row.NNPVALUE = NNOutput.getOutput(2)
        row.SAINDEX = SAOutput.getOutput(0)
        row.SAZSCORE = SAOutput.getOutput(1)
        row.SAPVALUE = SAOutput.getOutput(2)
        row.LOG_TRANSFORM = ""
        row.INTERP_LAYER_NAME = ""
        row.INTERP_TYPE = ""
    del row
    del rows
    # Process: Make feature layer
    arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(COCFiltered, COCFilteredLyr, "", "", "")

    # Set ouptut geoprocessing history
    ARD_HEA_Tools.set_process_history (currDir, COCFiltered, history)

except unprojected:
    arcpy.AddError("\n*** ERROR ***\nCannot import COC sample data with an unprojected coordinate system.\n")
    print "\n*** ERROR ***\nCannot import COC sample data with an with an unprojected coordinate system.\n"

except arcpy.ExecuteError:
    # Get the tool error messages
    msgs = arcpy.GetMessage(0)
    msgs += arcpy.GetMessages(2)

    # Return tool error messages for use with a script tool

    # Print tool error messages for use in Python/PythonWin
    print msgs
            xmltxt = row.COC_XML
            if xmltxt is not None:
                row.COC_XML = xmltxt + history
                row.COC_XML = history
        arcpy.AddMessage("\n***WARNING***\nError updating metadata record")
    del row
    del rows

    # Process: Make feature layer
    arcpy.MakeRasterLayer_management(UNFRaster, UNFLayer, "", "", "")

    # Set ouptut geoprocessing history
    ARD_HEA_Tools.set_process_history(currDir, UNFRaster, history)

    # Process: Compact database
except arcpy.ExecuteError:
    # Get the geoprocessing error messages
    msgs = arcpy.GetMessage(0)
    msgs += arcpy.GetMessages(2)

    # Return gp error messages for use with a script tool

    # Print gp error messages for use in Python/PythonWin
    print msgs