Beispiel #1
    def AutoMusic(self, parent, page_type, loadpic, waitpic,
                  incontainer, outcontainer, records, music):
            This is a callback function for 'Generate' button.
            It takes the random inputs, make an AutoComposeSong object,
            and execute its functions to output a MIDI file.
            * See '' for the detailed explanation
            on how these methods work.

        genre = random.choice(["Waltz", "Pop", "New Age"])
        key = C
        cp = random.choice([CP3, CP4, CP5])
        title = "Randomly Generated Song"
        mode = Tonics
        numPhrase = 4
        beat = 72
        userInput = []
        autoSong = AutoComposeSong()
        autoSong.setup(genre, key, mode, cp, numPhrase, beat, userInput)
        autoSong.exportMidi(1, 'Output MIDIs/' + title + '.mid')
        self.page_factory(parent, page_type, loadpic, waitpic,
                          incontainer, outcontainer, records, autoSong)
Beispiel #2
    def AutoMusic(self, parent, page_type, loadpic, waitpic,
                  incontainer, outcontainer, records, music):
            This is a callback function for 'Generate' button.
            It takes the selected inputs from the listbox,
            make an AutoComposeSong object, and execute its functions
            to output a MIDI file.
            * See '' for the detailed explanation
            on how these methods work.            

        genre = self.genreList[int(self.gr_listbox.curselection()[0])]
        key = eval(self.keyList[int(self.key_listbox.curselection()[0])])
        cp = self.cpList[int(self.cp_listbox.curselection()[0])]
        title = self.title.get()
        mode = Tonics
        numPhrase = 4
        beat = 72

        if self.entry_field.get() == '':
            userInput = []
            userInput = Song()
            userInputMelody = wrapNote(self.entry_field.get().split('-'))
            userInputTimes = constant_times(userInputMelody, 2, beat)
            userInput.wrapNotesAndTimes(userInputMelody, userInputTimes)
        autoSong = AutoComposeSong()
        autoSong.setup(genre, key, mode, cp, numPhrase, beat, userInput)
        autoSong.exportMidi(1, 'Output MIDIs/' + title + '.mid')

        self.page_factory(parent, page_type, loadpic, waitpic,
                          incontainer, outcontainer, records, autoSong)