Beispiel #1
def get_global_overview_stats_on_model_runs(res='4x5'):
    Process bpch files to NetCDF, then get general stats on runs
    # Get the model run locations, then process to NetCDF from bpch
    run_dict = get_dictionary_of_IC_runs(res=res, NetCDF=False)
    runs = list(sorted(run_dict.keys()))
    for run in runs:
        folder = run_dict[run]
        print(run, run_dict[run])
        a = AC.get_O3_burden_bpch(folder)
        print(run, run_dict[run], a.sum())
    # Get summary stats on model runs.
    df = AC.get_general_stats4run_dict_as_df_bpch(run_dict=run_dict,
    # Setup a name for the csv file
    filestr = 'PREFIA_summary_stats_{}{}.csv'
    if res == '4x5':
        filename = filestr.format(res, '')
    elif res == '2x2.5':
        filename = filestr.format(res,
        print("WARNING: resolution ('{}') not known".format(res))
    # Save summary stats to disk
Beispiel #2
def get_inorg_emissions_for_params(wd_dict=None, res='4x5'):
    Get inorganic emissions for the difference parameterisations
    from A_PD_hal_paper_analysis_figures.halogen_family_emission_printer import get_species_emiss_Tg_per_yr
    specs = ['HOI', 'I2']
    # Retrieve the surface area for a given resolution
    s_area = AC.get_surface_area(res=res)
    # calc emissions!
    inorg_emiss = {}
    for param in wd_dict.keys():
        wd = wd_dict[param]
        months = AC.get_gc_months(wd=wd)
        years = AC.get_gc_years(wd=wd)
        # Get emissions
        ars = get_species_emiss_Tg_per_yr(wd=wd,
        # Add sums
        ars += [ars[0] + ars[1]]
        inorg_emiss[param] = ars
    return inorg_emiss, specs + ['Inorg']
Beispiel #3
def plt_X_vs_Y_for_obs_v_params(df=None, params2plot=[], obs_var='Obs.',
                                extr_str='', context='paper', dpi=320):
    Plot up comparisons for parameterisations against observations
    import seaborn as sns
    # Get colours to use
    CB_color_cycle = AC.get_CB_color_cycle()
    color_dict = dict(zip([obs_var]+params2plot, ['k']+CB_color_cycle))
    # Setup the figure and axis for the plot
    fig = plt.figure(dpi=dpi, facecolor='w', edgecolor='k')
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
    # Loop by parameter
    for n_param, param in enumerate( params2plot ):
        # Plot a single 1:1 line
        plot_121 = False
        if n_param == 0:
            plot_121 =True
        # Now plot a generic X vs. Y plot
        AC.plt_df_X_vs_Y(df=df, fig=fig, ax=ax, y_var=param, x_var=obs_var,
                         x_label=obs_var, y_label=param, color=color_dict[param],
                         save_plot=False, plot_121=plot_121 )
    # Add a title
    title_str = "Obs. vs. predictions in '{}'".format(extr_str)
    # Add a legend
    # Save the plot
    png_filename = 's2s_X_vs_Y_{}_vs_{}_{}'.format(obs_var, 'params', extr_str)
    png_filename = AC.rm_spaces_and_chars_from_str(png_filename)
    plt.savefig(png_filename, dpi=dpi)
Beispiel #4
def main(trop_limit=True, res='4x5', debug=False):
    Get prod loss output for a family and print this to screen  
    # --- Get family from Command line (and other vars)
    wd = sys.argv[1]
    spec = sys.argv[2]
    # version?
    ver = AC.iGEOSChem_ver(wd)

    # --- Get all tags for this family (through dictionary route)
    # ( e.g. 'PIOx', 'LIOx',  'P_Iy', 'L_Iy' )
    nums, rxns, tags, Coe = AC.prod_loss_4_spec(wd, spec, ver=ver)
    # beatify reaction strings
    rxnstr_l = [''.join(i[4:]) for i in rxns]
    # one consider one tag per reaction and tagged reactions
        tags = [i[0] for i in tags]  # just consider first tag
        print 'WARNING! - attempting to process just tagged reactions'
        detail_zip = zip(rxnstr_l, zip(nums, tags))
        untagged = [n for n, i in enumerate(tags) if (len(i) < 1)]
        print 'Untagged reactions: ', [detail_zip[i] for i in untagged]
        tags = [i for n, i in enumerate(tags) if (n not in untagged)]
        tags = [i[0] for i in tags]  # just consider first tag

#        tags.pop( tags.index('LR71') )  # rm tag for ClOO loss...

# --- Extract prod loss for these tracers
# get prod loss IDs
    PDs = [AC.PLO3_to_PD(i, ver=ver, wd=wd, fp=True) for i in tags]
    # extract en mass
    fam_loss = AC.get_GC_output( wd, vars=['PORL_L_S__'+i for i in PDs], \
                trop_limit=trop_limit, r_list=True)
    #    print [ ( i.shape, i.sum() ) for i in fam_loss ]
    # Get reference species for family ( e.g. so output is in X g of Y )
    ref_spec = AC.get_ref_spec(spec)
    # get shared variable arrrays
    s_area = get_surface_area(res=res)[..., 0]  # m2 land map
    # convert to mass terms  ( in g X )
    fam_loss = convert_molec_cm3_s_2_g_X_s( ars=fam_loss, \
            ref_spec=ref_spec, wd=wd, conbine_ars=False,  \
            rm_strat=True, month_eq=True  )
    print[i.shape for i in fam_loss]

    # sum and convert to Gg
    p_l = [i.sum() / 1E9 for i in fam_loss]

    # --- print output as: reaction, magnitude, percent of family
    pcent = [np.sum(i) / np.sum(p_l) * 100 for i in p_l]
    d = dict(zip(tags, zip(rxnstr_l, p_l, pcent)))
    df = pd.DataFrame(d).T
    df.columns = ['rxn', 'Gg X', '% of total']
    # sort
    df = df.sort_values(['% of total'], ascending=False)
    print df
Beispiel #5
def mk_NetCDF_of_pf_files( files, ncfilename=None, debug=False ):
    Make a table like NetCDF file from to any pf output
    # --- Setup NetCDF file
    ncfile = Dataset( ncfilename,'w', format='NETCDF4') 

    # ---  Loop files, read in and add to NetCDF
    npoint = 1
    for n, file in enumerate( files ):

        # If 1st file setup NetCDF 
        if n == 0:

            # Get Header infomation from first file
            vars, sites = get_pf_headers( files[0], debug=debug )

            # Extract all points from file 
            df, vars = AC.pf_csv2pandas( file=file, vars=vars, epoch=True,\
                 r_vars=True )
            if debug:
                print df.shape, df.columns

            # set unlimited data points dimension (POINT)
            POINT = ncfile.createDimension( 'POINT', None )
            # loop and create variables for each column  (exc. last )
            if debug:
                print vars
            [ ncfile.createVariable( var, var2type(var), ('POINT') ) \
                    for var in vars ]

            # close the file 

            # Extract all points from file 
            df, vars = AC.pf_csv2pandas( file=file, vars=vars, epoch=True, \
                r_vars=True )

        # Open the file in append mode
        ncfile = Dataset( ncfilename,'a', format='NETCDF4') 
        if debug:
            print df.index

        # Fill variables for given
        dim_len = len( df.index )
        for var in vars:
            ncfile.variables[ var ][npoint:npoint+dim_len] = df[var].values
        # Tidy up and count    
        npoint += dim_len
        del df 
Beispiel #6
def add_loc_ocean2df(df=None, LatVar='lat', LonVar='lon'):
    Add the ocean of a location to dataframe

    df (pd.DataFrame): DataFrame of data
    LatVar (str): variable name in DataFrame for latitude
    LonVar (str): variable name in DataFrame for longitude

    from import sjoin
    # Get the shapes for the ocean
    group = AC.get_shapes4oceans(rtn_group=True, featurecla=featurecla)
    # Turn the dataframe into a geopandas dataframe
    gdf = geopandas.GeoDataFrame(
        df, geometry=geopandas.points_from_xy(df[LonVar], df[LatVar]))
    # Work out if any of the points are within the polys
    pointInPolys = sjoin(gdf, group, how='left')
    # Check how many were assigned to a region
    Nnew = float(pointInPolys['name'].dropna().shape[0])
    N = float(df.shape[0])
    if N != Nnew:
        pstr = 'WARNING: Only {:.2f}% assigned ({} of {})'
        print( pstr.format( (Nnew/N)*100, int(Nnew), int(N)) )
    # Add the ocean assignment
    df[featurecla] = pointInPolys['name'].values
    return df
Beispiel #7
def mk_NetCDF_of_global_oceans(df=None, LatVar='lat', LonVar='lon', save2NetCDF=False):
    Add the regional location of observations to dataframe

    df (pd.DataFrame): DataFrame of data
    LatVar (str): variable name in DataFrame for latitude
    LonVar (str): variable name in DataFrame for longitude

    # Get AC_tools location, then set example data folder location
    import os
    import xarray as xr
    import inspect
    filename = inspect.getframeinfo(inspect.currentframe()).filename
    path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(filename))
    folder = path+'/data/LM/LANDMAP_LWI_ctm_0125x0125/'
    # Get coords from LWI 0.125x0.125 data and remove the time dimension
    ds = xr.open_dataset(folder+'')
    ds = ds.mean(dim='time')
    # Add a raster array for the oceans
    ds = AC.add_raster_of_oceans2ds(ds, test_plot=True, country=country)
    # save as a NetCDF?
    if save2NetCDF:
        return ds
def main( trop_limit=True, res='4x5',  debug=False):
    Get prod loss output for a family and print this to screen  
    # --- Get family from Command line (and other vars)
    wd =  sys.argv[1]
    spec =  sys.argv[2]
    # version?
    ver = AC.iGEOSChem_ver( wd)

    # --- Get all tags for this family (through dictionary route)   
    # ( e.g. 'PIOx', 'LIOx',  'P_Iy', 'L_Iy' )
    nums, rxns, tags, Coe = AC.prod_loss_4_spec( wd, spec, ver=ver )
    # beatify reaction strings
    rxnstr_l = [ ''.join( i[4:] ) for i in rxns ]
    # one consider one tag per reaction and tagged reactions
        tags = [  i[0] for i in tags ] # just consider first tag
        print 'WARNING! - attempting to process just tagged reactions'
        detail_zip = zip( rxnstr_l, zip( nums, tags) )
        untagged = [n for n,i in enumerate(tags) if (len(i)<1) ]
        print 'Untagged reactions: ', [ detail_zip[i] for i in untagged ]
        tags = [ i for n, i in enumerate( tags ) if (n not in untagged) ]
        tags = [  i[0] for i in tags ] # just consider first tag
#        tags.pop( tags.index('LR71') )  # rm tag for ClOO loss... 

    # --- Extract prod loss for these tracers
    # get prod loss IDs
    PDs = [ AC.PLO3_to_PD(i, ver=ver, wd=wd, fp=True) for i in tags ]    
    # extract en mass
    fam_loss = AC.get_GC_output( wd, vars=['PORL_L_S__'+i for i in PDs], \
                trop_limit=trop_limit, r_list=True)
#    print [ ( i.shape, i.sum() ) for i in fam_loss ]
    # Get reference species for family ( e.g. so output is in X g of Y )
    ref_spec = AC.get_ref_spec( spec )
    # get shared variable arrrays
    s_area = get_surface_area(res=res)[...,0] # m2 land map
    # convert to mass terms  ( in g X )
    fam_loss = convert_molec_cm3_s_2_g_X_s( ars=fam_loss, \
            ref_spec=ref_spec, wd=wd, conbine_ars=False,  \
            rm_strat=True, month_eq=True  ) 
    print [ i.shape for i in fam_loss ]
Beispiel #9
def check_plots4plotting():
    Do a test plot of the colour cycle being used for plotting
    # Get colours
    CB_color_cycle = AC.get_CB_color_cycle()
    CB_color_cycle += ['darkgreen']
    # Do a quick plots for these
    x = np.arange(10)
    for n_color, color in enumerate(CB_color_cycle):
        plt.plot(x, x * n_color, color=color)
Beispiel #10
def add_LWI2ds_2x25_4x5(ds,
    Add Land/Water/Ice (LWI) values to xr.DataArray

    ds (xr.Dataset): xarray dataset to add LWI to
    res (str): horizontal resolution of dataset (e.g. 4x5)
    var2template (str): variable to use a template for making LWI variable
    inc_booleans_and_area (bool): include extra booleans and surface area

    # Add LWI to array
    LWI = AC.get_LWI_map(res=res)[..., 0]
    LWI = np.array([LWI.T] * 12)
    print(LWI.shape, ds[var2template].shape)
    if inc_booleans_and_area:
        ds['IS_WATER'] = ds[var2template].copy()
        ds['IS_WATER'].values = (LWI == 0)
        # add is land
        ds['IS_LAND'] = ds['IS_WATER']
        ds['IS_LAND'].values = (LWI == 1)
        # get surface area
        s_area = AC.get_surface_area(res)[..., 0]  # m2 land map
        ds['AREA'] = ds[var2template].mean(dim='time')
        ds['AREA'].values = s_area.T
        ds['LWI'] = LWI['LWI']
        # Update attributes too
        attrs = ds['LWI'].attrs.copy()
        attrs['long_name'] = 'Land/Water/Ice index'
            'Detail'] = 'A Land-Water-Ice mask. It is 1 over continental areas, 0 over open ocean, and 2 over seaice covered ocean.'
        ds['LWI'].attrs = attrs
    return ds
Beispiel #11
def add_LWI2ds_0125x0125(ds,
    Add Land/Water/Ice (LWI) values to xr.DataArray

    ds (xr.Dataset): xarray dataset to add LWI to
    res (str): horizontal resolution (e.g. 4x5) of Dataset
    inc_booleans_and_area (bool): include extra booleans and surface area
    var2template (str): variable to use a template for making LWI variable

    folderLWI = get_file_locations('AC_tools')
    folderLWI += '/data/LM/LANDMAP_LWI_ctm_0125x0125/'
    filenameLWI = ''
    LWI = xr.open_dataset(folderLWI + filenameLWI)
    # updates dates (to be Jan=>Dec)
    new_dates = [datetime.datetime(1970, i, 1) for i in LWI['time.month']]
    LWI.time.values = new_dates
    # Sort by new dates
    LWI = LWI.loc[{'time': sorted(LWI.coords['time'].values)}]
    if inc_booleans_and_area:
        ds['IS_WATER'] = ds[var2template].copy()
        ds['IS_WATER'].values = (LWI['LWI'] == 0)
        # add is land
        ds['IS_LAND'] = ds['IS_WATER'].copy()
        ds['IS_LAND'].values = (LWI['LWI'] == 1)
        # get surface area
        #        s_area = AC.calc_surface_area_in_grid(res=res).T  # m2 land map (Calculate)
        s_area = AC.get_surface_area(res)[...,
                                          0]  # m2 land map (Use CDO value)
        ds['AREA'] = ds[var2template].mean(dim='time')
        ds['AREA'].values = s_area
        ds['LWI'] = LWI['LWI']
        # Update attributes too
        attrs = ds['LWI'].attrs.copy()
        attrs['long_name'] = 'Land/Water/Ice index'
            'Detail'] = 'A Land-Water-Ice mask. It is 1 over continental areas, 0 over open ocean, and 2 over seaice covered ocean.'
        attrs['add_offset'] = int(0)
        attrs['scale_factor'] = int(1)
        attrs['missing_value'] = float(-1e-32)
        attrs['_FillValue'] = float(-1e-32)
        attrs['units'] = 'unitless'
        ds['LWI'].attrs = attrs
    return ds
Beispiel #12
def update_time_in_NetCDF2save(ds, convert_time2dt=False):
    Update time of monthly output to be in NetCDF saveable format

    convert_time2dt (bool): convert the time into a datetime.datetime format
    # Climate model time
    sdate = datetime.datetime(1985, 1, 1)
    # Convert / setup time dim?
    if convert_time2dt:
        months = np.arange(1, 13)
        ds['time'] = [AC.add_months(sdate, i - 1) for i in months]
    # Update to hours since X
    hours = [(AC.dt64_2_dt([i])[0] - sdate).days * 24.
             for i in ds['time'].values]
    ds['time'] = hours
    attrs_dict = {'units': 'hours since 1985-01-01 00:00:00'}
    ds['time'].attrs = attrs_dict
    return ds
Beispiel #13
def compare_emissions(wd_dict=None, inorg_emiss=None, specs=None):
    Compare emissions between runs with different parameterisations

    wd_dict (dict): dictionary of names (keys) and locations of model runs
    inorg_emiss (dict): dictionary of inorganic iodine emissions for runs


    # Get emission runs that test output
    if isinstance(wd_dict, type(None)):
        wd_dict = get_emissions_testing_runs()
    params = sorted(wd_dict.keys())

    # Get ozone burdens
    O3Burdens = [AC.get_O3_burden(wd_dict[i]) for i in params]
    O3Burdens = [i.sum() / 1E3 for i in O3Burdens]
    # Compile date into dataframe
    df = pd.DataFrame(O3Burdens, index=params, columns=['O3 bud.'])

    # Get emissions
    if isinstance(inorg_emiss, type(None)):
        inorg_emiss, specs = get_inorg_emissions_for_params(wd_dict=wd_dict)
    # Sum emissions
    for param in params:
        inorg_emiss[param] = [i.sum() for i in inorg_emiss[param]]
    # Convert to DatFrame and combine
    inorg_emiss_names = [i + ' emiss.' for i in specs]
    df2 = pd.DataFrame(inorg_emiss, index=inorg_emiss_names)
    df = pd.concat([df, df2.T], axis=1)
    # Add total inorganic flux? (Hasghed out for now )
    #    df['Inorg emiss']  = df[inorg_emiss_names].sum(axis=1)

    # Now do calculations to get change and difference between runs
    # calculate % change in values between runs
    df = df.T
    param = 'RFR(offline)'
    refs = 'Chance2014', 'MacDonald2014'
    # Loop and calculate percentages
    for ref in refs:
        col_name = '({}% vs. {})'.format(param, ref)
        df[col_name] = (df[param] - df[ref]) / df[ref] * 100
    df = df.T
    return df
Beispiel #14
def GetEmissionsFromHEMCONetCDFsAsDatasets(wds=None):
    Get the emissions from the HEMCO NetCDF files as a dictionary of datasets.
    # Look at emissions through HEMCO
    # Get data locations and run names as a dictionary
    if isinstance(wds, type(None)):
        wds = get_run_dict4EGU_runs()
    runs = list(wds.keys())
    #    vars2use = [i for i in dsDH[run].data_vars if 'I' in i ]
    vars2use = [
    # Loop and extract files
    dsDH = {}
    for run in runs:
        wd = wds[run]
        print(run, wd)
        dsDH[run] = AC.GetHEMCODiagnostics_AsDataset(wd=wd)
    # Get actual species
    specs = [i.split('Emis')[-1].split('_')[0] for i in vars2use]
    var_species_dict = dict(zip(vars2use, specs))
    # Convert to Gg
    for run in runs:
        ds = dsDH[run]
        ds = AC.Convert_HEMCO_ds2Gg_per_yr(ds,
        dsDH[run] = ds
    return dsDH
Beispiel #15
def make_2D_RDF_of_gridded_data(res='1x1',
    Make a 2D interpolation using RadialBasisFunctions
    import numpy as np
    from scipy.interpolate import Rbf
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    # - Process dataframe here for now
    X_locs = df['Longitude'].values
    Y_locs = df['Latitude'].values
    Z_data = df['Iodide'].values
    # Degrade resolution
    if res == '1x1':
        X_COORDS, Y_COORDS, NIU = AC.get_latlonalt4res(res=res)
    # Remove double ups in data for now...
    print([len(i) for i in (X_locs, Y_locs)])
    # Degrade to 1x1 resolution...
    X_locs = [int(i) for i in X_locs]
    Y_locs = [int(i) for i in Y_locs]
    # Make a dictionary to remove double ups...
    Z_dict = dict(list(zip(list(zip(X_locs, Y_locs)), Z_data)))
    # Unpack
    locs = sorted(Z_dict.keys())
    Z_data = [Z_dict[i] for i in locs]
    X_locs, Y_locs = list(zip(*locs))
    print([len(i) for i in (X_locs, Y_locs)])
    # Setup meshgrid...
    XI, YI = np.meshgrid(X_COORDS, Y_COORDS)
    # Interpolate onto this...
    # Creating the interpolation function and populating the output matrix value
    rbf = Rbf(X_locs, Y_locs, Z_data, function='inverse')
    ZI = rbf(XI, YI)
    # Plotting the result
    n = plt.normalize(0.0, 100.0)
    plt.subplot(1, 1, 1)
    plt.pcolor(XI, YI, ZI)
    plt.scatter(X_locs, Y_locs, 100, Z_data)
    plt.title('RBF interpolation')
    plt.xlim(-180, 180)
    plt.ylim(-90, 90)
Beispiel #16
def main(wd=None, CODE_wd=None):
    Driver for analysis of LOx via KPP in GEOS-Chem

     - comment/uncommet functions as required
    # Manually let locations of Ox loss here
    root = '/users/ts551/scratch/GC/'
    CODE_wd = root + '/Code/Code.v11-02_Cl_v3_0/'
    wd = root + 'rundirs/GC_v11_2d_plus_Clv3/geosfp_4x5_tropchem_Cl.v3_0.1year.2016.tagged/'
    Mechanism = 'Tropchem'
    # Get all the necessary data as as a dictionary object
    Ox_loss_dict = AC.get_Ox_loss_dicts(wd=wd,
    # Plot vertical odd oxygen (Ox) loss via route (chemical family)
    # Analyse odd oxygen (Ox) loss budget via route (chemical family)
    calc_fam_loss_by_route(Ox_loss_dict=Ox_loss_dict, Mechanism=Mechanism)
# look in the "plane_flight_logs" directory
wd = wd+ '/plane_flight_logs/plane.log.*'
#wd = wd+ '/plane.log.*'
print wd
print sorted(glob.glob(wd))

# Asectics
fontsize = 10

# ----------- START PLOTTING HERE ----------------------------------------
# -------------

# Get species name in TRA_?? (planefligth output) form
#if 'TRA' in species_to_plot:
species_to_plot=[ AC.what_species_am_i( species_to_plot, ver=ver, invert=True ) ]
#    species_to_plot=[species_to_plot]

# setup figure
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15,6), dpi=80, facecolor='w', edgecolor='k')

# Loop sites in site list and plot species
for i,site in enumerate(locations):

    # extract data from planeflight (csv) files
    model, names = AC.readfile( sorted(glob.glob(wd) ), site, \
        years_to_use, months_to_use, days_to_use)

    # get species index in list
Beispiel #18
def plot_up_df_data_by_yr(df=None, Datetime_var='datetime', TimeWindow=5,
                          start_from_last_obs=False, drop_bins_without_data=True,
                          target='Iodide', dpi=320):
    Plot up # of obs. data (Y) binned by region against year (X)

    df (pd.DataFrame): DataFrame of data with and a datetime variable
    target (str): Name of the target variable (e.g. iodide)
    TimeWindow (int): number years to bit observations over
    start_from_last_obs (bool): start from the last observational date
    drop_bins_without_data (bool): exclude bins with no data from plotting
    dpi (int): resolution of figure (dots per sq inch)

    # Sort the dataframe by date
    df.sort_values( by=Datetime_var, inplace=True )
    # Get the minimum and maximum dates
    min_date = df[Datetime_var].min()
    max_date = df[Datetime_var].max()
    # How many years of data are there?
    yrs_of_data = (max_date-min_date).total_seconds()/60/60/24/365
    nbins = AC.myround(yrs_of_data/TimeWindow, base=1 )
    # Start from last observation or from last block of time
    sdate_block = AC.myround(max_date.year, 5)
    sdate_block =  datetime.datetime(sdate_block, 1, 1)
    # Make sure the dates used are datetimes
    min_date, max_date = pd.to_datetime( [min_date, max_date] ).values
    min_date, max_date = AC.dt64_2_dt( [min_date, max_date])
    # Calculate the number of points for each bin by region
    dfs = {}
    for nbin in range(nbins+2):
        # Start from last observation or from last block of time?
        days2rm = int(nbin*365*TimeWindow)
        if start_from_last_obs:
            bin_start = AC.add_days( max_date, -int(days2rm+(365*TimeWindow)))
            bin_end = AC.add_days( max_date, -days2rm )
            bin_start = AC.add_days( sdate_block,-int(days2rm+(365*TimeWindow)))
            bin_end = AC.add_days( sdate_block, -days2rm )
        # Select the data within the observational dates
        bool1 = df[Datetime_var] > bin_start
        bool2 = df[Datetime_var] <= bin_end
        df_tmp = df.loc[bool1 & bool2, :]
        # Print the number of values in regions for bin
        if verbose:
            print(bin_start, bin_end, df_tmp.shape)
        # String to save data with
        if start_from_last_obs:
            bin_start_str = bin_start.strftime( '%Y/%m/%d')
            bin_end_str = bin_end.strftime( '%Y/%m/%d')
            bin_start_str = bin_start.strftime( '%Y')
            bin_end_str = bin_end.strftime( '%Y')
        str2use = '{}-{}'.format(bin_start_str, bin_end_str)
        # Sum up the number of values by region
        dfs[ str2use] = df_tmp['ocean'].value_counts(dropna=False)
    # Combine to single dataframe and sort by date
    dfA = pd.DataFrame( dfs )
    dfA = dfA[list(sorted(dfA.columns)) ]
    # Drop the years without any data
    if drop_bins_without_data:
        dfA = dfA.T.dropna(how='all').T
    # Update index names
    dfA = dfA.T
    rename_cols = {
    np.NaN : 'Other',  'INDIAN OCEAN': 'Indian Ocean', 'SOUTHERN OCEAN' : 'Southern Ocean'
    dfA = dfA.rename(columns=rename_cols)
    dfA = dfA.T
    # Plot up as a stacked bar plot
    import seaborn as sns
    dfA.T.plot(kind='bar', stacked=True)
    # Add title etc
    plt.ylabel( '# of observations')
    plt.title( '{} obs. data by region'.format(target))
    # Save plotted figure
    savename = 's2s_{}_data_by_year_region'.format(target)
    plt.savefig(savename, dpi=dpi, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0.05)
This programme makes the planeflight*.dat files required to output for specific locations and times in the model.

 - This programme can be used to produce files to output data for ship and aricraft campaigns
# --- Packages
import numpy as np
from time import gmtime, strftime
import time
import glob
import AC_tools as AC

# --- Settings
    wd = AC.get_dir( 'dwd' )
    wd = './'
# the directory where files of required output locations are (one per UTC day)
camp = './' # Set location for output files here
# Set first and last year to look
start_year, end_year = 2013, 2015
# debug the oubtput
debug = True
# tag to (up to 4 characters)
tag=  'CON' #'TRB'#'MAL'#'ANT'
# do the altitude values need converting from input files ( must be in hPa)
convert_km_2_hPa, convert_m_2_hPa, convert_2_m = False, False, False 
time_str ='%H:%M' # '%H%M'  # '%H:%M:%S' #    # '%h/%m/%s',
# Which (halogen) code version is being used?
#ver = '1.6' # Iodine simulation in v9-2
# modules
import AC_tools as AC
import numpy as np
import sys
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Setup, choose species
species  = 'O3'#'CO2'
RMM_species = 16.*3.
res = '4x5' # ( e.g. '4x5', '2x2.5', '0.5x0.666', '0.25x0.3125'  )
unit, scale = AC.tra_unit( species, scale=True)

# debug/print verbose output?

# Only consider GEOS-Chem chemical troposphere

try:    # chcck if a directory was given ad command line
    wd = sys.argv[1]
except: # Otherwise use path below
    wd = '<insert GEOS-Chem run direcotory path here>'

# get data as 4D array ( lon, lat, alt, time ) 
mixing_ratio  = AC.get_GC_output( wd, species=species, category='IJ-AVG-$', \
    trop_limit=trop_limit ) 
print mixing_ratio.shape

# Get data to calculate burden
# modules
import AC_tools as AC
import numpy as np
import sys
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Setup, choose species
species = 'O3'  #'CO2'
RMM_species = 16. * 3.
res = '4x5'  # ( e.g. '4x5', '2x2.5', '0.5x0.666', '0.25x0.3125'  )
unit, scale = AC.tra_unit(species, scale=True)

# debug/print verbose output?
debug = True

# Only consider GEOS-Chem chemical troposphere
trop_limit = True
calc_burden = False  #True

try:  # chcck if a directory was given ad command line
    wd = sys.argv[1]
except:  # Otherwise use path below
    wd = '<insert GEOS-Chem run direcotory path here>'

# get data as 4D array ( lon, lat, alt, time )
mixing_ratio  = AC.get_GC_output( wd, species=species, category='IJ-AVG-$', \
    trop_limit=trop_limit )
print mixing_ratio.shape

# Get data to calculate burden
Beispiel #22
def process_MLD_csv2NetCDF(debug=False, _fill_value=-9999.9999E+10):
    Process NOAA WOA94 csv files into NetCDF files

    _fill_value (float): fill value to use for new NetCDF
    debug (bool): perform debugging and verbose printing?

    # The MLD fields available are computed from climatological monthly mean
    # profiles of potential temperature and potential density based on three
    # different criteria: a temperature change from the ocean surface of 0.5
    # degree Celsius, a density change from the ocean surface of 0.125
    # (sigma units), and a variable density change from the ocean surface
    # corresponding to a temperature change of 0.5 degree Celsius. The MLD
    # based on the variable density criterion is designed to account for the
    # large variability of the coefficient of thermal expansion that
    # characterizes seawater.
    # Citation: Monterey, G. and Levitus, S., 1997: Seasonal Variability of
    # Mixed Layer Depth for the World Ocean. NOAA Atlas NESDIS 14, U.S.
    # Gov. Printing Office, Wash., D.C., 96 pp. 87 figs. (pdf, 13.0 MB).
    # variables for
    MLD_vars = ['pt', 'pd', 'vd']
    folder = utils.get_file_locations('data_root') + '/WOA94/'
    # - Loop MLD variables
    for var_ in MLD_vars:
        file_str = 'mld*{}*'.format(var_)
        files = sorted(glob.glob(folder+file_str))
        # Loop files and extract data as an arrayu
        ars = []
        for file in files:
            # values are assume to have been outputed in a row major way
            # e.g. (lon, lat)
            # open
            with open(file, 'rb') as file_:
                # Extract all values
                lines = [i.split() for i in file_]
                # Convert to floats (and masked values (e.g. "-") to NaN ),
                # the concatenate to "big" list
                big = []
                for n, line in enumerate(lines):
                    for value in line:
                            value = float(value)
                        except ValueError:
                            value = np.NaN
                        big += [value]
            # Now reshape
            ars += [, 360)).T]
            # Debug (?) by showing 2D grid
            if debug:
                plt.pcolor(np.arange(0, 360), np.arange(0, 180),  ars[0])
        # Force to be in COARDS format? (e.g. lat, lon) instead of (lon, lat)
        ars = [i.T for i in ars]
        # Fill nans with _fill_value,
        ars = [, fill_value=_fill_value) for i in ars]
        # Then convert to numpy array...
        ars = [np.array(i) for i in ars]
        print([type(i) for i in ars])
        # Force dates
        dates = [datetime.datetime(1985, 1, i+1) for i in range(12)]
        lons = np.arange(0+0.5, 360+0.5, 1)
        lats = np.arange(-90+0.5, 90+0.5, 1)
        res = '1x1'
        # Save to NetCDF
        AC.save_2D_arrays_to_3DNetCDF(ars=ars, dates=dates, varname=var_,
Beispiel #23
def plot_up_seasonal_averages_of_prediction(ds=None, target=None, version='v0_0_0',
        seperate_plots=False, units='pM', var2plot='Ensemble_Monthly_mean',
        vmin=None, vmax=None, dpi=320, show_plot=False, save_plot=True,
        var2plot_longname='ensemble prediction', extension='png', verbose=False ):
    Wrapper to plot up the annual averages of the predictions

    ds (xr.Dataset): 3D dataset containing variable of interest on monthly basis
    var2plot (str): which variable should be plotted?
    target (str): Name of the target variable (e.g. iodide)
    version (str): Version number or string (present in NetCDF names etc)
    seperate_plots (bool): plot up output as separate plots
    verbose (bool): print out verbose output?

    # Get average by season
    ds = ds.groupby('time.season').mean(dim='time')
    # Calculate minimums and maximums over all months to use for all plots
    if isinstance(vmin, type(None)) and isinstance(vmin, type(None)):
        vmin = float(ds[var2plot].min().values)
        vmax = float(ds[var2plot].max().values)
    # Dictionary to convert season acronyms to readable text
    season2text = {
    'DJF':'Dec-Jan-Feb', 'MAM': 'Mar-Apr-May', 'JJA': 'Jun-Jul-Aug', 'SON':'Sep-Oct-Nov'
    # Set season ordering to be maintained for all plots
    seasons = ['DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON']
    # Plot by season
    if seperate_plots:
        for season in seasons:
            # check and name variables
            extr_str = '{}_{}'.format(version, season2text[season])
            if verbose:
                print( season, extr_str )
            # Select data for month
            ds2plot = ds[[var2plot]].sel(season=season)
            # Set a title
            title = "Seasonal ({}) average {} for '{}' ({})"
            title = title.format(season, target, var2plot_longname, units)
            # Now plot
            plot_spatial_data(ds=ds2plot, var2plot=var2plot, extr_str=extr_str,
                target=target, title=title, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax)
    # Or plot up as a window plot
        fig = plt.figure(figsize=(9, 5), dpi=dpi)
        projection = ccrs.Robinson()
        # Loop by season
        for n_season, season in enumerate(seasons):
            # Select data for month
            ds2plot = ds[[var2plot]].sel(season=season)
            # Setup the axis
            axn = (2, 2, n_season+1)
            ax = fig.add_subplot(*axn, projection=projection, aspect='auto')
            # Now plot
            plot_spatial_data(ds=ds2plot, var2plot=var2plot,
                              ax=ax, fig=fig,
                              target=target, title=season2text[season],
                              vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax,
                              save_plot=False )
            # Capture the image from the axes
            im = ax.images[0]

        # Add a colorbar using the captured image
        pad =  0.075
        cax = fig.add_axes([0.85, pad*2, 0.035, 1-(pad*4)])
        fig.colorbar(im, cax=cax, orientation='vertical', label=units)
        # Set a title
        title = "Seasonally averaged '{}' ({})"
        title = title.format(var2plot_longname, units)
        fig.suptitle( title )
        # Adjust plot aesthetics
        bottom = pad/4
        top = 1-(pad)
        left = pad/4
        right = 1-(pad*2.5)
        hspace = 0.005
        wspace = pad/3
        fig.subplots_adjust(bottom=bottom, top=top, left=left, right=right,
                            hspace=hspace, wspace=wspace)
        # Save or show plot
        if show_plot:
        if save_plot:
            filename = 's2s_spatial_by_season_{}_{}'.format(target, version)
            filename = AC.rm_spaces_and_chars_from_str( filename )
            plt.savefig('{}.{}'.format(filename, extension), dpi=dpi)
Beispiel #24
def plot_spatial_data(ds=None, var2plot=None, LatVar='lat', LonVar='lon',
                      extr_str='', fillcontinents=True, target=None, units=None,
                      show_plot=False, save_plot=True, title=None,
                      projection=ccrs.Robinson(), fig=None, ax=None, cmap=None,
                      vmin=None, vmax=None, add_meridians_parallels=False,
                      add_borders_coast=True, set_aspect=True, cbar_kwargs=None,
                      xticks=True, yticks=True, rm_colourbar=False, extension='png',
    Plot up 2D spatial plot of latitude vs. longitude

    ds (xr.Dataset): 3D dataset containing variable of interest on monthly basis
    var2plot (str): variable to plot from dataset
    target (str): Name of the target variable (e.g. iodide)
    version (str): Version number or string (present in NetCDF names etc)
    file_and_path (str): folder and filename with location settings as single str
    res (str): horizontal resolution of dataset (e.g. 4x5)
    xticks, yticks (bool): include ticks on y and/or x axis?
    title (str): title to add use for plot
    LatVar, LonVar (str): variables to use for latitude and longitude
    add_meridians_parallels (bool): add the meridians and parallels?
    save_plot (bool): save the plot as png
    show_plot (bool): show the plot on screen
    dpi (int): resolution to use for saved image (dots per square inch)
    projection (cartopy ccrs object): projection to use for spatial plots
    rm_colourbar (bool): do not include a colourbar with the plot
    fig (figure instance): figure instance to plot onto
    extension (str): extension to save file with (e.g. .tiff, .eps, .png)
    ax (axis instance): axis to use for plotting

    import as ccrs
    from cartopy.mpl.gridliner import LONGITUDE_FORMATTER, LATITUDE_FORMATTER
    if isinstance(fig, type(None)):
        fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))
    if isinstance(ax, type(None)):
        ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection=projection, aspect='auto')
    plt_object = ds[var2plot].plot.imshow(x='lon', y='lat', ax=ax, vmax=vmax, vmin=vmin,
                             transform=ccrs.PlateCarree(), cmap=cmap,
    # Fill the continents
    if fillcontinents:
        ax.add_feature(cartopy.feature.LAND, zorder=50, facecolor='lightgrey',
    # Add the borders and country outlines
    if add_borders_coast:
        ax.add_feature(cartopy.feature.BORDERS, zorder=51, edgecolor='k',
        ax.add_feature(cartopy.feature.COASTLINE, zorder=52, edgecolor='k',
    # Beautify
    # Add a title
    if not isinstance(title, type(None)):
    # Add meridians and parallels?
    if add_meridians_parallels:
        # setup grdlines object
        gl = ax.gridlines(crs=ccrs.PlateCarree(), draw_labels=True,
                         linewidth=0, color='gray', alpha=0.0, linestyle=None)
        # Setup meridians and parallels
        interval = 1
        parallels = np.arange(-90, 91, 30*interval)
        meridians = np.arange(-180, 181, 60*interval)
        # Now add labels
        gl.xlabels_top = False
        gl.ylabels_right = False
        gl.xlines = False
        gl.ylines = False
        if xticks:
            gl.xticks_bottom = True
            gl.xlocator = matplotlib.ticker.FixedLocator(meridians)
            gl.xformatter = LONGITUDE_FORMATTER
            gl.xlabel_style = {'size': 7.5, 'color': 'gray'}
            gl.xticks_bottom = False
            gl.xlabels_bottom = False
        if yticks:
            gl.yticks_left = True
            gl.ylocator = matplotlib.ticker.FixedLocator(parallels)
            gl.yformatter = LATITUDE_FORMATTER
            gl.ylabel_style = {'size': 7.5, 'color': 'gray'}
            gl.yticks_left = False
            gl.ylabel_left = False
    # Remove the colour bar
    if rm_colourbar:
        im = ax.images
        cb = im[-1].colorbar
    # Save or show plot
    if show_plot:
    if save_plot:
        filename = 's2s_spatial_{}_{}'.format(target, extr_str)
        filename = '{}.{}'.format(AC.rm_spaces_and_chars_from_str(filename), extension)
        plt.savefig(filename, dpi=dpi, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0.05)
    return plt_object
Beispiel #25
ver = '3.0'

# look in the "plane_flight_logs" directory
wd = wd + '/plane_flight_logs/plane.log.*'
#wd = wd+ '/plane.log.*'
print wd
print sorted(glob.glob(wd))

# Asectics
fontsize = 10

# ----------- START PLOTTING HERE ----------------------------------------
# -------------

# Get species name in TRA_?? (planefligth output) form
species_to_plot = [AC.what_species_am_i(species_to_plot, ver=ver, invert=True)]

# setup figure
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 6), dpi=80, facecolor='w', edgecolor='k')

# Loop sites in site list and plot species
for i, site in enumerate(locations):

    # extract data from planeflight (csv) files
    model, names = AC.readfile( sorted(glob.glob(wd) ), site, \
        years_to_use, months_to_use, days_to_use)

    # get species index in list
    k = names.index(species_to_plot[0])

    # plot up extracted data
Beispiel #26
import AC_tools as AC

# Download the example data if it is not already downloaded.
from AC_tools.Scripts import get_data_files

# Specify the working directory
wd = "../data"

# Get the GeosChem species data from the wd
my_data = AC.get_GC_output( wd, species='O3')

# Get a 2d slice from the 3d array
my_data = my_data[:,:,0,0]

# Turn from part per part to part per billion
my_data = my_data*1E9

# Create the plot
AC.map_plot( my_data)

# Save the plot and show it.

Beispiel #27
def plot_vertical_fam_loss_by_route(fam='LOx',
    Plot vertical odd oxygen (Ox) loss via route (chemical family)

    fam (str): tagged family to track (already compiled in KPP mechanism)
    ref_spec (str): reference species to normalise to
    wd (str): working directory ("wd") of model output
    CODE_wd (str): root of code directory containing the tagged KPP mechanism
    Mechanism (str): name of the KPP mechanism (and folder) of model output
    weight_by_molecs (bool): weight grid boxes by number of molecules
    rm_strat (bool): (fractionally) replace values in statosphere with zeros
    debug, verbose (bool): switches to turn on/set verbosity of output to screen
    full_vertical_grid (bool): use the full vertical grid for analysis
    limit_plotted_alititude (bool): limit the plotted vertical extend to troposphere
    suffix (str): suffix in filename for saved plot
    dpi (int): resolution to use for saved image (dots per square inch)
    Ox_loss_dict (dict), dictionary of Ox loss variables/data (from get_Ox_loss_dicts)


     - AC_tools includes equivlent functions for smvgear mechanisms
    # - Local variables/ Plot extraction / Settings
    if isinstance(Ox_loss_dict, type(None)):
        Ox_loss_dict = AC.get_Ox_loss_dicts(
    # extract variables from data/variable dictionary
    sorted_fam_names = Ox_loss_dict['sorted_fam_names']
    fam_dict = Ox_loss_dict['fam_dict']
    ars = Ox_loss_dict['ars']
    RR_dict_fam_stioch = Ox_loss_dict['RR_dict_fam_stioch']
    RR_dict = Ox_loss_dict['RR_dict']
    tags2_rxn_num = Ox_loss_dict['tags2_rxn_num']
    tags = Ox_loss_dict['tags']
    tags_dict = Ox_loss_dict['tags_dict']
    Data_rc = Ox_loss_dict['Data_rc']
    # Combine to a single array
    arr = np.array(ars)
    if debug:
    # - Process data for plotting
    fam_tag = [fam_dict[i] for i in tags]
    fam_ars = []
    for fam_ in sorted_fam_names:
        # Get indices for routes of family
        fam_ind = [n for n, i in enumerate(fam_tag) if (i == fam_)]
        if debug:
            print((fam_ind, len(fam_ind)))
        # Select these ...
        fam_ars += [arr[fam_ind, ...]]
    # Recombine and sum by family...
    if debug:
        print(([i.shape for i in fam_ars], len(fam_ars)))
    arr = np.array([i.sum(axis=0) for i in fam_ars])
    if debug:
    # - Plot up as a stack-plot...
    # Normalise to total and conver to % (*100)
    arr = (arr / arr.sum(axis=0)) * 100
    # Add zeros array to beginning (for stack/area plot )
    arr_ = np.vstack((np.zeros((1, arr.shape[-1])), arr))
    # Setup figure
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(9, 6),
    # Plot by family
    for n, label in enumerate(sorted_fam_names):
        # Print out some summary stats
        if verbose:
                  arr[:n, 0].sum(axis=0),
                  arr[:n + 1, 0].sum(axis=0),
                  end=' ')
            print(arr[:n, :].sum(), arr[:n + 1, :].sum())
            print([i.shape for i in (Data_rc['alt'], arr)])
        # Fill between X
                          arr[:n, :].sum(axis=0),
                          arr[:n + 1, :].sum(axis=0),
                          color=cmap(1. * n / len(sorted_fam_names)))
        # Plot the line too
            arr[:n, :].sum(axis=0),
            color=cmap(1. * n / len(sorted_fam_names)),
    # Beautify the plot
    plt.xlim(0, 100)
    xlabel = '% of total O$_{\\rm x}$ loss'
    plt.xlabel(xlabel, fontsize=fontsize * .75)
    plt.yticks(fontsize=fontsize * .75)
    plt.xticks(fontsize=fontsize * .75)
    plt.ylabel('Altitude (km)', fontsize=fontsize * .75)
    leg = plt.legend(loc='upper center', fontsize=fontsize)
    # Update lengnd line sizes ( + update line sizes)
    for legobj in leg.legendHandles:
        legobj.set_linewidth(lw / 2)
    plt.ylim(Data_rc['alt'][0], Data_rc['alt'][-1])
    # Limit plot y axis to 12km?
    if limit_plotted_alititude:
        plt.ylim(Data_rc['alt'][0], 12)
    # Show plot or save?
    if save_plot:
        filename = 'Ox_loss_plot_by_vertical_{}_{}'.format(Mechanism, suffix)
        plt.savefig(filename, dpi=dpi)
    if show_plot:
Beispiel #28
# --- Packages
import AC_tools as AC
import numpy as np
from time import gmtime, strftime
import time
import glob

# --- Settings
tpwd = AC.get_dir('tpwd')
#start_year, end_year = 2006,2007
#start_year, end_year = 2012,2013
#start_year, end_year = 2014,2017
start_year, end_year = 2015,2017
debug = False
pf_locs_file = 'EU_GRID_{}.dat'.format( res )
#pf_locs_file ='ROW_GRID.dat'

# --- Read in site Detail
location = AC.readin_gaw_sites( pf_locs_file, all=True )
numbers, locs, lats, lons, pres =  [ location[:,i] for i in range(5) ]
lats, lons, pres = [ np.float64(i) for i in lats, lons, pres ]
locs = np.array(locs)
print lats[0:4]

# --- Set Variables
#slist = pf_var( 'slist_v9_2_NREA_red_NOy', ver=ver )#'slist_v9_2_NREA_red' )
#slist = pf_var( 'slist_ClearFlo', ver=ver )
Beispiel #29
def add_attrs2target_ds(ds,
    Update attributes for iodide dataset saved as NetCDF

    convert_to_kg_m3 (bool): convert the output units to kg/m3
    species (str): chemical name of species to use for kg/m3 conversion
    rm_spaces_from_vars (bool): remove spaces from variable names
    global_attrs_dict (dict): dictionary of global attributes
    convert2HEMCO_time (bool): convert to a HEMCO-compliant time format
    add_global_attrs (bool): add global attributes to dataset
    add_varname_attrs (bool): add variable attributes to dataset
    varname (str): variable name to make changes to

    # Coordinate and global values
    if add_varname_attrs:
        # Convert the units?
        if convert_to_kg_m3:
            # get surface array
            #            print('Update of units not implimented')
            #            sys.exit()
            # Convert units from nM to kg/m3 (=> M => mass => /m3 => /kg)
            ds[varname] = ds[varname] / 1E9 * AC.species_mass(
                species) * 1E3 / 1E3
            # for variable
            attrs_dict['units'] = "kg/m3"
            attrs_dict['units_longname'] = "kg({})/m3".format(target)
            # for variable
            attrs_dict['units'] = "nM"
            attrs_dict['units_longname'] = "Nanomolar"
        # Add COARDS variables
        attrs_dict['add_offset'] = int(0)
        attrs_dict['scale_factor'] = int(1)
        attrs_dict['missing_value'] = float(-1e-32)
        attrs_dict['_FillValue'] = float(-1e-32)
        ds[varname].attrs = attrs_dict
    # Update Name for use in external NetCDFs
    if rm_spaces_from_vars:
        for var_ in ds.data_vars:
            if ' ' in var_:
                print('removing spaces from {}'.format(var_))
                new_varname = var_.replace(' ', '_')
                # make new var as a copy of the old one
                ds[new_varname] = ds[var_].copy()
                # now remove the old var
                del ds[var_]
    # Coordinate and global values
    if add_global_attrs:
        # for lat...
        attrs_dict = ds['lat'].attrs
        attrs_dict['long_name'] = "latitude"
        attrs_dict['units'] = "degrees_north"
        attrs_dict["standard_name"] = "latitude"
        attrs_dict["axis"] = "Y"
        ds['lat'].attrs = attrs_dict
        # And lon...
        attrs_dict = ds['lon'].attrs
        attrs_dict['long_name'] = "longitude"
        attrs_dict['units'] = "degrees_east"
        attrs_dict["standard_name"] = "longitude"
        attrs_dict["axis"] = "X"
        ds['lon'].attrs = attrs_dict
        # And time
        attrs_dict = ds['time'].attrs
        attrs_dict["standard_name"] = "time"
        attrs_dict['long_name'] = attrs_dict["standard_name"]
        attrs_dict["axis"] = "T"
        if convert2HEMCO_time:
            attrs_dict['units'] = 'hours since 2000-01-01 00:00:00'
            attrs_dict['calendar'] = 'standard'
            # Assume a generic year
            REFdatetime = datetime.datetime(2000, 1, 1)
            dts = [datetime.datetime(2000, i, 1) for i in range(1, 13)]
            hours = [(i - REFdatetime).days * 24. for i in dts]
            #            times = [ AC.add_months(REFdatetime, int(i) ) for i in range(13) ]
            ds['time'].values = hours
        ds['time'].attrs = attrs_dict
        # Add details to the global attribute dictionary
        History_str = 'Last Modified on: {}'
        global_attrs_dict['History'] = History_str.format(
            strftime("%B %d %Y", gmtime()))
        global_attrs_dict['Conventions'] = "COARDS"
        global_attrs_dict['Main parameterisation variable'] = varname
        global_attrs_dict['format'] = 'NetCDF-4'
        ds.attrs = global_attrs_dict
    return ds
Beispiel #30
def plot_ODR_window_plot(params=[], show_plot=False, df=None,
                         testset='Test set (strat. 20%)', units='pM',
                         target='Iodide', context="paper", xlim=None, ylim=None,
                         dpi=720, verbose=False):
    Show the correlations between obs. and params. as window plot

    target (str): Name of the target variable (e.g. iodide)
    testset (str): Testset to use, e.g. stratified sampling over quartiles for 20%:80%
    dpi (int): resolution to use for saved image (dots per square inch)
    RFR_dict (dict): dictionary of core variables and data
    context (str): seaborn context to use for plotting (e.g. paper, poster, talk...)
    show_plot (bool): show the plot on screen
    df (pd.DataFrame): dataframe containing target and feature variables
    units (str): units of the target in the dataframe
    xlim (tuple): limits for plotting x axis
    ylim (tuple): limits for plotting y axis

    # Make sure a dataFrame has been provided
    assert type(df) == pd.DataFrame, "Please provide DataFrame ('df') with data"
    # Setup seabonr plotting environment
    import seaborn as sns
    if context == "paper":
        sns.set_context("talk", font_scale=1.0)
    # Name of PDF to save plots to
    savetitle = 'Oi_prj_point_for_point_comparison_obs_vs_model_ODR_WINDOW'
    pdff = AC.plot2pdfmulti(title=savetitle, open=True, dpi=dpi)
    # label to use for taget on plots
    target_label = '[{}$_{}$]'.format(target, 'aq')
    # Set location for alt_text
    f_size = 10
    N = int(df.shape[0])
    # Split data into groups
    dfs = {}
    # Entire dataset
    dfs['Entire'] = df.copy()
    # Testdataset
    dfs['Withheld'] = df.loc[df[testset] == True, :].copy()
    dsplits = dfs.keys()
    # Assign colors to splits
    CB_color_cycle = AC.get_CB_color_cycle()
    color_d = dict(zip(dsplits, CB_color_cycle))
    # Intialise figure and axis
    fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 3, sharex=True, sharey=True, dpi=dpi, figsize=(11, 4))
    # Loop by param and compare against whole dataset
    for n_param, param in enumerate(params):
        # set axis to use
        ax = axs[n_param]
        # Use the same asecpt for X and Y
        # Add a title the plots
        ax.text(0.5, 1.05, param, horizontalalignment='center',
                verticalalignment='center', transform=ax.transAxes)
        # Add a 1:1 line
        x_121 = np.arange(ylim[0]-(ylim[1]*0.05),ylim[1]*1.05 )
        ax.plot(x_121, x_121, alpha=0.5, color='k', ls='--')
        # Plot up data by dataset split
        for nsplit, split in enumerate(dsplits):
            # select the subset of the data
            df = dfs[split].copy()
            # Remove any NaNs
            df = df.dropna()
            # get X
            X = df[target].values
            # get Y
            Y = df[param].values
            # get N
            N = float(df.shape[0])
            # get RMSE
            RMSE = np.sqrt(((Y-X)**2).mean())
            # Plot up just the entire and testset data
            if split in ('Entire', 'Withheld'):
                ax.scatter(X, Y, color=color_d[split], s=3, facecolor='none')
            # add ODR line
            xvalues, Y_ODR = AC.get_linear_ODR(x=X, y=Y, xvalues=x_121,
                                               return_model=False, maxit=10000)

            myoutput = AC.get_linear_ODR(x=X, y=Y, xvalues=x_121,
                                         return_model=True, maxit=10000)
            # print out the parameters from the ODR
            if verbose:
                print(param, split, myoutput.beta)

            ax.plot(xvalues, Y_ODR, color=color_d[split])
            # Add RMSE ( and N value as alt text )
            alt_text_x = 0.01
            alt_text_y = 0.95-(0.05*nsplit)
#            alt_text = 'RMSE={:.1f} ({}, N={:.0f})'.format( RMSE, split, N )
            alt_text = 'RMSE={:.1f} ({})'.format(RMSE, split)
            ax.annotate(alt_text, xy=(alt_text_x, alt_text_y),
                        textcoords='axes fraction', fontsize=f_size,
        # Beautify the plot/figure
        ax.set_xlabel('Obs. {} ({})'.format(target_label, units))
        if (n_param == 0):
            ax.set_ylabel('Parameterised {} ({})'.format(target_label, units))
    # Adjust the subplots
    if context == "paper":
        top = 0.94
        bottom = 0.1
        left = 0.05
        right = 0.975
        wspace = 0.075
        top = 0.94
        bottom = 0.14
        left = 0.075
        right = 0.975
        wspace = 0.075
    fig.subplots_adjust(top=top, right=right, left=left, bottom=bottom,
    # Save the plot
    AC.plot2pdfmulti(pdff, savetitle, dpi=dpi)
    # Save entire pdf
    AC.plot2pdfmulti(pdff, savetitle, close=True, dpi=dpi)
    plt.savefig(savetitle, dpi=dpi)
    if show_plot:
Beispiel #31
def plot_up_surface_emissions(dsDH=None,
    Plot up emissions using HEMCO NetCDF files
    import as ccrs
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    # names of runs to plot up?
    if isinstance(wds, type(None)):
        wds = get_run_dict4EGU_runs()
    if isinstance(runs, type(None)):
        runs = list(wds.keys())

    # - Add aggregated values to ds
    OrgVars = [
    InOrgVars = [
    vars2use = OrgVars + InOrgVars
    # Aggregate variables to use?
    TotalVar = 'I_Total'
    InOrgVar = 'Inorg_Total'
    OrgVar = 'Org_Total'
    # Setup the colourbar to use
    Divergent_cmap = plt.get_cmap('RdBu_r')
    cmap = AC.get_colormap(np.arange(10))
    # loop my run and add values
    for run in runs:
        # which dataset to use?
        ds = dsDH[run]
        # Add Inorg and org subtotals to array
        ds = add_Inorg_and_Org_totals2array(ds=ds)
        # Calculate totals
        # template off the first species
        ds[TotalVar] = dsDH[run][vars2use[0]].copy()
        # Sum values to this
        arr = ds[TotalVar].values
        for var_ in vars2use[1:]:
            arr = arr + dsDH[run][var_].values
        ds[TotalVar].values = arr
        attrs = ds[TotalVar].attrs
        attrs['long_name'] = TotalVar
        ds[TotalVar].attrs = attrs

    # Setup PDF to save plot to
    savetitle = 'Oi_prj_emissions_diff_plots_EGU_runs'
    dpi = 320
    pdff = AC.plot2pdfmulti(title=savetitle, open=True, dpi=dpi)

    # - Plot up emissions spatial distribution of total emissions
    for run in runs:
        # dataset to plot
        ds = dsDH[run][[TotalVar]]
        # use annual sum of emissions
        ds = ds.sum(dim='time')
        # - Loop and plot species
        fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))
        ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection=ccrs.PlateCarree(), aspect='auto')
        # Add a title to the plot to the plot
        PtrStr = "Total iodine emissions (Gg I) in '{}'"
        PtrStr += "\n(max={:.1f}, min={:.1f}, sum={:.1f})"
        sum_ = float(ds[TotalVar].sum().values)
        max_ = float(ds[TotalVar].max().values)
        min_ = float(ds[TotalVar].min().values)
        plt.title(PtrStr.format(run, max_, min_, sum_))
        # Beautify the plot
        # Save to PDF and close plot
        AC.plot2pdfmulti(pdff, savetitle, dpi=dpi)
        if show_plot:

    # - Plot up emissions spatial distribution of inorg emissions
    runs2plot = [i for i in runs if (i != 'No_HOI_I2')]
    for run in runs2plot:
        # dataset to plot
        ds = dsDH[run][[InOrgVar]]
        # use annual sum of emissions
        ds = ds.sum(dim='time')
        # - Loop and plot species
        fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))
        ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection=ccrs.PlateCarree(), aspect='auto')
        # Add a title to the plot
        PtrStr = "Total Inorganic iodine emissions (Gg I) in '{}'"
        PtrStr += "\n(max={:.1f}, min={:.1f}, sum={:.1f})"
        sum_ = float(ds[InOrgVar].sum().values)
        max_ = float(ds[InOrgVar].max().values)
        min_ = float(ds[InOrgVar].min().values)
        plt.title(PtrStr.format(run, max_, min_, sum_))
        # Beautify the plot
        # Save to PDF and close plot
        AC.plot2pdfmulti(pdff, savetitle, dpi=dpi)
        if show_plot:

    # - Plot up emissions spatial distribution inorg emissions (% of total)
    runs2plot = [i for i in runs if (i != 'No_HOI_I2')]
    for run in runs2plot:
        # dataset to plot
        ds = dsDH[run][[InOrgVar, TotalVar]]
        # use annual sum of emissions
        ds = ds.sum(dim='time')
        # Calculate the difference (perecent)
        DIFFvar = 'Inorg/Total'
        ds[DIFFvar] = ds[InOrgVar].copy()
        ds[DIFFvar].values = ds[InOrgVar].values / ds[TotalVar].values * 100
        # Loop and plot species
        fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))
        ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection=ccrs.PlateCarree(), aspect='auto')
        # Add a title to the plot
        PtrStr = "Total Inorganic iodine emissions (% of total) in '{}' \n"
        PtrStr += '(max={:.1f}, min={:.1f})'
        max_ = float(ds[DIFFvar].max().values)
        min_ = float(ds[DIFFvar].min().values)
        plt.title(PtrStr.format(run, max_, min_))
        # Beautify the plot
        # Save to PDF and close plot
        AC.plot2pdfmulti(pdff, savetitle, dpi=dpi)
        if show_plot:

    # -  plot up emissions as a % of REF (Chance2014)
    REF = 'Chance2014'
    #    runs2plot = [i for i in runs if (i != REF)]
    #    runs2plot = [i for i in runs if (i != 'No_HOI_I2')]
    runs2plot = ['ML_Iodide']
    for run in runs2plot:
        # dataset to plot (use annual sum of emissions)
        ds = dsDH[run][[InOrgVar]].sum(dim='time')
        dsREF = dsDH[REF][[InOrgVar]].sum(dim='time')
        DIFFvar = 'Inorg/Inorg({})'.format(REF)
        ds[DIFFvar] = ds[InOrgVar].copy()
        ds[DIFFvar].values = ds[InOrgVar].values / dsREF[InOrgVar].values * 100
        # - Loop and plot species
        fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))
        ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection=ccrs.PlateCarree(), aspect='auto')
            #                               vmin=1, vmax=5,

        # Add a title to the plot
        PtrStr = "Total Inorganic iodine emissions in '{}'\n as % of {}"
        PtrStr += '(max={:.1f}, min={:.1f})'
        max_ = float(ds[DIFFvar].max().values)
        min_ = float(ds[DIFFvar].min().values)
        plt.title(PtrStr.format(run, REF, max_, min_))
        # Beautify the plot
        # Save to PDF and close plot
        AC.plot2pdfmulti(pdff, savetitle, dpi=dpi)
        if show_plot:

    # -  plot up emissions as a % of REF (Macdonald2014)
    REF = 'Macdonald2014'
    #    runs2plot = [i for i in runs if (i != REF)]
    #    runs2plot = [i for i in runs if (i != 'No_HOI_I2')]
    runs2plot = ['ML_Iodide']
    for run in runs2plot:
        # dataset to plot (use annual sum of emissions)
        ds = dsDH[run][[InOrgVar]].sum(dim='time')
        dsREF = dsDH[REF][[InOrgVar]].sum(dim='time')
        DIFFvar = 'Inorg/Inorg({})'.format(REF)
        ds[DIFFvar] = ds[InOrgVar].copy()
        ds[DIFFvar].values = ds[InOrgVar].values / dsREF[InOrgVar].values * 100
        # - Loop and plot species
        fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))
        ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection=ccrs.PlateCarree(), aspect='auto')

        # Add a title to the plot
        PtrStr = "Total Inorganic iodine emissions in '{}'\n as % of {}"
        PtrStr += '(max={:.1f}, min={:.1f})'
        max_ = float(ds[DIFFvar].max().values)
        min_ = float(ds[DIFFvar].min().values)
        plt.title(PtrStr.format(run, REF, max_, min_))
        # Beautify the plot
        # Save to PDF and close plot
        AC.plot2pdfmulti(pdff, savetitle, dpi=dpi)
        if show_plot:

    # -  plot up emissions as a % of REF (Chance2014)
    REF = 'Chance2014'
    #    runs2plot = [i for i in runs if (i != REF)]
    #    runs2plot = [i for i in runs if (i != 'No_HOI_I2')]
    runs2plot = ['ML_Iodide']
    for run in runs2plot:
        # dataset to plot (use annual sum of emissions)
        ds = dsDH[run][[InOrgVar]].sum(dim='time')
        dsREF = dsDH[REF][[InOrgVar]].sum(dim='time')
        DIFFvar = 'Inorg/Inorg({})'.format(REF)
        ds[DIFFvar] = ds[InOrgVar].copy()
        ds[DIFFvar].values = ds[InOrgVar].values - dsREF[InOrgVar].values
        ds[DIFFvar].values = ds[DIFFvar].values / dsREF[InOrgVar].values * 100
        # - Loop and plot species
        fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))
        ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection=ccrs.PlateCarree(), aspect='auto')
            #                               vmin=1, vmax=5,
            #                                       cmap=cmap,

        # Add a title to the plot
        PtrStr = "Total Inorganic iodine emissions in '{}'\n as % of {}"
        PtrStr += '(max={:.1f}, min={:.1f})'
        max_ = float(ds[DIFFvar].max().values)
        min_ = float(ds[DIFFvar].min().values)
        plt.title(PtrStr.format(run, REF, max_, min_))
        # Beautify the plot
        # Save to PDF and close plot
        AC.plot2pdfmulti(pdff, savetitle, dpi=dpi)
        if show_plot:

    # -  plot up emissions as a % of REF (Macdonald2014)
    REF = 'Macdonald2014'
    #    runs2plot = [i for i in runs if (i != REF)]
    #    runs2plot = [i for i in runs if (i != 'No_HOI_I2')]
    runs2plot = ['ML_Iodide']
    for run in runs2plot:
        # dataset to plot (use annual sum of emissions)
        ds = dsDH[run][[InOrgVar]].sum(dim='time')
        dsREF = dsDH[REF][[InOrgVar]].sum(dim='time')
        DIFFvar = 'Inorg/Inorg({})'.format(REF)
        ds[DIFFvar] = ds[InOrgVar].copy()
        ds[DIFFvar].values = ds[InOrgVar].values - dsREF[InOrgVar].values
        ds[DIFFvar].values = ds[DIFFvar].values / dsREF[InOrgVar].values * 100
        # - Loop and plot species
        fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))
        ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection=ccrs.PlateCarree(), aspect='auto')

        # Add a title to the plot
        PtrStr = "Total Inorganic iodine emissions in '{}'\n as % of {}"
        PtrStr += '(max={:.1f}, min={:.1f})'
        max_ = float(ds[DIFFvar].max().values)
        min_ = float(ds[DIFFvar].min().values)
        plt.title(PtrStr.format(run, REF, max_, min_))
        # Beautify the plot
        # Save to PDF and close plot
        AC.plot2pdfmulti(pdff, savetitle, dpi=dpi)
        if show_plot:

    # -- Save entire pdf
    AC.plot2pdfmulti(pdff, savetitle, close=True, dpi=dpi)
Beispiel #32
def plot_up_PDF_of_obs_and_predictions_WINDOW(show_plot=False, params=[],
                                              testset='Test set (strat. 20%)',
                                              target='Iodide', df=None,
                                              units='pM', xlim=None, dpi=320):
    Plot up CDF and PDF plots to explore point-vs-point data

    target (str): Name of the target variable (e.g. iodide)
    testset (str): Testset to use, e.g. stratified sampling over quartiles for 20%:80%
    dpi (int): resolution to use for saved image (dots per square inch)
    show_plot (bool): show the plot on screen
    df (pd.DataFrame): DataFrame of data
    units (str): units of the target in the dataframe
    xlim (tuple): limits for plotting x axis
    ylim (tuple): limits for plotting y axis

    import seaborn as sns
    sns.set_context("paper", font_scale=0.75)
    # Make sure a dataFrame has been provided
    assert type(df) == pd.DataFrame, "Please provide DataFrame ('df') with data"
    # Get a dictionary of different dataset splits
    dfs = {}
    # Entire dataset
    dfs['Entire'] = df.copy()
    # Testdataset
    dfs['All (withheld)'] = df.loc[df[testset] == True, :].copy()
    # Maintain ordering of plotting
    datasets = dfs.keys()
    # Setup color dictionary
    CB_color_cycle = AC.get_CB_color_cycle()
    color_d = dict(zip(params, CB_color_cycle))
    # set a name of file to save data to
    savetitle = 'Oi_prj_point_for_point_comparison_obs_vs_model_PDF_WINDOW'
    # - Plot up CDF and PDF plots for the dataset and residuals
    fig = plt.figure(dpi=dpi)
    nrows = len(datasets)
    ncols = 2
    for n_dataset, dataset in enumerate(datasets):
        # set Axis for abosulte PDF
        axn = np.arange(1, (nrows*ncols)+1)[::ncols][n_dataset]
        ax1 = fig.add_subplot(nrows, ncols, axn)
        # Get data
        df = dfs[dataset]
        # Drop NaNs
        df = df.dropna()
        # Numer of data points
        N_ = df.shape
        print(dataset, N_)
        # Only add an axis label on to the bottommost plots
        axlabel = None
        if n_dataset in np.arange(1, (nrows*ncols)+1)[::ncols]:
            axlabel = '[{}$_{}$] ({})'.format( target, '{aq}', units )
        # - Plot up PDF plots for the dataset
        # Plot observations
        var_ = 'Obs.'
        obs_arr = df[target].values
        ax = sns.distplot(obs_arr, axlabel=axlabel, label=var_,
                          color='k', ax=ax1)
        # Loop and plot model values
        for param in params:
            arr = df[param].values
            ax = sns.distplot(arr, axlabel=axlabel,
                              color=color_d[param], ax=ax1)
        # Force y axis extent to be correct
        # Force x axis to be constant
        # Beautify the plot/figure
        ylabel = 'Frequency \n ({})'
        # Add legend to first plot
        if (n_dataset == 0):
        # Plot up PDF plots for the residual dataset
        # set Axis for abosulte PDF
        axn = np.arange(1, (nrows*ncols)+1)[1::ncols][n_dataset]
        ax2 = fig.add_subplot(nrows, ncols, axn)
        # get observations
        obs_arr = df[target].values
        # Loop and plot model values
        for param in params:
            arr = df[param].values - obs_arr
            ax = sns.distplot(arr, axlabel=axlabel,
                              color=color_d[param], ax=ax2)
        # Force y axis extent to be correct
        # Force x axis to be constant
        ax2.set_xlim(-xlim[1],  xlim[1])
        # Add legend to first plot
        if (n_dataset == 0):
    # Save whole figure
Beispiel #33
def regrid_output_to_common_res_as_NetCDFs(topmodels=None, target='Iodide',
                                           rm_Skagerrak_data=False, dsA=None,
                                           just_1x1_grids=False, debug=False):
    Regrid output various common model resolutsion

    topmodels (list): List of models to include in re-gridded output
    rm_Skagerrak_data (bool): remove the single data from the Skagerrak region
    dsA (xr.Dataset): data to regrid and save to NetCDFs
    just_1x1_grids (bool): Just regridd to the 1x1 (for debugging)
    debug (bool): perform debugging and verbose printing?

    # Get file and location to regrid
    if rm_Skagerrak_data:
        ext_str = '_No_Skagerrak'
        ext_str = ''
    if isinstance(dsA, type(None)):
        file2regrid = 'Oi_prj_predicted_{}_0.125x0.125{}.nc'.format(
            target, ext_str)
        folder = utils.get_file_locations('data_root')
        dsA = xr.open_dataset(folder + file2regrid)
    # Add LWI to array
    except KeyError:
        dsA = add_LWI2array(dsA, res='0.125x0.125',
    # Which grids should be regridded to?
    grids = reses2regrid2(just_1x1_grids=just_1x1_grids)
    vars2regrid = list(dsA.data_vars)
    # Remove any models?
    if not isinstance(topmodels, type(None)):
        # remove the RFRs that are not in the topmodels list
        vars2pop = []
        for var2use in vars2regrid:
            if ('RFR' in var2use):
                if (var2use not in topmodels):
                    vars2pop += [vars2regrid.index(var2use)]
#                    vars2regrid.pop(vars2regrid.index(var2use))
                    if debug:
                        print('Deleting var:',  var2use,
        # Now remove using pop method
        [vars2regrid.pop(i) for i in sorted(vars2pop)[::-1]]

    # Regrid output
    for grid in grids.keys():
        # Create a dataset to re-grid into
        ds_out = xr.Dataset({
            # 'time': ( ['time'], dsA['time'] ),
            'lat': (['lat'], grids[grid]['lat']),
            'lon': (['lon'], grids[grid]['lon']),
        # Create a regidder (to be reused )
        regridder = xe.Regridder(dsA, ds_out, 'bilinear', reuse_weights=True)
        # Loop and regrid variables
        ds_l = []
        for var2use in vars2regrid:
            # Create a dataset to re-grid into
            ds_out = xr.Dataset({
                #				'time': ( ['time'], dsA['time'] ),
                'lat': (['lat'], grids[grid]['lat']),
                'lon': (['lon'], grids[grid]['lon']),
            # Get a DataArray
            dr = dsA[var2use]
            # Build regridder
            dr_out = regridder(dr)
            # Important note: Extra dimensions must be on the left, i.e. (time, lev, lat, lon) is correct but (lat, lon, time, lev) would not work. Most data sets should have (lat, lon) on the right (being the fastest changing dimension in the memory). If not, use DataArray.transpose or numpy.transpose to preprocess the data.
            # Exactly the same as input?
            xr.testing.assert_identical(dr_out['time'], dsA['time'])
            # Save variable
            ds_l += [dr_out]
        # Combine variables
        ds = xr.Dataset()
        for n, var2use in enumerate(vars2regrid):
            ds[var2use] = ds_l[n]
            # Add atributes
            Vars2NotRename = 'LWI', 'LonghurstProvince'
            if var2use not in Vars2NotRename:
                ds = add_attrs2target_ds(ds, add_global_attrs=False,
                # Update attributes too
                attrs = ds['LWI'].attrs.copy()
                attrs['long_name'] = 'Land/Water/Ice index'
                attrs['Detail'] = 'A Land-Water-Ice mask. It is 1 over continental areas, 0 over open ocean, and 2 over seaice covered ocean.'
                ds['LWI'].attrs = attrs
        # Clean up
        # Make sure the file has appropriate attributes
        ds = add_attrs2target_ds(ds, add_varname_attrs=False)
        # Time values
        ds = update_time_in_NetCDF2save(ds)
        # Save the file
        filename = 'Oi_prj_output_{}_field_{}'.format(target, grid)
        filename = AC.rm_spaces_and_chars_from_str(filename)
Beispiel #34
def calc_fam_loss_by_route(wd=None,
    Build an Ox budget table like table 4 in Sherwen et al 2016b

    fam (str): tagged family to track (already compiled in KPP mechanism)
    ref_spec (str): reference species to normalise to
    wd (str): working directory ("wd") of model output
    CODE_wd (str): root of code directory containing the tagged KPP mechanism
    rm_strat (bool): (fractionally) replace values in statosphere with zeros
    Ox_loss_dict (dict), dictionary of Ox loss variables/data (from get_Ox_loss_dicts)
    Mechanism (str): name of the KPP mechanism (and folder) of model output
    weight_by_molecs (bool): weight grid boxes by number of molecules
    full_vertical_grid (bool): use the full vertical grid for analysis
    debug, verbose (bool): switches to turn on/set verbosity of output to screen


     - AC_tools includes equivlent functions for smvgear mechanisms
    # - Local variables/ Plot extraction / Settings
    if isinstance(Ox_loss_dict, type(None)):
        Ox_loss_dict = AC.get_Ox_loss_dicts(
    # Extract variables from data/variable dictionary
    fam_dict = Ox_loss_dict['fam_dict']
    ars = Ox_loss_dict['ars']
    RR_dict_fam_stioch = Ox_loss_dict['RR_dict_fam_stioch']
    RR_dict = Ox_loss_dict['RR_dict']
    tags2_rxn_num = Ox_loss_dict['tags2_rxn_num']
    tags = Ox_loss_dict['tags']
    tags_dict = Ox_loss_dict['tags_dict']
    halogen_fams = Ox_loss_dict['halogen_fams']
    # --- Do analysis on model output
    # Sum the total mass fluxes for each reaction
    ars = [i.sum() for i in ars]
    # Sum all the Ox loss routes
    total = np.array(ars).sum()
    # Create a dictionary of values of interest
    dict_ = {
        'Total flux': [i.sum(axis=0) for i in ars],
        'Total of flux (%)': [i.sum(axis=0) / total * 100 for i in ars],
        'Family': [fam_dict[i] for i in tags],
        'rxn #': [tags2_rxn_num[i] for i in tags],
        'rxn str': [RR_dict[tags2_rxn_num[i]] for i in tags],
        'stoich': [RR_dict_fam_stioch[tags2_rxn_num[i]] for i in tags],
        'tags': tags,
    # Create pandas dataframe
    df = pd.DataFrame(dict_)
    # Sort the data and have a look...
    df = df.sort_values('Total flux', ascending=False)
    if debug:
    # Sort values again and save...
    df = df.sort_values(['Family', 'Total flux'], ascending=False)
    if debug:
    # Now select the most important routes
    grp = df[['Family', 'Total flux']].groupby('Family')
    total = grp.sum().sum()
    # Print the contribution by family to screen
    print((grp.sum() / total * 100))
    # Print the contribution of all the halogen routes
    hal_LOx = (grp.sum().T[halogen_fams].sum().sum() / total * 100).values[0]
    if verbose:
        print(('Total contribution of halogens is: {:.2f} %'.format(hal_LOx)))
    # Add Halogen total and general total to DataFrame
    dfFam = grp.sum().T
    dfFam['Total'] = dfFam.sum().sum()
    dfFam['Halogens'] = dfFam[halogen_fams].sum().sum()
    # Update units to Tg O3
    dfFam = dfFam.T / 1E12
    # return dictionaries of LOx by reaction or by family (in Tg O3)
    if rtn_by_rxn:
        return df / 1E12
    if rtn_by_fam:
        return dfFam
Beispiel #35
def mk_NetCDF_from_productivity_data():
    Convert productivity .csv file (Behrenfeld and Falkowski, 1997) into a NetCDF file
    # Location of data (update to use public facing host)
    folder = utils.get_file_locations('data_root') + '/Productivity/'
    # Which file to use?
    filename = 'productivity_behrenfeld_and_falkowski_1997_extrapolated.csv'
    # Setup coordinates
    lon = np.arange(-180, 180, 1/6.)
    lat = np.arange(-90, 90, 1/6.)
    lat = np.append(lat, [90])
    # Setup time
    varname = 'vgpm'
    months = np.arange(1, 13)
    # Extract data
    df = pd.read_csv(folder+filename, header=None)
    # Extract data by month
    da_l = []
    for n in range(12):
        # Assume the data is in blocks by longitude?
        arr = df.values[:, n*1081: (n+1)*1081].T[None, ...]
        da_l += [xr.Dataset(
            data_vars={varname: (['time', 'lat', 'lon', ], arr)},
            coords={'lat': lat, 'lon': lon, 'time': [n]})]
    # Concatenate to data xr.Dataset
    ds = xr.concat(da_l, dim='time')
    # Update time ...
    sdate = datetime.datetime(1985, 1, 1)  # Climate model tiem
    ds['time'] = [AC.add_months(sdate, i-1) for i in months]
    # Update to hours since X
    hours = [(AC.dt64_2_dt([i])[0] - sdate).days *
             24. for i in ds['time'].values]
    ds['time'] = hours
    # Add units
    attrs_dict = {'units': 'hours since 1985-01-01 00:00:00'}
    ds['time'].attrs = attrs_dict
    # Add attributes for variable
    attrs_dict = {
        'long_name': "net primary production",
        'units': "mg C / m**2 / day",
    ds[varname].attrs = attrs_dict
    # For latitude...
    attrs_dict = {
        'long_name': "latitude",
        'units': "degrees_north",
        "standard_name": "latitude",
        "axis": "Y",
    ds['lat'].attrs = attrs_dict
    # And longitude...
    attrs_dict = {
        'long_name': "longitude",
        'units': "degrees_east",
        "standard_name": "longitude",
        "axis": "X",
    ds['lon'].attrs = attrs_dict
    # Add extra global attributes
    global_attribute_dictionary = {
        'Title': 'Sea-surface productivity (Behrenfeld and Falkowski, 1997)',
        'Author': 'Tomas Sherwen ([email protected])',
        'Notes': "Data extracted from OCRA and extrapolated to poles by Martin Wadley. NetCDF contructed using xarray ( by Tomas Sherwen. \n NOTES from oringal site ( from 'based on the standard vgpm algorithm. npp is based on the standard vgpm, using modis chl, sst4, and par as input; clouds have been filled in the input data using our own gap-filling software. For citation, please reference the original vgpm paper by Behrenfeld and Falkowski, 1997a as well as the Ocean Productivity site for the data.' ",
        'History': 'Last Modified on:' + strftime("%B %d %Y", gmtime()),
        'Conventions': "COARDS",
    ds.attrs = global_attribute_dictionary
    # Save to NetCDF
    filename = ''
    ds.to_netcdf(filename, unlimited_dims={'time': True})
import AC_tools as AC

# Download the example data if it is not already downloaded.
from AC_tools.Scripts import get_data_files

# Specify the working directory
wd = "../data"

# Get the GeosChem species data from the wd
my_data = AC.get_GC_output(wd, species='O3')

# Get a 2d slice from the 3d array
my_data = my_data[:, :, 0, 0]

# Turn from part per part to part per billion
my_data = my_data * 1E9

# Create the plot

# Save the plot and show it.
# Years output is required for?
start_year, end_year = 2014,2016
# debug?
debug = False
# output all reactions?
all_REAs = False
# Which (halogen) code version is being used?
#ver = '1.6' # Iodine simulation in v9-2
#ver = '2.0' # Iodine + Bromine simulation
ver = '3.0' # Cl-Br-I simulation 
# add extra spacing? (needed for large amounts of output, like nested grids)
Extra_spacings =False

# --- Read in site Detail
numbers, lats, lons, pres, locs = AC.readin_gaw_sites( pf_loc_dat_file )
# make sure the format is numpt float 64
lats, lons, pres = [ np.float64(i) for i in lats, lons, pres ]
print lats[0:4]

# --- Set Variables
slist = AC.pf_var('slist', ver=ver )#_REAs_all')

# extra scpaes need for runs with many points
if Extra_spacings:
    pstr = '{:>6}  {:<4} {:0>2}-{:0>2}-{:0>4} {:0>2}:{:0>2}  {:>6,.2f} {:>7,.2f} {:>7.2f}'
    endstr = '999999   END  0- 0-   0  0: 0    0.00    0.00    0.00'
    pstr = '{:>5}  {:<3} {:0>2}-{:0>2}-{:0>4} {:0>2}:{:0>2}  {:>6,.2f} {:>7,.2f} {:>7.2f}'
    endstr ='99999   END  0- 0-   0  0: 0    0.00    0.00    0.00 '