Beispiel #1
def liveDead(row, f):
    path, name = os.path.split(f)

    img = ogre.site_to_array(f)

    b = img[:, :, 0]  # DAPI
    g = img[:, :, 1]  # FITC
    r = img[:, :, 2]  # TexasRed

    bc = ogre.correct_illumination(b)
    bcmask = ogre.adapt_thresh(bc)
    blabs, bprops = ogre.watershed_label(bcmask, bc)

    gc = ogre.correct_illumination(g)
    gcmask = ogre.adapt_thresh(gc)
    glabs, gprops = ogre.watershed_label(gcmask, gc)

    rc = ogre.correct_illumination(r)
    rcmask = ogre.adapt_thresh(rc)
    rlabs, rprops = ogre.watershed_label(rcmask, rc)

    #    fig, ax = plt.subplots(3,3, figsize=(15,12))
    #    fig.suptitle(f, fontsize=15)
    #    ax[0,0].imshow(bc,
    #    ax[0,1].imshow(gc,
    #    ax[0,2].imshow(rc,
    #    ax[1,0].imshow(bcmask,
    #    ax[1,1].imshow(gcmask,
    #    ax[1,2].imshow(rcmask,
    #    ax[2,0].imshow(label2rgb(blabs))
    #    ax[2,1].imshow(label2rgb(glabs))
    #    ax[2,2].imshow(label2rgb(rlabs))
    #    sns.despine()
    #    fig.tight_layout()

    # Raw cell counter seems to be doing a better job here...
    raw_dapi = ogre.count_raw(bprops)
    #    bcount_filter = ogre.count_filter(bprops)
    raw_fitc = ogre.count_raw(gprops)
    #    gcount_filter = ogre.count_filter(gprops)
    raw_texas = ogre.count_raw(rprops)
    #    rcount_filter = ogre.count_filter(rprops)

    glabmask = glabs != 0
    rlabmask = rlabs != 0

    live = 0
    dead = 0
    dying = 0
    for i in range(1, blabs.max()):
        nucleus_roi = blabs == i
        if ((nucleus_roi * glabmask * rlabmask).any()):
            dying += 1
        elif ((nucleus_roi * glabmask).any()):
            live += 1
        elif ((nucleus_roi * rlabmask).any()):
            dead += 1

    return (row,
            [path, name, raw_dapi, raw_fitc, raw_texas, live, dead, dying])
Beispiel #2
    import seaborn as sns
    import pandas as pd
    import os
except ImportError:
    raise ImportError("Please verify the module is in the working directory.")

#def ogre_show(axrow, x, y, z):
#    axrow[0].imshow(x,
#    axrow[1].imshow(y,
#    axrow[2].imshow(z,

# - MAIN - #
platepath = 'B:\\Projects\\Research\\2015-05-11 AlyssaScreen1'
output_filename = '2015-05-11 AlyssaScreen1.csv'
output_filepath = os.path.join(platepath, output_filename)
w1_files = ogre.iter_plate(platepath)
w1_files_length = len(w1_files)

columns = [
    "path", "file", "raw_dapi", "raw_fitc", "raw_texas", "live", "dead", "all"
df = pd.DataFrame(index=range(0, w1_files_length), columns=columns)

for f in w1_files:
    row = w1_files.index(f)
    path, name = os.path.split(f)

    print "Status Update:"
    print "File: {0}".format(f)
    print "Item: {0}/{1}".format(row, w1_files_length)
Beispiel #3
        elif ((nucleus_roi * glabmask).any()):
            live += 1
        elif ((nucleus_roi * rlabmask).any()):
            dead += 1

    return (row,
            [path, name, raw_dapi, raw_fitc, raw_texas, live, dead, dying])

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # - MAIN - #
    platepath = 'B:\\Projects\\Research\\2015-05-11 AlyssaScreen1\\20150511-AlyssaC2D-D3-LD_Plate_4714'
    output_filename = '20150511-AlyssaC2D-D3-LD_Plate_4714.csv'

    output_filepath = os.path.join(platepath, output_filename)
    w1_files = ogre.iter_plate(platepath)
    w1_files_length = len(w1_files)

    columns = [
        "path", "file", "raw_dapi", "raw_fitc", "raw_texas", "live", "dead",
    df = pd.DataFrame(index=range(0, w1_files_length), columns=columns)

    # Parallel for loop equivalent to "for f in w1_files:"
    num_cores = multiprocessing.cpu_count()

    results = Parallel(n_jobs=num_cores, verbose=11)(
        delayed(liveDead)(row, f)
        for row, f in zip(range(w1_files_length), w1_files))
    for result in results:
Beispiel #4
    import seaborn as sns
    import pandas as pd
    import os
except ImportError:
    raise ImportError("Please verify the module is in the working directory.")

# def ogre_show(axrow, x, y, z):
#    axrow[0].imshow(x,
#    axrow[1].imshow(y,
#    axrow[2].imshow(z,

# - MAIN - #
platepath = "B:\\Projects\\Research\\2015-05-11 AlyssaScreen1"
output_filename = "2015-05-11 AlyssaScreen1.csv"
output_filepath = os.path.join(platepath, output_filename)
w1_files = ogre.iter_plate(platepath)
w1_files_length = len(w1_files)

columns = ["path", "file", "raw_dapi", "raw_fitc", "raw_texas", "live", "dead", "all"]
df = pd.DataFrame(index=range(0, w1_files_length), columns=columns)

for f in w1_files:
    row = w1_files.index(f)
    path, name = os.path.split(f)

    print "Status Update:"
    print "File: {0}".format(f)
    print "Item: {0}/{1}".format(row, w1_files_length)

    img = ogre.site_to_array(f)
Beispiel #5
#img = ogre.site_to_array(f)


#b = img[:, :, 0] # DAPI
#g = img[:, :, 1] # FITC
#r = img[:, :, 2] # TexasRed

b = plt.imread('20150421-BCP-WTC11-chip2-full_A03_s54_w1_TimePoint_1.TIF')
g = plt.imread('20150421-BCP-WTC11-chip2-full_A03_s54_w2_TimePoint_1.TIF')
r = np.zeros_like(b)


bc = ogre.correct_illumination(b)
bcmask = ogre.adapt_thresh(bc)
blabs, bprops = ogre.watershed_label(bcmask, bc)

gc = ogre.correct_illumination(g)
gcmask = ogre.adapt_thresh(gc)
glabs, gprops = ogre.watershed_label(gcmask, gc)

rc = ogre.correct_illumination(r)
rcmask = ogre.adapt_thresh(rc)
rlabs, rprops = ogre.watershed_label(rcmask, rc)

bmask = (blabs != 0)
gmask = (glabs != 0)
def liveDead(row, f): 
    path, name = os.path.split(f)
    img = ogre.site_to_array(f)
    b = img[:, :, 0] # DAPI
    g = img[:, :, 1] # FITC
    r = img[:, :, 2] # TexasRed
    bc = ogre.correct_illumination(b)
    bcmask = ogre.adapt_thresh(bc)
    blabs, bprops = ogre.watershed_label(bcmask, bc)
    gc = ogre.correct_illumination(g)
    gcmask = ogre.adapt_thresh(gc)
    glabs, gprops = ogre.watershed_label(gcmask, gc)
    rc = ogre.correct_illumination(r)
    rcmask = ogre.adapt_thresh(rc)
    rlabs, rprops = ogre.watershed_label(rcmask, rc)
#    fig, ax = plt.subplots(3,3, figsize=(15,12))
#    fig.suptitle(f, fontsize=15)
#    ax[0,0].imshow(bc,
#    ax[0,1].imshow(gc,
#    ax[0,2].imshow(rc,
#    ax[1,0].imshow(bcmask,
#    ax[1,1].imshow(gcmask,
#    ax[1,2].imshow(rcmask,
#    ax[2,0].imshow(label2rgb(blabs))
#    ax[2,1].imshow(label2rgb(glabs))
#    ax[2,2].imshow(label2rgb(rlabs))
#    sns.despine()
#    fig.tight_layout()
    # Raw cell counter seems to be doing a better job here...
    raw_dapi = ogre.count_raw(bprops)
#    bcount_filter = ogre.count_filter(bprops)
    raw_fitc = ogre.count_raw(gprops)
#    gcount_filter = ogre.count_filter(gprops)
    raw_texas = ogre.count_raw(rprops)
#    rcount_filter = ogre.count_filter(rprops)
    glabmask = glabs != 0
    rlabmask = rlabs != 0

    live = 0
    dead = 0
    dying = 0
    for i in range(1, blabs.max()):
        nucleus_roi = blabs == i
        if((nucleus_roi * glabmask * rlabmask).any()):
            dying += 1
            live += 1
        elif((nucleus_roi * rlabmask).any()):
            dead += 1
    return (row, [path, name, raw_dapi, raw_fitc, raw_texas, live, dead, dying])
            live += 1
        elif((nucleus_roi * rlabmask).any()):
            dead += 1
    return (row, [path, name, raw_dapi, raw_fitc, raw_texas, live, dead, dying])

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # - MAIN - #
    platepath = 'B:\\Projects\\Research\\2015-05-11 AlyssaScreen1\\20150511-AlyssaC2D-D3-LD_Plate_4714'
    output_filename = '20150511-AlyssaC2D-D3-LD_Plate_4714.csv'
    output_filepath = os.path.join(platepath, output_filename)
    w1_files = ogre.iter_plate(platepath)
    w1_files_length = len(w1_files)
    columns = ["path", "file", "raw_dapi", "raw_fitc", "raw_texas", "live", "dead", "all"]
    df = pd.DataFrame(index=range(0, w1_files_length), columns=columns)
    # Parallel for loop equivalent to "for f in w1_files:"
    num_cores = multiprocessing.cpu_count()

    results = Parallel(n_jobs=num_cores, verbose=11)(delayed(liveDead)(row, f) for row, f in zip(range(w1_files_length), w1_files))  
    for result in results:
        df.iloc[result[0]] = result[1]
