Beispiel #1
def t(num):
    model = restestmodel.ResNet(restestmodel.Bottleneck, [3, 4, 23, 3])
    # model = CnnModel.CNN()
    # model.load_state_dict(torch.load(''))
    path = 'G:/TianYuze/DataSets'
    # path = 'C:/Users/Antlab/Desktop/ppp'
    a = Auxiliary.mtest(path, num)
    a = torch.from_numpy(a)
    a = a.view(1, 1, 16, 16)
    a = a.float()
    b = model(Variable(a))
    b =
    b = b.view(49, 1)
    b = b.numpy()
    b = 20 * np.log10(b)
    # print(b)
    fig = plt.figure(dpi=64, figsize=(16, 9))
    plt.xlabel('GHz', fontsize=32)
    plt.ylabel("dB", fontsize=32)
    plt.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=18)
    plt.ylim(-26, 1)
    plt.xlim(8, 13)
    x = np.linspace(8, 13, 49)
    plt.plot(x, b, color='red', linewidth=3)
    c = Auxiliary.shows11(path, num)
Beispiel #2
 def similar_enough(self, album, result):
     artists = tag.parse_tag("artist", album.loaded_tracks)
     titles = tag.parse_tag("album", album.loaded_tracks)
     tracks = tag.parse_tag("title", album.loaded_tracks)
     years = tag.parse_tag("date", album.loaded_tracks)
     discogs_album = self.d.release(
     artists_match = any([
         aux.edit_comp(, artist2)
         for artist1 in discogs_album.artists for artist2 in artists
     titles_match = any(
         [aux.edit_comp(discogs_album.title, title) for title in titles])
     if artists_match and titles_match:
         if len(tracks) == len(discogs_album.tracklist):
             album.imposed_track_order = [i for i in range(len(tracks))]
             return True
             tracks_match = True
             album.imposed_track_order = []
             for i in range(len(tracks)):
                 index = i
                 tracks_match = aux.edit_comp(
                     tracks[i], discogs_album.tracklist[i].title)
                 if not tracks_match:
                     for j in range(len(discogs_album.tracklist)):
                         tracks_match = aux.edit_comp(
                             tracks[i], discogs_album.tracklist[j].title)
                         if tracks_match:
                             index = j
                 if not tracks_match:
                     return False
             return True
     return False
Beispiel #3
def steepest_ascent_hill_climbing_n_times(nurses_number, n_times):
    """ Solve the Steepest-Ascent Hill Climbing problem to n random states

    :parameter nurses_number: Number of nurses that will be used to solve the problem
    :type nurses_number: Integer with the number of nurses
    :parameter n_times: Number of random states that will be evaluated
    :type n_times: Int

    :return current_state: The last state that was analyzed
    :rtype current_state: String
    :return current_violations: The number of violations of the last state evaluated
    :rtype current_violations Int

    Important variables
        best_state_generated            : Will save the best state generated
        best_violation_found            : Will save the best violation found
        random_states_generated         : Will save a list with the random states generated to don't be used a
                                            state equals to a other state used
        state                           : Save a random state generated
        current_state                   : Save the current state
        current_violations              : Save the current violations


    best_state_generated = ''
    best_violations_found = 0

    random_states_generated = list()

    off_list = True

    # Will execute a loop for the number of random states passed
    for i in range(0, n_times):

        # Will generate the random states
        while off_list:
            state = Au.random_generator(nurses_number)
            if state not in random_states_generated:
                off_list = False

        # Will save the values returned of steepest_ascent_hill_climbing_solution
        current_state, current_violations = steepest_ascent_hill_climbing_solution(state, nurses_number)
        if best_state_generated == '' or best_violations_found > current_violations:
            best_state_generated = current_state
            best_violations_found = current_violations

        off_list = True

    # Here, we are show the best state found
    Au.print_output('Best state found to '+str(n_times)+' random states run', best_state_generated,
                    best_violations_found, nurses_number)
Beispiel #4
 def __init__(self, path):
     self.path = path
     self.tracks = aux.list_tracks(os.listdir(self.path))
     self.loaded_tracks = tag.load_tracks(self.path, self.tracks)
     self.tags = tag.get_tags(self.loaded_tracks)
     self.images = aux.list_images(os.listdir(self.path))
     self.ext = aux.list_ext(self.tracks)
     self.imposed_track_order = []
     self.encoded = tag.parse_tag("encodedby",
                                  self.loaded_tracks) == 'MetaCleanup'
     self.counts = Counts()
Beispiel #5
    def detect_best_window(self, win_size=8., win_shift=0.2, plot_debug=False, ax=False, savefig=False):
        """ This function detects the best window of the file to be analyzed. The core mechanism is in the
        best_window_algorithm function. For plot debug, call this function in "main" with argument plot_debug=True

        :param win_size: float. Size in seconds of the best window in seconds.
        :param win_shift: float. Size in seconds between windows. Default is 0.2 seconds.
        :param plot_debug: boolean. use True to plot filter parameters (and thresholds) for detecting best window
        :param ax: axes of the debugging plots.
        :return: two floats. The first float marks the start of the best window and the second the defined window-size.
        filename = self._wavfile
        p_idx, t_idx = self.detect_peak_and_trough_indices()
        peak_time, peak_ampl, trough_time, trough_ampl = self._time[p_idx], self._eod[p_idx],\
                                                         self._time[t_idx], self._eod[t_idx]
        # peaks and troughs here refer to those found in each eod-cycle. For each cycle there should be one peak and
        # one trough if the detect_peak_indices function worked fine.
        my_times = peak_time[peak_time <= peak_time[-1] - win_size]  # Upper window-boundaries solution
        my_times = np.arange(0.0, peak_time[-1] - win_size, win_shift)
        cvs = np.empty(len(my_times))
        no_of_peaks = np.empty(len(my_times))
        mean_ampl = np.empty(len(my_times))

        for i, curr_t in enumerate(my_times):
            # This for-loop goes through each eod-cycle. Isn't this too much? It considerably makes the code slow.
            window_idx = (peak_time >= curr_t) & (peak_time <= curr_t + win_size)
            # the last line makes a window from curr_t and adds 8. seconds to it. Lower window-boundaries solution.
            p2t_ampl = peak_ampl[window_idx] - trough_ampl[window_idx]
            cvs[i] = np.std(p2t_ampl, ddof=1) / np.mean(p2t_ampl)
            mean_ampl[i] = np.mean(p2t_ampl)
            no_of_peaks[i] = len(p2t_ampl)

        if plot_debug:

            ax = aux.draw_bwin_analysis_plot(filename, self._time, self._eod, no_of_peaks, cvs, mean_ampl)

        # ToDo: Need to find a way to plot ax5!! It's not as easy as it seems...

        bwin_bool_array = self.best_window_algorithm(no_of_peaks, mean_ampl, cvs, plot_debug=plot_debug, axs=ax,
        bwin_bool_inx = np.where(bwin_bool_array)[0][0]  # Gets the index of the best window out of all windows.
        entire_time_idx = self._eod_peak_idx[bwin_bool_inx]
        bwin = my_times[bwin_bool_inx]

        self.roi = (entire_time_idx, entire_time_idx + int(self._sample_rate/2.))

        # plotting the best window in ax[5]
        if plot_debug and len(ax) > 0:
            aux.draw_bwin_in_plot(ax, filename, self._time, self._eod, bwin, win_size, p_idx, t_idx,

        return bwin, win_size
Beispiel #6
    def run(self):
        for album_dir in self.albums:
            album = Album(os.path.join(self.music_folder, album_dir))
            if album.encoded:
            discogs_utils = dis.DiscogsUtils(self.discogs_object)
            print('Searching Discogs for {0}'.format(album_dir))
            release_no = discogs_utils.get(album)
            if not release_no:
                print('Could not find {0} on Discogs.'.format(album_dir))
            release = discogs_utils.d.release(release_no)
            release_name = ', '.join(
                 for artist in release.artists]) + ' - ' + release.title
            release_name = aux.format_path_name(release_name)
            self.dir_replace(album, release_name)
            print('Re-tagging {0}'.format(release_name))
            tag_dict = discogs_utils.TAG_DICT_STATIC(release_no)
            for i in range(len(album.tracks)):
                dynamic = discogs_utils.TAG_DICT_DYNAMIC(
                    release_no, album.imposed_track_order[i])
                track_name = tag_dict["tracknumber"] + ' - ' + tag_dict[
                    "title"] + album.ext[i]
                track_name = aux.format_path_name(track_name)
                for tag in tag_dict:
                    album.loaded_tracks[i][tag] = tag_dict[tag]
                self.file_replace(album, track_name, i)
                    os.path.join(album.path, track_name))
                album.counts.track_count += 1
                print('Tagging of track {0} successful!'.format(str(i + 1)))
            album.counts.album_count += 1
            print('Adding art\n')
            self.add_art(album, release)
            self.update_counts(self.counts, album.counts)

        print('Cleanup of your {0} folder complete!\n'.format(
        print('Tagging fixed for {0} track(s) and {1} album(s).'.format(
            str(self.counts.track_count), str(self.counts.album_count)))
        print('Directory names for {0} album(s) changed.'.format(
        print('Cover art added to {0} album(s).'.format(

    def _parse_rows(self, rows):
        """ Return all columns of table row in proper format to be used later.
            Data from playoffs included if flag is set.
        result = []
        for row in rows:
            tds = row.findAll('td')
            if len(tds) < 21:
            if tds[0].contents == [] and not self.playoffs:

        return result
Beispiel #8
def blitRecorder(Screen, Recorder) :
	turnStr  = str(Recorder.getTurn())
	scoreStr = Auxiliary.insertComma(Recorder.getScore())
	goalStr  = Auxiliary.insertComma(Recorder.getGoal())
	goalPercentage = Recorder.getGoalPercentage() # 获取目标完成百分比数值, [0, 100)
	goalPercentageStr = ('%0.1f' % goalPercentage) + '%'
	rectWidth  = (DisplayMapping.get('RectEnd')[0] - DisplayMapping.get('Rect')[0]) * goalPercentage / 100
	rectHeight = DisplayMapping.get('RectEnd')[1] - DisplayMapping.get('Rect')[1]
	Screen = blitStringAtRight(Screen, 'Turn', turnStr) # 绘制回合数
	Screen = blitStringAtRight(Screen, 'Score', scoreStr) # 绘制总分
	Screen = blitStringAtRight(Screen, 'Goal', goalStr) # 绘制目标
	pygame.draw.rect(Screen, RectColour, [DisplayMapping.get('Rect'), (rectWidth, rectHeight)], 0) # 绘制目标百分比矩形
	Screen = blitStringAtRight(Screen, 'Percentage', goalPercentageStr) # 绘制目标完成百分比
	return Screen
Beispiel #9
def processInput(p, m, i, e, SCREEN_W=30, SCREEN_H=22):
    collisions = Auxiliary.getCollisions(p, m, i)
    while True:
        ret = Getch.getch()
        if ret == "p": Menu.openMenu(p, SCREEN_W, SCREEN_H)
        # NOTE: DO NOT DELETE -> Collision detected if length of keys is greater than 0
        if Auxiliary.isCollided(collisions, 0, ret): continue
        # Update User Skill Tree
        itemPickUp(p, collisions, ret)
        # Collision between enemies
        # TODO: Make it so you lose health when right next to enemy and not colliding into enemy
        if Auxiliary.isCollided(collisions, 3, ret):
            p.attributes["Health"] -= e[0].attack
        return ret
Beispiel #10
 def add_kinetic_auxiliary_protocol(self, aux_index, duration, label,
                                    plate_index, protocol_index, order):
     new_protocol = Auxiliary(aux_index, duration, label, plate_index,
     kinetic_protocol = self.plateList[plate_index].get_protocol(
Beispiel #11
    def parse(self, fname):
        aux = Auxiliary.Auxiliary()
        with open(fname, 'r') as f:
            nums =
            nums = aux.fullReplace(nums, ";;", ";")
            nums = aux.fullReplace(nums, "о/р ", "о/р")

    def plot(self, plot_type, average):
        """ Main point of entry. Set off scraper, process and plot data.
        # Dict with appropiate functions for data transforming defined
        # at bottom of module.
        (self.x_min, teams_raw, team_set, get_clean, to_plot) = OPTIONS[plot_type]
        cumulative = aux.Data([], [])
        for team, raw_data in teams_raw(self.scraper):
            raw_set = team_set(raw_data)
            data = get_clean(self, raw_set)
            to_plot(self, team, data)

            if average:
                aux.aggragate_cumulative(cumulative, data)

        if average:
            aux.average_data(cumulative, len(self.scraper.teams))
            to_plot(self, 'League Average', cumulative)
Beispiel #13
def initWord(game_list):
    while True:
        hit = 0
        inp = Auxiliary.quit(input("Choose your difficulty:\n[EASY] [MEDIUM] [HARD]\n").lower())
        if inp == "easy" or inp == "medium" or inp == "hard":
            if inp == "medium" or inp == "hard": hit = (1 if inp == "medium" else 2)
        print("Invalid Input")
    split_list = splitListEvenly(sorted(game_list, key=len))[hit]
    return [split_list[random.randint(0, len(split_list) - 1)], hit]
	def moveBears(self) :
		# print 'moveBears starts...'
		count = 0
		bearPositions =, ['Bear'])
		while len(bearPositions) > 0 : # 仍有未处理过的熊
			randomWeight = {}
			for position in bearPositions :
				randomWeight[position] = 1
			position = Auxiliary.randomSelect(randomWeight)
			if self.moveBear(position) : count += 1
		# print 'moveBears OK'
		return count
Beispiel #15
    def plot_eodform(self, ax, filtr):

        fu_freq = self.fund_freq
        low_pass = fu_freq*filtr
        if self.type_detector() == 'pulse':
            low_pass = 3000.

        f_eod = aux.butter_lowpass_filter(self.w_eod, low_pass, self._sample_rate)
        pt, tt, pe, te = self.w_pt
        plot_inxs = (self.w_time >= tt[1]) & (self.w_time <= tt[3])

        ax.plot(1000. * (self.w_time[plot_inxs] - self.w_time[0]), f_eod[plot_inxs], color='green', lw=2)
        ax.set_ylabel('Amplitude [au]')  # "au" stands for arbitrary unit
        ax.set_xlabel('Time [ms]')

    def _plot_outcome_conceding(self, team, data):
        """ Sets the specific params for of win/loss outcome when team concedes
            x runs.
        y_axis = self._fit_y_axis(data)
        record = aux.outcome_record(data, self.histogram)

        y_label = 'Wins/losses when conceding x runs' if self.histogram else\
                  'Total runs sorted by runs conceded per game'
        tag_label = 'outcome_conceding_histogram' if self.histogram else\

                        aux.Labels(team, 'Runs conceded', y_label, tag_label),
Beispiel #17
    def add_auxiliary_protocol(self, aux_index, duration, label, plate_index,
        """Function to add an Auxiliary protocol to the list of protocols to execute for a particular PlateConfiguration.
        The auxiliary protocol type is defined by the aux_index input. 
            aux_index {integer} -- possible values 1, 2, 3 or 4 representing which auxiliary port will be triggerd on.
            duration {integer} -- duration for how long to trigger the selected auxiliary port for.
            label {string} -- protocol label, should be set to 'Auxiliary' 
            plate_index {integer} -- index of the PlateConfiguration object in self.plateList in which to select wells
            order {integer} -- the index of the protocol in the existing list of protocols of the plate configuration object. 
            If this is the first protocol that is being added to the PlateConfiguration object then the order is equal to zero. If it is the second, then the order is equal to 1 and so on.

        new_protocol = Auxiliary(aux_index, duration, label, plate_index,
def calculate_weights(vectors,batch=True):
    Main method for calculating weights of features
    Vector is feature vector with correct classification appended
    NUMFEATURES = len(vectors[0])-1
    weights = np.array([[random.uniform(-INITRANGE,INITRANGE) for i in range(LAYERS[j])] for j in range(NUMLAYERS)])
    stochasticIndex = 0
    while True:
        prevWeights = weights
        if batch:
            weights = batchDescentStep(vectors,weights)
            weights = stochasticDescentStep(vectors[stochasticIndex],weights)
            stochasticIndex = (stochasticIndex+1)%len(vectors)
        if Auxiliary.converged(weights,prevWeights):
            return weights
Beispiel #19
def calculate_weights(vectors, batch=True):
    Main method for calculating weights of features
    Vector is feature vector with correct classification appended
    NUMFEATURES = len(vectors[0]) - 1
    weights = np.array([0 for i in range(NUMFEATURES)])
    stochasticIndex = 0
    while True:
        prevWeights = weights
        if batch:
            weights = batchDescentStep(vectors, weights)
            weights = stochasticDescentStep(vectors[stochasticIndex], weights)
            stochasticIndex = (stochasticIndex + 1) % len(vectors)
        if Auxiliary.converged(weights, prevWeights):
            return weights
	def moveBear(self, Position) :
		# print 'moveBear starts...'
		if == INSIDE : # 在地图内
			item =
			if item and item.getName() == 'Bear' : # 物品是熊
				positions =
				if len(positions) == 0 : # 相邻位置均不空闲
					return False
				randomWeight = {}
				for position in positions :
					randomWeight[position] = 1
				destination = Auxiliary.randomSelect(randomWeight)
				if, destination) : # 移动成功
					return True
				else : # 移动失败
					return False
			else : return False # 物品不为熊
		else : return False # 在地图外
Beispiel #21
 def train(self,X,Y,batch=True):
     Main method for calculating weights of features
     Vector is feature vector with correct classification appended
     self.d = len(X[0])
     n = len(X)
     self.w = np.zeros(d)
     step = 0
     while True:
         w_prev = np.copy(self.w)
         if batch:
             step = (step+1) % n
         if Auxiliary.converged(self.w,w_prev):
Beispiel #22
 def TAG_DICT_DYNAMIC(self, id_, no):
     while True:
             if self.d.release(id_).tracklist[no].artists != []:
                 artist_tag = [
                     for artist in self.d.release(id_).tracklist[no].artists
                 artist_tag = [
            for artist in self.d.release(id_).artists
             return {
                 "artist": artist_tag,
                 "title": self.d.release(id_).tracklist[no].title,
                 "tracknumber": aux.format_track_number(no + 1)
         except discogs_client.exceptions.HTTPError:
             print('Discogs needs cool-down time. Be patient!')
Beispiel #23
def engine(w):
    guesses = 0
    max_guesses = 7
    initialized = Game.initWord(w)
    game_word = initialized[0]
    difficulty = initialized[1]
    game = Game.initGame(game_word)
    while True:
        inp = Auxiliary.processInput()
        if Game.update_game(game_word, inp, game) == 0:
            print("Incorrect Guess\n" + HANGMANPICS(guesses))
            guesses += 1
        if ''.join(game).replace(" ", "") == game_word:
            print("You guessed " + game_word + " correctly!")
            return [2, difficulty]
        if guesses == max_guesses:
            print("GAME OVER! You did not guess the word " + game_word)
            return [1, difficulty]
    return [0, 0]
Beispiel #24
def DSOD():
    image_size, num_classes = CONFIG['image_size'], CONFIG['num_classes']

    input = layer.Input(image_size)
    x, output = BackBone(input)
    x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6 = Auxiliary(x, output)

    x1_conf, x1_loc, x1_priorbox = predict_block(x1, 'x1', 3, 30.0, [2])
    x2_conf, x2_loc, x2_priorbox = predict_block(x2, 'x2', 6, 60.0, [2, 3],
    x3_conf, x3_loc, x3_priorbox = predict_block(x3, 'x3', 6, 114.0, [2, 3],
    x4_conf, x4_loc, x4_priorbox = predict_block(x4, 'x4', 6, 168.0, [2, 3],
    x5_conf, x5_loc, x5_priorbox = predict_block(x5, 'x5', 6, 222.0, [2, 3],
    x6_conf, x6_loc, x6_priorbox = predict_block(x6, 'x6', 6, 276.0, [2, 3],

    conf = layer.Concatenate(axis=1, name='conf')(
        [x1_conf, x2_conf, x3_conf, x4_conf, x5_conf, x6_conf])
    loc = layer.Concatenate(
        axis=1, name='loc')([x1_loc, x2_loc, x3_loc, x4_loc, x5_loc, x6_loc])
    priorbox = layer.Concatenate(axis=1, name='priorbox')([
        x1_priorbox, x2_priorbox, x3_priorbox, x4_priorbox, x5_priorbox,

    num_boxes = K.int_shape(loc)[-1] // 4
    conf = layer.Reshape((num_boxes, num_classes), name='conf_reshape')(conf)
    conf = layer.Activation(activation='softmax', name='conf_softmax')(conf)
    loc = layer.Reshape((num_boxes, 4), name='loc_reshape')(loc)

    prediction = layer.Concatenate(axis=2,
                                   name='prediction')([loc, conf, priorbox])

    model = keras.Model(input=input, output=prediction)

    return model
Beispiel #25
    def detect_peak_and_trough_indices(self, peak_threshold=None, norm_window=.1):
        """This function finds the indices of peaks and troughs of each EOD-cycle in the recording

        :param peak_threshold: This is the threshold to be used for the peakdet function (Translated Matlab-Code...).
        :param norm_window:
        :return: two arrays. The first contains the peak indices and the second contains the trough indices.
        if self._eod_peak_idx is None or self._eod_trough_idx is None:

            w = np.ones(self._sample_rate*norm_window)
            w[:] /= len(w)
            eod2 = np.sqrt(np.correlate(self._eod**2., w, mode='same') - np.correlate(self._eod, w, mode='same')**2.)
            eod2 = self._eod / eod2
            if peak_threshold is None:
                peak_threshold = np.percentile(np.abs(eod2), 99.9)-np.percentile(np.abs(eod2), 70)
              # The Threshold is 1.5 times the standard deviation of the eod

            _, self._eod_peak_idx, _, self._eod_trough_idx = aux.peakdet(eod2, peak_threshold)
            # refine by matching troughs and peaks
            everything = list(self.peak_trough_iterator())
            _, _, self._eod_peak_idx, _, _, self._eod_trough_idx = map(lambda x: np.asarray(x), zip(*everything))

        return self._eod_peak_idx, self._eod_trough_idx
Beispiel #26
 def filtr_data(self, filter_fac=5.5):
     fund_freq = self.fund_freq()
     filtered_data = aux.butter_lowpass_filter(self._eod, fund_freq * filter_fac, self._sample_rate)
     return filtered_data
Beispiel #27
def main(audio_file, channel=0, output_folder='.' + os.path.sep + 'analysis_output', verbose=None):
    # get config dictionary
    cfg = ct.get_config_dict()

    if verbose is not None:
        cfg['verboseLevel'][0] = verbose
    channel = channel

    with audioread.audio_open(audio_file) as af:
        tracen = af.channels
        if channel >= tracen:
            print 'number of traces in file is', tracen
        ft = FT.FishTracker(audio_file.split(os.path.sep)[-1], af.samplerate)
        index = 0

        data = ft.get_data()

        for buffer in af:
            fulldata = np.fromstring(buffer, dtype='<i2').reshape(-1, af.channels)
            n = fulldata.shape[0]
            if index + n > len(data):
                if index == 0:
                    print "panic!!!! I need a larger buffer!"
                # ft.processdata(data[:index] / 2.0 ** 15)
                index = 0
            if n > 0:
                data[index:index + n] = fulldata[:n, channel]
                index += n

        # long file analysis
        good_file = ft.exclude_short_files(data, index)
        if good_file == False:
            print "file too short !!!"

        # best window algorithm
        mod_file = aux.conv_to_single_ch_audio(audio_file)
        Fish = FR.FishRecording(mod_file)
        bwin, win_width = Fish.detect_best_window()

        print '\nbest window is between: %.2f' % bwin, '& %.2f' % (bwin + win_width), 'seconds.\n'


        # fish_type algorithm
        fish_type = Fish.type_detector()
        print('current fish is a ' + fish_type + '-fish')

        # data process: creation of fish-lists containing frequencies, power of fundamentals and harmonics of all fish

        if index > 0:
            power_fres1, freqs_fres1, psd_type, fish_type,\
            fishlist = ft.processdata(data[:index] / 2.0 ** 15, fish_type, bwin, win_width, config_dict=cfg)

        # Pulse analysis
        pulse_data = []
        pulse_freq = []
        if psd_type == 'pulse' or fish_type == 'pulse':
            print ''
            print 'try to create MEAN PULSE-EOD'
            print ''
            pulse_data, pulse_freq = ft.pulse_sorting(bwin, win_width, data[:index] / 2.0 ** 15)

        # create EOD plots
        out_folder = aux.create_outp_folder(audio_file, output_folder)
        ft.bw_psd_and_eod_plot(power_fres1, freqs_fres1, bwin, win_width, data[:index] / 2.0 ** 15, psd_type, fish_type,
                               fishlist, pulse_data, pulse_freq, out_folder)

        # saves fundamentals of all wave fish !!!
        st.save_fundamentals(fishlist, out_folder)

        print('\nAnalysis completed! .npy arrays located in %s\n' %out_folder)
Beispiel #28
 def __init__(self, wavfile):
     self._wavfile = wavfile
     self._time, self._eod, self._sample_rate = aux.load_trace(wavfile)
     self._eod_peak_idx = None
     self._eod_trough_idx = None
     self.roi = None
presenting_meids = vision_envelope_codebook.query(
    "type == 'pres'").modelable_entity_id.values"the presenting vision loss envelope meids are " + str(

# use get draws to pull envelope meids for presenting moderate/severe/blindness
envelopes = {}
for meid in presenting_meids:
    sev = vision_envelope_codebook.query(
        "modelable_entity_id == @meid").sev.values[0].upper()"""
          Loading dismod draws for presenting {} vision loss envelope, meid
          {}""".format(sev, meid))
    envelopes[sev] = aux.get_vision_draws(meid=meid,
    if cfg.testing:
            intermediate_out_dir, location_id, sev), index=False)

# append the 3 envelopes together
total_vision_loss_envelope = envelopes[
    'LOW_MOD'].append([envelopes['LOW_SEV'], envelopes['BLIND']])

# sum the prevalence of each envelope together to get total prevalence
total_vision_loss_envelope = total_vision_loss_envelope.groupby(
    ['location_id', 'age_group_id', 'year_id', 'sex_id'])
total_vision_loss_envelope = total_vision_loss_envelope.sum().reset_index()

query = "age_group_id == 4 and sex_id == 2 and year_id == {}".format(2019)
Beispiel #30
# Starting time loop 
# =============================================================================

plt.figure(1, figsize=(11, 8.5))

for t in range(1, npt + 1):
    # Generating analytical solution
    Ca = AN.difuana(M, L, Dx, xn, xo, T0 + t * dT)
    # Estimating solution C1 in t
    CL = AN.difuana(M, L, Dx, X0, xo, T0 + (t - 1) * dT)
    CR = AN.difuana(M, L, Dx, XL, xo, T0 + (t - 1) * dT)
    spa = AUX.FVev_sp(C, Dx, dx, CL, CR)
    C1 = C + dT * spa
    # Implicit part of the solution
    # Imposing boundary conditions
    C[0] = C[0] + AN.difuana(M, L, Dx, X0, xo, T0 + t * dT) * Sx * 2
    C[len(xn) - 1] = C[len(xn) - 1] + AN.difuana(M, L, Dx, XL, xo, T0 + t * dT)\
    * Sx * 2
    # Solving linear system
    C1i = spsolve(K, C)
    # Crank-Nicholson ponderation
    C1t = (1 - theta) * C1 + theta * C1i
Beispiel #31
plt.xlabel(r'Distance $(m)$')
plt.ylabel(r'Concentration $ \frac{kg}{m} $')

# =============================================================================
# Solving first timestep with forward Euler
# =============================================================================

# Generating analytical solution
Ca = AN.difuana(M, L, Dx, xn, xo, T0 + dT)

# Estimating solution C1 in t
CL1 = Ca[0]
CR1 = Ca[len(xn) - 1]
spa = AUX.FVev_sp(C, Dx, dx, CL1, CR1)

C1 = C + dT * spa

# =============================================================================
# Starting time loop
# =============================================================================

plt.figure(1, figsize=(11, 8.5))

for t in range(2, npt + 1):

    # Generating analytical solution
    Ca = AN.difuana(M, L, Dx, xn, xo, T0 + t * dT)
Beispiel #32
def main(audio_file, channel=0, output_folder='.' + os.path.sep + 'analysis_output', verbose=None, beat_plot= False):
    # get config dictionary
    cfg = ct.get_config_dict()

    if verbose is not None:
        cfg['verboseLevel'][0] = verbose
    channel = channel

    with audioread.audio_open(audio_file) as af:
        tracen = af.channels
        if channel >= tracen:
            print('number of traces in file is', tracen)
        ft = FT.FishTracker(audio_file.split(os.path.sep)[-1], af.samplerate)
        index = 0

        data = ft.get_data()

        for buffer in af:
            fulldata = np.fromstring(buffer, dtype='<i2').reshape(-1, af.channels)
            n = fulldata.shape[0]
            if index + n > len(data):
                if index == 0:
                    print("panic!!!! I need a larger buffer!")
                # ft.processdata(data[:index] / 2.0 ** 15)
                index = 0
            if n > 0:
                data[index:index + n] = fulldata[:n, channel]
                index += n

        # long file analysis
        good_file = ft.exclude_short_files(data, index)
        if good_file == False:
            print("file too short !!!")

        # best window algorithm
        mod_file = aux.conv_to_single_ch_audio(audio_file)
        Fish = FR.FishRecording(mod_file)
        bwin, win_width = Fish.detect_best_window()

        print ('\nbest window is between: %.2f' % bwin, '& %.2f' % (bwin + win_width), 'seconds.\n')


        # fish_type algorithm
        fish_type, r_value = Fish.type_detector()
        print('current fish is a ' + fish_type + '-fish')

        # data process: creation of fish-lists containing frequencies, power of fundamentals and harmonics of all fish

        if index > 0:
            power_fres1, freqs_fres1, psd_type, fish_type,\
            fishlist, mean_proportions = ft.processdata(data[:index] / 2.0 ** 15, fish_type, bwin, win_width, config_dict=cfg)

        # collect data for mat meth figure:
        # bw_data = data[(bwin * af.samplerate):(bwin * af.samplerate + win_width * af.samplerate)]
        #'pulse_trace_data.npy', bw_data)

        if beat_plot:
            # designed for parama_data/20140519_Rioanita/EN099.wav
            beat_data = data[(1.2 * af.samplerate): (1.9 * af.samplerate)] / 2.0 ** 15
            beat_time = np.arange(len(beat_data)) * 1.0 / af.samplerate
            aux.beat_plot(beat_data, beat_time)


        # Pulse analysis
        pulse_data = []
        pulse_freq = []
        if psd_type == 'pulse' or fish_type == 'pulse':
            print('try to create MEAN PULSE-EOD')
            pulse_data, pulse_freq = ft.pulse_sorting(bwin, win_width, data[:index] / 2.0 ** 15, fish_type, psd_type)

        wave_data = []
        if fish_type == 'wave' and len(fishlist) == 1:
            print('try to create MEAN WAVE-EOD')
            wave_data = ft.wave_sorting(bwin, win_width, data[:index] / 2.0 ** 15)

        # create EOD plots
        out_folder = aux.create_outp_folder(audio_file, output_folder)
        ft.bw_psd_and_eod_plot(power_fres1, freqs_fres1, bwin, win_width, data[:index] / 2.0 ** 15, psd_type, fish_type,
                               fishlist, pulse_data, pulse_freq, out_folder, mean_proportions, r_value, wave_data)

        # saves fundamentals of all wave fish !!!
        st.save_fundamentals(fishlist, out_folder)

        print('\nAnalysis completed! .npy arrays located in %s\n' %out_folder)
Beispiel #33
def AB2D(Nx, Ny, dt):

    # ==============================================================================
    # Declaration of physical variables for the problem. A positive value in X means
    # going to the right and a positive value in Y means going up
    # ==============================================================================

    X0 = 0.  # Initial x point (m)
    XL = 5.  # Final y point (m)
    Y0 = 0.  # Initial y point (m)
    YL = 5.  # Final y point (m)
    Dx = 0.08  # Diff coeff x (m2/s)
    Dy = 0.08  # Diff coeff y (m2/s)
    u = 0.7  # Horizontal velocity (m/s)
    v = 0.3  # Vertical velocity (m/s)
    M = 2.  # Mass injected (g)
    xC0 = 0.0  # x injection coordinate
    yC0 = 0.0  # y injection coordinate
    t0 = 1.  # Initial time (s)
    A = (XL - X0) * (YL - Y0)  # Domain area (m2)

    # =============================================================================
    # Numerical parameters for the program.
    # =============================================================================

    T = 5  # Total sim. time (s)
    #    dt = 0.001                                       # timestep size (s)
    #    Nx = 21                                         # Nodes in x direction
    #    Ny = 21                                         # Nodes in y direction

    # Calculation of initial parameters
    nT = int(np.ceil((T - t0) / dt))  # Number of timesteps
    dx = (XL - X0) / (Nx - 1)  # dx (m)
    dy = (YL - Y0) / (Ny - 1)  # dy (m)

    # Generating spatial mesh
    x = np.linspace(X0, XL, Nx)  # 1D array style
    y = np.linspace(Y0, YL, Ny)  # 1D array style
    X, Y = np.meshgrid(x, y)  # Meshgrid for plotting
    del (x, y)  # Deleting useless arrays

    # Generating error vectors (for svaing and comparing results)
    errt = np.zeros(int(nT))  # Error evolution in time

    # ==============================================================================
    # Calculation of nondimensional parameters of the ADE (Sx, Sy, CFLx and CFLy)
    # ==============================================================================

    Sx = Dx * dt / (dx**2)
    Sy = Dy * dt / (dy**2)
    CFLx = u * dt / dx
    CFLy = v * dt / dy

    SM.show_sc(Sx, Sy, CFLx, CFLy)

    # ==============================================================================
    # Imposing initial condition as an early analytical solution of the ADE equation
    # It is C(x0, y0, t0).
    # ==============================================================================

    C0 = AN.difuana(M, A, Dx, Dy, u, v, xC0, yC0, X, Y, t0)

    # Estimating Cmax for plotting purposes
    Cmax = np.max(C0)

    # ==============================================================================
    # First time step (must be done in a forward Euler time scheme since there are
    # no  other points in time). The first step has a size dt, hence the total time
    # is (1 * dt)
    # ==============================================================================

    # Calculating analytical solution for the first timestep
    Ca = AN.difuana(M, A, Dx, Dy, u, v, xC0, yC0, X, Y, t0 + dt)

    C1e = np.zeros((Ny, Nx))
    sp0 = AUX.ev_sp(C0, Dx, Dy, dx, dy, u, v, Nx, Ny)

    C1e = dt * sp0 + C0

    # Imposing boundary conditions (domain is a 2D array)

    C1e[0, :] = Ca[0, :]  # Bottom boundary
    C1e[Ny - 1, :] = Ca[Ny - 1, :]  # Top boundary
    C1e[:, 0] = Ca[:, 0]  # Left boundary
    C1e[:, Nx - 1] = Ca[:, Nx - 1]  # Right boundary

    # Calculating first time step error
    errt[0] = np.linalg.norm(C1e - Ca)

    # Second array declaration
    C2e = np.zeros((Ny, Nx))
    err = np.zeros((Ny, Nx))

    # starting time loop
    for I in range(2, nT + 1):

        # Calculating analytical solution for the time step
        Ca = AN.difuana(M, A, Dx, Dy, u, v, xC0, yC0, X, Y, t0 + I * dt)

        # Spatial function evaluated in t
        sp0 = AUX.ev_sp(C0, Dx, Dy, dx, dy, u, v, Nx, Ny)

        # Spatial function evaluated in t - 1
        sp1 = AUX.ev_sp(C1e, Dx, Dy, dx, dy, u, v, Nx, Ny)

        # Implementing 2nd order Adams-Bashforth
        C2e = C1e + (dt / 2) * (3 * sp0 - sp1)

        # Imposing Boundary conditions
        C2e[0, :] = Ca[0, :]
        C2e[Ny - 1, :] = Ca[Ny - 1, :]
        C2e[:, 0] = Ca[:, 0]
        C2e[:, Nx - 1] = Ca[:, Nx - 1]

        # Calculating error for the timestep given
        err = np.abs(C2e - Ca)
        errt[I - 1] = np.linalg.norm(C2e - Ca)

        # Updating concentration fields
        C0 = C1e
        C1e = C2e
        C2e = np.zeros((Ny, Nx))

    return errt
Beispiel #34
def FT2D(Nx, Ny, dt, theta):

    # ==============================================================================
    # Declaration of physical variables for the problem. A positive value in X means
    # going to the right and a positive value in Y means going up
    # ==============================================================================

    X0 = 0.  # Initial x point (m)
    XL = 5.  # Final y point (m)
    Y0 = 0.  # Initial y point (m)
    YL = 5.  # Final y point (m)
    Dx = 0.08  # Diff coeff x (m2/s)
    Dy = 0.08  # Diff coeff y (m2/s)
    u = 0.7  # Horizontal velocity (m/s)
    v = 0.3  # Vertical velocity (m/s)
    M = 2.  # Mass injected (g)
    xC0 = 0.0  # x injection coordinate
    yC0 = 0.0  # y injection coordinate
    t0 = 1.  # Initial time (s)
    A = (XL - X0) * (YL - Y0)  # Domain area (m2)

    # =============================================================================
    # Numerical parameters for the program.
    # theta = 1 fully implicit
    # theta = 0 fully explicit
    # =============================================================================

    T = 5  # Total sim. time (s)
    #    dt = 0.01                                       # timestep size (s)
    #    Nx = 21                                         # Nodes in x direction
    #    Ny = 21                                         # Nodes in y direction
    #    theta = 0.5                                     # Crank-Nicholson ponderation

    # Calculation of initial parameters
    nT = int(np.ceil((T - t0) / dt))  # Number of timesteps
    dx = (XL - X0) / (Nx - 1)  # dx (m)
    dy = (YL - Y0) / (Ny - 1)  # dy (m)

    # Generating spatial mesh
    x = np.linspace(X0, XL, Nx)  # 1D array style
    y = np.linspace(Y0, YL, Ny)  # 1D array style
    X, Y = np.meshgrid(x, y)  # Meshgrid for plotting
    del (x, y)  # Deleting useless arrays

    # Generating error vectors (for svaing and comparing results)
    errt = np.zeros(int(nT))  # Error evolution in time

    # ==============================================================================
    # Calculation of nondimensional parameters of the ADE (Sx, Sy, CFLx and CFLy)
    # ==============================================================================

    Sx = Dx * dt / (dx**2)
    Sy = Dy * dt / (dy**2)
    CFLx = u * dt / dx
    CFLy = v * dt / dy

    SM.show_sc(Sx, Sy, CFLx, CFLy)

    # Matrix assembly for diffusive implicit part
    LHS = AUX.Mat_ass(Sx, Sy, Nx, Ny)

    # ==============================================================================
    # Imposing initial condition as an early analytical solution of the ADE equation
    # It is C(x0, y0, t0).
    # ==============================================================================

    C0 = AN.difuana(M, A, Dx, Dy, u, v, xC0, yC0, X, Y, t0)

    # Estimating Cmax for plotting purposes
    Cmax = np.max(C0)

    # ==============================================================================
    # First time step. Forward Euler for advective part, and Crank-Nicholson for
    # diffusive term
    # ==============================================================================

    # First fractional step part for timestep 1 - advective term

    # Calculating analytical solution for first timestep
    Ca = AN.difuana(M, A, Dx, Dy, u, v, xC0, yC0, X, Y, t0 + dt)

    # Evaluating space derivative just for advections
    sp0 = AUX.ev_sp(C0, 0, 0, dx, dy, u, v, Nx, Ny)

    # Making first advection step
    C1s = C0 + dt * sp0

    # Imposing boundary conditions (domain is a 2D array)

    C1s[0, :] = Ca[0, :]  # Bottom boundary
    C1s[Ny - 1, :] = Ca[Ny - 1, :]  # Top boundary
    C1s[:, 0] = Ca[:, 0]  # Left boundary
    C1s[:, Nx - 1] = Ca[:, Nx - 1]  # Right boundary

    # Second fractional step part for timestep 1 - diffusive term

    # Explicit part - evaluating diffusion just in space
    sp0 = AUX.ev_sp(C1s, Dx, Dy, dx, dy, 0, 0, Nx, Ny)

    C1e = C1s + dt * sp0

    # Implicit part
    C1i = spsolve(LHS, np.reshape(C1s, (Nx * Ny, 1)))

    C1 = theta * C1i.reshape(Nx, Ny) + (1 - theta) * C1e

    # Error checking
    errt[0] = np.linalg.norm(C1 - Ca)

    # Second array declaration
    C2s = np.zeros((Ny, Nx))
    err = np.zeros((Ny, Nx))

    # Starting time loop
    for I in range(2, nT + 1):

        # Calculating analytical solution for the time step
        Ca = AN.difuana(M, A, Dx, Dy, u, v, xC0, yC0, X, Y, t0 + I * dt)

        # Calculating C* - only advection with Adams Bashforth Order 2

        # Spatial function evaluated in t - 1
        sp0 = AUX.ev_sp(C0, 0, 0, dx, dy, u, v, Nx, Ny)

        # Spatial function evaluated in t
        sp1 = AUX.ev_sp(C1, 0, 0, dx, dy, u, v, Nx, Ny)

        # Implementing 2nd order Adams-Bashforth
        C2s = C1 + (dt / 2) * (3 * sp0 - sp1)

        # Imposing Boundary conditions
        C2s[0, :] = Ca[0, :]
        C2s[Ny - 1, :] = Ca[Ny - 1, :]
        C2s[:, 0] = Ca[:, 0]
        C2s[:, Nx - 1] = Ca[:, Nx - 1]

        # Calculating C2 with the values of C* - explicit FE
        C2sp = AUX.ev_sp(C2s, Dx, Dy, dx, dy, 0, 0, Nx, Ny)
        C2e = C2s + dt * C2sp

        # Calculating C2 with C* - implicit BE
        C2i = spsolve(LHS, np.reshape(C2s, (Nx * Ny, 1)))

        # Making Crank-Nicholson ponderation
        C2 = theta * C2i.reshape(Nx, Ny) + (1 - theta) * C2e

        # Calculating error for the timestep given
        err = np.abs(C2 - Ca)
        errt[I - 1] = np.linalg.norm(C2e - Ca)

        # Updating concentration fields
        C0 = C1
        C1 = C2
        C2 = np.zeros((Ny, Nx))

    return errt
Beispiel #35
def steepest_ascent_hill_climbing_solution(current_state, nurses_number):
    """ Solve the Steepest-Ascent Hill Climbing problem

    This is the function that will solve the Steepest-Ascent Hill Climbing problem. It receives two parameters that
    will be used to solve the problem. Both has to be defined when called
    :parameter current_state: State that will be analyzed for a solution
    :type current_state: String composed of 0's and 1's
    :parameter nurses_number: Number of nurses that will be used to solve the problem
    :type nurses_number: Integer with the number of nurses

    :return current_state: The last state that was analyzed
    :rtype current_state: String
    :return current_violations: The number of violations of the last state evaluated
    :rtype current_violations Int

    Important variables
        current_violations              : Will save the violation value to the current state
        current_state                   : Will save the current state
        bit_position                    : Used to control which bit will be changed to generate the neighbors state
        last_violation                  : Will save the value to the violation of the last state analyzed
        best_violation_found            : Will save the best violation found
        last_state                      : Will save the last state analyzed
        best_state_found                : Will save the best state that was found
        state_loop                      : Used to control the neighbors generation

    # Here is evaluated the current state and verified if is the gol state
    current_violations = Au.check_objective(current_state, nurses_number)
    if current_violations == 0:
        Au.print_output('Objective state found in first state evaluated', current_state,
                        current_violations, nurses_number)
        return current_state, current_violations

    # If it isn't the gol state, we will start the loop and generate the other states to find the best solution possible
    bit_position = 0

    # Here is shown the state that is being analyzed
    Au.print_output('Root state', current_state, current_violations, nurses_number)

    # Variables that will be used to save analyzed states to be used after to comparisons or similar
    last_violation = current_violations
    best_violation_found = current_violations
    last_state = current_state
    best_state_found = current_state

    while True:
        state_loop = 0

        # Search for the best state to follow inside all the possible states generated
        while state_loop < 21*nurses_number:
            # Will get the possible states and verify if it is the best found at this loop
            current_state, bit_position = Au.state_generator(last_state, bit_position, nurses_number)
            current_violations = Au.check_objective(current_state, nurses_number)

            # If the best state than the saved, so the saved is updated
            if current_violations < best_violation_found:
                best_violation_found = current_violations
                best_state_found = current_state

            state_loop += 1
        bit_position = 0

        # The current state and the current_violations are updated
        current_state = best_state_found
        current_violations = best_violation_found

        # If the current violation great equals the last best violation, so the best possible was found
        if current_violations >= last_violation:
            Au.print_output('Best solution found', current_state, current_violations, nurses_number)
            return current_state, current_violations

        # If current violations equals 0, so the gol state was found
        if current_violations == 0:
            Au.print_output('Objective state found', current_state, current_violations, nurses_number)
            return current_state, current_violations

        # Otherwise, we will show the state analyzed and will repeat the loop for a better state
        Au.print_output('State generated', current_state, current_violations, nurses_number)

        # Here we're updating the last violation and the last_state to be used latter
        last_violation = current_violations
        last_state = current_state
Beispiel #36
plt.subplot(1, 1, 1)
plt.plot(x, C)
plt.title('Initial condition')
plt.xlabel(r'Distance $(m)$')
plt.ylabel(r'Concentration $ \frac{kg}{m} $')

# ==============================================================================
# Entering the time loop
# ==============================================================================

# First time step
Ca = AN.difuana(M, L, Dx, x, xo, T0 + dT)

spa = AUX.FDev_sp(C, Dx, dx)

C1 = C + dT * spa

C1[0] = Ca[0]
C1[N - 1] = Ca[N - 1]

# Starting plot
plt.figure(1, figsize=(11, 8.5))

plt.subplot(1, 1, 1)
plt.plot(x, C)
plt.title('Initial condition 2')
plt.xlabel(r'Distance $(m)$')
for directory in [out_dir, intermediate_out_dir, final_out_dir]:
    if not os.path.exists(directory):

# Create a numpy array of presenting envelope modelable entity ids
vision_envelope_codebook = pd.read_csv(FILEPATH)
presenting_meids = vision_envelope_codebook.query("type == 'pres'").modelable_entity_id.values
print("the presenting vision loss envelope meids are " + str(presenting_meids))

# use get draws to pull envelope meids for presenting moderate/severe/blindness
envelopes = {}
for meid in presenting_meids:    
    sev = vision_envelope_codebook.query("modelable_entity_id == @meid").sev.values[0].upper()
    print("Loading dismod draws for presenting {s} vision loss envelope, meid {m}".format(s=sev, m=meid))
    envelopes[sev] = aux.get_vision_draws(meid=meid, measure_id=5, location_id=location_id)
    if cfg.testing:
        envelopes[sev].to_csv(intermediate_out_dir + \
                              "/{l}_{s}_envelope_get_draws_pull.csv".format(l=location_id, s=sev), index=False)

# append the 3 envelopes together
total_vision_loss_envelope = envelopes['LOW_MOD'].append([envelopes['LOW_SEV'], envelopes['BLIND']])

# sum the prevalence of each envelope together to get total prevalence
total_vision_loss_envelope = total_vision_loss_envelope.groupby(['location_id', 'age_group_id', 'year_id', 'sex_id'])
total_vision_loss_envelope = total_vision_loss_envelope.sum().reset_index()

# quick sanity check to make sure the envelope summing occurred correctly
query = "age_group_id == 4 and sex_id == 2 and year_id == 2017"
mod = envelopes['LOW_MOD'].query(query).draw_100.values[0]
sev = envelopes['LOW_SEV'].query(query).draw_100.values[0]
Beispiel #38
def itemPickUp(p, c, r):
    if Auxiliary.isCollided(c, 1, r):  # GOLD += random.randint(5, 15)
    if Auxiliary.isCollided(c, 2, r):  #SWORD
        p.attributes['Strength'] += 15
Beispiel #39
def all_converged(centers,lastCenters):
    """Checks if centers have converged to a stable equilibrium"""
    for i in range(len(centers)):
        if not Auxiliary.has_converged(centers[i],lastCenters[i]):
            return False
    return True
	def generateItem(self, RandomWeight) :
		return Class_Item(Auxiliary.randomSelect(RandomWeight))
import Auxiliary
import adabound
import restestmodel

dtype = torch.cuda.FloatTensor
# dtype = torch.FloatTensor
model = CnnModel.CNN().cuda()
# model = restestmodel.ResNet(restestmodel.Bottleneck, [3, 4, 23, 3])
# model = CnnModel.CNN()
# model.load_state_dict(torch.load(''))
# model.load_state_dict(torch.load(''))
path = 'C:/Users/iamtyz/Desktop/1234'
batch = 50
# DataSets = list(range(1, 6001))
DataSets = list(range(1, 7803))
DataSetsOrders = Auxiliary.Shuffle(DataSets, batch)
criterion = nn.MSELoss(reduce=True, size_average=False)
# optimizer = adabound.AdaBound(model.parameters(), lr=1e-3, final_lr=1e-5)
optimizer = optim.Adam(model.parameters())
# optimizer = optim.SGD(model.parameters(), lr=2e-5, momentum=0.9)
# epoch = 0
loop = 0
for epoch in range(1000):
    # while 1:
    time =
    order = DataSetsOrders[loop:loop + batch]
    if loop == int(len(DataSetsOrders) / batch):
        loop = 0
    loop += batch
    epoch += 1
    # order = random.sample(DataSetsOrders, batch)
Beispiel #42
def FVM1D(Sx, N):

    # ==============================================================================
    # Variable declaration
    # ==============================================================================

    X0 = 0.  # Initial x coordinate
    XL = 5.  # Final x coordinate
    M = 10  # Mass injected
    xo = 2  # Injection coordinate
    Dx = 0.3  # Diffusion coefficient
    T0 = 1.  # Initial time
    Tf = 5.  # Final time

    # ==============================================================================
    # Numerical parameters
    # theta = 0 --> Fully explicit
    # theta = 1 --> Fully implicit
    # ==============================================================================

    #    Sx = 0.3
    theta = 0.5  # C-N ponderation factor
    #     N = 41                                      # Volumes in the domain
    L = XL - X0  # Domain length
    dx = L / N  # Calculating spacing
    xn = np.zeros(N)  # Node coordinates vector

    # Filling vector of node coordinates
    for ic in range(0, N):

        xn[ic] = ic * dx + dx / 2

    # Calculating dT and number of timesteps
    dT = Sx * (dx**2) / (Dx)  # Calculating timestep size
    npt = int(np.ceil((Tf - T0) / (dT)))  # Number of timesteps

    # Generating vector that stores error in time
    ert = np.zeros(int(npt) + 1)

    # ==============================================================================
    # Generating matrix for implicit solver
    # ==============================================================================

    K = SP.lil_matrix((N, N))

    K[0, 0] = 1 + 3 * Sx
    K[0, 1] = -Sx
    K[N - 1, N - 1] = 1 + 3 * Sx
    K[N - 1, N - 2] = -Sx

    for i in range(1, N - 1):

        K[i, i] = 1 + 2 * Sx
        K[i, i + 1] = -Sx
        K[i, i - 1] = -Sx

    # ==============================================================================
    # Generating initial condition
    # ==============================================================================

    C = AN.difuana(M, L, Dx, xn, xo, T0)
    C1 = np.zeros(N)
    Cmax = np.max(C)

    #    # Plotting initial condition
    #    plt.ion()
    #    plt.figure(1, figsize=(11, 8.5))
    #    style.use('ggplot')
    #    plt.subplot(1, 1, 1)
    #    plt.plot(xn, C)
    #    plt.title('Initial condition')
    #    plt.xlabel(r'Distance $(m)$')
    #    plt.ylabel(r'Concentration $ \frac{kg}{m} $')

    # =============================================================================
    # Starting time loop
    # =============================================================================

    #    plt.ion()
    #    plt.figure(1, figsize=(11, 8.5))
    #    style.use('ggplot')

    for t in range(1, npt + 1):

        # Generating analytical solution
        Ca = AN.difuana(M, L, Dx, xn, xo, T0 + t * dT)

        # Estimating solution C1 in t
        CL = AN.difuana(M, L, Dx, X0, xo, T0 + (t - 1) * dT)
        CR = AN.difuana(M, L, Dx, XL, xo, T0 + (t - 1) * dT)
        spa = AUX.FVev_sp(C, Dx, dx, CL, CR)

        C1 = C + dT * spa

        # Implicit part of the solution
        # Imposing boundary conditions
        C[0] = C[0] + AN.difuana(M, L, Dx, X0, xo, T0 + t * dT) * Sx * 2
        C[len(xn) - 1] = C[len(xn) - 1] + AN.difuana(M, L, Dx, XL, xo, T0 + t * dT)\
        * Sx * 2

        # Solving linear system
        C1i = spsolve(K, C)

        # Crank-Nicholson ponderation
        C1t = (1 - theta) * C1 + theta * C1i

        # Estimating error
        err = np.abs(C1t - Ca)
        ert[t] = np.linalg.norm(err)

        #        # Plotting numerical solution and comparison with analytical
        #        plt.clf()
        #        plt.subplot(2, 2, 1)
        #        plt.plot(xn, C1t, 'b')
        #        plt.xlim([X0, XL])
        #        plt.ylim([0, Cmax])
        #        plt.ylabel(r'Concentration $ \frac{kg}{m} $')
        #        plt.title('Numerical solution')
        #        plt.subplot(2, 2, 2)
        #        plt.plot(xn, Ca)
        #        plt.xlim([X0, XL])
        #        plt.ylim([0, Cmax])
        #        plt.title('Analytical solution')
        #        plt.subplot(2, 2, 3)
        #        plt.semilogy(xn, err)
        #        plt.xlim([X0, XL])
        #        plt.ylim([1e-8, 1e2])
        #        plt.ylabel('Absolute error')
        #        plt.title('Error')
        #        plt.subplot(2, 2, 4)
        #        plt.semilogy(np.linspace(T0, Tf, npt), ert)
        #        plt.xlim([T0 - 0.2, Tf + 0.2])
        #        plt.ylim([1e-8, 1e2])
        #        plt.title('Error evolution')
        #        plt.draw()
        #        plt.pause(0.2)

        # Preparing for next timestep
        C = C1t

    return ert
Beispiel #43
def main():
    This function is responsible for start the menu of the program to execute options that the user will
    choose to solve the problem of nurses allocation
    :return: void

    option = 1

    while option != 0:
        print('Choose one option')
        print('1 - Simulated Annealing')
        print('2 - Genetic Algorithm')
        print('3 - Documentation')
        print('4 - About')
        print('5 - Exit')
        option = int(input())

        if option == 1:
            temperature = 350
            nurses_number = 10
            initial_state = None

            option_temperature_value = int(
                    'Do you want to define a value to temperature? (Default: 350)\n'
                    '1 - Yes\t\t2 - No\n'))
            if option_temperature_value == 1:
                temperature = int(
                    input('Enter with the value of the temperature:\n'))

            option_nurses_number = int(
                    'Do you want to define a number of nurses? (Default: 10)\n'
                    '1 - Yes\t\t2 - No\n'))
            if option_nurses_number == 1:
                nurses_number = int(input('Enter number of nurses:\n'))

            option_state = int(
                input('Do you want define the initial state?\n'
                      '1 - Yes\t\t2 - No\n'))
            if option_state == 1:
                iterator = 0
                    'Alert: An state consists of a string of bits (0 or 1).\n'
                    'Insert the bits of each position all together, without spaces \n'
                    'or any other character.The individual contains ',
                    21 * nurses_number, ' bits.\n')
                initial_state = input('Enter with the initial state :\n')
                while not Au.check_chromosome_composition(
                        chromosome=initial_state, nurses_number=nurses_number):
                    print('Invalid Input')
                    initial_state = input('Enter with the individual number ' +
                                          str(iterator + 1) + ':\n')


        elif option == 2:
            population_size = 40
            amount_of_generations = 1000
            mutation_probability = .05
            elitism_percentage = .01
            nurses_number = 10
            population = list()

            option_population_size = int(
                input('Do you want define population size? (Default: 40)\n'
                      '1 - Yes\t\t2 - No\n'))
            if option_population_size == 1:
                population_size = int(input('Enter population size:\n'))

            option_amount_of_generations = int(
                    'Do you want to define a amount of generations? (Default: 1000)\n'
                    '1 - Yes\t\t2 - No\n'))
            if option_amount_of_generations == 1:
                amount_of_generations = int(
                    input('Enter amount of generations:\n'))

            option_mutation_probability = int(
                    'Do you want to define a mutation probability? (Default: 5%)\n'
                    '1 - Yes\t\t2 - No\n'))
            if option_mutation_probability == 1:
                mutation_probability = float(
                    input('Enter mutation probability (Ex: 0.05 to 5%):\n'))

            option_elitism_percentage = int(
                    'Do you want to define a elitism percentage? (Default: 1%)\n'
                    '1 - Yes\t\t2 - No\n'))
            if option_elitism_percentage == 1:
                elitism_percentage = float(
                    input('Enter elitism percentage (Ex: 0.25 to 25%):\n'))

            option_nurses_number = int(
                    'Do you want to define a number of nurses? (Default: 10)\n'
                    '1 - Yes\t\t2 - No\n'))
            if option_nurses_number == 1:
                nurses_number = int(input('Enter number of nurses:\n'))

            option_population = int(
                input('Do you want define each individual?\n'
                      '1 - Yes\t\t2 - No\n'))
            if option_population == 1:
                iterator = 0
                    'Alert: Each individual consists of a string of bits (0 or 1).\n'
                    'Insert the bits of each chromosome all together, without spaces \n'
                    'or any other character.The individual contains ',
                    21 * nurses_number, ' bits.\n')
                while iterator < population_size:
                    individual = input('Enter with the individual number ' +
                                       str(iterator + 1) + ':\n')
                    if Au.check_chromosome_composition(
                        iterator += 1
                        print('Invalid Input')


        elif option == 3:
            print('Main Documentation')
            print('Simulated Annealing Documentation')
            print('Genetic Algorithm Documentation')
            print('Auxiliary Documentation')

        elif option == 4:
                '\n\nThis program was developed as a work proposal for the \n'
                'Artificial Intelligence discipline of the Computer Science course \n'
                'at the Federal University of Ceará, Quixadá campus.\n'
                'The authors of the program are the following students: \n'
                'Wallesson Cavalcante and Wesley Pedro. We intend to present \n'
                'solutions to the problem of nurse allocation in their respective \n'
                'shifts using the Simulated Annealing and Genetic Algorithm \n'
                'with some restrictions or extra add-ons.\n\n')

        elif option == 5:
            option = 0

            print('Invalid option')
Beispiel #44
plt.xlabel(r'Distance $(m)$')
plt.ylabel(r'Concentration $ \frac{kg}{m} $')

# ==============================================================================
# Entering the time loop
# ==============================================================================

for t in range(1, npt + 1):

    # Generating analytical solution
    Ca = AN.difuana(M, L, Dx, x, xo, T0 + t * dT)

    # Explicit internal part
    C1 = C + dT * AUX.FDev_sp(C, Dx, dx)

    # Imposing boundary conditions
    C1[0] = Ca[0]
    C1[N - 1] = Ca[N - 1]

    # Estimating error
    err = np.abs(C1 - Ca)
    ert[t] = np.linalg.norm(err)

    # Plotting numerical solution and comparison with analytical

    plt.subplot(2, 2, 1)
    plt.plot(x, C1, 'b')
    plt.xlim([X0, XL])
Beispiel #45
def simulated_annealing_solution(current_state: str = None, nurses_number: int = 10, temperature: int = 350):
    """ Function used to solve the problem of nurse shifts using Simulated Annealing

    :param current_state: Initial state to use in the problem
    :param nurses_number: Number of nurses
    :param temperature: Initial temperature to solve the problem
    :return: void
    # Initializing current state if it wasn't defined by the user
    if current_state is None:
        current_state = Au.random_generator(nurses_number=nurses_number)

    # Repeat until temperature is set to zero
    while temperature > 0:
        # Used to determinate if the state was chose to the next epoch
        chose = False

        # Violation count to the current state
        violation_count_current_state = Au.fitness_function(individual=current_state, nurses_number=nurses_number)

        # Verify if the objective state was found
        if violation_count_current_state == 0:
            Au.print_output_simulated_annealing(state=current_state, violations=0,
                                                title='Best state found', nurses_number=nurses_number,
                                                chose=chose, temperature=temperature)

        # Get the next neighbor state randomly
        next_state = Au.neighbors_generator(state=current_state, nurses_number=nurses_number)

        # Violation count to the neighbor state
        violation_count_next_state = Au.fitness_function(individual=next_state, nurses_number=nurses_number)

        # Calculate the variation of violation between the current state and the generated state
        violation_count_variation = violation_count_current_state - violation_count_next_state

        # Conditions to choose the next state
        if violation_count_variation > 0:
            current_state = next_state
            violation_count_current_state = violation_count_next_state
            chose = True

        # Using the calculation below, the generated states always had a greater number of constraints violated.
        # elif (e**(violation_count_variation/temperature)) > uniform(0, 1):
        #     current_state = next_state

            n = randint(0, 100)
            if n < math.exp(violation_count_variation/temperature):
                current_state = next_state
                violation_count_current_state = violation_count_next_state
                chose = True

        Au.print_output_simulated_annealing(state=current_state, violations=violation_count_current_state,
                                            nurses_number=nurses_number, chose=chose, temperature=temperature)

        temperature -= 1

    Au.print_output_simulated_annealing(state=current_state, violations=violation_count_current_state,
                                        title='Last state found', nurses_number=nurses_number,
                                        chose=chose, temperature=temperature)