Beispiel #1
def makeGenomes():
    # returns a dictionary of songs: {tags: values} aka dictionary of all tag genomes
    allSongs = {}
    dbfile = "lastfm_tags.db"
    conn = sqlite3.connect(dbfile)
    for tag in CT.getAllTags():
        for song in getSongsWithTag(tag, conn):
            val = getTagValue(song, tag, conn)
            category = CT.getTagCategory(tag)
            if song in allSongs:
                allSongs[song][category] += val
                allSongs[song] = collections.defaultdict(float)
                allSongs[song][category] = val

    return allSongs
Beispiel #2
# file to retrieve desired songs from the sqlite database
# using chosen tags file

# after trim is run there are 104,049 unique songs in our data set

# author: Taylor Keppler, except as noted

import os
import sys
import sqlite3
import ChosenTags as CT
import collections

allTags = CT.getAllTags()

def sanitize(tag):
    sanitize a tag so it can be included or queried in the db

    author: Thierry Bertin-Mahieux (2011) Columbia University [email protected]
    tag = tag.replace("'","''")
    return tag

def getSongsWithTag(tag, connection):
    # sql request to get all tracks with a given tag
    sql = "SELECT tids.tid FROM tags, tid_tag, tids WHERE tags.ROWID = tid_tag.tag AND tids.ROWID = tid_tag.tid and tags.tag = '%s'" % sanitize(tag)
    res = connection.execute(sql)
    tracks = res.fetchall()
    for track in tracks: