        Sigma = langreth(norb, nt, tmax, ntau, beta, -1)
        if nprocs == 1:
            comm.Allreduce(Gloc.L, Sigma.L, op=MPI.SUM)
            comm.Allreduce(Gloc.R, Sigma.R, op=MPI.SUM)
            comm.Allreduce(Gloc.RI, Sigma.RI, op=MPI.SUM)
            comm.Allreduce(Gloc.deltaR, Sigma.deltaR, op=MPI.SUM)
        Sigma.scale(1j * g2 / volume)

        print('Done computing Sigma')
        print('sigma size')

        change = max([np.mean(abs(Sigma0.R-Sigma.R)), \
                      np.mean(abs(Sigma0.L-Sigma.L)), \
                      np.mean(abs(Sigma0.RI-Sigma.RI)), \
        print('change = %1.3e' % change), 'Sigma'), 'Gloc')

    if 'MPI' in sys.modules:
def main():

    if myrank == 0:
        time0 = time.time()
        print(' ')
        print('nprocs = ', nprocs)

    Nkx = 1
    Nky = 1
    k2p, k2i, i2k = init_k2p_k2i_i2k(Nkx, Nky, nprocs, myrank)
    kpp = np.count_nonzero(k2p == myrank)

    beta = 2.0
    ARPES = False
    pump = 0
    g2 = None
    omega = None
    tmax = 5.0

    dim_embedding = 2

    order = 6
    ntau = 200

    #nts = [400,800,1000]
    #nts = [10, 50, 100, 500]

    #nts = [50, 100, 500]
    #nts = [50, 100, 500]
    nts = [10, 50, 100, 500]

    diffs = {}
    diffs['nts'] = nts
    diffs['M'] = []
    diffs['RI'] = []
    diffs['R'] = []
    diffs['L'] = []

    # random H
    norb = 4
    Hmat = 0.1 * np.random.randn(norb, norb) + 0.1 * 1j * np.random.randn(
        norb, norb)
    Hmat += np.conj(Hmat).T
    Tmat = 0.1 * np.random.randn(norb, norb) + 0.1 * 1j * np.random.randn(
        norb, norb)
    Tmat += np.conj(Tmat).T

    # example H
    norb = 3
    e0   = -0.2
    e1   = -0.1
    e2   =  0.2
    lamb1 = 1.0
    lamb2 = 1.2
    Hmat = np.array([[e0, lamb1, lamb2],
                     [np.conj(lamb1), e1, 0],
                     [np.conj(lamb2), 0, e2]],

    print('\nH : ')

    #def f(t): return np.cos(0.01*t)
    def f(t):
        return 1.0

    for nt in nts:

        dt_fine = 0.1 * tmax / (nt - 1)

        # compute non-interacting G for the norb x norb problem
        norb = np.shape(Hmat)[0]

        def H(kx, ky, t):
            return Hmat + Tmat * np.cos(0.2 * t)

        #return np.array([[e0, lamb1, lamb2],
        #                 [np.conj(lamb1), e1, 0],
        #                 [np.conj(lamb2), 0, e2]],
        #                 dtype=complex)

        constants = (myrank, Nkx, Nky, ARPES, kpp, k2p, k2i, tmax, nt, beta,
                     ntau, norb, pump)
        UksR, UksI, eks, fks, Rs, Ht = init_Uks(H,
                                                version='higher order')

        GexactM = compute_G0M(0, 0, UksI, eks, fks, Rs, *constants)
        Gexact = compute_G0R(0, 0, UksR, UksI, eks, fks, Rs, *constants)

        # compute Sigma_embedding
        # Sigma = sum_{i,j} H0i(t) Gij(t,t') Hj0(t')

        norb = np.shape(Hmat)[0] - dim_embedding
        SigmaM = matsubara(beta, ntau, norb, -1)

        def H(kx, ky, t):
            return Hmat[dim_embedding:, dim_embedding:] + Tmat[
                dim_embedding:, dim_embedding:] * np.cos(0.2 * t)

        constants = (myrank, Nkx, Nky, ARPES, kpp, k2p, k2i, tmax, nt, beta,
                     ntau, norb, pump)
        UksR, UksI, eks, fks, Rs, _ = init_Uks(H,
                                               version='higher order')

        SM = compute_G0M(0, 0, UksI, eks, fks, Rs, *constants)
        SM.M = np.einsum('hi,mij,jk->mhk', Ht[0, 0, :dim_embedding,
                                              dim_embedding:], SM.M,
                         Ht[0, 0, dim_embedding:, :dim_embedding])

        #taus = np.linspace(0, beta, ntau)
        #plt(taus, [SM.M[:,0,0].real, SM.M[:,0,0].imag], 'SM')

        S = compute_G0R(0, 0, UksR, UksI, eks, fks, Rs, *constants)
        S.R = np.einsum('mhi,minj,njk->mhnk', Ht[0, :, :dim_embedding,
                                                 dim_embedding:], S.R,
                        Ht[0, :, dim_embedding:, :dim_embedding])
        S.L = np.einsum('mhi,minj,njk->mhnk', Ht[0, :, :dim_embedding,
                                                 dim_embedding:], S.L,
                        Ht[0, :, dim_embedding:, :dim_embedding])
        S.RI = np.einsum('mhi,minj,jk->mhnk', Ht[0, :, :dim_embedding,
                                                 dim_embedding:], S.RI,
                         Ht[0, 0, dim_embedding:, :dim_embedding])

        #dt = 1.0*tmax/(nt-1)
        #ts = np.linspace(0, tmax, nt)

        SigmaM = matsubara(beta, ntau, dim_embedding, -1)
        SigmaM.M = SM.M
        Sigma = langreth(norb, nt, tmax, ntau, beta, -1)
        Sigma.L = S.L
        Sigma.R = S.R
        Sigma.RI = S.RI

        # solve the embedding problem

        norb = dim_embedding

        def H(kx, ky, t):
            return Hmat[:dim_embedding, :
                        dim_embedding] + Tmat[:dim_embedding, :
                                              dim_embedding] * np.cos(0.2 * t)

        constants = (myrank, Nkx, Nky, ARPES, kpp, k2p, k2i, tmax, nt, beta,
                     ntau, norb, pump)
        #Ht = init_Ht(H, *constants)
        UksR, UksI, eks, fks, Rs, _ = init_Uks(H,
                                               version='higher order')
        G0M = compute_G0M(0, 0, UksI, eks, fks, Rs, *constants)
        G0 = compute_G0R(0, 0, UksR, UksI, eks, fks, Rs, *constants)

        integrator = integration.integrator(6, nt, beta, ntau)

        GM = matsubara(beta, ntau, norb, -1)
        integrator.dyson_matsubara(G0M, SigmaM, GM)

        print('differences Matsubara')
        diff = np.mean(abs(GM.M -
                           GexactM.M[:, :dim_embedding, :dim_embedding]))
        print('diff = %1.3e' % diff)

        G = langreth(norb, nt, tmax, ntau, beta, -1)
        integrator.dyson_langreth(G0M, SigmaM, G0, Sigma, G)


        # compute differences
        diff = np.mean(abs(GM.M -
                           GexactM.M[:, :dim_embedding, :dim_embedding]))
        print('diff = %1.3e' % diff)

        diff = np.mean(
            abs(G.R - Gexact.R[:, :dim_embedding, :, :dim_embedding]))
        print('diff langreth R = %1.3e' % diff)

        diff = np.mean(
            abs(G.RI - Gexact.RI[:, :dim_embedding, :, :dim_embedding]))
        print('diff langreth RI = %1.3e' % diff)

        diff = np.mean(
            abs(G.L - Gexact.L[:, :dim_embedding, :, :dim_embedding]))
        print('diff langreth L = %1.3e' % diff)



    if 'MPI' in sys.modules:
Beispiel #6
def main():

    if myrank == 0:
        time0 = time.time()

    if myrank == 0:
        print(' ')
        print('nprocs = ', nprocs)

    if not os.path.exists(savedir): os.mkdir(savedir)
    assert not os.path.exists(savedir + 'SigmaM') and not os.path.exists(
        savedir + 'GlocM'), 'Cannot overwrite existing data'

    volume = Nkx * Nky

    k2p, k2i, i2k = init_k2p_k2i_i2k(Nkx, Nky, nprocs, myrank)
    kpp = np.count_nonzero(k2p == myrank)

    integrator = integration.integrator(6, nt, beta, ntau)

    def H(kx, ky):
        return -2.0 * np.cos(kx) * np.ones([norb, norb])

    constants = (myrank, Nkx, Nky, ARPES, kpp, k2p, k2i, tmax, nt, beta, ntau,
                 norb, pump)
    UksI, eks, fks, Rs = init_UksM(H,
                                   version='higher order')

    print('Done initializing Us')

    # Solve Matsubara problem

    DM = compute_D0M(omega, beta, ntau, norb)

    SigmaM = matsubara(beta, ntau, norb, -1)
    iter_selfconsistency = 8
    change = 0.0
    for i in range(iter_selfconsistency):
        print('iteration : %d' % i)

        SigmaM0 = SigmaM.M.copy()

        GlocM = matsubara(beta, ntau, norb, -1)
        for ik in range(kpp):
            ik1, ik2 = i2k[ik]
            G0M = compute_G0M(ik1, ik2, UksI, eks, fks, Rs, *constants)

            if i == 0:
                GM = G0M
                GM = matsubara(beta, ntau, norb, -1)
                integrator.dyson_matsubara(G0M, SigmaM, GM)


        SigmaM = matsubara(beta, ntau, norb, -1)
        if nprocs == 1:
            SigmaM.M = GlocM.M
            comm.Allreduce(GlocM.M, SigmaM.M, op=MPI.SUM)
        SigmaM.scale(1j * g2 / volume)

        print('Done computing SigmaM')

        change = np.mean(abs(SigmaM0 - SigmaM.M))
        print('change = %1.3e' % change)

        print('Done computing GlocM'), 'SigmaM'), 'GlocM')

    if 'MPI' in sys.modules:
Beispiel #7
def main():
    beta = 2.0
    ARPES = False
    pump = 0
    g2 = None
    omega = None
    tmax = 1.0
    nt = 10

    e1 = -0.1
    e2 =  0.1
    lamb = 1.0
    diffs_vs_ntau = []
    ntaus = [200]
    for ntau in ntaus:
        # compute non-interacting G for the 2x2 problem (exact solution)

        norb = 2
        def H(kx, ky):
            return np.array([[e1, lamb], [np.conj(lamb), e2]], dtype=complex)

        constants = (myrank, Nkx, Nky, ARPES, kpp, k2p, k2i, tmax, nt, beta, ntau, norb, pump)
        UksR, UksI, eks, fks, Rs = init_Uks(H, *constants)
        G2x2 = compute_G0M(0, 0, UksR, UksI, eks, fks, Rs, *constants)
        # compute Sigma_embedding
        # Sigma = |lambda|^2 * g22(t,t')

        norb = 1
        def H(kx, ky): return e2*np.ones([1,1])
        constants = (myrank, Nkx, Nky, ARPES, kpp, k2p, k2i, tmax, nt, beta, ntau, norb, pump)
        UksR, UksI, eks, fks, Rs = init_Uks(H, *constants)
        Sigma = compute_G0M(0, 0, UksR, UksI, eks, fks, Rs, *constants)
        # solve the embedding problem
        norb = 1
        def H(kx, ky): return e1*np.ones([1,1])
        constants = (myrank, Nkx, Nky, ARPES, kpp, k2p, k2i, tmax, nt, beta, ntau, norb, pump)
        UksR, UksI, eks, fks, Rs = init_Uks(H, *constants)
        G0 = compute_G0M(0, 0, UksR, UksI, eks, fks, Rs, *constants)
        G = matsubara(beta, ntau, norb, -1)

        integrator = integration.integrator(6, nt, beta, ntau, norb)

        integrator.dyson_matsubara(G0, Sigma, G)

        #plt(linspace(0,beta,ntau), [G.M[:,0].imag, G2x2M[:,0,0].imag], 'Gsol and G2x2')
        print('diff = %1.3e'%np.amax(abs(G.M[:,0,0]-G2x2.M[:,0,0])))

   'diffs', diffs_vs_deltat)'dts', dts)

    if 'MPI' in sys.modules: