Beispiel #1
ni_TiO2 = alpha_TiO2 * lbda0 / (4 * pi)
n_SiO2 = nr_SiO2 + 1j * ni_SiO2
n_TiO2 = nr_TiO2 + 1j * ni_TiO2

SiO2 = Berreman4x4.IsotropicNonDispersiveMaterial(n_SiO2)
TiO2 = Berreman4x4.IsotropicNonDispersiveMaterial(n_TiO2)

# Layers
L_SiO2 = Berreman4x4.HomogeneousIsotropicLayer(SiO2, ("QWP", lbda0))
L_TiO2 = Berreman4x4.HomogeneousIsotropicLayer(TiO2, ("QWP", lbda0))

print("Thickness of the SiO2 QWP: {:.1f} nm".format(L_SiO2.h * 1e9))
print("Thickness of the TiO2 QWP: {:.1f} nm".format(L_TiO2.h * 1e9))

# Repeated layers: n periods
L = Berreman4x4.RepeatedLayers([L_TiO2, L_SiO2], 4, 0, 0)

# Number of interfaces
N = 2 * L.n + 1

# Structure
s = Berreman4x4.Structure(front, [L], back)

# Analytical calculation
n = numpy.ones(N + 1, dtype=complex)
n[0] = n_a
n[1::2] = n_TiO2
n[2::2] = n_SiO2
n[-1] = n_g
Beispiel #2
(no, ne) = (1.5, 1.7)
Dn = ne-no
n_med = (ne + no)/2
LC = Berreman4x4.UniaxialNonDispersiveMaterial(no, ne)  # ne along z
R = Berreman4x4.rotation_v_theta(e_y, pi/2)         # rotation round y
LC = LC.rotated(R)              # apply rotation from z to x
# Cholesteric pitch:
p = 0.65e-6
# One half turn of a right-handed helix:
TN = Berreman4x4.TwistedMaterial(LC, p/2, angle=+pi, div=25)

# Inhomogeneous layer, repeated layer, and structure
IL = Berreman4x4.InhomogeneousLayer(TN)
N = 5 # number half pitch repetitions
h = N * p/2
L = Berreman4x4.RepeatedLayers([IL], N)
s = Berreman4x4.Structure(front, [L], back)

# Normal incidence: 
Kx = 0.0

# Calculation parameters
lbda_min, lbda_max = 0.6e-6, 1.5e-6   # (m)
lbda = numpy.linspace(lbda_min, lbda_max, 100)
k0 = 2*pi/lbda

# Analytical calculation for the power reflection coefficient
q = 2*pi/p
alpha = q/k0
epsilon = (no**2+ne**2)/2