def __init__(self, parent=None): ASGNode.__init__(self) ATOM3Type.__init__(self) self.graphClass_ = graph_Hyperedge self.parent = parent self.trigger = ATOM3String('') self.guard = ATOM3String('1') self.action = ATOM3Text('', 60, 15) self.broadcast = ATOM3Text( '# return an instance of DEVSevent or None\nreturn None\n', 60, 15) self.broadcast_to = ATOM3String('') = ATOM3String('') self.display = ATOM3String('') self.generatedAttributes = { 'trigger': ('ATOM3String', ), 'guard': ('ATOM3String', ), 'action': ('ATOM3Text', ), 'broadcast': ('ATOM3Text', ), 'broadcast_to': ('ATOM3String', ), 'name': ('ATOM3String', ), 'display': ('ATOM3String', ) } self.realOrder = [ 'trigger', 'guard', 'action', 'broadcast', 'broadcast_to', 'name', 'display' ] self.directEditing = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
def show_destroy_setValue_ValidTest_0(self): """Tries setValue of [ATOM3String('1'), ATOM3String('2')] (with show and destroy)""" ov = [ATOM3String('1'), ATOM3String('2')] self.atc.setValue(ov) self.atc.destroy() assert self.atc.getValue() == ov
def setValue_show_deleteItem_InValidTest_0(self): """Tries setValue of [ATOM3String('1'), ATOM3String('2')] (with show) and then tries to delete a non-existent element""" ov = [ATOM3String('1'), ATOM3String('2')] # Prepare intial value self.atc.setValue(ov) self.assertRaises(ATOM3ElementOutOfRange, self.atc.deleteItem, 2) # delete 3nd item -> Error !
def __init__(self, parent=None): ASGNode.__init__(self) ATOM3Type.__init__(self) self.graphClass_ = graph_Hyperedge self.isGraphObjectVisual = True if (hasattr(self, '_setHierarchicalLink')): self._setHierarchicalLink(False) if (hasattr(self, '_setHierarchicalNode')): self._setHierarchicalNode(False) self.parent = parent self.trigger = ATOM3String('') self.guard = ATOM3String('1') self.action = ATOM3Text('', 60, 15) self.broadcast = ATOM3Text( '# return an instance of DEVSevent or None\nreturn None\n', 60, 15) self.broadcast_to = ATOM3String('') = ATOM3String('') self.display = ATOM3String('') self.generatedAttributes = { 'trigger': ('ATOM3String', ), 'guard': ('ATOM3String', ), 'action': ('ATOM3Text', ), 'broadcast': ('ATOM3Text', ), 'broadcast_to': ('ATOM3String', ), 'name': ('ATOM3String', ), 'display': ('ATOM3String', ) } self.realOrder = [ 'trigger', 'guard', 'action', 'broadcast', 'broadcast_to', 'name', 'display' ] self.directEditing = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
def __init__(self, parent=None): ASGNode.__init__(self) ATOM3Type.__init__(self) self.graphClass_ = graph_FSB_Toolbar self.isGraphObjectVisual = True if (hasattr(self, '_setHierarchicalLink')): self._setHierarchicalLink(False) if (hasattr(self, '_setHierarchicalNode')): self._setHierarchicalNode(True) self.parent = parent self.FormalismName = ATOM3String('', 20) self.enableLayout = ATOM3Boolean() self.enableLayout.setValue((None, 0)) self.enableLayout.config = 0 self.layoutAnchorX = ATOM3Integer(0) self.layoutAnchorY = ATOM3Integer(0) self.layoutDirection = ATOM3String('E', 20) self.layoutPadding = ATOM3Integer(10) self.generatedAttributes = { 'FormalismName': ('ATOM3String', ), 'enableLayout': ('ATOM3Boolean', ), 'layoutAnchorX': ('ATOM3Integer', ), 'layoutAnchorY': ('ATOM3Integer', ), 'layoutDirection': ('ATOM3String', ), 'layoutPadding': ('ATOM3Integer', ) } self.realOrder = [ 'FormalismName', 'enableLayout', 'layoutAnchorX', 'layoutAnchorY', 'layoutDirection', 'layoutPadding' ] self.directEditing = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
def createComponents(self): if not self.width: self.width = ATOM3Integer(0) if not self.fill: self.fill = ATOM3String('') # This block's been added (by Hand) 17-10-2002 if not self.stipple: self.stipple = ATOM3String('') if not self.arrow: self.arrow = ATOM3Boolean() self.arrow.setValue((' ', 0)) self.arrow.config = 0 if not self.arrowShape1: self.arrowShape1 = ATOM3Integer(0) if not self.arrowShape2: self.arrowShape2 = ATOM3Integer(0) if not self.arrowShape3: self.arrowShape3 = ATOM3Integer(0) # END BLOCK. This block's been added (by Hand) 17-10-2002 if not self.decoration: self.decoration = ATOM3Appearance() self.decoration.setValue(('class0', self)) if not self.decoration_Position: self.decoration_Position = ATOM3Enum( ['Up', 'Down', 'Middle', 'No decoration'], 3)
def __init__(self, parent = None): ASGNode.__init__(self) ATOM3Type.__init__(self) self.graphClass_ = graph_visual_settings self.parent = parent self.contains_links_visible=ATOM3Boolean() self.contains_links_visible.setValue((None, 0)) self.contains_links_visible.config = 0 self.Composite_default_height=ATOM3Float(50.0) self.Composite_default_width=ATOM3Float(50.0) self.contains_color=ATOM3String('pink') self.orthogonality_links_visible=ATOM3Boolean() self.orthogonality_links_visible.setValue((None, 0)) self.orthogonality_links_visible.config = 0 self.orthogonality_color=ATOM3String('lightblue') self.Hyperedge_links_visible=ATOM3Boolean() self.Hyperedge_links_visible.setValue((None, 1)) self.Hyperedge_links_visible.config = 0 self.Hyperedge_color=ATOM3String('darkblue') self.Composite_color=ATOM3String('darkblue') self.Orthogonal_color=ATOM3String('darkgray') self.generatedAttributes = {'contains_links_visible': ('ATOM3Boolean', ), 'Composite_default_height': ('ATOM3Float', ), 'Composite_default_width': ('ATOM3Float', ), 'contains_color': ('ATOM3String', ), 'orthogonality_links_visible': ('ATOM3Boolean', ), 'orthogonality_color': ('ATOM3String', ), 'Hyperedge_links_visible': ('ATOM3Boolean', ), 'Hyperedge_color': ('ATOM3String', ), 'Composite_color': ('ATOM3String', ), 'Orthogonal_color': ('ATOM3String', ) } self.realOrder = ['contains_links_visible','Composite_default_height','Composite_default_width','contains_color','orthogonality_links_visible','orthogonality_color','Hyperedge_links_visible','Hyperedge_color','Composite_color','Orthogonal_color'] self.directEditing = [1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1]
def setValue_show_toString_ValidTest_0(self): """Tries setValue of [ATOM3String('1'), ATOM3String('2')] (with show) and then call toString""" ov = [ATOM3String('1'), ATOM3String('2')] # Prepare intial value self.atc.setValue(ov) res = self.atc.toString() assert type(res) == StringType
def setValue_show_deleteItem_ValidTest_0(self): """Tries setValue of [ATOM3String('1'), ATOM3String('2')] (with show) and then deletes the 2nd element""" ov = [ATOM3String('1'), ATOM3String('2')] # Prepare intial value self.atc.setValue(ov) self.atc.deleteItem(1) # delete 2nd item del ov[1] assert self.atc.getValue() == ov
def __init__(self, fileTypes=[("Python files", "*.py")], mode=OPENFILE): "The constructor for ATOM3Files" ATOM3Type.__init__(self) self.fileName = ATOM3String('') self.Directory = ATOM3String('') self.fileTypes = fileTypes # store the file types self.modeOpen = mode # store the mode self._isNone = 1 # by default it is none
def setValue_newItem_ValidTest_0(self): """Tries setValue of [ATOM3String('1'), ATOM3String('2')] and then adds a new item ATOM3String('3')""" ov = [ATOM3String('1'), ATOM3String('2')] # Prepare intial value self.atc.setValue(ov) nv = ATOM3String('3') # Prepare new item... self.atc.newItem(nv) ov.append(nv) # This is what we expect!! assert self.atc.getValue() == ov
def __init__(self, parent= None, ASGroot = None): ASG.__init__(self, 'CD_ClassDiagramsV3', ASGroot, ['ASG_CD_ClassDiagramsV3' ,'CD_Class3' ,'CD_Association3' ,'CD_Inheritance3']) ATOM3Type.__init__(self) self.parent = parent'') self.keyword_='Annonymous') self.description=ATOM3Text('\n', 60,15 ) self.attributes=ATOM3List([ 1, 1, 1, 0],ATOM3Attribute,parent.types ) lcobj0=[] cobj0=ATOM3Attribute(parent.types) cobj0.setValue(('name', 'String', None, ('Key', 1), ('Direct Editing', 1))) cobj0.initialValue=ATOM3String('') cobj0.isDerivedAttribute = False lcobj0.append(cobj0) cobj0=ATOM3Attribute(parent.types) cobj0.setValue(('author', 'String', None, ('Key', 0), ('Direct Editing', 1))) cobj0.initialValue=ATOM3String('Annonymous') cobj0.isDerivedAttribute = False lcobj0.append(cobj0) cobj0=ATOM3Attribute(parent.types) cobj0.setValue(('description', 'Text', None, ('Key', 0), ('Direct Editing', 1))) cobj0.initialValue=ATOM3Text('\n', 60,15 ) cobj0.isDerivedAttribute = False lcobj0.append(cobj0) self.attributes.setValue(lcobj0) self.constraints=ATOM3List([ 1, 1, 1, 0],ATOM3Constraint) lcobj0=[] self.constraints.setValue(lcobj0) self.showAssociationBox=ATOM3Boolean() self.showAssociationBox.setValue((None, 1)) self.showAssociationBox.config = 0 self.showAttributes=ATOM3Boolean() self.showAttributes.setValue((None, 1)) self.showAttributes.config = 0 self.showConditions=ATOM3Boolean() self.showConditions.setValue((None, 1)) self.showConditions.config = 0 self.showActions=ATOM3Boolean() self.showActions.setValue((None, 1)) self.showActions.config = 0 self.showCardinalities=ATOM3Boolean() self.showCardinalities.setValue((None, 1)) self.showCardinalities.config = 0 self.generatedAttributes = {'name': ('ATOM3String', ), 'author': ('ATOM3String', ), 'description': ('ATOM3Text', ), 'attributes': ('ATOM3List', 'ATOM3Attribute'), 'constraints': ('ATOM3List', 'ATOM3Constraint'), 'showAssociationBox': ('ATOM3Boolean', ), 'showAttributes': ('ATOM3Boolean', ), 'showConditions': ('ATOM3Boolean', ), 'showActions': ('ATOM3Boolean', ), 'showCardinalities': ('ATOM3Boolean', ) } self.realOrder = ['name','author','description','attributes','constraints','showAssociationBox','showAttributes','showConditions','showActions','showCardinalities'] self.directEditing = [1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1]
def setValue(self, value): """sets the value, value can be a tuple (name, language->integer, kind->(none or enum), actions->none or ([s1, s2, ...], number) code) or a string or None""" if type(value) == NoneType: # INPUT = None. Valid (to set to None the object) self.setNone() return elif type(value) == StringType: # INPUT = String. Valid (constraint name) if not self.constName: self.constName = ATOM3String(value) # constraint name else: self.constName.setValue(value) return elif type(value) == TupleType and len(value) == 5: # Tuple Type of size 5 name, language, kind, actions, code = value else: raise ATOM3BadAssignmentValue, "ATOM3Constraint: Bad type in setValue()" if not self.constName: self.constName = ATOM3String(name) # constraint name else: self.constName.setValue(name) if type(language) == TupleType: # May be is a tuple ([languages...], selected) self.language.setValue(language) # the pass it to self.language elif type(language) == IntType: # otherwise it is the selected language self.language.setValue((None, language)) else: raise ATOM3BadAssignmentValue, "ATOM3Constraint: Bad type in setValue() (2nd argument in tuple)" if kind: # if it is present is a tuple ([types...], selectedType) if type(kind) == TupleType and len(kind) == 2: if not self.kind: self.kind = ATOM3Enum(kind[0], kind[1]) else: try: self.kind.setValue((None,kind[1])) # set kind of constraint if specified except ATOM3BadAssignmentValue: raise ATOM3BadAssignmentValue, "ATOM3Constraint: Bad type in setValue(), "+ str(kind) elif type(kind) != NoneType: raise ATOM3BadAssignmentValue, "ATOM3Constraint: Bad type in setValue() (3rd argument in tuple)" if actions: if type(actions) == TupleType and len(actions) == 2: if not self.actions: self.actions = ATOM3MSEnum(actions[0], actions[1], 0, ATOM3MSEnum.LISTBOX) else: self.actions.setValue((None,actions[1])) # set action where it must be evaluated, if specified else: raise ATOM3BadAssignmentValue, "ATOM3Constraint: Bad type in setValue() (4th argument in tuple)" if type(code) == StringType or type(code) == NoneType: self.constCode = code if self.constCode and self.constCodeWidget: self.constCodeWidget.insert(1.0, self.constCode) else: raise ATOM3BadAssignmentValue, "ATOM3Constraint: Bad type in setValue() (5th argument in tuple)"
def fillTypesInformation(self): objs = [] obj = ATOM3TypeInfo() params = [] obj.setValue(("String", "ATOM3String", params)) objs.append(obj) obj = ATOM3TypeInfo() params = [] obj.setValue(("Integer", "ATOM3Integer", params)) objs.append(obj) obj = ATOM3TypeInfo() params = [] obj.setValue(("Float", "ATOM3Float", params)) objs.append(obj) obj = ATOM3TypeInfo() params = [] param = ATOM3String("self.types") params.append(param) obj.setValue(("Attribute", "ATOM3Attribute", params)) objs.append(obj) obj = ATOM3TypeInfo() params = [] param = ATOM3String("[1,1,1,self.types]") params.append(param) param = ATOM3String("ATOM3Attribute") params.append(param) param = ATOM3String("self.types") params.append(param) obj.setValue(("List", "ATOM3List", params)) objs.append(obj) obj = ATOM3TypeInfo() params = [] param = ATOM3String("[]") params.append(param) param = ATOM3String("1") params.append(param) param = ATOM3String("1") params.append(param) obj.setValue(("Enum", "ATOM3Enum", params)) objs.append(obj) obj = ATOM3TypeInfo() params = [] obj.setValue(("Constraint", "ATOM3Constraint", params)) objs.append(obj) obj = ATOM3TypeInfo() params = [] param = ATOM3String("'class0'") params.append(param) param = ATOM3String("None") params.append(param) obj.setValue(("Appearance", "ATOM3Appearance", params)) objs.append(obj) obj = ATOM3TypeInfo() params = [] obj.setValue(("BottomType", "ATOM3BottomType", params)) objs.append(obj) self.typeList.setValue(objs)
def __init__(self, parent=None, ASGroot=None): ASG.__init__(self, 'Buttons', ASGroot, ['ASG_Buttons', 'ButtonConfig']) ATOM3Type.__init__(self) self.parent = parent self.Formalism_Name = ATOM3String('') self.RowSize = ATOM3Integer(0) self.Formalism_File = ATOM3String('') self.generatedAttributes = { 'Formalism_Name': ('ATOM3String', ), 'RowSize': ('ATOM3Integer', ), 'Formalism_File': ('ATOM3String', ) }
def __init__(self, ATOM3instance ): ATOM3Type.__init__(self) self.ATOM3i = ATOM3instance self.Name= ATOM3String() self.Name.setValue('Type id') self.className= ATOM3String() self.className.setValue("Name of the type's class") self.Parameters= ATOM3List([1,1,1,0], ATOM3String ) self.typeModel = ASG_TypesMetaModel(ATOM3instance) self.mayEditModel = ATOM3Boolean(None, 1) # flag to indicate that the type model can be edited self.generatedAttributes = {'Name': ('ATOM3String', ), 'className': ('ATOM3String', ), 'Parameters': ('ATOM3List', ) }
def __init__(self, parent = None): ASGNode.__init__(self) ATOM3Type.__init__(self) self.graphClass_ = graph_Connection self.parent = parent'Connection') self.keyword_= self.port=ATOM3String('') self.server_port=ATOM3String('') self.generatedAttributes = {'name': ('ATOM3String', ), 'port': ('ATOM3String', ), 'server_port': ('ATOM3String', ) } self.realOrder = ['name','port','server_port'] self.directEditing = [1,1,1]
def __init__(self, parent=None): ASGNode.__init__(self) ATOM3Type.__init__(self) self.graphClass_ = graph_ModelType self.parent = parent self.Name = ATOM3String('') self.keyword_ = self.Name self.MetaModelName = ATOM3String('') self.generatedAttributes = { 'Name': ('ATOM3String', ), 'MetaModelName': ('ATOM3String', ) } self.realOrder = ['Name', 'MetaModelName'] self.directEditing = [1, 1]
def __init__(self, parent= None, ASGroot = None): ASG.__init__(self, 'genericV2', ASGroot, ['ASG_genericV2' ,'genericEntityV2' ,'genericLinkV2']) ATOM3Type.__init__(self) self.parent = parent'') self.keyword_='Annonymous') self.description=ATOM3Text('\n', 60,15 ) self.generatedAttributes = {'name': ('ATOM3String', ), 'author': ('ATOM3String', ), 'description': ('ATOM3Text', ) } self.realOrder = ['name','author','description'] self.directEditing = [1,1,1]
def __init__(self, parent=None): ASGNode.__init__(self) ATOM3Type.__init__(self) self.graphClass_ = graph_Server self.parent = parent = ATOM3String('Server') self.keyword_ = self.name_pattern = ATOM3String('') self.generatedAttributes = { 'id': ('ATOM3String', ), 'name_pattern': ('ATOM3String', ) } self.realOrder = ['id', 'name_pattern'] self.directEditing = [1, 1]
def __init__(self, parent= None, ASGroot = None): ASG.__init__(self, 'FSB_Buttons', ASGroot, ['ASG_FSB_Buttons' ,'FSB_Toolbar' ,'FSB_Button' ,'FSB_Link' ,'FBS_BLink']) ATOM3Type.__init__(self) self.parent = parent'', 20) self.keyword_='Annonymous', 20) self.description=ATOM3Text('\n', 60,15 ) self.generatedAttributes = {'name': ('ATOM3String', ), 'author': ('ATOM3String', ), 'description': ('ATOM3Text', ) } self.realOrder = ['name','author','description'] self.directEditing = [1,1,1]
def __init__(self, parent=None): ASGNode.__init__(self) ATOM3Type.__init__(self) self.graphClass_ = graph_rectangle self.parent = parent self.fill = ATOM3String('') self.outline = ATOM3String('') self.stipple = ATOM3String('') self.width = ATOM3Integer(0) self.generatedAttributes = { 'fill': ('ATOM3String', ), 'outline': ('ATOM3String', ), 'stipple': ('ATOM3String', ), 'width': ('ATOM3Integer', ) }
def __init__(self, parent, name='relationship'): ASGNode.__init__(self) ATOM3Type.__init__(self) # Generated Attributes self.parent = parent = ATOM3String() # name attribute self.cardinality = ATOM3List([0, 1, 0, None], ATOM3Connection) # only editing allowed self.attributes = ATOM3List([1, 1, 1, None], ATOM3Attribute, parent.types) self.constraints = ATOM3List([1, 1, 1, None], ATOM3Constraint) self.appearance = ATOM3Link(, self) self.realOrder = [ 'name', 'cardinality', 'attributes', 'constraints', 'appearance' ] # Common Attributes self.graphClass_ = graph_ERrelationship self.keyword_ = self.generatedAttributes = { 'name': ('ATOM3String', ), 'cardinality': ('ATOM3List', 'ATOM3Connection'), 'attributes': ('ATOM3List', 'ATOM3Attribute'), 'constraints': ('ATOM3List', 'ATOM3Constraint'), 'appearance': ('ATOM3Link', ) }
def __init__(self, parent = None): ASGNode.__init__(self) ATOM3Type.__init__(self) self.graphClass_ = graph_Composite self.parent = parent'Composite') self.is_default=ATOM3Boolean() self.is_default.setValue((None, 0)) self.is_default.config = 0 self.visible=ATOM3Boolean() self.visible.setValue((None, 1)) self.visible.config = 0 self.auto_adjust=ATOM3Boolean() self.auto_adjust.setValue((None, 1)) self.auto_adjust.config = 0 self.enter_action=ATOM3Text('', 60,15 ) self.exit_action=ATOM3Text('', 60,15 ) self.generatedAttributes = {'name': ('ATOM3String', ), 'is_default': ('ATOM3Boolean', ), 'visible': ('ATOM3Boolean', ), 'auto_adjust': ('ATOM3Boolean', ), 'enter_action': ('ATOM3Text', ), 'exit_action': ('ATOM3Text', ) } self.realOrder = ['name','is_default','visible','auto_adjust','enter_action','exit_action'] self.directEditing = [1,1,1,1,1,1]
def __init__(self, parent=None, ASGroot=None): ASG.__init__(self, 'TTPNModel', ASGroot, [ 'ASG_TTPNModel', 'TTPN_Place', 'TTPN_Transition', 'TTPN_Place_Transition_Rel', 'TTPN_Transition_Place_Rel' ]) ATOM3Type.__init__(self) self.parent = parent = ATOM3String('') self.description = ATOM3String('') self.generatedAttributes = { 'author': ('ATOM3String', ), 'description': ('ATOM3String', ) } self.realOrder = ['author', 'description'] self.directEditing = [1, 1]
def __init__(self, parent=None, ASGroot=None): ASG.__init__(self, 'TypesMetaModel', ASGroot, [ 'ASG_TypesMetaModel', 'TypeName', 'LeafType', 'ModelType', 'Operator' ]) ATOM3Type.__init__(self) self.parent = parent self.Author = ATOM3String('') self.Comments = ATOM3String('') self.generatedAttributes = { 'Author': ('ATOM3String', ), 'Comments': ('ATOM3String', ) } self.realOrder = ['Author', 'Comments'] self.directEditing = [1, 0]
def show(self, parent, parentWindow=None): "Creates an entry to show the value", parent) # check if we are configuring the item... if self.config: if not self.configText: self.configText = ATOM3String() if self.dspText: self.configText.setValue(self.dspText) # modified 31/12/2001 self.containerFrame = Frame( parent ) # A frame to put the configuration widget (if it is the case) widget = self.containerFrame) # show the configuration widget widget.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=W) self.chkEntry = Checkbutton(self.containerFrame, variable=self.variable) self.chkEntry.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky=W) return self.containerFrame else: if self.dspText: self.chkEntry = Checkbutton(parent, text=self.dspText, variable=self.variable) else: self.chkEntry = Checkbutton(parent, variable=self.variable) return self.chkEntry
def __init__(self, parent=None): ASGNode.__init__(self) ATOM3Type.__init__(self) self.graphClass_ = graph_AtomClass self.parent = parent self.ClassName = ATOM3String('MyClass') self.keyword_ = self.ClassName self.ClassCardinality = ATOM3List([0, 1, 0, 0], ATOM3Connection) lcobj0 = [] self.ClassCardinality.setValue(lcobj0) self.ClassAttributes = ATOM3List([1, 1, 1, 0], ATOM3Attribute, parent.types) lcobj0 = [] self.ClassAttributes.setValue(lcobj0) self.ClassConstraints = ATOM3List([1, 1, 1, 0], ATOM3Constraint) lcobj0 = [] self.ClassConstraints.setValue(lcobj0) self.ClassAppearance = ATOM3Appearance() self.ClassAppearance.setValue((self.keyword_.toString(), self)) self.Abstract = ATOM3Boolean() self.Abstract.setValue((None, 0)) self.Abstract.config = 0 self.generatedAttributes = { 'ClassName': ('ATOM3String', ), 'ClassCardinality': ('ATOM3List', 'ATOM3Connection'), 'ClassAttributes': ('ATOM3List', 'ATOM3Attribute'), 'ClassConstraints': ('ATOM3List', 'ATOM3Constraint'), 'ClassAppearance': ('ATOM3Appearance', ), 'Abstract': ('ATOM3Boolean', ) } self.realOrder = [ 'ClassName', 'ClassCardinality', 'ClassAttributes', 'ClassConstraints', 'ClassAppearance', 'Abstract' ] self.directEditing = [1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1]
def __init__(self, parent=None): ASGNode.__init__(self) ATOM3Type.__init__(self) self.graphClass_ = graph_Port self.isGraphObjectVisual = True if (hasattr(self, '_setHierarchicalLink')): self._setHierarchicalLink(False) if (hasattr(self, '_setHierarchicalNode')): self._setHierarchicalNode(False) self.parent = parent = ATOM3String('Port') self.keyword_ = self.is_in = ATOM3Boolean() self.is_in.setValue((None, 1)) self.is_in.config = 0 self.is_out = ATOM3Boolean() self.is_out.setValue((None, 1)) self.is_out.config = 0 self.generatedAttributes = { 'name': ('ATOM3String', ), 'is_in': ('ATOM3Boolean', ), 'is_out': ('ATOM3Boolean', ) } self.realOrder = ['name', 'is_in', 'is_out'] self.directEditing = [1, 1, 1]
def __init__(self, parent=None): ASGNode.__init__(self) ATOM3Type.__init__(self) self.graphClass_ = graph_History self.isGraphObjectVisual = True if (hasattr(self, '_setHierarchicalLink')): self._setHierarchicalLink(False) if (hasattr(self, '_setHierarchicalNode')): self._setHierarchicalNode(False) self.parent = parent = ATOM3String('History') self.keyword_ = self.is_default = ATOM3Boolean() self.is_default.setValue((None, 0)) self.is_default.config = 0 = ATOM3Boolean(), 0)) = 0 self.generatedAttributes = { 'is_default': ('ATOM3Boolean', ), 'name': ('ATOM3String', ), 'star': ('ATOM3Boolean', ) } self.realOrder = ['is_default', 'name', 'star'] self.directEditing = [1, 1, 1]