def test_tape_dump(self):

        # create an instance of the Exchange class
        exchange = BSE.Exchange()

        # create some orders
        order1 = BSE.Order('B1', 'Bid', 140, 1, 25.0, 10)
        order2 = BSE.Order('B2', 'Bid', 150, 1, 35.0, 20)
        order3 = BSE.Order('S1', 'Ask', 130, 1, 45.0, 30)
        order4 = BSE.Order('S2', 'Ask', 120, 1, 55.0, 40)

        # let the exchange process a series of orders
        exchange.process_order2(100.0, order1, False)
        exchange.process_order2(101.0, order2, False)
        exchange.process_order2(102.0, order3, False)
        exchange.process_order2(103.0, order4, False)

        exchange.tape_dump('output/transactions_test.csv', 'w', 'keep')

        rows = []

        with open('output/transactions_test.csv') as csvfile:
            reader = csv.reader(csvfile)
            for row in reader:

        self.assertEqual(rows, [['102.0', ' 150'], ['103.0', ' 140']])
Beispiel #2
def market_data():
    logger = LoggerTrader('L01')
    traders = {'L01': logger}
    trader_stats = add_other_traders(traders)
    BSE.market_session('trial_id', start_time, end_time, traders, trader_stats,
                       order_sched, False)
    return logger.log
    def test_book_del(self):

        # create an instance of the Orderbook_half class
        booktype = "Bid"
        worstprice = 200
        orderbook_half = BSE.Orderbook_half(booktype, worstprice)

        # create instances of the Order class
        order1 = BSE.Order('B1', 'Bid', 100, 1, 25.0, 10)
        order2 = BSE.Order('B2', 'Bid', 150, 1, 35.0, 20)

        # add the order to the order book and then delete it

        # delete order1

        # test that the orders are as expected
        self.assertEqual(orderbook_half.orders, {'B2': order2})
        self.assertEqual(orderbook_half.n_orders, 1)

        # delete order2

        # test that the orders are as expected
        self.assertEqual(orderbook_half.orders, {})
        self.assertEqual(orderbook_half.n_orders, 0)
    def test_delete_best(self):

        # create an instance of the Orderbook_half class
        booktype = "Bid"
        worstprice = 200
        orderbook_half = BSE.Orderbook_half(booktype, worstprice)

        # create instances of the Order class
        order1 = BSE.Order('B1', 'Bid', 100, 1, 25.0, 10)
        order2 = BSE.Order('B2', 'Bid', 150, 1, 35.0, 20)

        # add the orders to the order book

        # build the lob

        # delete the best quote
        return_value = orderbook_half.delete_best()

        # test everything is as expected
        self.assertEqual(orderbook_half.lob, {100: [1, [[25.0, 1, 'B1', 10]]]})
        self.assertEqual(orderbook_half.lob_anon, [[100, 1]])
        self.assertEqual(orderbook_half.best_price, 100)
        self.assertEqual(orderbook_half.best_tid, 'B1')
        self.assertEqual(return_value, 'B2')
    def test_publish_lob(self):

        exchange = BSE.Exchange()

        # create an instance of the Order class
        order1 = BSE.Order('B1', 'Bid', 100, 1, 25.0, 10)
        order2 = BSE.Order('B2', 'Bid', 130, 1, 35.0, 20)
        order3 = BSE.Order('S1', 'Ask', 140, 1, 45.0, 30)
        order4 = BSE.Order('S2', 'Ask', 170, 1, 55.0, 40)

        # process the orders
        exchange.process_order2(100.0, order1, False)
        exchange.process_order2(101.0, order2, False)
        exchange.process_order2(102.0, order3, False)
        exchange.process_order2(103.0, order4, False)

        # test that the publish_lob function produces the expected return value
            exchange.publish_lob(104.0, False), {
                'QID': 4,
                'tape': [],
                'bids': {
                    'lob': [[100, 1], [130, 1]],
                    'worst': 1,
                    'best': 130,
                    'n': 2
                'asks': {
                    'lob': [[140, 1], [170, 1]],
                    'worst': 1000,
                    'best': 140,
                    'n': 2
                'time': 104.0
Beispiel #6
    def respond(self, time, lob, trade, verbose):
        # DIMM buys and holds, sells as soon as it can make a "decent" profit
        if self.job == 'Buy':
            # see what's on the LOB
            if lob['asks']['n'] > 0:
                # there is at least one ask on the LOB
                bestask = lob['asks']['best']
                # try to buy a single unit at price of bestask+biddelta
                bidprice = bestask + self.bid_delta
                if bidprice < self.balance:
                    # can afford it!
                    # do this by issuing order to self, processed in getorder()
                    order = BSE.Order(self.tid, 'Bid', bidprice, 1, time,
                    self.orders = [order]
                    if verbose: print('DIMM01 Buy order=%s ' % (order))

        elif self.job == 'Sell':
            # is there at least one counterparty on the LOB?
            if lob['bids']['n'] > 0:
                # there is at least one bid on the LOB
                bestbid = lob['bids']['best']
                # sell single unit at price of purchaseprice+askdelta
                askprice = self.last_purchase_price + self.ask_delta
                if askprice < bestbid:
                    # seems we have a buyer
                    # do this by issuing order to self, processed in getorder()
                    order = BSE.Order(self.tid, 'Ask', askprice, 1, time,
                    self.orders = [order]
                    if verbose: print('DIMM01 Sell order=%s ' % (order))
            sys.exit('FATAL: DIMM01 doesn\'t know self.job type %s\n' %
    def test_build_lob(self):

        # create an instance of the Orderbook_half class
        booktype = "Bid"
        worstprice = 200
        orderbook_half = BSE.Orderbook_half(booktype, worstprice)

        # create instances of the Order class
        order1 = BSE.Order('B1', 'Bid', 100, 1, 25.0, 10)
        order2 = BSE.Order('B2', 'Bid', 150, 1, 35.0, 20)

        # add the orders to the order book

        # build the lob

        # test that the lob is as expected
        self.assertEqual(orderbook_half.lob, {
            100: [1, [[25.0, 1, 'B1', 10]]],
            150: [1, [[35.0, 1, 'B2', 20]]]
        self.assertEqual(orderbook_half.best_price, 150)
        self.assertEqual(orderbook_half.best_tid, 'B2')
    def test_del_order(self):

        # create an instance of the Exchange class
        exchange = BSE.Exchange()

        # create instances of the Order class
        order1 = BSE.Order('B1', 'Bid', 100, 1, 25.0, 10)
        order2 = BSE.Order('B2', 'Bid', 150, 1, 35.0, 20)
        order3 = BSE.Order('S1', 'Ask', 140, 1, 45.0, 30)
        order4 = BSE.Order('S2', 'Ask', 190, 1, 55.0, 40)

        # add the orders to the exchange
        exchange.add_order(order1, False)
        exchange.add_order(order2, False)
        exchange.add_order(order3, False)
        exchange.add_order(order4, False)

        # delete orders from the exchange
        exchange.del_order(100.0, order1, False)
        exchange.del_order(110.0, order4, False)

        # test that the exchange's state is as expected
        self.assertEqual(exchange.bids.lob, {150: [1, [[35.0, 1, 'B2', 1]]]})
        self.assertEqual(exchange.bids.best_price, 150)
        self.assertEqual(exchange.bids.best_tid, 'B2')
        self.assertEqual(exchange.asks.lob, {140: [1, [[45.0, 1, 'S1', 2]]]})
        self.assertEqual(exchange.asks.best_price, 140)
        self.assertEqual(exchange.asks.best_tid, 'S1')
        self.assertEqual(len(exchange.tape), 2)
def _runMarketSession(trialnumber, n_traders, trdr_types, trdr_type_it, previous_trdr_counters, min_n, simParameters ):

    trdr_type = trdr_types[trdr_type_it];
    current_trdr_counters = previous_trdr_counters.copy()
    if trdr_type_it == len(trdr_types)-1:
        current_trdr_counters[trdr_type] = n_traders - sum(previous_trdr_counters.values())
        if current_trdr_counters[trdr_type] >= min_n:
            buyers_spec = []
            for trdr_type in trdr_types:
                buyers_spec.append((trdr_type, current_trdr_counters[trdr_type]))

            sellers_spec = buyers_spec
            traders_spec = {'sellers':sellers_spec, 'buyers':buyers_spec}
            #print buyers_spec
            trial = 1
            tdump = simParameters['tdump']
            while trial <= simParameters['n_trials_per_ratio']:
                    trial_id = 'trial%07d' % trialnumber
                    BSE.market_session(trial_id, simParameters['start_time'], simParameters['marketSessionTime'], traders_spec,
                                   simParameters['order_sched'], tdump, simParameters['dumpEachTrade'] )
                    trial = trial + 1
                    trialnumber = trialnumber + 1
    else :
        current_trdr_counters[trdr_type] =  min_n
        while (current_trdr_counters[trdr_type] <= (n_traders - sum(previous_trdr_counters.values()))):
            _runMarketSession(trialnumber,n_traders, trdr_types, trdr_type_it + 1, current_trdr_counters, min_n, simParameters)
            current_trdr_counters[trdr_type] = current_trdr_counters[trdr_type] + 1; # increment the number of traders
Beispiel #10
def add_other_traders(traders):
    buyers_spec = [('GVWY', 4), ('SHVR', 4),
                   ('ZIC', 4), ('ZIP', 4)]
    sellers_spec = buyers_spec
    traders_spec = {'sellers':sellers_spec, 'buyers':buyers_spec}
    trader_stats = BSE.populate_market(traders_spec, traders, True, True)
    return trader_stats
    def test_init(self):

        orderbook = BSE.Orderbook()

        self.assertEqual(orderbook.tape, [])
        self.assertEqual(orderbook.quote_id, 0)
        self.assertEqual(orderbook.bids.lob, {})
        self.assertEqual(orderbook.asks.lob, {})
    def test_add_init(self):

        exchange = BSE.Exchange()

        self.assertEqual(exchange.tape, [])
        self.assertEqual(exchange.quote_id, 0)
        self.assertEqual(exchange.bids.lob, {})
        self.assertEqual(exchange.asks.lob, {})
    def test_process_order2(self):

        # create an instance of the Exchange class
        exchange = BSE.Exchange()

        # create an instance of the Order class
        order1 = BSE.Order('B1', 'Bid', 100, 1, 25.0, 10)
        order2 = BSE.Order('B2', 'Bid', 150, 1, 35.0, 20)
        order3 = BSE.Order('S1', 'Ask', 140, 1, 45.0, 30)
        order4 = BSE.Order('S2', 'Ask', 190, 1, 55.0, 40)

        # add orders to the exchange
        exchange.add_order(order1, False)
        exchange.add_order(order2, False)
        exchange.add_order(order4, False)

        # process order
        return_value = exchange.process_order2(100.0, order3, False)

        # test that the exchange's state is as expected
        self.assertEqual(exchange.bids.lob, {100: [1, [[25.0, 1, 'B1', 0]]]})
        self.assertEqual(exchange.bids.best_price, 100)
        self.assertEqual(exchange.bids.best_tid, 'B1')
        self.assertEqual(exchange.asks.lob, {190: [1, [[55.0, 1, 'S2', 2]]]})
        self.assertEqual(exchange.asks.best_price, 190)
        self.assertEqual(exchange.asks.best_tid, 'S2')
        self.assertEqual(exchange.tape, [{
            'party2': 'S1',
            'party1': 'B2',
            'price': 150,
            'qty': 1,
            'time': 100.0,
            'type': 'Trade'

        # test the return value
            return_value, {
                'party2': 'S1',
                'party1': 'B2',
                'price': 150,
                'qty': 1,
                'time': 100.0,
                'type': 'Trade'
Beispiel #14
 def getorder(self, time, countdown, lob):
     if len(self.orders) < 1:
         order = None
         quoteprice = self.orders[0].price
         self.lastquote = quoteprice
         order = BSE.Order(self.tid, self.orders[0].otype, quoteprice,
                           self.orders[0].qty, time, lob['QID'])
     return order
    def test_book_add(self):

        # create an instance of the Orderbook_half class
        booktype = "Bid"
        worstprice = 200
        orderbook_half = BSE.Orderbook_half(booktype, worstprice)

        # create instances of the Order class
        order1 = BSE.Order('B1', 'Bid', 100, 1, 25.0, 10)
        order2 = BSE.Order('B2', 'Bid', 150, 1, 35.0, 20)

        # add the orders to the order book
        return_value1 = orderbook_half.book_add(order1)
        return_value2 = orderbook_half.book_add(order2)

        # test that the return values are as expected
        self.assertEqual(return_value1, 'Addition')
        self.assertEqual(return_value2, 'Addition')

        # test that the order books orders are as expected
        self.assertEqual(orderbook_half.orders, {'B1': order1, 'B2': order2})
        self.assertEqual(orderbook_half.n_orders, 2)
    def test_add_order(self):

        # create an instance of the exchange class
        exchange = BSE.Exchange()

        # create instances of the Order class
        order1 = BSE.Order('B1', 'Bid', 100, 1, 25.0, 10)
        order2 = BSE.Order('B2', 'Bid', 150, 1, 35.0, 20)
        order3 = BSE.Order('S1', 'Ask', 140, 1, 45.0, 30)
        order4 = BSE.Order('S2', 'Ask', 190, 1, 55.0, 40)

        # add the orders to the exchange
        return_value1 = exchange.add_order(order1, False)
        return_value2 = exchange.add_order(order2, False)
        return_value3 = exchange.add_order(order3, False)
        return_value4 = exchange.add_order(order4, False)

        # test that the exchange's state is as expected
        self.assertEqual(exchange.bids.lob, {
            100: [1, [[25.0, 1, 'B1', 0]]],
            150: [1, [[35.0, 1, 'B2', 1]]]
        self.assertEqual(exchange.bids.best_price, 150)
        self.assertEqual(exchange.bids.best_tid, 'B2')
        self.assertEqual(exchange.asks.lob, {
            140: [1, [[45.0, 1, 'S1', 2]]],
            190: [1, [[55.0, 1, 'S2', 3]]]
        self.assertEqual(exchange.asks.best_price, 140)
        self.assertEqual(exchange.asks.best_tid, 'S1')

        # test the return values
        self.assertEqual(return_value1, [0, 'Addition'])
        self.assertEqual(return_value2, [1, 'Addition'])
        self.assertEqual(return_value3, [2, 'Addition'])
        self.assertEqual(return_value4, [3, 'Addition'])
    def test_anonymize_lob(self):

        # create an instance of the Orderbook_half class
        booktype = "Bid"
        worstprice = 200
        orderbook_half = BSE.Orderbook_half(booktype, worstprice)

        # set the order books lob and then call the anonymize function
        orderbook_half.lob = {
            100: [1, [[25.0, 1, 'B1', 10]]],
            150: [1, [[35.0, 1, 'B2', 20]]]

        # test that the anonymized lob is as expected
        self.assertEqual(orderbook_half.lob_anon, [[100, 1], [150, 1]])
    def test_populate_market(self):

        # create the trader specs
        buyers_spec = [('GVWY', 2), ('SHVR', 1), ('ZIC', 2), ('ZIP', 3)]
        sellers_spec = [('GVWY', 3), ('SHVR', 2), ('ZIC', 1), ('ZIP', 2)]
        traders_spec = {'sellers': sellers_spec, 'buyers': buyers_spec}

        # create an empty traders dict
        traders = {}

        # call the populate market function
        trader_stats = BSE.populate_market(traders_spec, traders, False, False)

        # test the results of the function call are as expected
        self.assertEqual(trader_stats, {'n_sellers': 8, 'n_buyers': 8})
        self.assertEqual(len(traders), 16)
Beispiel #19
    def generate_order(self, time, countdown, lob):
        # choose quoteprice based on LTT
        quoteprice = self.get_quoteprice(time, lob, self.job)
        if (quoteprice == None): return

        # balance check
        if self.job == 'Bid':
            if self.balance < quoteprice:
                quoteprice = self.balance

        quoteprice = int(round(quoteprice))
        quantity = 1  # hard coded as this version of BSE does not support order quantites
        new_order = BSE.Order(self.tid, self.job, quoteprice, quantity, time,

        return new_order
    def test_trade_stats(self):
        exchange = BSE.Exchange()

        # create an instance of the Order class
        order1 = BSE.Order('B1', 'Bid', 100, 1, 25.0, 10)
        order2 = BSE.Order('B2', 'Bid', 130, 1, 35.0, 20)
        order3 = BSE.Order('S1', 'Ask', 140, 1, 45.0, 30)
        order4 = BSE.Order('S2', 'Ask', 170, 1, 55.0, 40)

        exchange.process_order2(100.0, order1, False)
        exchange.process_order2(101.0, order2, False)
        exchange.process_order2(102.0, order3, False)
        exchange.process_order2(103.0, order4, False)

        # create the trader specs
        buyers_spec = [('GVWY', 2), ('SHVR', 1), ('ZIC', 2), ('ZIP', 3)]
        sellers_spec = [('GVWY', 3), ('SHVR', 2), ('ZIC', 1), ('ZIP', 2)]
        traders_spec = {'sellers': sellers_spec, 'buyers': buyers_spec}

        # create an empty traders dict
        traders = {}
        # call the populate market function
        trader_stats = BSE.populate_market(traders_spec, traders, False, False)
        # open the test file
        dumpfile = open('output/avg_balance_test.csv', 'w')
        # call the trade_stats function
        BSE.trade_stats(1, traders, dumpfile, 100.0,
                        exchange.publish_lob(100.0, False))
        # close the test file

        rows = []

        with open('output/avg_balance_test.csv') as csvfile:
            reader = csv.reader(csvfile)
            for row in reader:

        self.assertEqual(rows, [[
            '1', ' 000100', ' GVWY', ' 0', ' 5', ' 0.000000', ' SHVR', ' 0',
            ' 3', ' 0.000000', ' ZIC', ' 0', ' 3', ' 0.000000', ' ZIP', ' 0',
            ' 5', ' 0.000000', ' 130', ' 140', ' '
    def test_init(self):

        # create an instance of the Orderbook_half class
        booktype = "Bid"
        worstprice = 200
        orderbook_half = BSE.Orderbook_half(booktype, worstprice)

        # test all intialised member variables
        self.assertEqual(orderbook_half.booktype, booktype)
        self.assertEqual(orderbook_half.orders, {})
        self.assertEqual(orderbook_half.lob, {})
        self.assertEqual(orderbook_half.lob_anon, [])
        self.assertEqual(orderbook_half.best_price, None)
        self.assertEqual(orderbook_half.best_tid, None)
        self.assertEqual(orderbook_half.worstprice, worstprice)
        self.assertEqual(orderbook_half.n_orders, 0)
        self.assertEqual(orderbook_half.lob_depth, 0)
    def test_init(self):

        # create an instance of the Order class
        tid = 'B5'
        otype = 'Bid'
        price = 100
        qty = 1
        time = 25.0
        qid = 10
        order = BSE.Order(tid, otype, price, qty, time, qid)

        # test all initialised member variables
        self.assertEqual(order.tid, tid)
        self.assertEqual(order.otype, otype)
        self.assertEqual(order.price, price)
        self.assertEqual(order.qty, qty)
        self.assertEqual(order.time, time)
        self.assertEqual(order.qid, qid)