Beispiel #1
def test(test_str):
	Test function for the srange class.
	print '\n---------------------------------------------'
	print "The test input: %r,   type=%r" % (test_str,type(test_str))

		sr = srange(test_str)
		mystr = ''
		for val in sr:						# this tests the method, iterator
			mystr += str(val) + ', '
		print 'Elements of str1: ', mystr
		print 'Python list of elements in str1:', sr.list()
		print '  internal representation: ', sr.l
		print 'String representation:', repr(sr)
		print 'String value:', str(sr)
		print 'first and last elements are [%g, %g], %g elements' % (sr.first(), sr.last(), sr.len())
		print 'Next element after 5:', sr.after(5)
		print 'Next element after 16:', sr.after(16)
		print 'Test if 5 is in range:', sr.is_in_range(5)
		print 'Test if 6 is in range:', sr.is_in_range(6)
		print 'Subrange from -1 with 100 elements: ', sr.sub_range(-1,100)
		print 'Subrange from 3 with 5 elements: ', sr.sub_range(3,5)
		print 'Index of 5 in string range:', sr.val2index(5)
		print 'Value at index 3 in string range:', sr.index(3)

	except Exception as err:
		print 'This test returned an ERROR!'
		print err
Beispiel #2
	test('1-7:2, 9-13:2')
	test('1-7:2, 9-13:2, 15-19:2')
	test('1-5:2, 7-7:1')
	test('1,3,5,7, 10,12,14,16, 18-20:2')
	test('1-5:2, 7-7:0')					# a zero stride
	test('1-5:2, 7-7:-1')					# a negative stride
	test('1-5:1.1')							# a non-integral stride
	test('0,3,6,9,12')						# strides > 2

if testGroup & 4:							# tests of auto_reset
	print '\n\n========== Tests of string range with auto_reset ==========\n\n'
	s = srange('5-7',auto_reset=True)
	for i in s:
		print '  ',i
	for i in s:
		print '    ',i

	print '\n---------------------------------------------'
	s = srange('1-5',auto_reset=False)
	print ' start first loop, "for in s:"'
	for i in s:
		if i == 2:
			print '   break at i =',i
		print '  ',i
	print 'at end of first loop,  previous_item = %r,   start second loop "for i in s:"' % s.previous_item
	for i in s: