def pre(points):
    '''Pre-process for closest pair problem, 'points' being a list of 2-tuples.
    return two ordered list based on x and y coordinates using merge sort.'''

    px = merge_sort_2d(points, 0)
    py = merge_sort_2d(points, 1)
    return px, py
def closest_pair(Px, Py):
    '''Divide the points into 2 halves, left and right, for each sorted copies of
    the original data, find the closest pair in each half, compare with the possible
    closest pairs, of which each point in different halves, return the minimum.'''

    mid = int(len(Px)/2)
    left_x = Px[:mid]
    right_x = Px[mid:]
    left_y = Py[:mid]
    right_y = Py[mid:]
    pair_dist = []

    #base case
    if len(Px) == 1:
        return None
    elif len(Px) == 2:
        return Px
        left = closest_pair(left_x, left_y) #left is a list of two points
        right = closest_pair(right_x, right_y)
        #if None is in (left, right), it has to be left
        if left == None:
            delta = dist(right)
            delta = min(dist(left), dist(right))
        split = closest_split_pair(Px, Py, delta)
        pair_dist = [(x, dist(x)) for x in (left, right, split) if x]
        return merge_sort_2d(pair_dist, 1)[0][0]