Beispiel #1
    def configure_dns(self):
        """Generates BIND configuration files for DNS

        Can check configs eg:


            bash-3.2$ named-checkzone -d AS3 ank_lab/netkit_lab/AS3_l3_3_dns_1/etc/bind/db.AS3
            loading "AS3" from "ank_lab/netkit_lab/AS3_l3_3_dns_1/etc/bind/db.AS3" class "IN"
            zone AS3/IN: loaded serial 2008080101


            bash-3.2$ named-checkzone -d ank_lab/netkit_lab/AS3_l3_3_dns_1/etc/bind/ 
            loading "" from "ank_lab/netkit_lab/AS3_l3_3_dns_1/etc/bind/" class "IN"
            zone loaded serial 2008080101


            bash-3.2$ named-checkconf ank_lab/netkit_lab/AS3_l3_3_dns_1/etc/bind/named.conf 
        import netaddr
        ip_localhost = netaddr.IPAddress("")
        linux_bind_dir = "/etc/bind"
        resolve_template = lookup.get_template("linux/resolv.mako")
        forward_template = lookup.get_template("bind/forward.mako")

        named_template = lookup.get_template("bind/named.mako")
        reverse_template = lookup.get_template("bind/reverse.mako")
        root_template = lookup.get_template("bind/root.mako")

        root_dns_template = lookup.get_template("bind/root_dns.mako")
        root_dns_named_template = lookup.get_template("bind/root_dns_named.mako")

        ip_as_allocs = ank.get_ip_as_allocs(

        dns_servers = ank.dns_servers(
        root_servers = list(ank.root_dns_servers(
        auth_servers = ank.dns.dns_auth_servers(
        caching_servers = ank.dns.dns_cache_servers(
        clients = ank.dns.dns_clients(
        routers = set(

#TODO: use with for opening files

        for server in root_servers:
            children = ank.dns.dns_hiearchy_children(server)
            child_servers = []
            for child in children:
                advertise_block = ip_as_allocs[child.asn]
                reverse_identifier = ank.rev_dns_identifier(advertise_block)
                child_servers.append( (child.domain, reverse_identifier, ank.server_ip(child)))
            f_root_db = open(os.path.join(bind_dir(, server), "db.root"), 'wb') 
            f_root_db.write( root_dns_template.render(
                dns_servers = child_servers,
                server = server,

            f_named = open( os.path.join(bind_dir(, server), "named.conf"), 'wb')
                logging = False,

        for server in caching_servers:
            #root_db_hint = ( ("ns.AS%s" % n.asn, ank.server_ip(n)) for n in ank.dns_hiearchy_parents(server))
            root_db_hint = ( ("ROOT-SERVER", ank.server_ip(n)) for n in root_servers)
            root_db_hint = list(root_db_hint)
#TODO: make caching use parent rather than global root
            f_root = open( os.path.join(bind_dir(, server), "db.root"), 'wb')
            f_root.write( root_template.render( root_servers = root_db_hint))
            f_named = open( os.path.join(bind_dir(, server), "named.conf"), 'wb')
                entry_list = [],
                bind_dir = linux_bind_dir,
                logging = False,

        for server in auth_servers:
            named_list = []
            advertise_links = list(ank.advertise_links(server))
            advertise_hosts = list(ank.dns_auth_children(server))
            LOG.debug("DNS server %s advertises %s" % (server, advertise_links))
#TODO: make reverse dns handle domains other than /8 /16 /24
            advertise_block = ip_as_allocs[server.asn]
# remove trailing fullstop
            reverse_identifier = ank.rev_dns_identifier(advertise_block).rstrip(".")
#TODO: look at using - check what Bind needs

            f_named = open( os.path.join(bind_dir(, server), "named.conf"), 'wb')
                domain = server.domain,
                entry_list = named_list,
                bind_dir = linux_bind_dir,
                logging = False,

            for_entry_list = list( (self.interface_id(, link.local_host.dns_host_portion_only, link.ip) 
                    for link in advertise_links)
# Add loopbacks for routers
            for_entry_list += ( (self.lo_interface(0), host.dns_host_portion_only, host.lo_ip.ip)
                    #TODO: make thise check l3 group rather than asn (generalise)
                    for host in advertise_hosts if host.is_router and host.asn == server.asn)
            rev_entry_list = list( 
                    (ank.reverse_subnet(link.ip, advertise_block.prefixlen), self.interface_id(, link.local_host.dns_hostname) 
                    for link in advertise_links)
            # Add loopbacks for routers
            rev_entry_list += ( (ank.reverse_subnet(host.lo_ip.ip, advertise_block.prefixlen), self.lo_interface(0), host.dns_host_portion_only)
                    #TODO: make thise check l3 group rather than asn (generalise)
                    for host in advertise_hosts if host.is_router and host.asn == server.asn)

            #TODO: provide better way to get eg than string concat inside the template

            host_cname_list = []
            for host in advertise_hosts:
                if host.asn != server.asn:
# host is from another asn, skip.
#TODO: extend this to make sure matches same asn, l3group and l2group

                if host.is_router:
# has lo_ip
                    cname = "%s.%s" % (self.lo_interface(), host.dns_host_portion_only)
# choose an interface - arbitrary choice, choose first host link
                    interface = self.interface_id(ank.server_interface_id(host))
                    cname = "%s.%s" % (interface, host.dns_host_portion_only)
                host_cname_list.append( (host.dns_host_portion_only, cname))

            #Sort to make format nicer
            host_cname_list = sorted(host_cname_list, key = lambda x: x[1])
            for_entry_list = sorted(for_entry_list)
            for_entry_list = sorted(for_entry_list, key = lambda x: x[1])
            f_forward = open ( os.path.join(bind_dir(, server), "db.%s" % server.domain), 'wb')
                        domain = server.domain,
                        entry_list = for_entry_list,
                        host_cname_list =  host_cname_list,
                        dns_server = server.dns_hostname,
                        dns_server_ip = ank.server_ip(server),

            f_reverse = open(os.path.join(bind_dir(, server), "db.%s" % reverse_identifier), 'wb')

                domain = server.domain,
                identifier = reverse_identifier,
                entry_list = rev_entry_list,
                dns_server= server.dns_hostname,

            #TODO: make l2 use l3 for caching
#TODO: ROOT-SERVER can't be part of a domain...  - need to correctly handle case of multiple root servers
# and also need to handle this for case of single root server (ie no hiearchy) probably ok as /etc/resolv.conf points to server itself, not through dns hints
            root_db_hint = ( ("ROOT-SERVER", ank.server_ip(n)) for n in ank.dns_hiearchy_parents(server))
            f_root = open( os.path.join(bind_dir(, server), "db.root"), 'wb')
            f_root.write( root_template.render( root_servers = root_db_hint))

        for server in dns_servers:
            f_resolv = open( os.path.join(etc_dir(, server), "resolv.conf"), 'wb')
            f_resolv.write ( resolve_template.render(
                nameservers = [ank.server_ip(server)],
                domain = server.domain))

# Configure clients
        for client in clients:
            server_ips = (ank.server_ip(server) for server in ank.dns_hiearchy_parents(client))
            server_ips = list(server_ips)
            f_resolv = open( os.path.join(etc_dir(, client), "resolv.conf"), 'wb')
            f_resolv.write ( resolve_template.render(
                nameservers = server_ips,
                domain = client.domain))
